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Buy custom The Rulemaking Roadmap essay. To begin with, the rulemaking process is a vast, extensive, and time-and-efforts-consuming process. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has to perform a huge amount of tasks and get over a number of steps on the rulemaking road. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has examined the time frames spent by OSHA on the rulemaking process. The GAO analyzed. “the 58 significant health and safety standards OSHA issued between 1981 and 2010 and found that the time frames for research, developing and answering issuing them averaged about writing paper format, 93 months (7 years, 9 months), and ranged from 15 months to about 19 years” (Workplace safety and health, 2012, p. 6). Answering Essay Questions. The fastest OSHA standard was developed and issued over the period of 15 months and 19 years was ‘the longest time cost’ of the OSHA standard. According to Moran (Workplace safety and health, 2012), “the process OSHA uses to develop and issue standards is spelled out in the OSH Act” (p. 5). The rulemaking roadmap consists of six main stages which require approximate total time from four and a half to nine years: preliminary rulemaking activities (nine twenty four months), development of the proposed rule (twenty four thirty six months), publication of the proposed rule (two twelve months), analysis of the rulemaking record (four twelve months), development of the final rule (twelve twenty four months), and The Office of Management and Budget’s ( OMB’s OIRA review and publication of the final rule (four months) (OSHA law regulations, 2013).

The defined stages are quite extensive and are subdivided into gradual steps (Regulation Room, 2013). The preliminary rulemaking activities are begun with the step of the writing format statutory authorization . A statute delegates to an agency the authority to solve a certain problem or achieve a definite goal empowering it to make rules. Such a statute may already exist in the property of agency, or it can be formed later. The next step carries the decision to begin rulemaking . Although the statute may indicate the agency about the necessity of rulemaking on a definite subject, usually, the agency itself has to college essay prompt for csu, make a decision concerning the problem or goal that is urgent and technical writing paper deserves immediate attention in a rulemaking. A number of directives, lawsuits, and recommendations from experts, petitions, or judgment from the public have an doing thesis, influence on the decision of the agency.

By means of the regulatory agenda, the agency announces the decision in advance up to technical writing paper format, 12 months. The step of the preparing the proposed rule is the beginning of the next stage. Personal. The agency collects information in writing research paper, different ways: it visits multiple worksites, determines economic and technological feasibility, invites the representatives of all interested in the issue groups, organizes meetings with employers, unions, and other stakeholders, and tries to two methods weight and contrast essay, agree on the draft of the proposed rules. An Advanced Notice of writing paper format, Proposed Rulemaking aimed at involvement of formal public participation may be published by the agency. And Contrast Essay. In the result of the technical writing research paper joint approval, the proposed rule comes into existence. The next step deals with regulatory analysis and review . Two Methods Of Losing Weight Essay. The proposed rule has to go through a review: “If the proposed rule is research paper format “economically significant,” the agency must predict the costs and doing thesis benefits of the rule, and tell the Office of Information Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) why it is not proposing cheaper solutions. If the proposed rule requires collecting information from the technical public, the agency must get OIRA’s permission” (Regulation Room, 2013, p. An Essay Format. 4).

The stage of publication of the proposed rule includes several steps. The step regarding the notice of proposed rulemaking deals with the agency’s publishing of the proposed rule in the Federal Register. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. “usually: identifies the statute authorizing the rule; prints the text of the proposed rule; describes generally what problems or goals the agency is working on, and technical writing why it thinks the proposal is a good solution; identifies important data and write an essay other information used in developing the proposed rule; invites everyone to comment on all or part of it; and tells how to submit comments, as well as the date when they are due” (Regulation Room, 2013, p. 5). The next step gives the opportunity for public comment. It is a chance for everybody to suggest a remark pertaining to any part of the writing format rule. A further step with the opportunity for answering essay english, more process proposes a possibility for public hearings to technical research paper format, be held on the proposed rule, which can be required by the authorizing statute.

Such procedures help people better comprehend the proposed rule, leave reply comments, and two methods and contrast essay provide a full discussion of the issue. At this stage of rulemaking process, steps of fast rack to final or rulemaking without process are possible. It means that according to agency’s convictions about the absence of controversy in technical research paper format, the proposed rule, it can be directed to final rulemaking. The Federal Register proposes the rule not as a proposed rule, but as a direct final rule. Graduate Application Personal Statement. If there are no negative comments, that is a final publication of the technical writing research rule. Interpretative rules, setting agency procedure, or contrary to the public interest rules become interim final rules and go right to final publication. After the received comments, the step of post-comment internal review follows.

All comments are reviewed by the agency thoroughly. In case of new data, arguments, and criticism, the proposed rule undergoes changes. If the regulatory review is passed the rule goes “to the essay for csu Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for a final review” (Regulation Room, 2013, p. 7). The next step, the outcome , depends on the agency’s conclusion from the comments and OIRA’s final review. The rulemaking process can be stopped, at least for some period. The proposed rule can be changed and should go through steps of notice comments process in order to get public reaction.

The proposed rule can be adopted as its final rule slightly changed or unchanged. Any outcome is published in the federal register. Then, after the final rule publication, the technical research paper format steps of congressional and answering essay questions possible judicial reviews follow. Most of the final rules have to be sent to Congress for review. An injured by the rule person or corporation can request to a court to review the rule. Technical Format. The last step in rulemaking process concerns interpretation, enforcement and reassessment . The agency’s job does not conclude with publishing a final rule. The compliance assistance materials and technical assistance manuals concerning the rule functioning should be performed by essay questions english, the agency. Thus, an extensive amount of work is performed by an agency in terms of developing OSHA’s standards.

It takes an technical paper format, agency a long period of time to get over all the steps on the rulemaking road. OSHA’s time frames for developing and issuing standards are too lengthy because the rulemaking process has to write an essay format, meet the increased number of procedural requirements.

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Richard M. Writing Research Paper. Dolan – Le secret sur les ovnis montre le vrai visage d’un Empire Global US. Par Richard M. Two Methods Compare. Dolan. Le probleme des ovnis est un probleme reel. Paper Format. Il a implique du personnel militaire tout autour du monde depuis plus de 50 ans et est couvert de secret… Au cours des ans, cependant, assez de pieces du puzzle ont emerge pour nous donner une idee de ce a quoi l’image ressemble.

Ce que j’ai essaye de faire est tres simple : utiliser autant de ces pieces que possible pour construire un recit historique clair, franc, du probleme ovni en se concentrant sur les dimensions de securite nationale. Parce que le sujet des ovnis n’est devenu guere plus qu’une blague culturelle, il est important de souligner des le depart pourquoi cela n’est pas une plaisanterie, pas du divertissement mais quelque chose digne d’attention serieuse. Bien que les histoires d’objets etranges dans le ciel remontent a loin dans le temps, le probleme a recu peu d’attention jusqu’a la 2° Guerre Mondiale. College Essay Prompt For Csu. A l’epoque, le personnel militaire des pays allies et de l’Axe a rapporte des objets non conventionnels dans le ciel, generalement connus sous le nom de foo fighters. Writing Research. Retrospectivement, ce developpement n’est pas si surprenant. Answering. Tout d’abord, l’aviation humaine est devenue repandue pour la premiere fois.

Au-dessus des nuages, des milliers de pilotes ont soudain eu un genre de visibilite que personne n’avait jamais eu auparavant. Technical Writing Research Paper Format. Une seconde raison a ete l’invention du radar qui a etendu la portee de la vision humaine par des moyens electroniques. Of Losing Weight Essay. De plus, il semblait raisonnable de supposer que les observations bizarres etaient liees a la guerre elle-meme, peut-etre une technologie experimentale. On aurait pu s’attendre a ce que de telles observations disparaissent apres la fin de la guerre en 1945. Technical Research Paper. Au lieu de cela, elles se sont accrues. Control. En Europe en 1946, puis en Amerique en 1947, les gens ont vu et rapporte des objets qui ne pouvaient pas etre expliques par une quelconque raison conventionnelle. Technical Research Paper Format. Partout ou les observations se produisaient, les autorites militaires dominaient les investigations et pour des raisons parfaitement comprehensibles. Answering Questions. Des objets inconnus, frequemment pistes sur radar et observes visuellement, volaient a l’interieur des territoires nationaux et, dans le cas des Etats-Unis, au-dessus des installations militaires sensibles. Technical Research Paper Format. La guerre etait finie ? Que se passait-il ? Au depart, certains Americains ont craint que l’Uni­on Sovietique puisse etre derriere la vague des soucoupes volantes . Write An Essay Format. Cette possibilite a ete etudiee, puis rejetee. Technical. A une epoque ou l’avion le plus rapide du monde approchait la vitesse de 96 km/h, certains de ces objets excedaient ou semblaient exceder 1 600 km/h.

De plus, ils manoeuvraient comme aucun avion ne le pouvait avec des virages a angle droit, des arrets nets et des accelerations instantanees. Graduate Application Statement. Les Sovietiques pouvaient-ils vraiment avoir construit quelque chose comme cela ? Si oui, pourquoi les faire voler au-dessus de l’Amerique et de l’Europe occidentale ? Pour les experts, l’idee semblait au mieux tiree par les cheveux et 50 ans plus tard, leur conclusion tient toujours. S’ils n’etaient pas sovietiques, les objets pouvaient-ils etre americains ? La possibilite a ete etudiee et rejetee pour les memes raisons. Writing Research Paper Format. La vitesse du son n’a pas ete franchie jusqu’en octobre 1947 : est-il vraiment credible que, avant cela, les Americains avaient decouvert secretement une technologie hypersonique anti-gravite ? Lors de la vague d’ovnis de 1947, tout indique qu’il y avait de multiples investigations simultanees au sein des communautes de renseignements et militaires americaines sur ces soucoupes volantes. Application Personal. Bien que l’Air Force etait officiellement chargee d’enqueter dessus, elle ne fut jamais la seule dans la partie. Technical Paper Format. Chaque service a rapporte et enquete sur des observations. Case Control Design In Epidemiology. Le FBI a enquete sur les ovnis pendant un moment et vers 1948 au plus tard, la CIA a amorce un interet continu. Vers la fin de 1947, un contingent d’analyste de l’Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) a la base de l’Air Force Wright-Patterson croyait que les ovnis etaient extraterrestres. Paper Format. L’ATIC etait le principal centre de l’Air Force pour evaluer les nouvelles technologies et, en tant que tel, a tenu un role cle dans les premieres investigations sur les ovnis.

En ete 1948, cette equipe a prepare une Estimation de la Situation qui a atterri sur le bureau du Commandant de l’Air Force Hoyt Vandenberg, exposant la these extraterrestre. Compare. A ce que l’on raconte, Vandenberg l’a rejete, soit pour manque de preuves, soit parce que cela n’exposait pas les conclusions qu’il voulait. Technical. Quoi qu’il en soit, il a fait clairement savoir que l’Air Force n’accepterait pas de speculation sur les extraterrestres comme solution aux ovnis. Bien sur, les gens ont continue a voir ces choses et a se demander ce qu’elles etaient. Doing Thesis. En ete 1952, par exemple, les observations d’ovnis etaient si frequentes et souvent d’une telle qualite qu’il a en fait semble a certains dans l’Air Force qu’une invasion pouvait etre en cours. Research Paper. Pouvait-il vraiment s’agir d’aliens ? Avec l’aide de la Commission Robertson de janvier 1953, sponsorisee secretement par la CIA, l’Air Force a grandement ameliore la censure sur le probleme. Doing Thesis. Toutefois elle n’a presque jamais cesse. Writing Paper. Des organisations civiles ont emerge pour recueillir et analyser les rapports d’ovnis interessants.

Pour compliquer l’affaire, l’Air Force s’est mise elle-meme dos au mur. Doing Thesis. Malgre son mepris public pour les ovnis, elle s’est engagee elle-meme a les controler en tant que menace possible a la securite nationale. Technical Format. Ceux qui critiquaient les declarations de l’Air Force sur les ovnis – et il y avait de nombreuses personnes – demandaient frequemment : si les soucoupes ne presentaient aucune menace pour la securite nationale et existaient seulement dans l’imagination, pourquoi l’Air Force avait-elle cree le projet Blue Book pour etudier les rapports ? Puis est venue la grande vaque d’ovnis de 1965 et 1966. An Essay Format. La densite et la qualite des observations ont bien fait comprendre que l’Air Force ne pouvait plus se cacher plus longtemps derriere des ballons meteo, des gaz des marais ou de la foudre en boule. Research. A la meme epoque, il est devenu egalement impossible de contrer l’examen attentif du public sur ce probleme. Two Methods Of Losing Compare Essay. L’Air Force a donc finance une etude scientifique des ovnis par l’Universite du Colorado, connue plus generalement sous le nom de Comite Condon, pour regler l’affaire une bonne fois pour toute. Technical Format. Apres 2 ans de suspense, le comite a conclu que les ovnis n’etaient pas dignes d’etude scientifique, essentiellement du non sens. Essay Prompt. Les critiques ont repondu que l’etude elle-meme etait sans valeur, avec des conclusions qui ne correspondaient pas a ses propres donnees.

De plus, il y avait du ressentiment entre les propres membres du comite ce qui a abouti a la suppression du contingent pro-ovnis a mi chemin du projet. Writing Format. Il est apparu fortement que la direction du projet etait orientee vers une conclusion negative depuis le debut. An Essay Format. Des rumeurs se sont repandues sur un controle du comite de la part de l’Air Force ou de la CIA. Aussi confus qu’etait le Comite Condon, son rapport a donne precisement a l’Air Force ce dont elle avait besoin : la justification pour fermer Blue Book. Technical Research Paper. En decembre 1969, l’Air Force a annonce qu’elle n’enqueterait plus sur les ovnis. Doing Thesis. Les principales organisations d’investigation civiles ont aussi decline rapidement et les gens qui voyaient alors des ovnis n’avaient presque nulle part vers ou se tourner. Faisons une pause ici pour evaluer la situation.

Ce que nous pouvons voir c’est qu’a un certain moment durant la moitie des annees 40, les services de renseignement des Etats-Unis, ainsi que ceux d’autres pays, avaient des raisons de croire qu’il y avait des objets dans le ciel qui ne venaient pas d’Amerique, de Russie, d’Allemagne ou de tout autre pays. Technical Paper. Au sein des USA, ces objets violaient certains espaces aeriens militaires sensibles et ne semblaient pas etre des phenomenes naturels. Of Losing Compare And Contrast Essay. On peut presumer que les autorites de securite nationale affectees en ont fait une obsession immediate pour determiner la nature et le but de ces objets et on technical writing paper, peut conclure que la question est devenue un grand secret vers 1946 ou 1947 au plus tard. Certains rejetteront tout ca comme une theorie de la conspiration , une des nombreuses dont est dote le paysage americain. Write An Essay Format. Dans la culture populaire, le terme meme sert de rejet automatique, comme si personne n’agissait jamais en secret.

Apportons une certaine perspective et du bon sens a cette question. Writing Research Format. Les Etats-Unis sont composes de grandes organisations – corporations, bureaucraties, groupes d’interets et autre – qui sont conspiratrices de nature. Write An Essay Format. C’est-a-dire, elles sont hierarchiques, leurs decisions importantes sont prises en secret par quelques preneurs de decision cles et il leur arrive de mentir sur leurs activites. Technical Writing Paper Format. Telle est la nature du comportement organisationnel. Two Methods Of Losing Weight Compare And Contrast. La conspiration , dans son sens premier, est une maniere de vivre partout autour du globe. Au sein des services de renseignements et militaires du monde, cette tendance est poussee a l’extreme. Technical Writing Research Format. Durant les annees 1940, alors que les militaires et leurs scientifiques developpaient les armes les plus effrayantes du monde dans le secret le plus total, le probleme ovni leur est tombe dessus tel que. Questions. Etaient-ils interesses par ces objets fouinant autour de leur espace aerien restreint ? Voulaient-ils limiter les informations qu’ils obtenaient ? Il n’y a pas de reponse definitive mais les faits connus indiquent que cela etait ainsi. Si nous supposons, alors, qu’il y a une conspiration ovni, nous pouvons nous demander ou elle se situe. Technical Research Format. Y a-t-il par exemple un groupe de controle central qui s’occupe du probleme ? Peut-etre que oui, peut-etre que non. Control Study Design. Il est possible, meme plausible, que personne dans les administrations publiques de nos jours ne sache ce qui se passe.

Il se peut qu’un groupe de controle ovni ait existe a un moment au sein du Ministere de la Defense des USA ou a la CIA mais il n’y a aucune bonne raison pour qu’une telle situation doive exister aujourd’hui. Paper. Non seulement le secret dans ces cercles est axiomatique mais l’information est tellement hautement compartimentee qu’il est facile d’imaginer comment diverses bribes d’information ufologique pourraient tomber dans des douzaines de domaines semi isoles. Dans l’armee, le secret reste la regle au sujet des ovnis. Essay Questions English. La fermeture du projet Blue Book n’a pas fait cesser les temoignages ou les enquetes. Research. En effet, l’Air Force a oublie de mentionner dans son annonce de 1969 que Blue Book n’avait jamais ete le principal organisme enquetant sur les ovnis ; apres 1952, son existence etait purement un effort de relations publiques. Two Methods Of Losing Compare And Contrast Essay. Les investigations sur les ovnis ont continue et les etablissements militaires traitant des informations super sensibles (comme la legendaire Zone 51 a Groom Dry Lake, Nevada) ont continue a etre la source de rumeurs liees aux ovnis. Technical Research Paper Format. Mais un membre de l’armee serait totalement insense de se laisser etre pris a discuter de cela avec le public. Weight. Comme l’a dit le 133° officier de l’aviation James Goodell : Quand vous allez travailler dans ces endroits, vous renoncez a vos droits constitutionnels.

Vous signez un morceau de papier disant que si vous violez votre convention de securite et que vous discutez des programmes sur lesquels vous travaillez, sans proces, sans droit d’appel, vous allez a la prison federale Leavenworth pour 20 ans. Paper. C’est une reelle grosse incitation a la fermer. Write An Essay. Cela se refere au Serment sur le devoilement involontaire d’information ou de donnees de securite classifiees . Technical Writing Research. Prete par tout le personnel expose a de l’information classifiee de n’importe quel type, il engage pour la vie sous toutes circonstances. L’armee a profondement dissimule la question ovni. Answering. Depuis les 30 dernieres annees, les demandes faites a l’Air Force ou aux autres corps gouvernementaux sur les ovnis ont recu la meme reponse : De 1947 a 1969, l’Air Force a enquete sur les Objets Volants Non Identifies dans le cadre du projet Blue Book. Technical Research Format. Le projet, dont le siege se situait a la base Wright-Patterson de l’Air Force dans l’Ohio, s’est termine le 17 decembre 1969. Control Study Design. Sur un total de 12 618 observations rapportees au projet Blue Book, 701 restent non identifiees . La decision d’arreter les investigations sur les ovnis a ete basee sur l’evaluation d’un rapport prepare par l’Universite du Colorado intitule Etudes Scientifiques des Objets Volants Non Identifies – un examen du rapport de l’Universite du Colorado par l’Academie Nationale des Sciences, etudes d’ovnis anterieures et experience de l’Air Force dans l’enquete des rapports d’ovnis durant les annees 1940, 1950 et 1960. Comme resultat de ces investigations, etudes et experience obtenue de l’enquete sur les rapports d’ovnis depuis 1948, les conclusions du projet Blue Book etaient : (1) aucun ovni rapporte, enquete et evalue par l’Air Force n’a jamais constitue un indice de menace pour la securite nationale ; (2) il n’y a eu aucune preuve soumise ou decouverte par l’Air Force que les observations categorisees comme non identifiees representaient des developpements technologiques ou des principes au-dela de la portee de la connaissance scientifique moderne ; et (3) il n’y a eu aucune preuve indiquant que les observations categorisees comme non identifiees etaient des vehicules extraterrestres.

Avec la fin du projet Blue Book, la reglementation de l’Air Force etablissant et controlant le programme d’enquete et d’analyse des ovnis a ete abrogee. Depuis la fin du projet Blue Book, rien ne s’est produit qui soutiendrait une reprise des investigations sur les ovnis par l’Air Force. Writing Research. Etant donne l’environnement actuel des budgets de defense regulierement decroissants, il est improbable que l’Air Force s’implique a nouveau dans un tel projet couteux dans un avenir proche. Essay. Nous pensons que nous sommes Luke Skywalker , dit un ami a moi, quand en fait nous sommes Darth Vader . Technical Research Paper Format. L’Amerique est un pays avec une mauvaise conscience, nominalement une republique et une societe libre, mais en realite un empire et une oligarchie vaguement conscient de sa propre oppression, a l’interieur et a l’exterieur. College For Csu. J’ai utilise le terme d’etat de securite national pour decrire ses structures de pouvoir.

C’est un moyen pratique de rendre compte des communautes de renseignements et militaires ainsi que des mondes qui s’en nourrissent tels que les entrepreneurs de la defense et autres entites souterraines nebuleuses. Research Paper. Ses traits fondamentaux sont le secret, la richesse, l’independance, le pouvoir et la duplicite. La dissimulation des ovnis (precisement l’expression exacte) est un secret parmi de nombreux autres au sein de l’etat de securite nationale americain. Essay. Comme d’autres domaines dans son champ, le probleme ovni a ete traite secretement, avec grande supercherie et des ressources importantes. Writing Research Format. Le secret est issu d’un element de la vie de notre monde fondamental et envahissant : que ceux qui sont au sommet de l’echelle prendront toujours toutes les mesures necessaires pour maintenir le statu quo. 1- Secret.

Presque toute chose d’importance entreprise par l’armee americaine et les services de renseignement ces 50 dernieres annees se sont produits en secret. An Essay Format. L’entreprise de construire une arme atomique, plus connue sous le nom de Projet Manhattan, reste le grand modele de toutes les activites subsequentes. Technical Writing Format. Pendant 4 ans, pas un seul membre du Congres n’en a eu meme connaissance bien que son cout final ait excede le total incroyable de 2 milliards de dollars. Write Format. Pendant et apres la seconde guerre mondiale, d’autres projets importants tels que le developpement d’armes biologiques, l’importation de scientifiques nazis, les experiences de controle de l’esprit mortelles, l’interception au niveau national du courrier et des transmissions telephoniques du peuple involontaire, l’infiltration des medias et des universites, les coups secrets, les guerres secretes et les assassinats ont tous eu lieu non seulement a l’ecart du public americain mais aussi de la plupart des membres du Congres et de quelques Presidents. Technical Format. En fait, plusieurs des agences de renseignement les plus puissantes ont elles-memes ete etablies en secret, a l’insu du public et du Congres pendant de nombreuses annees. 2- Richesse. Answering Essay Questions. Depuis les annees 1940, les institutions du renseignement et de la defense US ont eu plus d’argent a leur disposition que la plupart des pays. Writing Research Paper Format. En plus des dollars officiels, beaucoup de l’argent est sans documentation. Two Methods Compare. Depuis ses debuts, la CIA s’est engagee dans une variete d’ affaires officieuses qui ont genere de grosses sommes d’argent. Technical Writing Research Paper. Les connexions de la CIA avec le crime organise global (et donc de facto avec le trafic de drogue international) a ete bien etabli et documente pour de nombreuses annees.

De plus, la CIA a entretenu sa propre flotte aerienne privee ce qui a genere une coquette somme de fonds non comptabilises principalement hors d’Asie. Application. Pour finir, beaucoup de l’argent original pour diriger les services de renseignement americain provenait de tres riches familles americaines bien en vue qui ont longtemps maintenu un interet pour le financement d’operation de securite nationale importantes pour leurs interets. 3- Independance. Technical Writing Research Format. En theorie, une surveillance civile des institutions de securite nationale americaines existe. Questions. Le President est le Commandant en Chef de l’armee. Paper Format. Le Congres a le controle officiel de la CIA. Format. Le FBI doit repondre au departement de la Justice. Technical Research. En pratique, peu de cette chere theorie a ete appliquee lors de la periode etudiee. For Csu. Une raison a a voir avec le secret : la compartimentation de l’information au sein des cercles de renseignement et militaires.

L’autorisation Top Secret n’autorise pas quelqu’un a acceder a toutes les informations top secret. Technical Writing Research Format. L’information sensible est disponible sur la base du besoin de savoir. An Essay. Deux agents de la CIA dans des pieces contigues du Langley Headquarters peuvent etre impliques dans des activites top secret totalement differentes, chacun ignorant completement ce que fait l’autre. Technical Writing Research. Une telle compartimentation n’accroit pas seulement le secret mais aussi l’independance vis-a-vis d’un mauvais type (par ex officiel) de surveillance. Une grande latitude d’activite n’est pas seulement la prerogative de la CIA. Two Methods Weight. Durant les annees 1950, le President et general a 5 etoiles Dwight Eisenhower a effectivement perdu le controle de l’arsenal nucleaire des Etats-Unis. Technical Writing Format. La situation s’est tellement deterioree que lors de ces 2 dernieres annees en fonction, Eisenhower a demande a maintes reprises a avoir une audience avec le chef du Strategic Air Command pour apprendre quel etait le plan de riposte nucleaire de l’Amerique. Statement. Ce qu’il a finalement appris en 1960, sa derniere annee de fonction, l’a horrifie. Writing Paper Format. Si un heros militaire respecte tel qu’Eisenhower ne pouvait pas controler l’arsenal nucleaire americain ni obtenir une reponse directe du Pentagone, comment diable le pouvaient les presidents Truman, Kennedy, Johnson ou Nixon pour des affaires comparables ? 4- Pouvoir. Write Format. Le secret, la richesse et l’independance s’ajoutent au pouvoir.

Au cours des ans, l’etat de securite national a obtenu l’acces a la technologie la plus sophistiquee du monde, a isole des millions d’hectares du pays de l’acces ou de l’examen public, a acquis des capacites d’espionnage illimitees a l’interieur des frontieres US et au-dela, a conduit des actions ouvertes ou clandestines contres d’autres pays et poursuivi des guerres sans examen attentif des medias. Technical Writing Research Paper. A l’interieur du pays, il maintient son influence sur des officiels et des communautes elus dans l’espoir de quelques uns des milliards de dollars de la defense. 5- Duplicite. Answering Essay English. La tromperie est un element cle de la guerre et quand gagner est tout ce qui importe, la moralite conventionnelle des gens ordinaires devient un obstacle. Technical Writing Research Paper. Les exemples de tromperie publique par des elements de la securite nationale sont trop nombreux pour etre resumes ici mais sont fournis dans les chapitres suivants.

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Depiction is Not Endorsement: Film Chronicle 2012. Publication date Spring 2013. Emily Witt’s Future Sex is out now from FSG. Get 20% off yearly subscriptions with discount code FUTURESEX. On a Monday last April , I stood in line at JFK Airport to research, board a plane to San Francisco. Before me stood a silver-headed West Coast businessman. His skin had the exfoliated, burnished sheen of the extremely healthy; his glasses were of an advanced polymer; he had dark jeans. He wore the recycled ethylene-vinyl acetate shoes that are said never to smell. His fleece coat was of an extraordinary thickness and quality, with a lissome external layer that would not pill.

He seemed like the sort of man who would pronounce himself a minimalist and say that everything he bought was selected for its extraordinary craftsmanship and answering questions, beautiful design. Writing Paper Format. But the graduate personal statement, silver fox’s computer bag was a cheap thing with netting and paper, buckles that said GOOGLE on it. The person in front of him in line wore a Google doodle T-shirt with Bert and Ernie where the Os would be. In front of college essay him was a Google backpack. Until I left San Francisco it never went away.

It was embroidered on technical paper format breast pockets, illustrated with themes of America’s cities, emblazoned on stainless-steel water bottles, on fleece jackets, on baseball caps, but not on the private coach buses that transported workers to their campus in Mountain View, where they ate raw goji-berry discs from their snack room and walked about swathed, priestlike, in Google mantles, with Google wimples and Google mitres, seeking orientation on Google Maps, Googling strangers and Google chatting with friends, as I did with mine, dozens of times a day, which made the recurrence of the logo feel like a supremacist taunt. My first day in the city I sat in a sunlit cafe in the Mission District, drank a cappuccino, and read a paper copy of the graduate statement, San Francisco Chronicle that lay anachronistically on writing paper format the counter. Weight Essay. I overheard someone talking about his lunch at the Googleplex. “Quinoa cranberry pilaf,” I wrote down. And then, “coregasm.” Because that was the format, subsequent topic of discussion: women who have spontaneous orgasms during yoga. The barista was saying how wonderful it was that the issue was receiving attention, coregasms being something a lot of women experienced and weight compare and contrast, were frightened to talk about. Research. Those days were over. The people of San Francisco were once famous for their refusal of deodorant and unnecessary shearing.

Sometimes, walking down the street, past gay construction workers and vibrator stores, I was reminded that this was the place where Harvey Milk was elected (and assassinated), where the bathhouses had flourished (and closed). Doing Thesis. But most of the time I noticed only that the people of technical research paper San Francisco appeared to have been suffused with unguents and botanical salves, polished with salts, and case control study, scented with the aromatherapeutics sold in technical writing, the shops that lined Valencia Street. The air smelled of beeswax, lavender, and verbena, and graduate personal, the sidewalks in the Mission glittered on sunny days. Technical Writing Research Format. The food was exquisite. Two Methods Compare Essay. There was a place in Hayes Valley that made liquid-nitrogen ice cream to order. I watched my ice cream magically pressured into existence with a burst of technical writing research paper vapor and a pneumatic hiss. This miracle, as the world around me continued apace, just moms with Google travel coffee mugs talking about answering essay, lactation consultants. Online, people had diverted the technical writing research paper format, fear of sin away from coregasms and toward their battles against sugar and flour. “Raw, organic honey, local ghee, and millet chia bread taming my gluten lust,” was a typical dispatch. “Thank goodness for ancient grains.” At night I was alone, and I would walk down the street listening to sermons in doing thesis, Spanish from the storefront churches and the electronic hum of the technical writing, BART train below. The city was a dream world of glowing screens and analog fetishism, of Google, orgasms, stone fruits, and sparkles. A Greek chorus of the homeless and mentally ill connected these fragments into case study design, deeper conspiracies, until I began to see conspiracies myself.

I would walk down the sidewalks of the Mission and note their glittery resemblance to my powdered blush in its makeup compact. “This sidewalk looks like Super Orgasm,” I would think, Super Orgasm being the name of the particular shade of writing paper blush I own. Doing Thesis. My makeup reveled in technical writing research, contemporary sexual politics: FOR HIM HER read the sticker on the back of my paraben-free foundation. I contemplated a possible economic index comparing the cost of a pint of honey-lavender ice cream to the federal minimum hourly wage. I ran to Golden Gate Park, where giant birds of prey gazed hungrily upon glossy dachshunds. The cyclists passed in doing thesis, shoals, dressed in Google bicycle jerseys. I had never had a coregasm and my sexual expectations conformed to widely held, government-sanctioned ideals. I was single, and now in my thirties, but I still envisioned my sexual experience eventually reaching a terminus, like a monorail gliding to a stop at Epcot Center. I would disembark, find myself face-to-face with another human being, and there we would remain in research paper format, our permanent station in application, life: the future. In San Francisco, people thought differently. They sought to unlink the family from a sexual foundation of two people. They believed in intentional communities that could successfully disrupt the monogamous heterosexual norm.

They gave their choices names and they conceived of technical paper their actions as social movements. Essay For Csu. I had come to San Francisco to observe this sexual vanguard, but I did not think their lessons applied to technical writing, me. “But what is your personal journey?” they would ask, and I would joke about this later with my friends. Public Disgrace is an online pornography series that advertises itself as “women bound, stripped, and punished in public.” It is the creation of a 30-year-old San Francisco–based porn director and dominatrix named Princess Donna Dolore. Princess Donna conceived of the project in essay, 2008, during her fourth year of working for the pornography company Technical Writing Paper. In addition to directing, Donna performs in the shoots, though she is not usually the lead. When Princess Donna is scouting locations for answering essay english Public Disgrace she looks for small windows (they need to be blacked out) and spaces (they need to look crowded).

For outdoor shoots she usually works in Europe, where public obscenity laws are more forgiving. Before each shoot, Princess Donna coordinates with the female lead to establish what she likes or doesn’t like and writing research format, produces a checklist of what the performer will take from her civilian audience. Some models are happy only with groping, some have rules against slapping, and some are willing to go so far as to be fingered or spit on by the audience. For female performers, the draw of application personal statement Public Disgrace lies in Donna’s directorial prowess. Princess Donna is an experienced orchestrator of writing format complicated fantasies of group sex, public sex, and violent sex. Such situations tend to graduate personal, be, as Princess Donna puts it, “kind of tricky to live out in real life.” She is technical research paper format, also a deft manipulator of the human body. Female performers trust her to two methods weight, extend the boundaries of technical format their physical capacities. The job description for Public Disgrace , posted at doing thesis,, reads: “Sex between male dominant and female submissive; domination by technical writing research paper female and two methods compare and contrast essay, male dom; secure bondage, gags, hoods, fondling, flogging, and forced orgasms with vibrators.” For four to five hours of technical format work, performers earn between $1,100 and answering essay, $1,300, plus bonuses for extra sex acts with cameo performers who can show a clean bill of health. A week after I arrived in San Francisco, I attended a Public Disgrace shoot.

The shoots are open to the public, a public that’s encouraged to actively participate. Novelty is technical writing research paper format, important to the world of porn, so audience members are recruited through the internet but restricted to attending one shoot a year. The venue of the shoot I attended, a bar called Showdown, was on format a side street haunted by drug addicts and technical writing, the mentally ill just south of the Tenderloin, next to a Vietnamese sandwich shop and a flophouse called the Winsor Hotel (REASONABLE RATES DAILY-WEEKLY). When I arrived, several people were standing under the red arrow outlined in yellow lightbulbs above the entrance, waiting to doing thesis, get in, including a group of young men and a heterosexual couple in their thirties. We signed releases, showed our photo IDs, and a production assistant took a mug shot of each of us holding our driver’s license next to technical research, our face. Then she gave us each two drink tickets that could be redeemed at the bar. “Depending on how wasted everyone seems to graduate application personal, be I will give you more,” she promised.

That evening’s performer , a diminutive blonde who goes by the stage name Penny Pax, flew up to San Francisco from her home in Los Angeles especially for the Public Disgrace shoot. She had told Donna that one of the first pornos she ever watched was Public Disgrace , and since she got into the business herself she had been anxious to make one. Her personal request for the evening was that Princess Donna attempt to writing research, anally fist her. The bar was a narrow room with a sense of history attached to it, of an older San Francisco that was a working-class mix of Irish and Italian immigrants. Old-fashioned smoked-glass lamps hung over the wooden bar. A color-copied picture of doing thesis Laura Palmer from David Lynch’s television show Twin Peaks hung on the wall, next to writing paper format, a stopped clock with a fake bird’s nest in the cavity where a pendulum should have been. Behind the front area with the bar was a dark square room with black wallpaper patterned with alternating illustrations of two parrots on doing thesis perches and technical research paper, a vase of flowers. The crew from Kink had rigged lighting overhead. Princess Donna arrived with a small entourage, wearing a vacuum-tight black minidress that flattered her exceptionally perfect breasts. Donna is an weight and contrast, extraordinary physical presence in any group of people, and her stature plays integrally into technical research format, her authority.

She is five foot seven with long, almost alarmingly thin limbs that make her seem taller. She has large, brown, Bambi-ish eyes that, the night of the shoot, were complexly shadowed and wreathed in fake eyelashes, which Kink purchases in quantities of several hundred at a time. Her long brown hair was tied up in two methods compare essay, a high ponytail. She has a tattoo of a biologically correct heart on her left shoulder and a cursive inscription that says DADDY on her inner right forearm. She strode into the room carrying a black vinyl purse from which a riding crop protruded. With her minidress she wore tan cowboy boots, which made the length of technical paper format her legs appear heron-like. A neck bruise the size of a silver dollar that I had noticed during my first meeting with her a week before had faded. Donna stood before the bar with the doing thesis, palindromically stage-named male performer, Ramon Nomar, surveying the room. He pointed up to several hooks on the ceiling and to a metal Juliet balcony over the bar. Writing. Donna nodded without a word. They retreated to the back.

I asked a production assistant where the study in epidemiology, female performer was. Penny Pax, she said, was having “quiet time.” Soon, the music was silenced (Kink had its own music, cleared of technical paper format rights, to play). The bartender removed his gingham shirt and his tie and college essay for csu, suddenly was wearing nothing but his waistcoat. Technical Writing Format. Donna came out to make some announcements to essay english, the assembled crowd, which was well on its way to getting soused. “You might think we are doing things to writing research, the model that are mean or humiliating, but don’t,” said Donna. “She’s signed an and contrast essay, agreement.” According to the agreement, the crowd had permission to poke the model, fondle her, and finger her, but only if they washed their hands and had neatly trimmed fingernails.

A fingernail trimmer was available if necessary. “I’m going to be watching you like a hawk to make sure you’re not doing degrading things to her pussy,” Donna said. She continued: “You’re allowed to spit on writing research her chest but not her face. You can give her a hard spanking but you are not allowed to give her a hard smack.” She pulled her production assistant over to her physically. Two Methods Compare. “If Kat is the model”—here Kat bent over obligingly—“this would be a reasonable distance from which to spank her.” Donna mimed responsible spanking practice. The model, Donna went on to explain, could not leave the set bruised because she had another shoot coming up this week. Donna said that therefore at some point she might have to forbid certain practices to ensure Penny’s body remained unmarked. Donna concluded her speech with a more theoretical exposition. The whole point of Public Disgrace , she explained, is that it’s supposed to seem spontaneous, and that “you guys are not supposed to technical research, know that we’re coming here.” Taking video was forbidden, photographs with phones were fine, but the most important thing: “Don’t ignore us. I’m going to walk her in with a sign that says I’M A WORTHLESS CUNT.

So react to doing thesis, that.” She repeated that nail clippers and files were available for writing paper format anyone who wanted them and reminded the audience to wash their hands in application personal, the bathroom before touching the technical writing, model. Essay Questions English. Then she returned to the back room. A few minutes later Donna emerged with Penny Pax and technical writing paper, Ramon in answering essay questions, tow. Penny was small, just over research paper format five feet tall, with full natural breasts, milky white skin, and a chin-length bob of doing thesis cornsilk blond. Paper Format. Her eyes were the rich azure of a blue raspberry Blow Pop. She was very pretty, and decidedly not plastic or spray-tanned. She looked like a model in a JCPenney catalog.

She wore a denim miniskirt, white high heels, and a white tank top. Donna looked her over, then deftly pulled the straps of Penny’s tank top off her arms and folded them down. She spun Penny around, unhooked her white padded bra, and tossed it to one side. From a black duffel bag under a table Donna picked up and put back various coils of rope, judging the weight and length of each one. An Essay. Meanwhile Ramon stared—the only technical word for college essay it is lovingly —at Penny’s breasts, which hung pendulously down, stretch marks visible.

Grabbing them, Donna executed a complicated-looking tie, uplifting the breasts to bra elevation by technical writing format winding the rope around each one. She pulled the control design, straps of Penny’s tank top back over her shoulders, then tied Penny’s arms behind her back. “Look at that,” said Donna, surveying her work and turning Penny around. “You look gorgeous.” Meanwhile Ramon stepped in and looked over format Penny with the tender carnivorousness of a dime-store bodice-ripper. College Essay Prompt. He ran his hand over Penny’s body from technical writing research paper behind, turned her around and examined her, kissed and graduate, inhaled her hair, then put his hand up her skirt and began feeling her while staring intently at her body. This was his way of preparing for the shoot. Ramon was from paper Spain and essay questions english, had a sharp accent. Technical Writing Research. He rarely smiled. Answering. He wore a tight black T-shirt that showed off his impressive pectorals, black pants, and black combat boots. He was just over six feet tall, tan, and sculpted like an Iberian Bruce Willis. This was an attractive couple.

Donna hung a sign, which indeed read I’M A WORTHLESS CUNT, around Penny’s neck, then grabbed Penny roughly by the hair and took her out the door. Now the cameras were recording. Now we could redeem our drink tickets. The bar was full, mostly with men. Technical Research Format. These men I would divide into two groups: the openly slavering, confident about the righteousness of their lust, and the self-conscious, worried about breaking the taboos of touching and graduate application statement, insulting a woman. They were joined by a smattering of females, some of technical writing whom were there with their boyfriends, others who had come together in pairs. Donna had exchanged her cowboy boots for college patent leather high heels and now strode through the research format, door purposefully, she and Ramon on either side of Penny, who looked up at application personal, her tall handlers with baleful blue eyes. “Tell everybody why you’re here,” ordered Donna, as the people drinking at the bar feigned surprise. “I’m a worthless cunt!” said Penny. Using some kind of professional wrestling trick, Ramon lifted her up by technical research her neck and graduate personal, sat her on the bar.

Working together, Donna and Ramon stuffed a cocktail napkin in her mouth and taped it into technical research, a gag, taking turns slapping her on her face and two methods weight compare essay, her breasts. They ripped off her spotless white tank top. The rope had cut off circulation to technical writing, Penny’s breasts and doing thesis, they looked painfully swollen. “Who wants to touch it?” asked Donna. “Who wants to play with this worthless little cunt?” The bar patrons obligingly hit, fingered, and spanked her. From her handbag, from which the writing, riding crop still menacingly protruded, Donna now withdrew a device that crepitated electric sparks and started shocking Penny with it. Of Losing Compare Essay. Ramon removed what remained of writing format Penny’s clothes, then his belt, and began gently swiping it at Penny, who was soon pinioned on the floor. “I thought it was your dream,” goaded Donna. Case Control. “I thought it was your dream to shoot for this site. You didn’t come ready?” She looked around the room. “What’s her name?” she demanded. “Everyone knows what her name is.” “Worthless cunt!” yelled the crowd.

“What pretty girl wants to grab her titties?” A woman in attendance obliged. Ramon took off his pants, balancing on each foot as he pulled them over his combat boots. He was not wearing any underwear; his penis looked like the trunk of a palm tree. Writing Research Paper. The bar patrons burst into applause. He picked Penny up and had sex with her against college essay the bar as the extras continued to smack at her breasts. Penny, still gagged, was wide-eyed. Her mascara had begun to run in rivers down her face. She had the option of halting everything with verbal and nonverbal cues but she did not exercise it.

Suddenly Donna stopped the show. “Everyone, I have an technical writing research paper, announcement,” Donna said, as she removed the doing thesis, ropes still tied around Penny’s breasts. “No more smacking this boob,” she said, pointing to technical writing paper, the right one, which had red marks on it. They resumed shooting. Ramon, who had biceps like cannons, hoisted Penny around the write an essay, room and the crowd followed, vying with one another for a good sightline. He was able to walk around holding Penny in one arm, wielding the writing research format, zapper in the other. Write An Essay Format. “Zap me!” requested a male audience member. Ramon rolled his eyes and did so without breaking rhythm. “Ouch,” said the guy, looking sore. Ramon removed Penny’s gag and guided her into a blowjob, during which Penny theatrically gagged. Donna stood by, slapping and shocking, and then tag-teamed in. Using her hands, she made Penny ejaculate, to the delight of the crowd.

After fifteen or twenty minutes, Donna called for a break. Paused in technical writing research paper, the middle of his exertions Ramon looked up at the ceiling with a look of super-intense concentration. An Essay. Penny was on the floor. He picked her up and sat her on the bar. Technical Writing Research Paper Format. He and write an essay, Donna tenderly tucked her hair back from writing paper her face and wiped off her sweat and the grime from the floor with Cottonelles. Donna, like a trainer during a boxing match, removed Penny’s false eyelashes, gave her water, and kissed her on the cheek. During this reprieve from shooting, the crowd, which had been as verbally abusive as directed, seemed sheepish. “You are beautiful and I’d take you to meet my mother!” yelled one man who had been particularly enthusiastic about application statement, yelling “worthless cunt.” Ramon asked for writing a drink. “What do you want?” said the bartender. “A soda,” said Ramon. “Porno guy wants a soda!” echoed the loud man. When shooting resumed, a female audience member, heavily tattooed and wearing a miniskirt and a ragged T-shirt that had two skeletal hands printed across her breasts, had a go at Penny’s body. Things continued in this way for college prompt more than an hour. Technical Writing Paper Format. Chairs were knocked over.

Drinks were spilled. Two Methods Compare And Contrast Essay. The bartender had by now removed his vest and was shirtless. The crowd was drunk and excited, although not entirely unembarrassed. “Make that bitch choke,” shouted the shouty man. Then: “Sorry!” Donna began to wind things down. “OK guys,” she said, to writing research paper, prepare the case study in epidemiology, audience, “the pot shot’s not the technical research paper, end though.” The crowd cheered. Write An Essay. With the writing research format, cameras off, Ramon and essay prompt, Penny had vanilla missionary sex on a table to get to the point where he could ejaculate. Technical Paper Format. He nodded when he was ready, then put Penny on the floor, and masturbated until he came on her face.

Again the room burst into applause. The performers took a break. Ramon’s job was now done. With the of losing weight and contrast, room’s attention focused on Penny he yanked off his sweaty T-shirt, flung it into writing research paper, a corner, and wandered off into a dark part of the bar, naked but for his combat boots. Like a long-distance runner who has just crossed the finish line, he walked it off, moving his arms in circles, wiping the sweat from his face with his arm, and taking deep breaths.

Nobody noticed him. Eventually he recovered his composure, toweled off, and put his black jeans back on. Penny, meanwhile, rested primly on essay a chair and sipped water. Her expression was, in technical paper, a word, elated. I joined Donna at the bar. What was going to happen next? “I want to get my hand all the way in her ass,” she said. “She’s never done that before and she wants to an essay format, try it.” Princess Donna sat Penny Pax down on a bar table. She had a Hitachi Magic Wand and a bottle of lubricant. “I need all the room that’s in her holes for my hand,” she announced, and the audience deferentially took a step back.

After Donna accomplished her task, the crowd chanted, “Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt,” and then Penny did. I watched all this from technical research paper format a corner, standing next to Ramon, who had a towel around his bronzed shoulders and an essay, was drinking a bottle of pilsner. Shooting was coming to a close. Donna and Ramon moved Penny back to the bar and strung her up by her wrists to the metal balcony. Technical Writing Paper. I saw Donna in a corner, carefully wiping down a beer bottle with a sanitizing wipe. And that was the final shot of the evening: Penny tied up and suspended from the railings of the balcony by for csu her wrists, while a member of the audience penetrated her with a beer bottle. Ramon, now shirtless and in jeans, casually sparked the zapper across his pectoral muscles a couple of times, then reached out and zapped Penny on the tongue she offered to technical writing research, him with a scream. Two Methods Of Losing Weight Compare. Then it was done.

With a debonair flourish, Ramon effortlessly picked up the tiny starlet and carried her out of the room in his arms. Kink interviews its female performers before and after every shoot. It’s a de-escalation strategy that reminds the viewer—if he watches it (Kink does not release the demographics of its audience, but studies have found that 98 percent of paid porn is technical writing paper format, watched by men)—of the controlled conditions of what he just watched, and confirms that the activity was consensual and that the two methods of losing, model has recovered. Penny wandered out for her postgame interview wearing pink glasses, a gray bathrobe, and a pair of Uggs. But for her smeary mascara, she looked like a college student on her way to a dormitory bathroom. Research. Donna arranged Penny’s bathrobe to reveal her breasts. Other than that, like most postgame interviews with athletes, this one was a little bland. So, Penny, how did you enjoy the shoot this evening? I had a great time, it was amazing. There was so much going on. HECKLING AUDIENCE MEMBER #1.

I actually want to take you out for lunch later! HECKLING AUDIENCE MEMBER #2. You have really pretty eyes! All right everybody, hold on. Tell me what your favorite parts were. Probably, uh, just the write format, getting handled by everyone and not really knowing how many hands were on me, or who was touching me . . . And then the—I don’t know, did you get your fist in technical writing paper format, my butt? Well, that was awesome. Yay!

I can’t wait to see it! Yeah, that was rad. Round of doing thesis applause for the anal fisting! And you also said that you had never squirted like that before? Yeah, that was ridiculous. Writing Research Paper. How did you do that? Magic fingers.

Years of practice. Yeah, it was amazing. What were the most challenging parts? Uh, probably putting your fist in my butt? That was pretty challenging. It felt really full.

On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your happiness leaving the shoot? So is it safe to say that you would come back and shoot for doing thesis the site again? Do you want a shower? Let’s get you a shower! MALE AUDIENCE MEMBER. A golden shower! FEMALE AUDIENCE MEMBER. After this conclusion, Penny and I retreated to a stairwell behind the bar. Penny, I learned, is 23 years old.

I asked if she had been working in the industry since she was 18. No, she said, she wishes. She had only been in the industry for six months. Before working in porn she was a lifeguard in paper, Fort Lauderdale. Being a lifeguard in Fort Lauderdale had been pretty boring. I asked her about the design in epidemiology, shoot. Research Format. I wanted to know how it had felt. “It’s a little uncomfortable in doing thesis, the beginning, for the anal,” she said. (She was presumably referring to a moment early in the shoot when Ramon jumped up on the bar, stuffed a lemon in Penny’s mouth, and technical writing research, had anal sex with her. “Nice boots, man!” someone in the audience yelled.

Penny made a nonverbal cue to slow down and doing thesis, Donna jumped over technical writing paper format and slathered her with lubricant.) “But my body warms up pretty quickly and then there’s no discomfort.” Slightly incredulous, I asked if there were moments then of genuine pleasure. She looked at me like I was crazy. “ Yeah . Like the whole thing! The whole thing.” She apologized for not being more articulate and explained she was in a state of delirium. Graduate Application. “We call it ‘dick drunk.’” I rode back to the Mission in a van with Donna and technical writing paper format, Penny and Ramon. Graduate Personal Statement. Penny and Ramon were both sleeping over at the landmarked Moorish castle that houses Kink. Research Paper Format. They usually work in mainstream porn in case study design in epidemiology, San Fernando Valley, but enjoy coming to San Francisco. In the shoot he was doing tomorrow for New Sensations in Los Angeles, Ramon lamented, they wouldn’t even let him pull the girl’s hair. I surmised that making more extreme pornography if you’re a performer is like wanting to write like Beckett if you’re a writer. I left Penny and Ramon wandering the lobby in technical writing format, their gray bathrobes and stepped out into the cold San Francisco night. I walked west to Valencia Street, where I found a scene of doing thesis unexpected destruction. Technical Research Paper Format. Broken glass filled the sidewalks.

The windows of every storefront—TACA Airlines, an adjacent property management company, the an essay format, boutique after that, and on down the street—had been shattered. Format. The windshields of the cars lining the street had been systematically bludgeoned. A new apartment complex under construction had FUCK THIS SHIT spray-painted on a column. I stared at the hanging fragments of essay questions glass and the garbage bins tipped over on the sidewalk. Technical Research Format. Then I crossed to the undamaged side of the street and write an essay format, bought myself an ice cream sandwich. Format. I asked the cashier what had happened. He described a dozen protesters dressed in black. The following day was May 1. I knew strikes were planned in control study in epidemiology, Oakland, but on technical writing format this side of the Bay nobody had seemed particularly interested in Occupy Wall Street. I took some photos of the destruction and posted them to the websites of the great technology corporations with written exclamations of bafflement. Doing Thesis. Then I deleted the posts.

I tried to think about the sex I had just watched. In the early years of broadband internet, Frontline had made a documentary called “American Porn.” (“It’s a multibillion-dollar industry—and growing. In a wired world, can anything stop it?”) After interviewing various porn industry stalwarts, the male anchor had attended a shoot not unlike the one I just watched and had walked out in disgust. While I certainly worried about what I had seen, I could not find it in technical format, myself to feel that level of indignation. I ate my ice cream sandwich and went to case control study design, sleep. Over the course of the next several weeks I watched Princess Donna direct and star in more films. I watched her perform in a roller-derby-themed episode of a series called Fucking Machines where she wielded a drill retrofitted with a giant dildo. I watched her train for her new role as director of a Kink property called Ultimate Surrender , a girl-on-girl wrestling tournament. Technical Paper Format. For three eight-minute rounds, two women wrestled each other. The goal was for one woman to pin the other and college prompt, molest her for as long as possible.

For the fourth round, the winner has sex with the loser wearing a strap-on dildo. It’s one of Kink’s most popular properties and is sometimes shot before a live studio audience. Princess Donna also directs a series called Bound Gangbangs , and one day was inspired to do a shoot where all the writing research, men were dressed as panda bears. Case Control Study Design. I watched this too, and was surprised to find it beautiful. I, personally, was not having sex while all this was going on. Writing Format. Not that the sex I would’ve had, if I’d been having sex, would’ve been anything like the sex that was going on at the Kink castle. The Kink actors were more like athletes, or stuntmen and -women performing punishing feats, and part of what fascinated me was the ease with which they went in and out of case study design it, the comfort with which they inhabited their bodies, their total self-assurance and technical writing research paper format, sense of unity against those who condemned their practice. I possessed none of those qualities. I had made no conscious decision to be single, but love is rare and it is frequently unreciprocated.

Because of this, people around me continued to view love as a sort of messianic event, and my friends expressed a religious belief that it would arrive for me one day, as if love was something the universe owed to each of us, which no human could escape. I had known love, but having known love I knew how powerless I was to instigate it or ensure its duration. Whether love was going to arrive or not, I could not suspend my life in the expectation of its arrival. So, back in New York, I was single, but only very rarely would more than a few weeks pass without some kind of an essay format sexual encounter. What even to call these relationships? Most of my friends had slept with one another and I had slept with many friends, too. Writing Research Paper Format. Sometimes years separated sexual encounters. Things thought buried in the past would cycle around again, this time with less anxiety and greater clarity, in a fluid manner that occasionally imploded in horrible displays of pain or temporary insanity, but which for the most part functioned smoothly. We were souls flitting through limbo, piling up against one another like dried leaves, circling around, awaiting the write an essay, messiah.

After a decade or so of living this way, with occasional suspensions for technical writing research relationships that would first revive my belief in graduate personal, romantic love and writing research paper, its attendant structures of domesticity, and then once again fail and extinguish them, I started finding it difficult to revere the couple as the fundamental unit of application statement society. I became a little ornery about it, to be honest: that couples paid lower taxes together, that they could afford better apartments, that there were so few structures of support to ease the raising of a child as a single person, that the divorced experience a sense of failure, that failed marriages are accompanied by so much logistical stress on writing top of the college prompt for csu, emotional difficulties. All this because we privilege a certain idea of love. The thought of the natural progression of technical writing couples, growing more and more insular, buying nicer and nicer furniture, shutting down the world, accruing things, relaxing into habit, scared me. As I grew older, I found it difficult to distinguish romantic love from other kinds of connections: the study in epidemiology, platonic love for the friends I did not want to have sex with, the euphoric chemical urges toward people I had sex with but did not love. Why was love between couples more exceptional?

Because it attached itself to material objects, and to children? Because it ordered civilization? I probably would not have a baby without love, and technical research, buying a home seemed impossible for all kinds of reasons, but I could have sex. Doing Thesis. I had a body. A few weeks before I decided I should go to California and watch people make porn, this revised outlook toward my prospects—that I did not need to research, see my life as an unanswered question, in permanent suspension for control study in epidemiology the answer of a relationship—resulted in deliberate immersion in technical writing research paper format, New York’s sexual fray. Two Methods Weight And Contrast. A relationship had ended, I kept running into old friends, I was internet dating; it was all happening. Then all of it imploded. First, I inadvertently caused someone emotional devastation.

Second, I was told I might have been exposed to chlamydia. Third, I therefore might have given chlamydia to someone else. Technical Research. Fourth, and this really was the essay prompt, worst part, I received an technical writing format, email from an acquaintance that accused me of destroying her friend’s relationship. The next day, sitting in the packed waiting room of a public health clinic in Brooklyn for the un- and case study design, underinsured, I watched a clinician lecture her captive, half-asleep audience on paper how to put on a condom. We waited for study our numbers to be called.

In this cold, adult daylight, I examined what I had done. I thought about the suggestion, in the email from my acquaintance, that I “stop pantomiming thrills” and “starkly consider the real, human consequences of my real-life actions.” A single person’s need for human contact should not be underestimated. Writing. Surrounded on all sides by my imperfect fellow Americans, I thought many were also probably here for having broken some rules about prudent behavior. At the very least, I figured, most people in graduate personal statement, the room knew how to use condoms. The clinician responded with equanimity to the occasional jeers from the crowd. She respectfully said “no” when a young woman asked if a female condom could be used “in the butt.” After her lecture, while we continued to wait, public health videos played on loop on monitors mounted on the wall. They dated from the 1990s, and dramatized people with lives as disorderly as mine, made worse by the outdated blue jeans they wore. Technical Writing Paper Format. The brows of these imperfect people furrowed as they accepted diagnoses, admitted to affairs, and made confessional phone calls on giant cordless phones. Men picked each other up in stage-set bars with one or two extras in fake conversation over glass tumblers as generic music played in the background to case design, signify a party-like atmosphere, like a porn that never gets to the sex. They later reflected on events in Real World –style confessional interviews.

From our chairs, all facing forward in the same direction, awaiting our swabbing and bloodletting, we witnessed the narrative consequences. (One of the writing research paper format, men has a girlfriend! And gonorrhea! Now he has to tell his girlfriend that he’s bisexual and that he has gonorrhea!) The videos did not propose long-term committed relationships as a necessary condition of application adulthood, just honesty. They did not recriminate. The New York City government had a technocratic view of sexuality. The federal government had different expectations. Technical Writing Format. Following the phone call I had looked up chlamydia on two methods of losing compare Google, which led me to the website for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The government suggested that the best way to research, avoid chlamydia was “to abstain from vaginal, anal, and graduate application personal, oral sex or to technical paper format, be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected.” Porn might be a fantasy, but at college prompt for csu, least it is technical writing research format, not a fantasy that defies all interpretation. College. The suggestion of abstinence came with a more realistic reminder to use condoms. I usually used condoms, but this time I had not used a condom, so now I used antibiotics. When the lab results came back weeks after my visit to the Brooklyn clinic it turned out writing research paper format, I did not have chlamydia. None of weight compare essay us had chlamydia. Still, I didn’t have sex again for writing research format nearly seven months. The women at Kink came to porn for various reasons. Bobbi Starr, a 29-year-old who won Adult Video News ’s Female Performer of the Year award in 2012, was raised in a Pentecostal Christian family in San Jose, California, and was homeschooled until middle school. She trained as a swimmer, competed in the Junior Olympics, and earned a scholarship to statement, study music at San Jose State University. Although she had always considered herself sexually adventurous, she was 22 years old and working as a classical musician when she watched porn for the first time.

Sitting down with a male friend, who was surprised at her lack of writing research awareness, she watched several videos, including one called Bong Water Butt Babes . Graduate Application. Very little needs to be said about this video except that the bedroom set is covered in sheets of research paper plastic. Starr was mesmerized, applied for a job at Kink, enjoyed the bondage work, and within a year got an agent and study, moved to technical paper, Los Angeles. I asked her about pain. She recalled an “authentic BDSM experience” she had with a Kink dominatrix named Maitresse Madeline. “I had my head in the pit and she was flogging me and caning me and single-tailing me and doing all these really, really intense corporal activities with me and then she started tickling me and format, I just completely broke,” she said. Research Format. “At some point I came out and just cried on an essay format her chest and technical writing paper format, then she started crying.” She described the experience as cathartic. “Through her dominating me and me subbing to her we had this really unique experience. I think that she and two methods compare and contrast essay, I are better partners, we have a better working relationship because of it, I think we have a better friendship because of it, I think it’s easier for us to technical writing paper format, communicate.” One day, I watched Princess Donna have her makeup done for a shoot with the porn phenom James Deen. (The first male porn star of the internet age to essay, amass a vocally enthusiastic following among women, James Deen’s popularity seems explicable not by his slight physique but by the way he gazes at his partners and whispers urgently in their ears—he manages to format, convey genuine, ardent desire. In real life he reminded me of the boy in the eighth grade who went around snapping girls’ bra straps.) Another model wandered in, a lanky woman wearing hot pants and a bra that enclosed each breast in its own beribboned dirndl. A tattooed tendril of morning glories climbed the length of her very long leg. Donna introduced her to me as Rain DeGrey, and told me that she, Donna, had directed Rain’s first shoot five years ago. We went into a sort of lounge in the next room that had wall-to-wall carpeting and sofas. On one sofa a young woman with wet hair, wearing a gray bathrobe, barely out of adolescence if at case control study design, all, sat painting her toenails a vivid sapphire.

Her stage name was Katherine Cane. Technical Writing Format. Rain DeGrey sat on a chair in front of me, applying sedimentary layers of format Jergen’s bronzer as we talked. Rain DeGrey described herself as a “24–7 lifestyle kinkster” and “pansexual.” She told me that for years she had denied the fact that bondage and technical writing paper format, flogging turned her on. She knew that even in the Bay Area it was not something you could just tell people, that she would be judged for her preference. “Finally you’re like, ‘Hey, it’s OK if normies think I’m a freak,’” she told me. “And the answering essay english, day that I came out as kinky I felt fifty pounds lighter.” One day, she was tied up in her local dungeon, The Citadel, getting flogged by a friend, when someone suggested she try to do some of this stuff professionally. Her first shoot was for the Kink site Wired Pussy, which at paper format, the time was under Donna’s direction. For the first scene they shot together, Donna stood over graduate application personal statement Rain DeGrey with a cattle prod. Donna told her if she moved the shoot would end. “I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to sit still on technical format your hands and knees and not move while someone cattle prods you,” said Rain. Five years later, Rain DeGrey, who does not have a college degree, has bought herself a four-bedroom house with her earnings from Kink. Essay. She is very grateful to Donna for her counsel and support.

“I was actually on set for writing research her Bound Gangbangs that she did, where she took on eight dicks.” Rain stood up. Case Study. She proceeded to technical writing research paper, demonstrate a play-by-play of everything that had happened, which ended with Donna on essay english the floor, “this little, limp, sweaty, fucked rag doll. James Deen’s just kicking her as hard as he can and format, she loves it.” Rain DeGrey returned to her chair and essay, resumed her ceaseless application of self-tanning lotion. Technical Writing Paper. The chemical baby-powder scent of it wafted over us. I said nothing. “I don’t know if you’ve ever had cum in your eyes?” she asked. “That’s like a super-duper hard limit for format me,” said Katherine Cane, shaking her head in dismay. “It blinds you,” said Rain.

“It stings horribly,” said Katherine. “Do you realize the dedication that takes?” asked Rain. “That’s how committed she is.” Committed to technical writing format, what? To getting guys sitting in their studio apartments to essay prompt for csu, jerk off to writing research paper, you for case study $30 a month? Not an insignificant accomplishment, but enacting a fantasy of violence for personal reasons was one thing; doing so for money was another. I held my tongue, and Rain continued. “We’re told our entire lives how fragile and paper, delicate our bodies are,” she said. She adopted a tone of mock concern. “‘Don’t go out late at night, someone might mug you.’ ‘You’ve got to answering questions, be careful, bad things will happen to writing research paper, you.’ And there’s a certain liberation in challenging your body, and getting beaten or distressed in some way and realizing you’re actually tougher than you realized.” She looked over at Katherine, who had finished her pedicure and had her toes out in essay questions, front of her. “Know what I mean?”

“Exactly,” Katherine responded. “It is a very empowering experience to realize you’re not as fragile as you’ve been told your whole life,” said Rain. “But it’s just as empowering to let yourself break down, in my opinion, because you go to a place that is so vulnerable and scary that a lot of people don’t want to acknowledge it because it’s your weakest point possible,” said Katherine. “The vulnerability,” agreed Rain. “Like you’re safe to be your completely base, your most broken-down, crying, you can’t even talk.” I didn’t say anything, but here’s what I thought: there was no great truth about the human condition that I would discover through celibacy. Princess Donna makes a lot of porn: on average she does a couple of shoots a week, and she’s been directing for technical writing eight years. Unsurprisingly, she sometimes gets bored and essay prompt for csu, wants to try something different. When Princess Donna proposes a project, her boss, Kink CEO Peter Acworth, must approve it. Sometimes there are conflicts.

Early in her career Donna proposed doing a series called Dirty Girls , which she described to me as “like girl–girl sex, but like rough sex, but not with, like, a dom/sub relationship but just like going at it, with like fisting and spitting and dunking people’s heads in toilets, lots of anal, stuff like that.” Acworth decided not to give the green light, but Kink thought the request was interesting enough that they posted an technical paper format, online debate between Donna and answering essay english, Acworth. So the fisting is really the most important thing to you. Clearly a lot of people like fisting and girls dominating each other and spitting on each other. It’s still pretty extreme. I don’t know how much for technical writing format the male customers . . . Graduate Statement. you know for technical research paper the male viewer I don’t know how much fisting actually adds to it. I’ve had so many male viewers ask me for fisting. Like on Insex [Donna’s previous employer] when I worked there they were always like, yeah, “fisting fisting fisting fisting.” I think there’s a lot of guys who think fisting is hot. I think you don’t think it’s hot. Donna then proposed a lesbian gangbang site, which also did not pass, and then started experimenting with the tactics that would go on doing thesis to become Public Disgrace . She started while still filming Wired Pussy , doing a series of technical research paper shoots in New York where she would wire up the performer and shock her under her clothes in public places. College. These were popular, so Donna did a Wired Pussy shoot where she invited members of the public. Eventually she got the go-ahead to make Public Disgrace a recurring series.

I had insisted to myself that I wanted a long-term, committed relationship, of the kind celebrated by technical paper the CDC and most happy endings (of the narrative sort). I had decided that any other kind of sexual relationship was a “waste of time.” Having committed myself to essay questions english, a limited worldview I saw not as limited but rather as dignified and writing research paper format, adult, I was able to distance myself from the answering, very question I had gone west to technical research paper, investigate—one that was turning into a major question of doing thesis my adult life: if love could not be relied upon to technical format, provide an idyllic terminus to write an essay, one’s sexual history, and naive performative attempts at a noncommittal sex life resulted only in research format, health scares and case, hurt feelings, how best to technical format, still carry out an essay format, a sexual existence? In San Francisco, the right to be a lawfully wedded couple was not taken for technical granted, but this question was still pursued with a cheerful, pragmatic determination. It came accompanied by Google spreadsheets, jargon, discussion groups, community centers, dietary changes, and hallucinogens. San Francisco’s sexual vanguard might overuse words like “consciousness” and college essay prompt, “mindfulness,” but the success of their politicization of sex had repercussions that reached across the country.

The mind-set could sometimes seem grim, or at least all that talking kind of writing paper dampened the feeling of spontaneity. But they meant it: “Polyamory is a decolonizing force,” one person explained to me. Write Format. “If you want to transform society, it includes our intimate relations.” I met with everyone I could. I met a group of Google employees in technical research format, their early twenties, beneficiaries of the study, country’s most elite educational institutions, now applying their sharp minds to the investigation of multiple concurrent relationships. They all did yoga, were extremely attractive, and accompanied their sexual experimentation with controlled consumption of psilocybin mushrooms and MDMA. They spoke of primary and secondary relationships, and described a world in which jealousy and possessiveness were the sins to overcome.

I attended the cult-like meetings of a group of people who have devoted themselves to the female orgasm. After a “game” at one meeting, where I stood directly in technical research format, front of a male stranger who looked in study design, my eyes and repeatedly demanded answers to the question “WHAT DO YOU DESIRE?” for research several minutes, I went home, drank almost a full bottle of wine, and wept. I took the train across the Bay to Oakland for a quiet dinner with several anarchists, to talk about anarchist ideas of doing thesis sexuality. They all wore black and spoke of their decisions with a seriousness that my friends in New York might have had derided. Technical Writing Format. The anarchists cooked kale and dressed their pasta with cashew pesto from doing thesis a jar. Oakland’s soft summer warmth came as a welcome relief from writing format San Francisco’s miserable microclimates. We dined with the windows open and the evening sun flooding into an apartment lined with books. In another part of Oakland I met with a radical queer activist who had a platonic partner, a sexual partner, and a rotating cast of people with whom she “played.” (The really tough part, she admitted, was the answering, scheduling.) I asked if her platonic partner was not just her roommate, or a friend, but she explained that it involved a deeper commitment: going to holidays at each other’s family homes, caring for each other when sick—everything expected of a husband or wife except for the sex. It wasn’t any easier than marriage, either: they were in couples’ therapy. In the past twenty years, in San Francisco especially, the celebration of technical writing choice over questions systems has coincided with the paper format, advent of new technology and an influx of money and entrepreneurs. Doing Thesis. One result has been the healthy, humane workplaces presented by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the other Bay Area companies and their acceptance of individual expression in the corporate workplace and of families in all their forms.

These changes made for technical writing a better working experience, but they also made it easier to complacently watch the control design in epidemiology, flourishing of technical writing paper unfamiliar digital monopolies, to partake in doing thesis, the consumer delights produced by technical research unprecedented inequality with a mistaken sense of political agency, and to pay to watch a woman get gangbanged on the internet with a clean conscience, because the of losing essay, producers used the rhetoric of the fair and just. Technical Format. The ghosts of the formerly ostracized, including the untimely dead, haunted the english, city. The general consensus was that we honored the writing research, dead and the formerly oppressed by doing thesis enacting the present utopia. The wealth and the corporate culture that produced it defied the old models of technical research format good and bad. Doing Thesis. Google’s motto, “Don’t be evil,” had been adopted across a range of industries. Evil, unfortunately, remained loosely defined: we would know it when we saw it. Technical Paper Format. But all we saw on our computers were our photographs, our friends, our broken hearts, our writing, our search terms, our sexual fetishes. The friendly blandness of case design Google’s interface bestowed blessing on the words that passed through its sieve. On Google, all words were created equal, as all ways of choosing to live one’s life were equal. Google blurred the technical writing format, distinction between normal and college prompt for csu, abnormal.

The answers its algorithms harvested assured each person of the paper format, presence of the like-minded: no one need be alone with her aberrant desires, and no desires were aberrant. Googling “tiny blonde tied up and doing thesis, ass fucked in public” will lead you to a video I saw recorded in San Francisco one April evening. In life, the sex I saw there did not upset me, but when I arrive at technical writing research, the video via Google I want to turn it off. The whole motivation of our new sexual paradigm might be to ensure that nobody will be alienated, but porn is a medium where the write format, expression of one person’s happy sex life can easily shade into another person’s estrangement. I watched how my friends became anxious when the paper, subject of porn came up.

Some people enjoyed watching it as part of a daily routine. For Csu. Some felt enslaved by technical writing research paper format their desire for it. Others saw their real-world sexual experiences reduced to a corny mimicry of porn, and wished they could somehow return to a time when porn was less ubiquitous, or was just soft-focus tan people having relatively unadventurous sex by a swimming pool. Write An Essay. Since more men watch porn than women, the paper format, occasional imbalance of knowledge caused distress all around and was perceived at times as an imbalance of college essay for csu power. Porn made people jealous, it hurt feelings, it made them worry about whether their partners were attracted to them, or to the kind of people they watched in technical writing format, porn, who might have a different color hair, skin color, or bra size. Because porn loves the doing thesis, taboo, it was also sometimes racist and misogynist. It’s tempting to think that life before internet porn was less complicated. Research Paper Format. There are sexual acts in porn that it would not occur to many people to doing thesis, attempt. We have more expectations now about what kind of sex to have, and how many people should be involved, and what to technical writing paper format, say, and what our bodies should look like, than we might have at a time when less imagery of sex was available to us.

But if the panoply of answering essay questions english opportunity depicted in porn seems exaggerated, the possibilities are no less vast outside the internet. The only sexual expectation left to writing paper format, conform to is that love will guide us toward the life we want to live. What if love fails us? Sexual freedom has now extended to people who never wanted to shake off the old institutions, except to the extent of showing solidarity with friends who did. Answering English. I have not sought so much choice for myself, and when I found myself with no possibilities except total sexual freedom, I was unhappy. I understood that the San Franciscans’ focus on intention—the pornographers were there by choice—marked the difference between my nihilism and their utopianism.

When your life does not conform to an idea, and this failure makes you feel bad, throwing away the idea can make you feel better. The panda gangbang took place deep in the basement of the Kink armory, where rivulets of the long-suffocated Mission Creek still trace a path between moisture-eaten columns, and the air hangs heavy with a stony dampness. Technical Writing Format. On the day of the shoot, a glow of warm light punctured the center of a cavernously empty space. Bathed in this warm glow, a young woman named Ashli lay sleeping, impervious to college essay prompt, the styg-ian immensity of her surroundings. Her sleek black hair was draped over her shoulder; a small silken bow of the technical writing paper, palest pink pinned it away from her face into doing thesis, a girlish side part. Technical Writing Paper. The hem of her pink dotted-swiss dress had been carefully arranged to reveal a glimpse of college essay prompt her upper thigh through the technical research paper, gauze. On her feet she wore six-inch patent leather high heels embellished with lace. She slumbered on a bed of green leaves in a simulated bamboo forest beneath wraiths of mist produced by answering essay questions english a Rosco Hazemaker puffing gently away beyond the circle of light, the sound of which seemed not to disturb her. The panda bears approached her from behind.

They waved their horrible paws and sniffed inquisitively. One stood over research paper her nibbling at a frond of graduate application personal bamboo. Another gently stroked her hair. “Now poke her or kick her,” ordered Donna from the darkness. The pandas fell upon technical research paper, her. The sound of ripping gauze and a snapped bra strap broke the quiet. They fondled and slapped at her now-exposed breasts. She awoke and screamed in fear. “But I love pandas, I love pandas!” she cried out. The panda shoot was a taxing one.

Donna hovered around the bears, using metal clamps to keep the furry folds of their costumes from hiding the action. They took turns with Ashli without conferring much. Finally the pandas retired to their bamboo bowers and the shoot was over. The Merce Cunningham Archives. Art mostly expresses class and status hierarchies, and essay questions, only secondarily might have snippets of aesthetic value. When even whiteness is freighted in liberal circles with maudlin guilt, no color is safer than South Asian brown. Cultural considerations wax as political hopes wane.

Issue 16 Sandy Hook Rachel Basch. Issue 16 The Merce Cunningham Archives Lizzie Feidelson. Issue 16 The Story of technical writing My Purity Francesco Pacifico. Issue 16 Heads Ain’t Ready John Colpitts. Issue 16 Tarnac, General Store David Dufresne, Namara Smith. Issue 16 Sadomodernism Moira Weigel. What is it that makes Munro’s stories feel so much more true than writing that purports to be entirely so? Badiou informed Balibar that he, Balibar, was a reformist. Write. “And you, monsieur,” Balibar replied, “are a theologian.” The new CIA-rehab thriller, as a genre, is anticonspiracy.

Issue 16 Depiction is technical writing research paper, Not Endorsement: Film Chronicle 2012 A. S. Hamrah. I can confirm that, at least in my day, Harper’s employees did indeed get a discount at Hammacher Schlemmer. Both Maria Wyeth and Katniss Everdeen have had nasty experiences that have demystified the empty narratives of success. In America, Practical Criticism came to write an essay format, be known as “close reading,” and later came to be known as New Criticism. Wilma hit Miami in the middle of the technical research format, night, and by the time I woke the city was silent.

Issue 8 Cinema e Luxo Emily Witt. n+1 is two methods compare essay, a print and digital magazine of literature, culture, and politics published three times a year. We also post new online-only work several times each week and publish books expanding on the interests of the magazine.

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7 Steps to Starting Your Own Business. This article is writing paper format, part of our #8220;Business Startup Guide#8221; a curated list of our articles that will get you up and running in no time! People are always asking for write a list of fundamentals they can use to format start their own businesses. From your business type to your business model to control design your physical location, there are so many variables it’s not easy to come up with a list that will work #8220;exactly so#8221; for everybody. With that being said, here are our seven steps to paper starting your own business. The key, regardless of what type of business you’re starting, is to be flexible! “Know yourself, and college essay for csu work in a job that caters to writing research your strengths. This knowledge will make you happier.” – Sabrina Parsons. Begin by taking stock of yourself and your situation: Why do you want to start a business? Is it money, freedom, creativity, or some other reason?

What skills do you have? What industries do you know about? Would you want to personal statement provide a service or a product? What do you like to do? How much capital do you have to risk? Will it be a full-time or a part-time venture? Your answers to these types of paper questions will help you narrow your focus. This step is not supposed to dissuade you from starting your own business.

Rather, it’s here to write an essay get you thinking and planning. In order to start a successful business, passion alone isn’t enough. You need to plan, set goals and above all, know yourself. Writing Research. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? How will these affect day-to-day operations? You could conduct a SWOT Analysis on yourself to figure this out. Some good questions to ask yourself include: What would you do if money wasn’t the problem? Is money really important? Or rather, is application personal, making a lot of it really important? If it is, you’re probably going to technical research paper format be cutting out a number of options.

What things really matter to you? Do you have the graduate statement, support of your family, especially your immediate family? They may have to make sacrifices at the beginning, so it’s important to have them behind you. Who do you admire in business? Perhaps in the industry you’d like to go into? Why do you admire them? What are their likable traits? What can you learn from them? Answering these questions and research asking many more about yourself and your abilities isn’t necessarily going to an essay format ensure you’re successful but it will get you thinking about writing, your goals and write format about what motivates and inspires you. Use this time to make sure that you are matching the business you want to start to your personal aspirations. “The more you know about your industry, the more advantage. and protection you will have.” – Tim Berry. Once you decide on a business that fits your goals and technical writing paper format lifestyle, you need to evaluate your idea . Who will buy your product or service?

Who will your competitors be? At this stage you also need to figure out how much money you will need to get started. Your #8220;personal evaluation#8221; was as much a reality check as a prompt to get you thinking. The same thing applies when it comes to researching your business and the industry you’d like to go into. There are a number of ways you can do this, including performing general Google searches, going out and speaking to people already working in that industry, reading books by people from the graduate statement, industry, researching key people, reading relevant news sites and industry magazines and taking a class or two (if this is possible). If you don’t have time to technical writing research format perform the research or would like a second opinion, there are people you can go to for help, like government departments and your local SBDC. There are also a number of less traditional sources worth turning to: Advertising representatives for statistics and data on your competition or the industry in for csu general List brokers (to get an idea of the number of writing research prospects out there) Suppliers of your industry (again to get a sense of write an essay demand and for market information) Students who will likely be happy to technical perform research for you at an affordable fee. Validate your business idea by of losing and contrast creating a pitch page.

In order to identify how attractive your prospective market really is research paper, (your own desires aside for the moment), there are a few things you should consider: How urgently do people need the compare and contrast, thing you’re selling or offering right now? What’s the market size like? Are there already a lot of people paying for this thing? For example, the demand for #8220;traditional signwriting classes#8221; is almost non-existent. How easy is it (and how much will it cost you) to acquire a customer? If you’re a lead generation business, this may require a significantly larger investment that say a coffee shop. Technical Paper. How much money and effort will it cost to deliver the value you would like to be offering? How long will it take to get to market?

A month? A year? Three years? What size up-front investment will you need before you can begin? Will your business continue to questions be relevant as time passes?

A business that repairs exclusively iPhone 5 screens will only remain relevant so long as the iPhone 5 sticks around. If your business is only relevant for a specific period of time, you will also want to consider your future plans. If you like, you can even take things a step further and consider the consumer needs currently not being met by businesses in the industry. Writing Research. This is a good time to case control study take a look at writing research paper format potential competitors. And remember, the presence of competitors is oftentimes a good sign! It means that the market for your product or service already exists, so you know that from the college essay prompt, outset, you’re not flying entirely blind. Paper. While you’ve got the doing thesis, time, learn as much as you can about your competitors, about what they provide to their customers, how they attract attention, and technical writing paper format whether or not their customers are happy. If you can figure out two methods weight compare what’s missing before you even get started, your job will be made that much easier when you do finally set up shop. Realistically speaking, registering your business as a business is the first step toward making it real. However, as with the personal evaluation, take your time to get to know the pros and cons of different business formations. Technical. If at all possible, work with an attorney to iron out the details.

This is not an area you want to get wrong. You will also need to get the proper business licenses and permits. Depending upon the business, there may be city, county, or state regulations as well as permits and licenses to deal with. This is also the doing thesis, time to check into any insurance you may need for the business and to find a good accountant. Types of business formations include: Spend some time getting to know the pros and technical writing research paper format cons of each business formation. Statement. If you need help, we’ve got a full guide on Legal Entities, Licenses and Permits. While incorporating can be expensive, it’s well worth the research format, money. A corporation becomes a separate entity that is legally responsible for the business. If something goes wrong, you cannot be held personally liable. Two Methods Of Losing Weight And Contrast. Other things you will need to do include deciding on a business name and researching availability for that name.

“Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon technical writing research, which we must vigorously act. Control Study In Epidemiology. There is no other route to success.” If you will be seeking outside financing, a business plan is a necessity. But, even if you are going to technical research finance the venture yourself, a business plan will help you figure out how much money you will need in order to get started; what needs to get done when, and where you are headed. In the simplest terms, a business plan is a roadmap—something you will use to help you chart your progress and that will outline the things you need to do in order to goals. Rather than thinking of compare a business plan as a hefty document that you’ll only use once (perhaps to technical obtain a loan from a bank), think of it as a way to formalize your intentions. While you will potentially use your business plan as part of your pitch to investors and banks, or use it to college essay for csu attract potential partners and paper board members, you will primarily use it to define your strategy, tactics, and specific activities for answering questions execution, including key dates, deadlines and writing format budgets, and cash flow.

In fact, the graduate, business plan does not have to be a formal document at all if you don’t need to present your plan to outsiders. Instead, your plan can follow a lean planning process that involves creating a pitch, forecasting your key business numbers, outlining key milestones you hope to achieve, and technical research paper format regular progress checks where you review and revise your plan. Case Study Design In Epidemiology. If you aren’t presenting to investors, your pitch is not the traditional pitch presentation, but instead a high-level overview of who you are, the problem you are solving, your solution to the problem, your target market, and technical research paper format the key tactics you will use to achieve your goals. Even if you do not think you need a business plan, you should go through the college essay for csu, planning process anyway. Technical Research Paper. The process of doing so will help to uncover any holes or areas that have you have not thought through well enough. Prompt For Csu. If you do need to write a formal business plan document, you should follow the outline below. The standard business plan comprises nine parts, including: The Executive Summary Company Overview Products and research Services Target Market Marketing and Sales Plan Milestones and Metrics Management Team Financial Plan Appendix. If you would like detailed information on how to write a business plan to doing thesis present to research others, there are plenty of online resources, including our own comprehensive guide. You will also find hundreds of answering english sample plans for specific industries on this very website. Use them at your leisure but be prepared to adapt them to suit your precise needs. No two businesses are the paper, same!

If you are simply creating a business plan in order to stimulate a discussion with potential partners and associates, you may want to consider opting for a #8220;startup plan,#8221; also known as a feasibility plan. As your business grows you can flesh out the sections as you see fit. In contrast to the standard plan and prompt for csu the startup plan, is the operations or annual plan. This type of plan is used for writing paper format internal purposes and primarily reflects the of losing weight compare essay, needs of the writing format, members of the company. This type of plan is not intended for banks and outside investors. You will use it either to plan your company’s growth or expansion, or to set company-wide priorities. If the write an essay, latter is true and you are using the plan in order to direct your internal strategy, you are creating a strategic plan, a type of plan that will include a high-level strategy, tactical foundations of the strategy, specific responsibilities, activities, deadlines and budgets, and a financial plan.

Depending on the size of your venture, you may need to seek financing from an “angel” or from a venture capital firm. Writing Research Format. Most small businesses begin with private financing from credit cards, personal loans, help from the family, and so on. As a rule, besides your start-up costs you should also have at least three months’ worth of your family’s budget in the bank. In order to essay english finance your company, you will need to technical research paper format match the essay, company’s needs to the appropriate financing option. The main types of technical writing paper investment and lending options include: For in-depth information on control in epidemiology, getting your business funded, see our complete guide on technical writing, how to get your business funded, which includes detailed information on each of the above-mentioned funding options. Of Losing Weight Compare And Contrast. Note: A beautifully fleshed-out business plan does not guarantee you will get funded.

In fact, according to writing research format Guy Kawasaki, the business plan is doing thesis, one of the least influential factors when it comes to raising money. Technical Research Paper Format. To stand a realistic chance of getting hold of the funds you need before you can get started, you’d be better off first focusing on your #8220;pitch.#8221; Not only will it be easier to fix because it contains less, but you’ll also get feedback on it—most investors don’t bother reading the full business plan, though they may still expect you to have it. It’s also much easier to turn a pitch into a business plan than it is to pare back on your plan. You’ve done it—or, just about. Answering Essay Questions. Your business plan has been laid out, the paper format, money is in the bank, and you’re ready to go. You’ve got a long list of things you need to do: Find a location. Negotiate leases. Buy inventory. Get the phones installed. Have stationery printed. Hire staff.

Set your prices. Throw a grand opening party. Each of these steps will need to be thought through carefully. Your business location will dictate the type of personal statement customer you attract, what types of promotions you can run, and how long it will take you to technical writing research paper format grow. While a great location won’t necessarily guarantee your success, a bad location will almost always guarantee failure. As you’re thinking about where you want to set up shop (including the city and state), consider the english, following: Price —Can you realistically afford to be where you want to be? If not, or if you’re cutting it fine, keep looking.

Visibility —Will people easily be able to writing research paper find you? Will they see your promotions and offers? Are you in the center of town or further out? How will this affect you? Access to parking or public transportation —Can people easily find you from application personal statement, available parking options and technical paper format transportation routes? If they have to look too hard, they may give up.

Distribution of competitors —Are there many competitors close to you? If so, this may be a sign that the location is graduate application statement, premium for research paper format the clientele you wish to doing thesis attract. Technical Writing Research Paper. It may also mean you do no business. Questions. Consider carefully how you wish to approach this type of situation. Local, city and state rules and technical research format regulations —Look into regulations, as areas may be more stringent than others. Ensure there are no restrictions that will limit your operations or that will act as barriers to graduate personal statement your store. Your marketing will set the technical writing research, stage for case control study design in epidemiology the future of your store. It will set expectations, generate hype (if done well), bring business in from day one and ensure that people know where you are and what they can expect from you.

Your store’s layout , design and placement of your products will decide not only the overall atmosphere of the store, but what products people see and buy. Writing Research Paper Format. Consider the college essay for csu, areas you want well lit; how you will display products (if necessary); what various colors will make people feel, and how people will move through your store. Technical Writing Research Paper. There are reams of literature on why we buy what we do, all of it fascinating and much of statement it informative. Begin thinking about how you shop—this will get you to think more critically about your own store. Consider: placing products low on shelves will mean that people are unlikely to see them and therefore unlikely to buy them, whereas placing them at eye-level will mean they’re seen first and are therefore probably more likely to be purchased. Your choice of products and how you decide to technical writing research paper format price them will create a reputation. Rather than stock everything of a similar price range from one or two catalogues, consider only choosing those items that will create the feel you want to become known for. If you’re a service business, build your services in a similar manner, considering your different clientele and the value they will get from the different options you have on offer. If a very affordable package will cheapen your brand, consider excluding it. Two Methods Of Losing Weight Compare Essay. If a pricier option will limit your clientele too drastically, maybe cut back on some of the technical paper, services included. College For Csu. Whether you’re starting your first or your third business, expect to make mistakes.

This is writing research paper format, natural and so long as you learn from them, also beneficial. If you do not make mistakes, you do not learn what to do less of and questions english equally, what to do more of. Research Format. Be open-minded and creative, adapt, look for opportunities, and above all, have fun! The great thing about owning your own business is that you get to decide what you want to do and doing thesis what direction you want to grow in. thanks a million for this very helpful artcle#8230;. We cannot thank you enough for the kind of support you are rendering the business community.

Wow, great advices. Thanks a lot! This is technical, really an impressive steps in leashing the potentials in us#8230;#8230;#8230;.. What an article. Thanks. Good stuff,just what i wanted. Great ideas from good source. i want to be practical in business. good one.but need some practical update.

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Hi Ramesh, yes, a strong mind and the will to keep going even when it gets hard! This is the graduate application statement, best way to be happy at work. For us youngsters who are thinking of starting our career and business journey,this is the best recepe that guarantees success#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230;thanks for it. really fruitful post. than you so much sabrina for these latest business information that i am receiving daily from you. I have an intensive belief, that these ideas are proven methods since you are undergoing a lot of business recherches. Technical Paper Format. I found this very useful. Having just launched an doing thesis, IT Start-up, I am able to relate with these steps. Nice! I found this very useful.

Having just launched an IT Start-up, I am able to relate with these steps. Nice! Glad you found it useful! When did you start your business? Let us know if you have any questions during this current phase of your business, and we#8217;ll be glad to help! Beta Release went Live on 10th Nov. 2014. We are now dealing with marketing plan funding and execution, legal and accounting stuff. Any advice will be appreciated.

We help you advertise and promote your business, eCommerce, youtube channel, products and writing format services, infant company, websites and technical skills like painting jobs, auto repair. We help small business owners, service providers, online marketers get high quality traffic to their business at affordable cost. contact us on i want to do something about indoor garden, i need some date, this article is good and useful. Answering. I would add a step, try to be experienced, at technical paper least a bit.. Please permit me to use this medium to assist those in english need of technical format financial help. want to recommend a reliable lender called Lee Cook who lent me 50k. without stress. He#8217;s the application, CEO of OASIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS. If not for. him my son would#8217;ve died of technical research format meningitis few years ago. After sometime i. was able to payback the $50k loan and reapplied for 300k loan of which i. was granted. Today I make up to weight compare essay USD10,000 in a month by going into a. Paper Format. private business.

Someone was good to me by sharing their email link. with me, so now i am hoping i could help someone else out an essay there by. If you#8217;re in need of any loan and rest assured you can. pay back; you can reach them at: (oasisconsultant at consultant dot com) or (contact at theoasisconsultants dot com) Try it and you could share it with someone in financial need also! It#8217;s usually a good idea to consult with a lawyer who can advise you about the best legal structure for technical writing research paper your business and doing thesis who can review leases and other contracts before you sign them. Some lawyers are more effective and more client-focused than others. Be sure to check out and interview lawyers before deciding which lawyer to hire. Writing Research Format. Practical tips for finding and choosing a really good lawyer are discussed in my book, #8220;Choosing Your Lawyer.#8221; I chose an automating system that helps me get buyer leads and keep track of my sales all in one place. It#8217;s been a great help. My link tells more.

There are lot of write an essay basic steps you have to take care of before starting your own business. It depends on technical writing, what business you want to case control in epidemiology start on big level or small level. All the information here are correct especially in #1 personal evaluation. It should be on the top list because in starting a business you must determine which business structure is best for you. Research Paper. I learn something useful. i#8217;m building my plan in real estate. Thanks! I agree Business Plan is the personal, heart to a business. Before en-routing to technical writing research your business strategy you need to have perfect planning and vision about your products/services. nice article. Self-analysis is always being a first step to become an entrepreneur.

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college essay why us Nicholas Handler, is a junior at Yale University majoring in technical format, history. Handler is active in social justice organizations and hopes to become a human rights lawyer. I never expected to gain any new insight into the nature of doing thesis my generation, or the research paper format, changing landscape of American colleges, in Lit Theory. Lit Theory is supposed to be the class where you sit at the back of the room with every other jaded sophomore wearing skinny jeans, thick-framed glasses, an ironic tee-shirt and over-sized retro headphones, just waiting for lecture to be over so you can light up a Turkish Gold and personal statement walk to lunch while listening to Wilco. That’s pretty much the way I spent the course, too: through structuralism, formalism, gender theory, and technical paper format post-colonialism, I was far too busy shuffling through my iPod to two methods of losing weight essay see what the patriarchal world order of capitalist oppression had to writing format do with Ethan Frome. But when we began to study postmodernism, something struck a chord with me and made me sit up and look anew at the seemingly blase college-aged literati of which I was so self-consciously one.

Letter: Fortunately, College Has Changed. This is in regard to your college essay contest that took place last year. The essay entitled Fortunately, College Has Changed by Matthew Bender from the college for csu, University of Arkansas has several factual errors and technical insinuations. Then entire first and second paragraphs are neither chronologically or factually correct. How do I know that there are errors?

Because I am Mervin Jebaraj, the person referred to in the write, opening paragraph. 1. Technical Format! A committee of students wrote the actual text of a proposed bill not a note. The idea began in November of 2007 and essay prompt for csu not in the spring. 2. There was no staying up all night, and there was no on campus bbq. The committee obtained a meeting with Sen. Madison after a lot of work and didn’t just pass a note to her. The committee also spent months working with her and other legislators.

to see the resolution passed. We don’t appreciate the trivialising narrative of our work. 3. The resolution never asked for the creation of socially aware investments, the options already existed. 4. The conference I went to was well after the technical writing paper format, divestment process and was to share ideas about college divestment with others as opposed to receiving inspiration for divestment. 5. There is an implication that I was skinny dipping and research format smoking marijuana in Belize. Study! Neither is writing, true. I hold the New York times in the highest regard and hope that you will take this seriously.

In the future, I hope you check the. veracity of statements made before you publish them. Mervin Jebaraj, Research Assistant, Center for Business and of losing compare and contrast Economic Research. Liz Addison , 38, is a biology major whose goal is to become a large animal veterinarian. She has trained a winning racehorse and is interested in American presidential history. Oh, the hand wringing. “College as America used to technical writing paper format understand it is coming to doing thesis an end,” bemoans Rick Perlstein and his beatnik friend of technical paper format fallen face. Those days, man, when a pretentious reading list was all it took to lift a child from suburbia. When jazz riffs hung in the dorm lounge air with the smoke of a thousand bongs, and college really mattered. Really mattered? Rick Perlstein thinks so.

It mattered so much to him that he never got over his four years at the University of Privilege. So he moved back to live in its shadow, like a retired ballerina taking a seat in the stalls. Write Format! But when the technical format, curtain went up he saw students working and doing thesis studying and working some more. Adults before their time. Today, at the University of technical paper format Privilege, the student applies with a Curriculum Vitae not a book list. Shudder. Frankie Thomas , is a junior majoring in cinema-television critical studies, with a minor in gender studies. Doing Thesis! Her immediate plans include dropping out at the end of the technical research paper format, year to write and/or travel.

She is questions english, a film maker and a blogger, with interests ranging from the technical writing research paper, social history of the Victorian era to birdwatching to the novels of Dawn Powell. I had the kind of college experience most people only dream about. Weight And Contrast Essay! Charged by the atmosphere of intellectual exploration, inspired by professors who pushed me farther than I’d ever imagined I could go, I made fascinating new friends at Skidmore; together we discovered Nabokov and Kafka, Citizen Kane and Dr. Strangelove, and our own literary voices. It was a three-week summer program. I was fifteen. Now I’m twenty, halfway toward graduating from University of Southern California, and if I had a thousand dollars for every college student I know who Struggles With Depression…well, I still wouldn’t have enough money to pay my full tuition. Writing Paper! But it would keep me going for a semester or two, assuming I didn’t lose my own struggle and drop listlessly out.

As our SATs would have put it, “depression” is to “college campus” as “consumption” is to weight compare essay “Victorian orphanage,” and ours is a generation of wheezing waifs. Max Lance , 23, is a freshman at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts, majoring in technical writing paper, writing for film and television. He hopes to make his mark either with a “life-changing TV show” or by “marrying someone rich.” When I dropped out of college three years ago I would have completely agreed that college isn’t the cultural experience that it was hyped up to be. As I return this September, I’ve realized that it’s a good thing it isn’t. I completely agree that college as America used to know it has come to case control study design in epidemiology an end, but I believe that schools have changed for writing paper the better. The problem I had when I quit school the first time around was that I never adjusted to how schools have changed.

I dropped out because of my mislaid expectations; the same ones that Rick Perlstein is nostalgic for. I’m going back to weight and contrast essay school because I’ve realized what the college experience is technical format, like today and I’m now more than prepared to abuse it. Like nearly everyone in doing thesis, my graduating class, I attended higher education because that’s what we did next. Technical Writing Research! College seemed more like 13th grade rather than a place where I would be opened up to radical people and ways of thinking. I spent my freshman and sophomore years doing what I needed to do to get good grades because that’s all I had done since kindergarten. And even though I worked hard to earn a 3.7 GPA, I dropped out of answering essay questions english New York University because of a complete lack of passion for what I was studying (journalism, via process of elimination).

Travis Weinger , 21, is a senior majoring in history, with a concentration in war, revolution and writing paper social change. His minor is political science. He is a founder of the Triton, a newspaper at application personal, UCSD, and of the Symposium, an on-campus discussion group. Rick Perlstein’s article, boiled down, is writing format, simply an write, extended version of the bitching that every generation hears from the one that preceded it: “Back when I went to school, we walked uphill in the snow both ways…” In sum, college mattered back when Mr. Perlstein went to it because that was when he went to technical format it. Since college has changed from when he remembered it, he wants us to two methods of losing weight compare and contrast essay believe that it has somehow degenerated into irrelevance.

The vast majority of technical format Perlstein’s complaints fit under the above rubric. Our college experience is not as liberating as his was (no longer can we simply phone public intellectuals and bully them into visiting our dorms). Our activists are not as radical as his were (we don’t take over personal statement enough buildings). Our connection to the Sixties isn’t as strong as his was (our band members aren’t former revolutionaries). We are not as alienated from society as he was (we engage our world, not whine about research paper format it). Perlstein’s claim that his experience was in graduate personal statement, some way both richer and research format harder than the next generation’s is an old one, and is continuously echoed by every generation. Like most complaints of this type, it is largely groundless and mildly insulting. To respond to graduate application personal it bit by bit would validate his nostalgic whining to a degree it does not deserve. The Cultural Contradictions of American Universities. For the past twenty to thirty years, we have seen the great degradation of post-secondary education.

Conventional wisdom suggests that the problem lies simultaneously within the hands of the politicians and the students. This narrative does not account for paper format the history of college. Throughout the modern age, the role college played in the national debate was minimal. To this date, there has only been one president with a Ph.D., and both The New Deal and Truman’s Fair Deal did relatively little for college and education in college for csu, general (with the exception of the G.I. Bill). And even today, most candidates on both sides of the isle have the same prescription for college: the research paper, problem is study design in epidemiology, lack of funding, therefore, the solution is to increase funding. It usually ends at that. In order to find the technical format, true crisis of college, we must first look at its true purpose. A few months ago, Charles Murray wrote a controversial series of columns in the Wall Street Journal arguing, not that college had been written out of the national debate, but that its role is too great.

Essentially, too many people are going to college who did not need college, but instead needed vocational training. There are serious problems with his logic to be sure, not the least of which is his obvious IQ-ism. Personal Statement! While it is true that college is in need of some serious reforming, focusing solely on technical writing research IQ will not solve them, for IQ is not the only purpose of essay for csu college. For example, there are, what a professor of mine called, “latent overtones.” That is, those unexpected, and unintended consequences of college learning. For example, one might discover a great philosopher that he’s never heard of, or another collegiate finds that they enjoy a field of study which they did not expect. But this is, of course, part of the intellectual journey of students. Technical Research Format! College exists not, as conventional wisdom suggests, to change the compare and contrast essay, culture. It exists to create a new breed of technical writing paper format intellectuals.

All politics aside, students should exit college not knowing simply what to think, but how to think. This is where Mr. Murray and I agree. He hits the nail on the head when he describes the purpose of college, that college is format, created to train the elites to do their jobs. However, this purpose has been lost in a quagmire of watered-down curricula and fluff courses.

And this brings us to the real problem of college: the searing anti-intellectualism of the youth. Education is the single most important factor in the growth of technical writing research format our country. Specifically, higher education paves a future and personal statement provides opportunity for students that attend college and gives them a shot at technical format, a career. 50 years ago, college was strictly for the elite, high class Americans. Now, it seems that every common household has at least one family member attend college. But with the increasing drop out college essay, rate today, students seem less interested in learning at college and their priorities change from their original goal of graduating. The importance of education today is a growing factor because the future of this country depends on the students in college today. College is misunderstood by many incoming freshman. All of the research, television advertisements and billboards encouraging students to attend college are used as bait to reel in case study design in epidemiology, student’s tuition. Parents encourage their kids to attend college after graduating high school because they want to see their kids have a shot at success. However, college is not cut out for writing paper format everyone.

More freshman than ever are dropping out after their first year because college can be overwhelming through everything that takes place within campus boundaries. In Epidemiology! The pressures of college whether it’s to writing impress parents or maintain a high GPA grasps hold of many students while they are in college, freezing them from work and attending class regularly. Back in the 50’s and college 60’s when college was becoming so popular, people attended college solely to improve their education and learn through the college experience, in hopes of obtaining a career after graduation. Now, people attend college because their friends or girlfriend go there. Many people attend college just to technical writing paper party as much as possible. College can be misleading for case teenagers fresh out of high school, and people who feel that continuing their education isn’t the most important factor in attending college should not apply. College matters because without a thoroughly educated society, America would fall to its knees and regress into deep depression.

Jobs would flounder because the people applying for writing paper them wouldn’t get accepted without college degrees. Pat Brown expanded university development in California in 1966 to encourage people of every social class to attend college and gain a higher education. The reason for his rapid expansion was because the number of college students doubled from 1957 to 1967, and Brown decided in order to doing thesis improve society and keep America running, more universities should be built to attract new students. Technical Writing Research Paper Format! However, in 1997, only 54 percent of students that attended college as freshmen graduated with a degree six years later, 30 percent not even finishing their freshman year. Once students enroll in essay prompt, college, dropping out is the worst decision they can make.

The opportunity cost of dropping can be detrimental to a student’s financial standing. Writing Research Paper! Dropping out also means dropping tuition, and students are often left with debt to pay off depending on college essay prompt for csu which year they dropped out. Entering in a low paying job, drop outs must slowly pay back student loans, which is why college is paper, so important to stick to and graduate once enrolled. Answering Essay English! The likelihood of technical writing research students being able to pay off student loans quickly after graduating is of losing compare essay, much greater than the likelihood of a drop out paying off loans. Drop outs sometimes will only make enough money per paycheck to technical research pay off previous college debts, not leaving any left over cash for leisure activities. Once choosing the control study in epidemiology, decision to attend college, remaining in college is the most important decision a student can make, in order to avoid living a below average lifestyle. Young adults are fed by technical writing research paper, change.

No matter how resistant or welcoming I am to change, when all is said and application personal done change sustains me. Two years as an undergraduate student at technical writing paper format, Fordham University have been made slightly easier by knowing this about myself, because college means change. Even with the still shrinking cyber community and the ‘real world’ opportunities offered to many young people today, nothing can replace the rush of change attached to the college experience. College students are encouraged to make noise. When interviewed by Rick Perlstein for case control study an article entitled ‘What’s the Matter With College” students were very vocal. Hamilton Morris, a New York bred college student, described a college experience where many students hate school “with a passion” and “don’t leave”. Perlstein writes that Morris’s feelings are proof of a “culture of enervation” which overwhelms many campuses today. Instead of seeing what Perlstein describes, students without hope or the will to pursue their studies, I see Morris as describing a culture of restlessness. Students who claim to hate college but still do not leave are experiencing a kind of writing research restlessness which comes with the package.

Students experience change so quickly–changes of passions, opinions and interests. Doing Thesis! They are bound to become restless, especially when the off-campus world is within arm’s length. I often smile to think the world is at my fingertips when I am surfing the internet, but the truth is my fingers are touching my keyboard, and I am planted in research paper format, my kitchen chair drinking Diet Coke. Graduate Personal Statement! College offers me the opportunity to shake hands with the leaders of business, art, science and medicine–something the internet can not give me. College professors do not want students to be excited about technical writing paper format school and theory alone–they want them to take their passion into essay english the world beyond the campus. I am not writing this commentary for my school newspaper. I am writing it for New York Times Magazine, a publication Journalism majors like me aspire to paper format work for.

College urges me to aspire, to voice my opinions, and write format yes, to change. The problem with colleges in the 21st century is research paper, convoluted with many deciding factors, resulting in a more complex position for current college students to experience, unlike any previous generation of college students. In my opinion, being a college graduate student and one who has been involved in my school, I can honestly say that the biggest problem with our generation is the sense of doing thesis nihilism, which is plaguing the our very core of our being. It is important to realize that this comes not only from college campuses, but the society in general; people just don’t care. If they do care and want to be involved, societal pressures, mostly economic, is technical writing, what keeps them from being invoked with the spirit of the previous generations. There seems to be no sense of urgency when it comes to our generation. Nihilism will do that to write an essay everyone.

I also find it interesting that the people who do want to be involved do not necessarily know what to get involved with. Technical Paper! In the 60s, it seemed to case control study be clear cut what the problem was; racism, sexism, or the war in Vietnam. Writing Paper Format! A contrast between the 60s generation and us now is that people do not what the problems really are. The mentality when speaking to college students; they seem to focus more on trying to get that 80K a year job then the socio-political issues affecting us. It is evident that we value the dollar more so than we value the human struggle.

So apathy also plays a role. It is important to graduate application personal statement realize that we must do something, otherwise everyone suffers. Sending your child to college is not an option in technical paper, American society, and it’s hardly a privilege at that. In today’s fierce and fast paced world it is a necessity For most parents, thought goes into how they will even fund such a venture within the first few months of the child’s conception. College funds and savings bonds, money from relatives and graduation parties, this all gets stored until an entire portion of that funding goes towards expensive college visits. Not only does the child want to go to college, that child has picked out college for csu, 10 in technical writing format, which there is an orientation at graduate statement, each for prospective parents. They want to see where their money is going, as well as where their child will sleep, learn, and become the writing research, successful adult they were meant to be.

What is wrong with college? As a successful student at graduate application, a prominent Chicago school, I, for one, have plenty of technical research paper format opinions on the matter. Let’s look at “our war” by first taking a retrospective glance at Vietnam. My father, a student at the time of Vietnam, was a conservative at a very conservative Indiana school. Application Personal! He still wore his GDI shirt most days of the week and talked highly of the camaraderie between fellow students. There were protests that were actually allowed on his campus. When the students died in technical research, the Kent incident he remembers rallies against the war in their honor. He also remembers reading the names of the dead soldiers with the rest of two methods and contrast his class, keeping in somber memory the fight his country was in.

Bands of students were scared, there was a draft in effect. Everyone had war on the mind and as those 18 year olds took on their first years of college, they had a lot more to worry about technical paper format than where the weekend’s keg party was taking place. They were learning, growing, and forming opinions on the world they were entering by knowing their current events and being passionate about answering essay them. Of course, without the technical, internet, their local papers brought them more world events and less Lindsay Lohan. Being passionate about the world takes a certain naivety that forms when someone does not already have the opinions of others so easily accessible. The internet has taken so much of this away from current students. Statement! In my experience, you only have to make a choice on which websites to read. Looking at our war today, many students walk away from technical writing research paper, it, choosing not even to recognize that it affects their daily world. There are many more cliques, many more places to case control study falter, and technical research paper many more reasons not to care. Hold a pen in front of you and look at it; notice its size and color in particular.

Now, slowly move it away until you have your arm fully extended. Notice anything different? Probably not, and doing thesis that is how it should be. If we remember back to middle school science class, color is partially dependent upon the angle that light hits an object. But we just moved an technical research paper format, object, causing the format, angle to change from our perspective, and technical writing research paper did not notice any change in color. The pen also moved further away without any apparent change in size. Application! I forgot the intricate details that explain why this happens, something to do with a portion of the brain that keeps our perceptions fluid . What I do remember, and will never forget, is how cool this all seemed and how much more there is to technical research the world when you get past the surface. College is a pretty different place today than it was for my parents thirty years ago. Then again, so were the two worlds in which we were raised. Most kids in my generation were not raised in the Sandlot. We did not hang out at the malt shop after school.

And we definitely did not attend any sock hops (or if we did, best believe we did not call them that). Instead, we started out playing on jungle gyms with woodchips and protective rubber flooring underneath. Eventually, we found ourselves being chauffeured to organized baseball practice, in write, a minivan. Writing Format! By high school, the importance of getting into a good college had been seared into us and serious attention had to be allocated toward after-school activities and other kinds of enriching events to make sure that we were “well- rounded”. Here’s a fun game that anyone my age can play: ask your parents what they got on their SATs. If they can, you win! Basically, it is like hitting the lottery, since your parents have to be like one out of a million. High school students in the 60’s did not pay $1,000 for an SAT class and write an essay format definitely did not go to any Independent College Consultants. As Mr. Perlstein stated, college was seen as a place sort of paper format apart from the rest of the world.

Kids went there and were met with new people, ideas, and doing thesis situations. Back then, as I understand it, college was not seen as a stepping stone or a rung on the ladder. You did not go with the mindset that it was simply a means to end, a place to simply collect good grades and writing then experience the ‘director’s cut redux edition’ of college admissions in write an essay, the form of graduate school, an internship or a job. Why College Matters: A Response to “What’s the Matter With College” I suppose I should begin by saying that I don’t go to writing research a real college.

I mean, I don’t feel like I go to a real college. I don’t take real classes. Personal Statement! I don’t live on a real campus. I’m a music major and attend the Peabody Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. Peabody is an established music conservatory, one of the schools of technical paper Johns Hopkins University (despite what I say about it not being a “real” school). In his essay, Perlstein is graduate personal, making it seem that today’s college undergraduates and the ideals we pursue are somehow deficient.

That we’re missing out. He’s especially concerned that we’re nothing like the students of the technical writing research format, 60s and 70s. He’s right about that, but that is nothing to be ashamed of. We’re students who want (or carry) the iPhone. We are environmental activists. We’re more technologically savvy than Perlstein’s generation. We get our information and application personal statement communicate in a totally different way. We’re amazing jugglers. We’re a new breed. It is interesting to read that the defining issue for the 1966 California gubernatorial race was college.

For my sake, and I’m sure for the sake of a lot of my peers, I wish it were still that way. College sounded romantic and fun. Technical! My friends argue that things have changed in the past 40 years, and that there are bigger fish to fry. The war, for college prompt example. Making a living once college ends. When they start complaining, however, about classes and stress, I ask them, “aren’t there bigger fish to fry?” at which they sigh outwardly, roll their eyes, and throw their hands up in writing format, the air. I understand where their frustration lies. We still feel young in the scheme of case things, and not ready to plan out writing, our lives after college. It feels like we’ve been doing nothing but planning since freshman year of high school. Who has time to worry anyway?

Right now, I am worrying if I have enough money to pay the rent this month. Many of my classmates worry how to pay for the next semester. To be honest, when it came to weight compare essay college, most of us never really had a choice. Technical Writing Format! Where I grew up, in Greenwich, Connecticut, there was never the option of “college vs. no college.” The choice was “Ivy League vs. state school,” or something along those lines. The whole getting-ready-for-college experience was important.

As you thumb these pages, reader, loyal subscriber, conscious citizen with an appetite for inquiry and thoughtfulness, or may I say fellow American, you tell yourself that you want to essay questions sample a young student’s intellect. Certainly I do believe that my own college experience has been important, even critical, to writing research format my life and to my thoughts here and now, but young and impressionable does not necessarily partner with a tame, meaningful sense of hindsight… My college experience has fostered some growth. But for the nation? Lend me some relevance. Am I to accurately describe my confusion with you over write coffee to tell you how this all breaks down–I fit in the puzzle and I’m one of the corners, right? Politics. We don’t have movements, and we don’t have causes. A choice between higher education and higher purpose has been made; show me one text message, fellow student, that you have wanted the whole country to read. Children live at school. Especially if they don’t have much of a home life to live in the afternoon or evening, kids live and learn at school. Technical Paper Format! College isn’t so different, only first graders aren’t expected to shape up all by themselves when they appear to be wasting time.

Oh, college students aren’t either? Pity. I guess higher education isn’t all that important. Maybe the problems of higher education are just fronds atop a mirage of public schooling. Doing Thesis! Talk to Herbert Kohl, Jonathan Kozol, John Taylor Gatto, men who are trying to wake this country up, and they’ll show you what’s happening to my younger brothers and sisters. Writing! Content in the shade, college students loaf, while in doing thesis, more dangerous environs, under the pretext that they are to learn, children sit down in their desks each morning in the arms of a crumbling system. In college, we choose to technical research paper format sleep in, not to doing thesis participate, excel, regress, etc. If higher education is important to the nation, why don’t more people act like it? Better yet, if education is so important to the nation’s future, why is it neglected? Important as it is, I feel proud to remember the words of technical research paper Thomas Jefferson, who often can remind us of politicians’ and citizens’ true responsibilities: “It is highly interesting to our country, and it is the duty of its functionaries, to provide that every citizen in it should receive an doing thesis, education proportioned to the condition and pursuits of his life.” He speaks to the politician, tells him to take a good look at research, his fellow Americans. What sort of education will he provide to match the condition, the quality of of losing compare and contrast life?

If the technical writing format, quality be poor, will he stick to poor schooling until lifestyles rise to the occasion? Try downtown Anywhere, where elementary schools have been forced to application remove social studies and arts in writing paper format, favor of apparently year-round test preparation, for standards in English and mathematics. The “need to write an essay know” world and the world of standardization are one in the same, and columns of darkened bubbles are in no short supply, though there’s still a need to live. The Problem with College: Why We No Longer See Ourselves As “Part of” a Community. One anomaly of American society is that our universities play only a marginal role in our culture. In other nations, like France where intellectual life is not centered on their institutions of education, this may come as no surprise, but the virtues of American universities are indisputable. Academics wonder why they are allowed to be the nation’s intellectual leaders, but not its leaders, or even advisors, in the political or ethical arenas. Some are resentful of the mainstream society, thinking it apostate, as though they were priests of technical some outworn creed, but this alienation, which has developed in tandem with the evolution of academia, did not come because the society rejected the university as a social or moral authority, but rather because the university ran out of the energy it took to write an essay function in this role. This occurred, at least partially, because those of us in college found that the values we shared were not strong enough to writing research format unite us.

From the time of Plato, the purpose of the university has not been to represent the society or culture in which it exists but to pursue truth. Most academics, who may disagree on what truth is in essence, would agree that it is a noble and worthy objective. And, since truth is essay questions english, their goal, many of technical research them think themselves justified in being alienated from case study design in epidemiology, mainstream society. This does not mean their views are homogenous; I can testify that, at the University of Idaho (to name one example), the technical writing format, politics of professors in the College of college essay Business are not shared by technical paper format, the English instructors; but what the two departments have in common is their distance from America’s political center. This is largely because specialists in any field, whether that field is philosophy or political science, tend to feel invalidated if anyone could reach the same conclusions that they do. It is a telling fact that, at least until recent years, there was a higher percentage of self-described Marxist literary critics than blue-color workers.

Nonetheless, this desire for academic innovation benefits the university in two methods and contrast essay, that it makes professors’ research original; it is for this reason that, whenever universities are rated according to prestige, the research, United States constantly is graduate statement, found to have the greatest number of prestigious institutions. Even so, there is another facet to a professor’s job, teaching. Technical Writing Research! This requirement creates a dilemma for many professors: their strenuous educations and essay meticulous research has caused many of them to technical research paper become opinionated, but, at the same time, they need to keep their students pacified while educating them in doing thesis, accordance with principles which the students may not share. Thus, they (and the students) learn that it is research format, easier to ignore worldview-related issues. In searching for the least common ethical denominator among the group, the instructors and the instructed clandestinely agree that the values which they hold as specific to their Weltanschauungs do not apply to everyone, and, if they do, the value of application personal statement placidity applies even more. Technical! As Allan Bloom wrote in 1987, “[A]lmost every student entering the university . . . says he believes . . . that truth is relative” (1). While this outlook may work in as far as it prevents conflicts, it is an answering essay questions, ineffective communal bond. This is paper, because the case in epidemiology, values of the classroom are provisional and–most students cannot help but feel–artificial. They haven’t the power to unite the students and faculty in a community, which requires common interests and format mores. In July, The Magazine published What's the two methods of losing weight compare, Matter With College, an technical paper format, essay by the historian Rick Perlstein, online and invited college students across the answering questions english, United States to respond.

Some 600 undergraduates did -- many agreeing with Perlstein's assertion that college as America used to understand it is coming to writing research paper an end, many dismissing his argument as so much nostalgic pap, still others taking the occasion to critique higher education from an insider's perch. To continue the conversation, we're featuring the winning student essay and four runners-up, and study design in epidemiology posting another 450 of the entries in a searchable format. (The other entries were withdrawn by their authors or did not follow the research paper format, contest's rules.)

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How to Write Your Resume Work Experience Section Right. If the professional summary is the paper format, appetizer, your work experience is the main course of your resume. Recruiters and HR managers read the work history on college prompt, your resume to check if you have the experience required for writing paper format the vacant position. They also use this record to compare you with other candidates, and see who is best fitted for their company. Your work history shows potential employers what kind of employee you’ll be. It shows them whether you’ll be an asset to their team, a job hopper, or simply a wrong fit. Are you ready to write a great resume work history section? (graphic source) In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to write your work experience in a resume without exaggerating, and repeating your job description. You'll learn how to best format your resume and the strategic advice you need to stand out doing thesis, as a great candidate at each stage of your career. What to Include in Your Resume Work Experience Section. How to approach your work experience in your resume varies according to how long you've been in the workforce.

We'll address advice for fresh graduates first, then young professionals, and touch on writing format, executives work experience sections as well. 1. Essay Prompt! Fresh Graduates - Resume Work Experience. Figuring out writing research, how to write the experience section of their resume is the second-biggest hurdle new graduates face, next only to finding a new job. For Csu! Entry-level candidates don’t want to appear inexperienced, that’s why it’s so tempting to research paper, stretch the truth about statement, summer jobs. The most recommended approach for new graduates is to focus on your transferable skills. Another is to technical writing research paper, leverage your internship experience.

Connect all of these experiences with the job description of your target position. For example, if you met weekly deadlines as the Sports Editor for your community newspaper, your time management skills are invaluable for college essay for csu many entry-level jobs. You should also emphasize your attention to detail, research, and technical writing research paper format, communication skills. Another thing you can do is play up your job titles—within reason. Frame previous babysitting jobs where you took care of write format, kids from different families in technical writing paper, your neighborhood as a child care management business. You can write Child Care Manager as your job title, and then write about your achievements in an essay format, providing educational and recreational activities. You might be tempted to write about your coursework and research format, class projects in college essay prompt, your employment history. Don’t waste this space. Writing Paper! Employers look for format well-rounded candidates who can do well outside of the classroom, not just test-takers. Internship experience, volunteer experience, and temporary positions, however, wouldn’t be out of place in research format, your work history, as long as you can link the doing thesis, experience with your career goal. 2. Young Professionals - Experience Section of Resume.

Delete information about your coursework, GPA and Internship, now that you’ve had at least one paid full-time job related to your undergraduate course. Separate volunteer work and other side gigs in a separate section with its own heading, such as “Other Work” or “Volunteer Work” . From here on writing research format, you should only include relevant work history on your resume. Write your work experience up to the last 10 years, five years if you were in an essay format, an IT job. If you were promoted in the same company, write your last position as the job title, then list the previous position you’ve held in the bullet points. 3. Managers and Executives - Resume Work History.

Donna Svei, Executive Resume Writer and Recruiter, says: “Recruiters want to see more experience for paper format executive candidates, three to seven years—sometimes more—depending on the job level.” At the management level, employers look for candidates who can add value to questions english, the organization with little training. What matters to them isn’t the technical writing paper format, time you spent on your previous jobs, but the contributions you made while in office. How Far Back in Your Work History Should You Go? There’s no right and wrong answer here. You can base it on how much job experience is doing thesis required on the job ad. But what if there’s no work tenure requirement listed? I talked to some recruitment experts to hear what they have to say. Matthew Burr, HR expert and Founder of Burr Consulting says:

“Generally, your employment history should have your last three positions. But if you change jobs every one or two years, you might want to add a few more job entries.” Karen Bender, HR Consultant at Stony Acres Consulting, didn’t mention time duration. Paper Format! She says: “Employers want to see enough history to answering, understand the technical writing paper, depth of a candidate’s experience. For experienced candidates, this doesn’t mean you need to detail the early parts of your career, unless they are relevant and of losing weight compare and contrast, unique for some reason.” Some recruiters think removing the oldest five to ten years of your employment history might raise a red flag. To avoid this, you can include earlier positions in technical paper, a separate heading titled “Earlier Career,” and fill it out case study design, with the job titles, company name, and technical writing paper format, employment duration. No need to elaborate about your achievements and duties.

What Work History Resume Format is two methods of losing weight Best: Functional, Chronological, or Hybrid? Each resume format can be useful, depending on technical format, your personal circumstances. A chronological resume lists your employment history with the most recent position at the top. It’s the most popular resume format because it shows a clear career progression. Use this format only if you’ve had a few years professional experience and application, a solid work history. Your achievements and employment details are separated. All achievements and skills are categorized according to the main requirements of your target job, while your employment history only shows the writing research paper format, company name and compare, duration. Because this format focuses on writing, your skills instead of your previous job titles, it works well for fresh graduates with limited experience or anyone with significant employment gaps. The combination resume format is flexible, so you can re-arrange it in a way that suits your strengths.

In this layout, your professional summary is statement followed by your list of skills and achievements, instead of your work history. It's often used for writing research format management and executive-level resumes. What’s to Include in Your Work History Section. Here are the different components you should include in each job history entry: Job Title: Use the industry-accepted and un-abbreviated version of your job title to avoid confusion. Write “American Sign Language Interpreter” instead of an essay format, “ASL interpreter” and “ Assistant District Attorney” instead of “ ADA ” Location: Include the city and state where you worked, especially for jobs where licensure information and state laws affect your occupation. Company Name: Like the job title, you should write your employer’s complete company name, and research format, not an abbreviated version. Employment Duration: Month and year. Brief Job Description (Optional): Include a one-sentence description of what you do, and how that adds value to your employer.

How to Write Resume Work Experience Bullet Points (With Examples) Choose Accomplishments to essay english, Include. Write achievements you can tie up with the skills listed on the job description. Jill Gugino Pante M.Ed, Director of Alfred Lerner College Career Center at the University of Delaware also suggests: “Look at the company website and social media sites to get a feel of their values, mission, and goals.

For example, if a company values impeccable customer service, some of your bullet points should include examples of when you exceeded customer expectations.” Susan Ranford of New York Jobs thinks accomplishments that show your enterprise and initiative work best. She adds: “Include bullet accomplishments that show you developed a new stream of income for your company, or found a way to streamline a process. Recruiters want candidates with a history of being creative and pragmatic.” “Chaired a committee in the Human Resources department that centralized job functions and eliminated unnecessary tasks, yielding over 7,000 saved man hours per year.” Showing initiative isn’t limited to saving time or making more money for the company. Technical Writing Research Format! Running your own freelance business or taking on additional tasks outside of your job description also shows initiative. Use Objective and doing thesis, Clear Descriptions. Imagine a bullet point that reads: “Several years of technical research paper format, creative and graduate statement, resourceful Art teaching at writing research paper format Calaveras Hills School.”

While the bullet point includes the employer’s name, it’s sorely lacking in details. “ Creative ” and doing thesis, “ resourceful ” are subjective and tells nothing about the applicant’s teaching methods or classroom achievements. This bullet point shows a clearer example of the applicant’s teaching skills and methodology. It also includes an accomplishment, “ gained students’ attention.” Write About What You Did, Not Just Your Years of Experience. The years you worked for a particular company are already listed at format the top of each job entry, so there’s no need to reiterate it in a bullet point. Write about what you contributed to your employer's business during those years instead.

That's what employers want to know. Essay Questions! For Example: “Four years of experience selling various computer chips and hardware parts, with proven ability to writing format, increase sales in my territory” Writing about your ability to improve the sales in the town you work is useless, because every sales person is write an essay format expected to do that. You should instead write about research paper, other specifics of and contrast essay, your job, such as the research format, products you sold, or the questions english, quote you exceeded. For example: “Spearheaded a guerrilla marketing strategy that increased SaaS subscription sales by $357,000 in one year” The example above shows the candidate’s creativity, initiative, sales specialty, and a verifiable achievement.

Always Include Skills Used, Action Taken, and the Results. Murtaza Bambot, Co-Founder of internship search site InternBlitz, says, “I always tell candidates to format, emphasize what they did, why it was important, and the skills they used. This combination tells your story and sells your resume at the same time.” Here’s a Standout Example From Bambot.

“Generated $600,000+ in two methods of losing compare, pipeline over technical format, two months through 350+ cold calls a week and 15+ email campaigns to write an essay, about 2500 prospects” You can also use any of the two combinations: An example from Bambot: “ Managed governance document to technical research, log status updates of 25+ projects spanning 5 departments by collaborating with 13 project leaders ” From Alissa Carpenter, Owner of Everything’s Not OK and That’s OK: “ Designed and implemented key account strategies with retailers that resulted in an average 6% incremental year-over-year sales increase, and reduced the marketing budget by graduate, 13 %” Tips on Writing a Better Resume Experience Section. Know the research format, Difference Between Good Bullets and Bad Bullets. Would you be impressed if you read the following bullet points?

“Juggled multiple deadlines for doing thesis three different design projects” “Encouraged collaboration between account executives and designers” I know I wouldn’t be. Multitasking and teamwork are soft skills expected in almost every job, so there’s nothing inherently wrong with including bullet points that emphasize those skills. Unfortunately, the way these bullets are written make them sound like dull responsibilities. If you want to research, include soft skills in your bullet points, always brainstorm noteworthy situations where you used those skills. Here are a couple better examples: Never exaggerate a past job title, but you can always use an improved or clearer version that better illustrates your role. For example: “Customer Service Specialist” is better written as “Credit Card Billing and Customer Service Specialist” I wrote a detailed guide about power words to doing thesis, use in effective resumes. Technical Research Paper Format! It includes a list of 100+ strong power words you can use for almost any skill or achievement imaginable.

Check out the essay questions english, guide here: “Revamped Sykes Customer Service quality assurance checklist to technical writing research format, improve customer satisfaction” What’s missing in this bullet point? The bullet point mentions an college essay prompt improvement but it doesn’t specify by how much customer satisfaction went up. Here’s a better version: “Revamped the quality assurance checklist of Sykes Customer Service team to improve customer satisfaction ratings by technical research paper format, 15%” Your job title may have specific industry keywords, such as licensure information, software, or tasks. Including this information in your bullet points is the easiest way to tailor your resume for every job. Here are specific examples: “Top 10% in the Dental Hygienists Licensure Exam in statement, Texas”

“Improved cost-per-click of Facebook Ads for online gaming client” Grab a professional resume template from research paper GraphicRiver or browse through our curated list below: We also have plenty of write an essay, tutorial resources to help you make a great resume: Remember: With the Right Words, There’s No Need to technical format, Lie on Your Resume. Do you sometimes feel like your resume work experience is inadequate compared to others? Could that be the reason you’re not getting called back? There’s a huge chance your resume is answering questions english just lacking the right details. Use power words, numbers that illustrate successful projects, and spend a little more time curating the job titles and bullet points in your work history. Do frame your work experience in paper format, a way that highlights your accomplishments and best qualities as a candidate.

But, avoid stretching the truth, as that won't end up helping you land that job come interview time. Envato Tuts+ tutorials are translated into other languages by our community membersyou can be involved too!

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