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Communication Tools for Understanding Cultural Differences. Montaigne said, The most universal quality is diversity.[1] Given that diversity abounds, the project of understanding each other is both daunting and important. Essay! It is a journey never finished, because the process and the endpoints change constantly. The journey is essays poems bound up with communication and conflict, since misunderstandings and miscommunication can cause and escalate conflict. Effective communication is often the mla format a book in an essay key to making progress in a conflict. Progress through conflict is possible, and the route is twofold. First, self-knowledge and self-awareness are needed. Without these, our seemingly normal approaches to meaning-making and communication will never be clear enough that we can see them for analytic poems, what they are: a set of lenses that shape what we see, hear, say, understand, and interpret. Second, cultural fluency is needed, meaning familiarity with culture and the ability to in an, act on that familiarity.[2] Cultural fluency means understanding what culture is, how it works, and the ways culture and communication are intertwined with conflicts.

This may sound simple enough, but it actually requires significant, continuous effort. Of Methodology Section Paper! As Edward T. Hall writes in the introduction to his book, The Dance of Life ,[3] for us to for quoting in an, understand each other may mean, reorganizing [our] thinking. and few people are willing to risk such a radical move. Section In Research! Communication theorists, anthropologists, and others have given us tools to mla format a book essay, develop awareness of our own lenses, and to essay writings in telugu, facilitate the reorganization of thinking necessary to truly understand others whose starting points may differ from our own. Two of these tools are explored here. Communication Tools for Understanding Culture. Additional insights into communication tools for understanding cultural differences are offered by Beyond Intractability project participants. Mla Format Essay! The tools we will examine here relate to communication and ways of seeing the thesis amplificatore self in relation to others. Mla Format A Book In An! They are: High-context and low-context communication, and Individualist and communitarian conceptions of custom college research papers self and other. Since all of these tools are used in mla format for quoting the service of thesis understanding culture, a working definition of culture is useful. Donal Carbaugh defines culture as a system of expressive practices fraught with feelings, a system of symbols, premises, rules, forms, and the domains and dimensions of mutual meanings associated with these.[4] He also suggests culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people.[5] In each of these definitions, culture is linked to communication and a wide range of human experience including feelings, identity, and meaning-making.

Communication is the vehicle by which meanings are conveyed, identity is composed and reinforced, and feelings are expressed. As we communicate using different cultural habits and meaning systems, both conflict and harmony are possible outcomes of for quoting in an any interaction. There is no comprehensive way to understand culture and its relationships to communication and conflict. The two tools outlined here give windows into how different groups of people make sense of their worlds. They are neither reliable guides to every member of a particular group nor are they fixed in nature, since culture is constantly evolving and qualifications essay changing as people within groups and for quoting a book the contexts around them change. Essay In Telugu! These two sets of tools are the most frequently used classifications of cultures used by anthropologists and communication scholars.

We begin with one of the most familiar sets of mla format for quoting a book essay tools: high-context and low-context communication. High-context and Low-context Communication refers to the degree to which speakers rely on factors other than explicit speech to convey their messages. This tool, developed by Edward T. Hall,[6] suggests that communication varies according to its degree of custom research papers field dependence, and mla format for quoting that it can be classified into two general categories -- high-context and low-context. Field dependence refers to the degree to which things outside the communication itself affect the meaning. For example, a request for a child to shut the door relies comparatively little on context, while a comment containing meaning other than what is on the surface relies largely on context for its meaning to be received. A high-context message of amplificatore disagreement might be telegraphed to a spouse or a co-worker by the words chosen or the way they are spoken, even if no disagreement is explicitly voiced. Hall says that every human being is mla format for quoting in an confronted by far more sensory stimuli than can possibly be attended to. Analytic Poems! Cultures help by screening messages, shaping perceptions and interpretations according to a series of selective filters. In high-context settings, the a book in an essay screens are designed to let in implied meanings arising from the physical setting, relational cues, or shared understandings.

In low-context settings, the screens direct attention more to the literal meanings of words and less to the context surrounding the words. Writings! All of us engage in both high-context and low-context communication. Mla Format! There are times we say what we mean, and mean what we say, leaving little to be read in to the explicit message. This is low-context communication. Analytic! At other times, we may infer, imply, insinuate, or deliver with nonverbal cues messages that we want to have conveyed but do not speak. This is high-context communication. For Quoting In An Essay! Most of the audison thesis amplificatore hv venti time, we are somewhere nearer the middle of the continuum, relying to some extent on mla format a book, context, but also on the literal meaning of words. To understand this distinction between high-context and lapd personal qualifications low-context communication, ask yourself these questions: Do I tend to let my words speak for themselves, or prefer to be less direct, relying on what is implied by my communication? (low-context communication) Do I prefer indirect messages from others, and am I attuned to a whole range of verbal and nonverbal cues to help me understand the meaning of what is said? (high-context communication) As will quickly become clear, most people can and do function at both ends of the high-context, low-context continuum. There are times when direct, clear communication is most appropriate, and mla format essay times when it is preferable to examples of methodology in research paper, communicate in layers of meaning to save face, spare feelings, or allow for diffuse interpretations. Most people rely on a whole range of verbal and nonverbal cues to essay, understand the meaning of what is said.

Even in the most direct, low-context setting, meanings will be conveyed that are not explicitly spoken. The novelist Amy Tan describes the different starting points of English and Chinese this way: I try to explain to examples in research paper, my English-speaking friends that Chinese language is more strategic in in an manner, whereas English tends to be more direct; an lapd personal, American business executive may say, 'Let's make a deal,' and the Chinese manager may reply, 'Is your son interested in learning about your widget business?' Each to mla format a book in an essay, his or her own purpose, each with his or her own linguistic path.[7] As people communicate, they move along a continuum between high context and low context. Depending on the kind of relationship, the situation, and section paper the purpose of mla format a book in an communication, they may be more or less explicit and direct. In close relationships, communication short-hand is often used, which makes communication opaque to outsiders but perfectly clear to the parties. With strangers, the same people may choose low-context communication. Examples Paper! Low- and high-context communication refers not only to individual communication strategies, but may be used to understand cultural groups. Generally, Western cultures tend to gravitate toward low-context starting points, while Eastern and Southern cultures tend to use high-context communication. Within these huge categories, there are important differences and many variations. Where high-context communication tends to be featured, it is mla format for quoting in an essay useful to research, pay specific attention to mla format for quoting, nonverbal cues and the behavior of research others who may know more of the unstated rules governing the communication. Where low-context communication is the norm, directness is likely to be expected in return. It is for quoting in an essay less important to hv venti, classify any communication as high or low context than it is to mla format for quoting a book essay, understand whether nonverbal or verbal cues are the most prominent.

Without this understanding, those who tend to use high-context starting points may be looking for shades of meaning that are not present, and those who prefer low-context communication may miss important nuances of meaning. The choice of high-context and low-context as labels has led to unfortunate misunderstandings, since there is an implied ranking in the adjectives. In fact, neither is better or worse than the other. They are simply different. Each has possible pitfalls for cross-cultural communicators. Generally, low-context communicators interacting with high-context communicators should be mindful that. nonverbal messages and gestures may be as important as what is said; status and identity may be communicated nonverbally and require appropriate acknowledgement; face-saving and tact may be important, and need to be balanced with the proof reading desire to communicate fully and frankly; building a good relationship can contribute to mla format a book, effectiveness over time; and examples of methodology in research paper indirect routes and creative thinking are important alternatives to problem-solving when blocks are encountered. High-context communicators interacting with low-context communicators should be mindful that. things can be taken at face value rather than as representative of layers of meaning; roles and functions may be decoupled from status and identity; efficiency and effectiveness may be served by a sustained focus on tasks; direct questions and observations are not necessarily meant to offend, but to clarify and advance shared goals; and indirect cues may not be enough to get the other's attention.[8] As communicators factor awareness of high-context and low-context communication into their relations, conflict may be lessened and even prevented. Individualism and Communitarianism is the second dimension important to conflict and for quoting in an conflict resolution. In communitarian settings (sometimes called collectivist settings), children are taught that they are part of analytic a circle of for quoting a book essay relations.

This identity as a member of a group comes first, summed up in the South African idea of ubuntu: I am because we are. In communitarian settings, members are rewarded for personal essay score, allegiance to group norms and values, interdependence, and cooperation. Wherever they go, their identity as a member of for quoting their group goes out in front. Identity is not isolated from others, but is determined with others according to lapd personal qualifications essay, group needs and views. When conflict arises, behavior and responses tend to be jointly chosen. Individualist patterns involve ideas of the self as independent, self-directed, and autonomous. Many Western conflict-resolution approaches presuppose exactly this kind of person: someone able to make proposals, concessions, and maximize gains in their own self-interest. Children raised in this milieu are rewarded for initiative, personal achievement, and individual leadership. They may be just as close to their families as a child raised in a communitarian setting, but they draw the mla format for quoting a book in an boundaries differently: in case of a conflict, they may feel more free to choose their individual preference. Duty, honor, and proof reading deference to authority are less prominent for those with individualist starting points than communitarian ones.

Individual and for quoting a book in an communitarian identities are two quite different ways of being in the world. They connect at some point, of course, since all groups are made up of audison individuals and all individuals find themselves in relationship with various groups. But the starting points are different. To discern the basic difference, ask yourself which is most in the foreground of your life, the mla format for quoting essay welfare, development, security, prosperity, and well-being of yourself and others as individuals, or the shared heritage, ecological resources, traditional stories, and group accomplishments of your people? Generally, those who start with individualism as their beginning tend to be most comfortable with independence, personal achievement, and a competitive conflict style. Those who start with a communal orientation are more focused on social connections, service, and a cooperative conflict style. French anthropologist Raymonde Carroll, who is married to thesis hv venti, a North American, suggests that North Americans tend to in an essay, see individual identities as existing outside all networks.

This does not mean that social networks do not exist, or that they are unimportant, but that it is notionally possible to see the self apart from these. In the North American view, there is custom college research papers a sense that the self creates its own identity, as in for quoting the expression, a self-made person. This view explains why it is essay writings in telugu unnecessary for North Americans to hide things about for quoting in an essay, their past, such as humble origins. It also explains why the examples section in research alcoholic brother of a president of the for quoting in an essay United States is seen as having no connection to proof reading, the president's standing or ability. Mla Format For Quoting! In a communitarian setting, identity is defined much more by the person's social network, and cannot be so easily separated. Poems! One way to discern communitarian or individualist starting points is to listen to for quoting in an, forms of greeting and address. Thomas Morning Owl, a member of the Confederated Umatilla Tribes in Oregon, reports that his response to the question 'Shinnamwa?' (Who are you?) would not be his name, but a description of his father, mother, and tribe, and the place they came from.

Morning Owl reflects that individual identities are subsumed into the collective in writings in telugu his culture: Who preceded you, is who you are.[9] Members of communitarian cultures place less importance than individualists on relationships with outsiders, such as strangers or casual acquaintances. Boundaries around relationships tend to be less porous in communitarian contexts like Japan, where attention is focused on maintaining harmony and cohesion with the group. In the individualist setting of the United States, by contrast, friendly behavior is directed to members of in-groups and strangers alike. This difference can lead to misunderstandings across cultures, since the U.S. American behavior of friendliness to mla format a book essay, strangers may be seen as inappropriately familiar by lapd qualifications score those from communitarian settings, while U.S. Americans may find social networks in communitarian settings very difficult to penetrate. Mla Format A Book In An! No matter which starting point seems natural, it is important to keep the entire continuum in mind when trying to understand and address conflict. From each vantage point, it is useful to remember some things: From an individualist starting point, achievement involves individual goal-setting and action; I am ultimately accountable to essay writings, myself and must make decisions I can live with; while I consult with others about choices, I am autonomous: a discrete circle; and I believe in equality and for quoting essay consider everyone able to make their own personal choices.

From a communitarian starting point, maintaining group harmony and essay writings in telugu cohesion is important, and for quoting a book essay my decisions should not disrupt that; choices are made in consultation with family and authority figures and their input is weighted as heavily, or even more heavily, than mine. I am an overlapping circle amidst other overlapping circles; my decisions reflect on my group and I am accountable to them as a member; and I notice hierarchy and accept direction from those of higher status than myself. With these differences in custom college papers mind, it is important for individualists to recognize the web of relations encompassing the communitarian party to a conflict, and to act in recognition of those. Similarly, it is essay helpful for those from communitarian settings to remember that individualists value autonomy and custom research papers initiative, and to in an, act in ways that respect these preferences. Combining Starting Points: High-Context/Low-Context and proof reading Individualism/Communitarianism. As with any set of starting points, neither of these starting points exists in isolation. High-context communication often corresponds with communitarian settings, just as low-context communication often occurs in individualist settings. This is not always true, but it is worth exploring because it is mla format for quoting essay frequently the case. Examples In Research! Where communitarianism is the preferred starting point, individual expression may be less important than group will. Indirect communication that draws heavily on for quoting a book in an, nonverbal cues may be preferable in such a setting, because it allows for multiple meanings, saves face, leaves room for group input into personal essay score, decisions, and displays interdependence.

In individualist settings, low-context communication may be preferable because it is direct, expresses individual desires and initiatives, displays independence, and clarifies the meaning intended by the speaker. Nobel Peace Laureate Jimmy Carter understood the importance of high-context communication with his counterparts from Israel and Egypt in the historic Camp David peace negotiations. In one example, Carter reports that Prime Minister Begin was about to leave the mla format for quoting in an essay negotiations after several days, discouraged at having reached an impasse. Carter met Begin at his accommodations and presented him with pictures of the three heads of state, inscribed with the names of each of Begin's grandchildren. Prime Minister Begin repeated the names of his grandchildren out loud as he paused to look at the pictures, seeming to custom papers, reflect on the importance of the peace negotiations to for quoting in an, the grandchildren's futures. Carter knew instinctively that no direct, low-context appeal would work to essays poems, bring Prime Minister Begin back to the negotiating table. Perhaps low-context requests were already tried without success.

Instead, Carter relied on a high-context reference to legacy, future generations, and essay the relations that Begin cared about. He invoked the communities each leader served by reminding Begin of his grandchildren. Through Carter's masterful, high-context appeal, negotiations resumed and peace was achieved between neighbors who had been in intractable conflict for many years.[10] This example shows the importance of these two interrelated starting points, individualism/communitarianism and low/high context. While there are many exceptions to cultural patterns and all of us use different starting points depending on the context, noticing the intersections of ways of making meaning is often a useful window into thesis hv venti, conflict dynamics. [1] Montaigne, 1580. A Book Essay! Quoted in Tracy Novinger. Intercultural Communication . (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001) [2] This is closely related to the concept of framing. [3] Edward T. Hall, The Dance of Life.

The Other Dimension of Time (New York: Doubleday, 1983), 7. [5] Lustig, Myron and Jolene Koester. Proof Reading! 1998. Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures (3 rd Ed.). (Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1998), 30. For Quoting A Book! [6] Edward T. Hall, Beyond Culture . (New York: Anchor/Doubleday, 1971) [7] Tan, Amy. The Language of Discretion, in About Language 3 rd Ed ., E.H.Roberts and G. Turgeon, eds. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992), 142. [8] These points are taken from Michelle LeBaron, Bridging Cultural Conflicts: New Approaches for a Changing World (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2003) [9] Quoted in Tracy Novinger, Intercultural Communication (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2001), 31. [10] Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith (New York: Bantam Books, 1982), 392, 399. Use the audison thesis hv venti following to cite this article: LeBaron, Michelle. Communication Tools for Understanding Cultural Differences. Beyond Intractability . Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess.

Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: June 2003 Please contact us if you encounter problems using the new site. You can also still use the a book old homepage.if you prefer. The Intractable Conflict Challenge. Essay Score! Our inability to constructively handle intractable conflict is making social problem solving impossible. For Quoting! Find out about the problem and how Beyond Intractability can help you help address it. Concrete and realistic steps we LL can take to promote more constructive conflict processes and outcomes. This seminar takes a complexity-oriented approach to examining frontier-of-the-field issues related to difficult and examples in research paper intractable conflicts Visit, follow, or join the Conflict Frontiers Seminar (MOOS) to explore and discuss strategies for more constructively addressing these conflicts. Conflict Fundamentals Seminar/Blog.

Brief readings and videos which highlight the conflict and peacebuilding field's fundamental building blocks – ideas which help people address both tractable and intractable conflicts more effectively. Beyond Intractability in Context Blog. Placing conflict and for quoting peacebuilding in the larger context of thesis amplificatore hv venti wise and equitable social problem-solving, this blog reports on news, opinion pieces, and a book in an essay reports that illustrate the challenges and successful responses to complex, intractable conflicts. Opportunities for becoming involved in a large-scale learning community working to promote more constructive approaches to conflict. Tell us what YOU are doing that relates to these efforts! Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Beyond Intractability, the Conflict Information Consortium, or the University of writings in telugu Colorado. Copyright © 2003-2017 The Beyond Intractability Project, The Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado; All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced without prior written permission. For Quoting Essay! Citing Beyond Intractability resources. The Beyond Intractability Knowledge Base Project.

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Sample Essay Responses and Rater Commentary for mla format in an the Argument Task. The sample essays that follow were written in examples section paper response to the prompt that appears below . The rater commentary that follows each sample essay explains how the response meets the criteria for that score. For a more complete understanding of the criteria for each score point, see the for quoting a book in an essay, Analyze an Argument Scoring Guide. In surveys Mason City residents rank water sports (swimming, boating and fishing) among their favorite recreational activities. Examples Section Paper? The Mason River flowing through the city is mla format essay rarely used for writings these pursuits, however, and the city park department devotes little of its budget to mla format essay, maintaining riverside recreational facilities.

For years there have been complaints from residents about the quality of the river's water and the river's smell. In response, the state has recently announced plans to clean up Mason River. Use of the river for water sports is therefore sure to increase. The city government should for that reason devote more money in this year's budget to riverside recreational facilities. Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Audison Amplificatore? Be sure to for quoting in an, explain how the argument depends on the assumptions and what the implications are if the assumptions prove unwarranted. Note: All responses are reproduced exactly as written, including errors, misspellings, etc., if any.

While it may be true that the Mason City government ought to devote more money to research, riverside recreational facilities, this author's argument does not make a cogent case for increased resources based on river use. Essay? It is easy to understand why city residents would want a cleaner river, but this argument is rife with holes and assumptions, and thus, not strong enough to lead to increased funding. Citing surveys of city residents, the author reports city resident's love of water sports. It is not clear, however, the scope and proof reading, validity of that survey. In An Essay? For example, the survey could have asked residents if they prefer using the river for water sports or would like to proof reading, see a hydroelectric dam built, which may have swayed residents toward river sports. The sample may not have been representative of city residents, asking only those residents who live upon the river. The survey may have been 10 pages long, with 2 questions dedicated to river sports. We just do not know. Unless the survey is fully representative, valid, and reliable, it can not be used to effectively back the author's argument.

Additionally, the author implies that residents do not use the mla format for quoting a book, river for swimming, boating, and fishing, despite their professed interest, because the water is writings in telugu polluted and smelly. While a polluted, smelly river would likely cut down on river sports, a concrete connection between the resident's lack of river use and the river's current state is not effectively made. Though there have been complaints, we do not know if there have been numerous complaints from a wide range of essay, people, or perhaps from one or two individuals who made numerous complaints. To strengthen his/her argument, the author would benefit from implementing a normed survey asking a wide range of residents why they do not currently use the river. Building upon the implication that residents do not use the river due to the quality of the river's water and the smell, the author suggests that a river clean up will result in increased river usage. If the river's water quality and smell result from problems which can be cleaned, this may be true.

For example, if the essay, decreased water quality and aroma is caused by pollution by factories along the river, this conceivably could be remedied. In An? But if the quality and custom research papers, aroma results from the natural mineral deposits in the water or surrounding rock, this may not be true. There are some bodies of water which emit a strong smell of sulphur due to the geography of the area. This is not something likely to a book, be afffected by a clean-up. Consequently, a river clean up may have no impact upon river usage. Regardless of whether the river's quality is able to be improved or not, the author does not effectively show a connection between water quality and river usage. A clean, beautiful, safe river often adds to a city's property values, leads to increased tourism and revenue from those who come to take advantage of the river, and a better overall quality of lapd personal essay, life for residents. Mla Format A Book In An? For these reasons, city government may decide to invest in improving riverside recreational facilities. However, this author's argument is not likely significantly persuade the city goverment to allocate increased funding. Rater Commentary for Essay Response Score 6. This insightful response identifies important assumptions and poems, thoroughly examines their implications.

The essay shows that the proposal to spend more on riverside recreational facilities rests on mla format for quoting a book in an, three questionable assumptions, namely: that the survey provides a reliable basis for budget planning that the river’s pollution and odor are the of methodology in research paper, only reasons for its limited recreational use that efforts to clean the a book in an, water and proof reading, remove the odor will be successful. By showing that each assumption is highly suspect, this essay demonstrates the weakness of the entire argument. For example, paragraph 2 points out that the survey might not have used a representative sample, might have offered limited choices, and might have contained very few questions on water sports. Paragraph 3 examines the tenuous connection between complaints and limited use of the river for recreation. Complaints about water quality and odor may be coming from only a few people and, even if such complaints are numerous, other completely different factors may be much more significant in reducing river usage. Finally, paragraph 4 explains that certain geologic features may prevent effective river clean-up. Details such as these provide compelling support. In addition, careful organization ensures that each new point builds upon the previous ones. For example, note the clear transitions at the beginning of paragraphs 3 and mla format a book in an essay, 4, as well as the logical sequence of sentences within paragraphs (specifically paragraph 4). Although this essay does contain minor errors, it still conveys ideas fluently. Note the effective word choices (e.g., rife with . . . assumptions and may have swayed residents).

In addition, sentences are not merely varied; they also display skillful embedding of subordinate elements. Since this response offers cogent examination of the argument and conveys meaning skillfully, it earns a score of 6. The author of this proposal to increase the budget for Mason City riverside recreational facilities offers an interesting argument but to essay writings, move forward on the proposal would definitely require more information and mla format a book in an, thought. While the correlations stated are logical and probable, there may be hidden factors that prevent the City from audison thesis diverting resources to this project. For example, consider the survey rankings among Mason City residents. Mla Format For Quoting A Book In An Essay? The thought is that such high regard for water sports will translate into analytic, usage.

But, survey responses can hardly be used as indicators of actual behavior. Many surveys conducted after the winter holidays reveal people who list exercise and weight loss as a top priority. Yet every profession does not equal a new gym membership. Mla Format In An Essay? Even the wording of the college research papers, survey results remain ambiguous and vague. While water sports may be among the residents' favorite activities, this allows for many other favorites. What remains unknown is the priorities of the general public. Do they favor these water sports above a softball field or soccer field? Are they willing to a book in an essay, sacrifice the proof reading, municipal golf course for better riverside facilities?

Indeed the for quoting a book essay, survey hardly provides enough information to discern future use of improved facilities. Closely linked to college, the surveys is the bold assumption that a cleaner river will result in increased usage. While it is for quoting essay not illogical to section paper, expect some increase, at what level will people begin to use the river? The answer to this question requires a survey to find out the reasons our residents use or do not use the river. In An? Is river water quality the primary limiting factor to usage or the lack of docks and piers? Are people more interested in water sports than the qualifications score, recreational activities that they are already engaged in? These questions will help the city government forecast how much river usage will increase and to for quoting a book in an essay, assign a proportional increase to the budget. Likewise, the author is optimistic regarding the state promise to clean the river.

We need to hear the source of the voices and consider any ulterior motives. Is this a campaign year and the plans a campaign promise from the state representative? What is the timeline for the clean-up effort? Will the state fully fund this project? We can imagine the misuse of proof reading, funds in in an essay renovating the analytic poems, riverside facilities only to watch the new buildings fall into dilapidation while the state drags the river clean-up.

Last, the author does not consider where these additional funds will be diverted from. The current budget situation must be assessed to determine if this increase can be afforded. In a sense, the for quoting in an essay, City may not be willing to draw money away from proof reading other key projects from road improvements to schools and education. The author naively assumes that the money can simply appear without forethought on where it will come from. Examining all the various angles and factors involved with improving riverside recreational facilities, the argument does not justify increasing the budget. Mla Format A Book? While the proposal does highlight a possibility, more information is audison required to warrant any action. Rater Commentary for mla format for quoting in an essay Essay Response Score 5. Each paragraph in the body of this perceptive essay identifies and examines an unstated assumption that is score crucial to the argument. The major assumptions discussed are: that a survey can accurately predict behavior that cleaning the river will, in itself, increase recreational usage that state plans to clean the river will actually be realized that Mason City can afford to spend more on riverside recreational facilities. Support within each paragraph is both thoughtful and thorough. For example, paragraph 2 points out vagueness in the wording of the survey: Even if water sports rank among the favorite recreational activities of Mason City residents, other sports may still be much more popular.

Thus, if the first assumption proves unwarranted, the argument to fund riverside facilities rather than soccer fields or golf courses becomes much weaker. Mla Format Essay? Paragraph 4 considers several reasons why river clean-up plans may not be successful (the plans may be nothing more than campaign promises or funding may not be adequate). Thus, the essay in telugu, weakness of the third assumption undermines the argument that river recreation will increase and for quoting a book in an essay, riverside improvements will be needed at all. Instead of dismissing each assumption in isolation, this response places them in a logical order and considers their connections. Note the appropriate transitions between and within paragraphs, clarifying the links among the of methodology paper, assumptions (e.g., Closely linked to the surveys or The answer to this question requires. ).

Along with strong development, this response also displays facility with language. Minor errors in punctuation are present, but word choices are apt and sentences suitably varied in pattern and length. The response uses a number of rhetorical questions, but the mla format for quoting a book essay, implied answers are always clear enough to support the points being made. Thus, the response satisfies all requirements for a score of 5, but its development is not thorough or compelling enough for a 6. The problem with the arguement is the assumption that if the Mason River were cleaned up, that people would use it for water sports and recreation. This is not necessarily true, as people may rank water sports among their favorite recreational activities, but that does not mean that those same people have the financial ability, time or equipment to of methodology, pursue those interests. However, even if the for quoting in an essay, writer of the lapd score, arguement is mla format for quoting a book correct in assuming that the proof reading, Mason River will be used more by the city's residents, the arguement does not say why the recreational facilities need more money. If recreational facilities already exist along the Mason River, why should the city allot more money to fund them?

If the recreational facilities already in existence will be used more in for quoting in an essay the coming years, then they will be making more money for themselves, eliminating the need for the city government to devote more money to them. According to the arguement, the reason people are not using the Mason River for water sports is because of the smell and the quality of water, not because the section, recreational facilities are unacceptable. If the mla format for quoting a book in an, city government alloted more money to analytic, the recreational facilities, then the in an, budget is being cut from some other important city project. Also, if the assumptions proved unwarranted, and more people did not use the of methodology in research, river for recreation, then much money has been wasted, not only the mla format in an, money for the recreational facilities, but also the money that was used to clean up the in telugu, river to attract more people in the first place. Rater Commentary for Essay Response Score 4. This competent response identifies two unstated assumptions: that cleaning up the Mason River will lead to increased recreational use that existing facilities along the mla format for quoting, river need more funding.

Paragraph 1 offers reasons why the first assumption is questionable (e.g., residents may not have the proof reading, necessary time or money for water sports). Similarly, paragraphs 2 and 3 explain that riverside recreational facilities may already be adequate and mla format a book in an essay, may, in fact, produce additional income if usage increases. Thus, the response is adequately developed and satisfactorily organized to show how the essay writings, argument depends on for quoting, questionable assumptions. However, this essay does not rise to a score of 5 because it fails to consider several other unstated assumptions (e.g., that the survey is custom college reliable or that the efforts to clean the river will be successful). Mla Format For Quoting A Book In An Essay? Furthermore, the final paragraph makes some extraneous, unsupported assertions of its own. Analytic Essays Poems? Mason City may actually have a budget surplus so that cuts to other projects will not be necessary, and cleaning the river may provide other real benefits even if it is not used more for water sports.

This response is generally free of errors in grammar and usage and displays sufficient control of language to support a score of 4. Surveys are created to speak for the people; however, surveys do not always speak for the whole community. A survey completed by Mason City residents concluded that the residents enjoy water sports as a form of recreation. For Quoting In An Essay? If that is so evident, why has the river not been used? The blame can not be soley be placed on the city park department. The city park department can only do as much as they observe.

The real issue is not the residents use of the river, but their desire for personal qualifications score a more pleasant smell and a more pleasant sight. If the for quoting, city government cleans the river, it might take years for the smell to go away. If the budget is changed to accomodate the clean up of the Mason River, other problems will arise. The residents will then begin to complain about other issues in their city that will be ignored because of the great emphasis being placed on Mason River. If more money is taken out of the budget to clean the river an assumption can be made. Amplificatore Hv Venti? This assumption is that the budget for another part of cit maintenance or building will be tapped into to. In addition, to mla format for quoting a book in an essay, the budget being used to clean up Mason River, it will also be allocated in increasing riverside recreational facilites. The government is trying to appease its residents, and one can warrant that the section in research, role of the government is to please the for quoting in an, people.

There are many assumptions being made; however, the government can not make the assumption that people want the river to be cleaned so that they can use it for recreational water activities. Proof Reading? The government has to realize the for quoting in an, long term effects that their decision will have on the monetary value of their budget. Rater Commentary for Essay Response Score 3. Even though much of analytic essays poems, this essay is tangential, it offers some relevant examination of the argument’s assumptions. The early sentences mention a questionable assumption (that the survey results are reliable) but do not explain how the survey might have been flawed. Mla Format For Quoting A Book Essay? Then the response drifts to section paper, irrelevant matters a defense of the city park department, a prediction of budget problems and the problem of pleasing city residents. Some statements even introduce unwarranted assumptions that are not part of the original argument (e.g., The residents will then begin to complain about other issues and This assumption is that the for quoting in an, budget for another part of city maintenance or building will be tapped into). Near the examples in research, end, the response does correctly note that city government should not assume that residents want to use the river for recreation. Hence, the proposal to increase funding for riverside recreational facilities may not be justified. In summary, the language in this response is reasonably clear, but its examination of unstated assumptions remains limited and therefore earns a score of 3.

This statement looks like logical, but there are some wrong sentences in it which is not logical. First, this statement mentions raking water sports as their favorite recreational activities at a book in an essay the first sentence. However, it seems to examples of methodology in research, have a ralation between the first sentence and the setence which mentions that increase the quality of the river's water and mla format a book in an, the river's smell. This is a wrong cause and result to solve the problem. Second, as a reponse to the complaints from residents, the state plan to clean up the river. As a result, the state expects that water sports will increase. When you look at two sentences, the result is not appropriate for the cause.

Third, the last statement is the conclusion. However, even though residents rank water sports, the city government might devote the budget to audison thesis hv venti, another issue. This statement is also a wrong cause and result. In summary, the statement is not logical because there are some errors in mla format for quoting in an it. The supporting setences are not strong enough to support this issue. Rater Commentary for Essay Response Score 2.

Although this essay appears to be carefully organized, it does not follow the directions for the assigned task. In his/her vague references to causal fallacies, the writer attempts logical analysis but never refers to any unstated assumptions. Amplificatore Hv Venti? Furthermore, several errors in mla format for quoting essay grammar and sentence structure interfere with meaning (e.g., This statement looks like logical, but there are some wrong sentences in it which is not logical). Because this response does not follow the directions for the assigned task and contains errors in custom college research papers sentence structure and logical development, it earns a score of mla format a book in an, 2. The statement assumes that everyone in analytic essays poems Mason City enjoys some sort of recreational activity, which may not be necessarily true.

The statement also assumes that if the state cleans up the river, the mla format a book essay, use of the river for water sports will definitely increase. Rater Commentary for college research papers Essay Response Score 1. The brevity of mla format, this two-sentence response makes it fundamentally deficient. Sentence 1 states an assumption that is actually not present in custom college papers the argument, and sentence 2 correctly states an assumption but provides no discussion of mla format in an, its implications. Although the analytic essays, response may begin to address the for quoting a book in an essay, assigned task, it offers no development. As such, it is clearly extremely brief . providing little evidence of an organized response and earns a score of 1. Register for analytic poems the GRE General Test. Get never-before-offered official GRE practice tests, scores within minutes for mla format for quoting in an essay all three measures and explanations for correct answers! Show schools only the scores you want them to see only with the ScoreSelect ® option. Registration, Test Centers and Dates ˇ Registration, Test Centers and Dates ˇ Tests and Products. ETS Measuring the essays, Power of a book, Learning. ®

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45 Quick Changes That Help Your Resume Get Noticed. The Muse Editor. There is for quoting in an essay, certainly a time and a place for a resume overhaul. Taking a couple hours to really clean up your resume is examples of methodology in research paper, worth doing before you start a job search, or even just once a year as a tune-up. But sometimes, you don’t have that kind of time. Sometimes, you just have a few minutes, and you want to spend them giving your resume a quick polishing-up.

And for those times, we made you this list of resume updates that only take a few minutes, but that can make a big difference in making your resume shine. Choose how much time you have, pick a (mini) project, and mla format in an essay, get ready for your resume to be that much more eye-catching. Personal Essay? Ready, switch the font of for quoting in an essay, your resume to Helvetica, Arial, or Times New Roman—in other words, make sure it’s not hard to read (or stuck in Word’s standard Calibri). Using a common, clean font may not make your resume the prettiest out there, but it will make it more readable (and less likely to section in research paper, be rejected by for quoting a book in an essay, applicant tracking systems). 2. Remove “References Available Upon Request” If they want references, they’ll ask for proof reading them!), and use the extra space to add a detail about in an essay your abilities or accomplishments. That boring boilerplate “I am a hard working professional who wants to work in [blank] industry” is analytic, a bit obvious—why else would you be submitting your resume?—and takes up valuable space. Mla Format In An Essay? Save your resume as a PDF if it’s in any other format. That way, the lapd personal qualifications score, formatting won’t get messed up when your resume is opened on for quoting in an essay a different computer. (To see exceptions to this rule, click here.) Change the file name from “Resume” to “[First Name] [Last Name] Resume”—it makes things easier for hiring managers and ensures your resume doesn’t get lost in the crowd.

If you’re not local, recruiters might not look any further. If you are, recruiters may take your commute time into account and research, turn you down if they think it would be too long. In its place, add a link to your LinkedIn profile, as well as any other relevant social media handles (Twitter if it’s professional, Instagram or Flickr if you’re applying to social media or creative positions). Caveat: Never include Facebook, no matter how clean you keep it. Don’t want to for quoting a book in an essay, drop your whole ugly LinkedIn URL onto your resume? (Hint: You shouldn’t.) Create a custom URL to lapd, your public profile using simply /yourname (or some similar, simple variation if somebody already has your name). LinkedIn has instructions on a book its website. Your resume is custom, most likely going to be read on a computer, so making things like your email address, LinkedIn and mla format essay, other social profiles, and in research, personal websites clickable makes it easier for for quoting the recruiter to lapd personal essay, learn more about you. Omit any references to for quoting a book essay, your birthdate, marital status, or religion. Since it’s illegal for employers to consider this when looking at your application (at least in the U.S.), they can’t request it (and offering it makes you look a little clueless).

If you’re more than three years out of college, remove your graduation year. Recruiters only really want to know that you got a degree, and you don't want them to inadvertently discriminate based on proof reading your age. While you’re at mla format for quoting in an essay it, do a little rearranging, and examples in research paper, move education down below your experience. Unless you’re a recent graduate, chances are your last one or two jobs are more important and relevant to you getting the job. To improve readability, increase the line spacing (also called leading) to at least 120% of the font size. A Book In An? To do this in Word, go to qualifications, Format and mla format in an essay, select Paragraph. Proof Reading? In the pulldown under Line Spacing, choose Exactly and set the spacing to two points above the for quoting in an essay, size of your font (so, 12 if your font is 10 point). Need a little more space to work with? Reduce your top and examples of methodology, bottom margins to 0.5 and your side margins to no less than 0.75.

This will keep your resume clean and readable but give you more room to talk about what you've got. Remove anything high school-related unless you’re a year out of college or need to bulk up your resume and did something highly relevant (and awesome) during your high school years. Add any new skills you’ve gained, and remove anything that is a little dated (nobody wants to hear that you have Microsoft Word experience anymore—they expect it). Mla Format In An Essay? If you have lots of section in research, skills related to a position—say, foreign language, software, and leadership skills—try breaking out one of those sections and listing it on mla format for quoting a book in an essay its own (“Language Skills” or “Software Skills”). Make sure formatting is consistent across your resume. You want all headers to proof reading, be in the same style, all indentations to line up, all bullet points to mla format a book in an, match, and the like.

You don’t want the custom research, styling to mla format for quoting in an, look sloppy! Find any acronyms, and write out the full name of the title, certification, or organization. Analytic? You should include both, at least the first time, to make sure the recruiter knows what you’re talking about and mla format for quoting a book in an, so an applicant tracking system will pick it up no matter which format it is looking for. Proof Reading? For example: Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Unless you are a designer or are submitting a (carefully crafted) creative resume, remove any photos or visual elements. On a more traditional resume, they generally just distract from the information at hand (and can confuse applicant tracking systems).

If you have gaps of a few months in your work history, swap out the usual start and end dates for each position with years only (e.g., 2010-2012). Mla Format For Quoting A Book In An? Swap out a couple of your boring verbs for some more powerful (and interesting) ones. Audison Thesis? Check out our list if you need inspiration. For Quoting? Swap out a couple of amplificatore, generic adjectives or titles (words like “detail-oriented” or “experienced” are overused and don’t tell a recruiter much) with stronger language that better describes your more unique strengths. 24. Mla Format For Quoting A Book In An? List Your Promotions Correctly. Worked multiple jobs within the same organization? Learn how to list them right on your resume, then update it as such. As a rule, you should only show the most recent 10 to 15 years of your career history and only include the experience relevant to proof reading, the positions to essay, which you are applying.

So if you have anything really dated or random, remove it and in telugu, use the space to bulk up other sections or add something more relevant. Go through line by line and take note of any orphan words (single words left on a line by themselves). See how you can edit the previous line so they can fit—making your resume look cleaner and opening up extra lines for you to do other things with. Mla Format A Book In An? Make your document easier to skim by adding divider lines between sections. Of Methodology Section Paper? Check out section three of this great guide for instructions. Mla Format For Quoting A Book? Include any numbers on analytic essays your resume? Go through and mla format in an essay, change them all to numerical form, instead of written out (i.e., 30% instead of thirty percent). College Research Papers? Even small numbers that are often spelled out should be written numerically—it makes them pop to the reviewer and saves space. This will not only help you catch any spelling or grammar errors, but it will also help you notice any sentences that sound awkward or that are hard to understand. Look at mla format in an your resume “above the fold.” In other words, take a close look at the top third of proof reading, your resume—the part that will show up on the screen when the hiring manager clicks “open” on that PDF.

That’s what’s going to make your first impression—so make sure it serves as a hook that makes the hiring manager eager to read more. Make sure you have no more than six to seven bullet points for in an any given position. If you do? Cut and condense. No matter how long you’ve been in a job or how good your bullets are, the recruiter just isn’t going to writings in telugu, get through them.

Give your resume to someone who doesn’t know you well to look at mla format for quoting a book for 30 seconds. Then ask: What are the three most memorable things? What’s the narrative? Take this feedback and think about how you can adjust your resume to get it closer to custom college papers, where you want. Similarly, drop your resume into a word cloud generator and see which keywords are popping out. If the most prominent ones aren’t what you want to be remembered by, or if there are important words that aren’t present, think about how you can tweak your resume to make that more clear. Go through your bullet points, and mla format for quoting in an, add as many numbers and percentages as you can to essay, quantify your work. How many people were impacted? By what percentage did you exceed your goals? (And, yes, it’s OK to estimate as long as you can roughly prove it.) Pick a few statements to take one step further, and add in what the benefit was to your boss or your company.

By doing this, you clearly communicate not only what you’re capable of, but also the direct benefit the employer will receive by hiring you. 36. Consider Adding a Qualifications Section. Perhaps in lieu of your now-deleted “Career Objective?” This should be a six-sentence (or bullet pointed) section that concisely presents the creme of the crop of your achievements, major skills, and important experiences. By doing this, you’re both appeasing any applicant tracking systems with keywords and giving the hiring manager the juicy, important bits right at the top. 37. Update Your Header to Make it Pop. You don’t have to have a ton of design knowledge to make a header that looks sleek and catches a recruiter’s eye. Essay? (Hint: Use this same header on lapd your resume and cover letter to make your “personal brand” look really put together.) Need to fill up more space on your resume, or feel like you’re light on the experience?

There’s no law that says you can only put full-time or paid work on your resume. So, if you’ve participated in a major volunteer role, worked part-time, freelanced, or blogged? Add a couple of for quoting in an, these things as their own “jobs” within your career chronology. Lapd Personal Essay? If you need more space on your resume, check and mla format for quoting, see if any of your formatting decisions are taking up unnecessary space. Does your header take up too much at the top? Do you have any extra line breaks that you don’t really need? Tinker around with the formatting and see how much space you can open up (without your resume looking crowded or messy). 40. Analytic Essays Poems? Make Your Bullet Points Make Sense. Look at mla format a book essay each bullet point and make sure it’s understandable to the average person.

Remember that the first person who sees your resume might be a recruiter, an assistant, or even a high-level executive—and you want to be sure that it is readable, relevant, and interesting to all of them. Essay In Telugu? Download this free resume template so you’ll look extra polished. Make sure all of the experience on essay your resume is updated. Add any awards you’ve received, new skills you’ve taken on, articles you’ve published, or anything else awesome you’ve done. Hop over to your LinkedIn profile, and make any updates you’ve just made to your resume to writings in telugu, your summary and for quoting a book in an, experience sections there. Email three of your friends or professional contacts asking (nicely!) for a peek at their resumes. Examples In Research Paper? You might be able to get some inspiration for your own (or even help them out). Find an awesome job to mla format for quoting, apply to personal qualifications score, with one of our partner companies, then get started on your cover letter with our easy-to-follow guide. WANT YOUR RESUME TO HELP YOU GET A JOB? Of course you do. Photo of person editing resume courtesy of for quoting, Hero Images/Getty Images#46; Hmmm, seems you#39;ve already signed up for this class.

While you#39;re here, you may as well check out all the amazing companies that are hiring like crazy right now.

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causes of a book wwi essays interpret these words of Admiral Muller (an advocate of launching a war soon) as saying that nothing was decided for 1912-13, but that war was decided on for the summer of analytic 1914.[6] Rohl is on safer ground when he argues that even if this War Council did not reach a binding decision - which it clearly did not - it did nonetheless offer a clear view of their intentions,[6] or at least their thoughts, which were that if there was going to be a war, the German Army wanted it before the mla format, new Russian armaments. The Causes of World War One Essay. led to analytic, the assumption that the war would only last a few months when it would in for quoting in an essay fact last four years. But when Austria-Hungary declared war on thesis, Serbia Russia helped Serbia. Germany and Italy then decided to help out Austria-Hungary and declared war on Russia, which caused France to join Serbia and Russia in war. When Germany decided to attack France by travelling through Belgium, as per the Schlieffen plan, Belgium denied entry to Germany, making Germany also declare war on Belgium. Great Britain was.

Essay on mla format for quoting a book in an essay, The Causes of hv venti World War One. and economic imperialism. The Moroccan Crisis was not the most provocative cause of the war, but it is still relatively important as it led to the great increase and tensions between countries in Europe, and mla format for quoting a book in an essay, all over the world. On the other hand, a short – term origin to World War One was the thesis amplificatore, Balkan wars. The Balkan wars were two consecutive wars among the various countries of the Balkan Peninsula. The first Balkan war in 1908 saw Austria take over the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russia. the Allies the war during the German Spring Offensive of 1918, but Pershing's insistence that American soldiers fight under American commanders sent an important message of American independence to the world. American soldiers fought bravely and well in battles at Cantigny, Belleau Wood, St.

Mihiel and in the Argonne Forest from mla format a book in an, May to November 1918. With nearly one million troops in the line by the end of the war, the American presence finally convinced the score, Germans that the war could not be won; Essay on The Cause of mla format for quoting in an essay World War I. 1st of amplificatore August; Germany decides to mla format a book in an, go to war with Russia, as the Triple Alliance had required of amplificatore them. On the 3rd of August, Germany declare war on France, and on the 5th of August Britain declared war on Germany.

The First World War had started. This was not really the mla format in an essay, only reasons why France and analytic poems, Britain wanted to go to war with Germany, there are quite a few reason why. The Main reason why was the Franco-Prussian war. In July 1870, France declared war on Prussia in part over a disagreement about. Essay about World War I: Cause and Effect. obtaining colonies, they began to build a stout navy also. The tension of this rivalry that led to a war was another cause for World War 1. Imperialism was another cause for World War 1. Imperialism, as defined by, is the policy of extending the rule or authority of an for quoting a book in an essay, empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and essay, holding colonies and mla format essay, dependencies.” A major cause of World War 1 was its economic rivalries. Germany's fast economic progression threatened The British.

By 1900. “It has been said that the system of alliances meant that a war involving two members of opposing alliances was responsible for dragging in all the others- making a major war out of a small conflict”2 The assassination of The Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand and audison amplificatore, his wife Sophie was the “spark” that led to mla format for quoting a book in an, World War One. Although this was the very last straw that led to the war, there were many crises’ beforehand that caused the tensions between the major powers. The first incident was in 1905 and was. Cause and Effect of college research World War I Essay. Imperialism also divided European nations. In 1905, and again in 1911, competition for colonies brought France and Germany to the edge of war.

This was also another cause for the outbreak of World War 1. The spark in which World War 1 was started was due to the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. The reason for Ferdinand's assassination was he announced he would visit Sarajevo the mla format essay, capital of neighboring Bosnia, on June 28. Proof Reading? The Serbians were outraged; June 28 was the. Possible Underlying Causes of the First World War Essay. For example, because France had lost a war and Alsace-Lorraine in 1870-1871 to Germany, the Germans and The French have always been confronting each other. Mla Format In An? 6. Germany had been developing its naval and military strength, and thought that they were stronger than other countries, and that they were ready to essays, fight, so developed a warlike stance. 7. Another cause of the for quoting a book in an essay, World War One is the custom college research, tangle of Alliances. The alliance system is so, that when.

Underlying Causes of World War I Essay. jump into war at any time. The newly-popular belief was that a country’s power was measured by its ability to wage war against mla format for quoting a book essay, another, which started the militarism system in most European countries. Military tools invented in the late 1800s began to be rapidly produced at the turn of the century. Hence, European spending on essay, military forces skyrocketed from 1900-1914, the time leading up to World War I. These political beliefs turned Europe into a continent prepared and ready for war, at all times. Treaty of mla format a book in an essay Versailles-Cause of World War Two Essay.

forced Germany to accept full responsibility for the war. When, in essay writings May 7th, 1919, the essay, Treaty of Versailles was presented in its completion to Germany's foreign minister, Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau, he responded with anger. Analytic Poems? He said, It is mla format for quoting a book in an essay, demanded that we confess ourselves guilty. Such a confession in my mouth would be a lie (Elson 30. After deliberation, Brockdorff-Rantzau made the decision to resign rather than sign the treaty. The ?war guilt' clause was later found to be another way that. Essay about The Main Cause of World War Two. broken, the allied reaction to personal qualifications score, maintain peace should have been to defend the rules set out by the Versailles Treaty. They could have easily overrun the Germans in a quick decisive battle, as the mla format a book essay, Germans were not fully armed and ready for war.

Instead, the USA passed the Neutrality Acts so they wouldn't have any hand in the responsibility, and Britain and France did nothing, because France would not do anything without Britain and Britain thought that the treaty of Versailles. Essay on World War 1 2 / United Nations. considered the greatest and lengthiest in world history. Custom Research? Never before or since has there been such a lengthy battle, involving so many men, situated on such a tiny piece of land. The battle, which lasted from 21 February 1916 until 19 December 1916 caused over an estimated 700,000 casualties (dead, wounded and missing). The battlefield was not even a square ten kilometres . Three years after the fighting began in Europe, the United States enters World War I when German submarine attacks on Atlantic. World War 1 Peace Conference Essay. So Woodrow prepared a 14 point plan to contribute to the Treaty of Versailles and these were: 1. No secret Treaties - there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.

2. Free access to the seas in peacetime or wartime – Absolute Freedom of navigation upon the seas, also during peace and in war 3. Free trade between countries – Establishment of equality of Trade Conditions among all the mla format for quoting a book in an essay, nations 4. All countries. Lesson 8.02: World War I: Causes and Alliances Essay. The United States Neutral No More What was the cause of the United States entering World War I? The United States tried very hard to remain neutral and stay out essays poems, but since 1/3 of the mla format for quoting a book in an essay, Americans were immigrants, they supported their country and allies. Germany sent a telegram to analytic essays, Mexico persuading them to invade U.S, which lead to the President declaring war! Writing assignment- I am a World War 1 soldier I live in mla format for quoting a book the trenches. Personal Essay? My real home however is in Britain, with my lovely wife and 2 3 year. Essay on Events Leading Ti World War 1. Italy, was still trying to grow in power. For Quoting? Britain then began to notice how out of hand Germany was getting, especially because of the essay, creation of a new Navy. Wilheim II was already doubling his army, while France was doing the same already showing a war was looming, Wilheim II was setting up a new navy and building it up, becoming a big threat to Britain. A Book In An? Because of this, in 1904, Britain forgave France for the canal situation and joined forces to create a military alliance, another entente in 1904.

Significan Events of World War 1 Essay. believed that the failure of the campaign was predicted. Before the campaign even got started, Lloyed George had prophetically written: “Expeditions which are decided upon and organized with insufficient care generally end disastrously” (Memorandum to War Council, December 1914). In 1915. In addition, The Gallipoli campaign, which went on for 259 days, is proof reading, unique in the sense that such a large number of soldiers fought on such a narrow place.

The second important battle in WW1 is the battle of. ? to What Extent Was Naval Rivalry the Main Cause of the First World War? These alliances were defined as defensive, but choosing allies obviously also implicate choosing the most likely enemies, therefore this two blocs were ready to fight in case of a war. Another long term cause was the colonial rivalry. For Quoting A Book In An Essay? In the decades preceding WWI almost all the European nations were involved in the “Scramble for Africa”. All the nations wanted to custom college papers, demonstrate their strength occupying vast areas of Africa. France was one of the most successful, controlling almost all the West and Centre. Naval Rivalry as the Main Cause for mla format a book essay, World War One Essay.

By 1914, Britain had built 29 Dreadnoughts whereas Germany had only proof reading built 17. This naval race consequented in the First World War, as the growing tension between Germany and mla format for quoting a book, Britain was very high, there was an increase in Anglo-German mistrust and in telugu, Europe was divided into two armed camps. In 1905-06 and 1911 there were two crises in Morocco caused by Germany’s attempt to block Frances control of the country and to restrict French power. Mla Format For Quoting In An? While visiting. The Main Cause of World War I: Imperialism or Alliances? Essay examples. surmounting pressure in establishing themselves left them to no choice but to essay in telugu, develop conflict. According to Fitzgerald, Pickard and Stewart, The Two Moroccan Crises is one of the essential events that show the connection between Imperialism and the Great War (18).

Morocco was to be a colony of France but Germany desired to for quoting essay, make Morocco independent from France. Germany had their own intentions to show their growing power by gaining Moroccan support, and of course, the French was not pleased with the Kaiser. To What Extent Was Germany Responsible for Causing World War 1? Another reason the war was made a WORLD war was because of the 2 main alliances in Europe. These massively increased tensions and bounded countries which would otherwise not be forced into war, into essay, war. The two alliances were those between the Central Powers /Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) and mla format for quoting, those between the Triple Entente/Entente Cordiale (Britain, France and Russia). The first was formed in 1882 and the latter by 1907. If certain countries had not joined alliances, they. Essay about Woodrow Wilson Post World War 1 Vision. Nations would be free to navigate upon territorial waters during times of war or peace thus removing the U-turn rules practiced by Germans. Examples Section? In his mind, Wilson understood the mla format a book in an, world was literary becoming a global village and wars were no longer a private matter.

More emphasis was put on in telugu, whatever affected the life of the world should become a global concern and later played as a key instrument to the birth of the reign of the League of Nations. Wilson’s free trade agendas would be realized when he. understand that even a few nuclear weapons can cause an unacceptable amount of damage. 3) States will seek to advance their own interests, but only within acceptable levels of risk. A Book In An Essay? The presence of qualifications essay score nuclear weapons, therefore, will cause states to become risk averse, as any nuclear attack would produce an unacceptable amount of a book in an damage. Essay Writings In Telugu? (Cimbala) Nuclear irrelevancy, the second perspective, concludes that nuclear weapons were unnecessary to Cold War stability. Mla Format A Book In An? This position is tenable if one accepts. the Soviet Union and qualifications essay, the west was the threat of nuclear war. Both the Soviet Union and the United States knew how to make nuclear weapons. This knowledge made the consequences of their actions much more cautious.

This helped to cause the war during the Cuban Missile Crisis where the Soviet Union planted nuclear missiles at the United States from Cuba for a time. The Cold War was brought about by many factors caused at the end of World War II. The idealogical differences, economic barriers,political. out these weapons and munitions in large quantities and at a rapid pace. But the descent into war was not just driven by new weapons and the arms race: it was also fuelled by the pervasive culture of militarism that reigned in many parts of Europe” (Causes of World War 1). When one military defeats another that means that one country has conquered another. That is what the countries fighting in World War I were trying to ultimately accomplish. A Book In An? Nationalism is the belief that your country that you.

power, some have more than others. Through this war, the United States is showing off the huge amount of proof reading power it has. Mla Format A Book? Some say that in a few years, Iraq will be part of the United States of America. If this would truly happen, it would be another cause of the war. We are in economical crisis right now because of the war.

As we are not in proof reading as much trouble as the Depression, we could easily slip into mla format for quoting, a similar event. Proof Reading? The cause of the war is different in many people’s eyes. But to most. How Far Was the mla format in an essay, First World War the Main Cause of the Fall of the Romanovs in February 1917? Another important reason for why the war damaged Tsarism was the fact that it caused inflation in Russia, which lead to proof reading, extreme poverty and high food prices. In 1914, Russia's economy had been strong but between 1914-1917 government spending rose from mla format essay, 4 million to 30 millions roubles, causing severe inflation by 1916. The government tried to stop this by increasing taxation and borrowing heavily from other countries, but these were not successful in raising the money it needed. This inflation made.

‘There Are No Just Causes for examples of methodology in research paper, War’ Essay. A reason why war can be unjust is the thousands of innocent people who would die and be injured without being involved in the situation. The sanctity of life can be argued here as God has made every human sacred and mla format, the protection of all the lapd qualifications, people will not be possible. Ambrose and Augustine both said that reprisal killings and massacres are forbidden, also there is a book essay, no justifiable cause for the loss of human life, however the existence of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction. Declaration of essay writings War, President Madison stated, We behold our seafaring citizens still the for quoting a book in an essay, daily victims of lawless violence. We behold our vessels wrested from their lawful destinations into British ports. We behold, in fine, on the side of Great Britain a state of war against the United States. (Doc. Custom College Research Papers? 4) Although maritime problems were the main cause of the War of in an essay 1812, Manifest Destiny also played a large role. The idea of Manifest Destiny throughout the United States contributed to the War of 1812. Religion and the Cause of War Essays.

Those involved in proof reading Judaism believe in fighting for survival as well as fighting a “Just War”. Christians are not in favor of killing, but they feel that at many times its unavoidable. This shows that Christians believe in fighting for what they believe in. The Islam Religion believe in for quoting in an essay defending their faith, if someone goes up against their religion they believe in fighting to defend what they believe. Buddhist believe in killing if there are certain justified reasons. If one is attacked and one. Causes of the Pelopenesian War Essay. argued that Sparta and Athens were already preparing for war with each other and that the thesis hv venti, support of their allies' wars against each other was not a direct cause of the war but simply each side trying to hold an advantage for the coming war. I don't feel there is evidence for this because I don't feel there was any significant Spartan move towards war until this happened. The Spartans were not eager for war.

After the Persian wars there was a development of Athenian control over the commercial. In World War 1, due to lack of mla format essay experience with massive full scale wars and technology, battle plans involved trench warfare. This primitive, defensive warfare involved huge lines of trenches, sometimes as deep as 12 feet, which would mark the front lines of the analytic essays poems, conflict. Waves upon for quoting a book, waves from opposing nations would charge these impenetrable defensive positions only to be shot down by machine gun fire by the heavily fortified defenders. The only answer to these fortifications was artillery strikes. Describe the Causes of War and Conflict. Essay. We also go to war and have conflicts between different countries because of a shortage of resources in one country and that country wanting to win over the land to win the resources with the result of winning the land and resources helping the country financially. For example in Afghanistan we are fighting for territorial purposes to protect the oil that passes near Afghanistan. This is a war that is both because of land and writings, resources.

Politics is one of the causes of war. This is usually. Military War: Cause and Effect Essays. the country to dominate the world. Further, the idea of govern in the country was to be spread across the globe as it gained supremacy. However, international understanding played a key role in the direction the war took.

On one side, Germany had to seek allies such as Italy in order for it to achieve its goal and on the other side the mla format a book in an essay, countries under siege had to personal essay, combine forces to protect their borders and in so doing, they formed the essay, allied forces (Waltz, 9). Proof Reading? The war resulted to destruction of infrastructural. that a verbal decision was certainly given. 5 Hitler's final decision to mla format, go begin the holocaust was a result of custom papers his declaration of war against for quoting a book essay, the United States, and their declaration of war against Japan after the examples of methodology section in research, bombing of pearl harbor as well as his army loosing the battle against the Russians due to the extreme cold weather. Now Hitler was in the middle of World War II. Hitler's problems began to rise as his armies in Moscow were taking the turn for the worst, and his decision to eliminate all. The Causes of the mla format essay, Civil War Essay. national incident over night.

While President Jackson prepared to send troops to Charleston to enforce the tariffs, South Carolina prepared a militia to repel them (Stoddard and Murphy, 6). The nation was on the brink of war nearly 30 years before the Civil War finally came to pass. War was averted for a time, however, when the federal government issued the college research papers, compromise tariff of 1833 (Stampp, 68). The nullification incident was the mla format, first time a state attempted to push its rights beyond those granted. Essay on The Cause of the Opium War. with China. Examples Of Methodology In Research Paper? With so much opium in China, many, many people got addicted; the mla format, government officials felt that it was shattering their country and decided to make opium illegal.

Thus, making trades stop. Essays Poems? This made Britain angry, who wouldn’t? Their #1 merchandise couldn’t be sold anymore and China decided to dump all the mla format for quoting a book, thousands of chest of opium in a river, making them lose lots of essays money in the process. However, opium still made its way back into China. Mla Format For Quoting A Book In An? The British found a way to get opium in China.

Germany's aggression in World War I, but also, perhaps for the Franco-Prussian war in 1871. Custom College Papers? In Germany, citizens were worried about how radical changes after the war could affect their daily lives. All these biases, worries, plans, and ideas came together in Paris on the 28th of June 1919 with the Treaty of Versailles, establishing the post-war peace in a book in an Europe. Proof Reading? Yet just twenty years later, war would once again break out in Europe. So why were the peace settlements of World War I unable to prevent. Essay about Timeline from World War 1 Up Until Russian Revolution. March • March 1: The Duma and a book, Soviet discuss whether the audison thesis, latter would support the creation of a Provisional Government (PG); they agree. The British and French governments recognise the for quoting a book in an essay, PG. • March 2: The Soviet expands to include soldier's soviets; the Provisional Government forms with Lvov as Prime Minister. In Pskov, and encouraged by his ministers and generals, the Tsar abdicates on behalf of himself and his son (which was technically illegal) in order to help both the war and peace. Of Methodology Paper? • March. Causes of the Cold War Essay examples.

that became known as the Cold War. The Cold War between the superpowers of the United States and in an essay, the Soviet Union was a clash of ideologies. Audison Amplificatore? The touch between the two developed on many occasions as either side attempted to expand their fields of influence in mla format for quoting politics, geographical surrounding, and space. Continued the clashes between the US and Soviet Union began to in telugu, tense their relations during this decade. Meanwhile, the for quoting in an essay, aggressive on both sides lead to the Cold War; America was in power economically. Serbia because of the frequent guidance and encouragement given at examples Belgrade, and if a war were to mla format for quoting, break out they would more than happy to fight along with the belief of France and of methodology section in research, Britain helping out. Furthermore, at the same time as Russia was carrying on diplomatic relations they were secretly preparing military measures which alarmed both Germany and Austria. Fay believed that France's part in the creation of the war was not as clear as the rest of the major powers, although they did assure Russia. Essay on Causes of the First World War. As apparent by the quotes, it is evident that the two ideologies differ in nature; Stoessinger advocates the idea that the perception of the Kaiser and mla format a book in an, Germany as a flamboyant displayer of military power is misleading while Fischer, controversial in personal essay his approach, places significant blame on mla format for quoting a book in an essay, Germany for the subsumption of other European nations due to her boastfulness in military superiority.

The second consequential step taken during the July Crisis can be asserted as the issuance of the Austrian. Textbook p. 716 ( exceeded the number of troops he was allowed to have ) iii. Textbook p. Examples Paper? 716 ( formed treaty with Mussolini called the a book in an, Rome-Berlin Axis) iv. Textbook p. 716 (Anschluss) b. Hitler expanded Germany way beyond the boundaries drawn by the Treaty of Versailles. i. Textbook p. 718 (Munich Conference, Sudetenland was annexed to Germany ii. Textbook p. Custom Papers? 718 (Hitler sent troops throughout Czech area of Czechoslovakia and made it a German protectorate) iii. Textbook. all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in for quoting a book in an history, with more than 100 million people, from writings in telugu, more than 30 different countries, serving in mla format a book in an essay military units. Lapd Qualifications? In a state of total war, the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, erasing the mla format, distinction between civilian and military resources. Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust.

Compare How Poets Present World War 1 in essays ‘Mametz Wood’ and One Other Poem You Studied. of war, showing how a solider felt in such a dangerous place whereas; ‘Mametz Wood’ has a regular structure and very few run on lines. This could suggest a sense of safety and end. There isn’t any uncertainty (like the run on essay, lines in Bayonet Charge) and unlike them, the soldiers are now away from danger and the audience knows it’s harmless. Lapd Qualifications Essay Score? The writers using this structure could present how during war there was doubt and continuous movement without knowing how it’s going to end but after war, the. Essay on The Causes of the for quoting a book in an, American Civil War. Act. Another issue that further increased tensions was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. It created two new territories that would allow the states to use popular sovereignty to determine whether they would be free or slave. The last cause of the American Civil War was the growth of the Abolition Movement. Increasingly, the northerners became more polarized against slavery.

Sympathies began to in telugu, grow for abolitionists and against slavery and slaveholders. This occurred especially after some major events. It was at that time that the percentage of survival wasn’t high and soon enough zombies would start swarming the houses until they got in. The aftermath of the war was stable and most people weren’t that crazy in the interviews. Some went to mla format essay, Rehabilitation Institutions, others moved on in their life. Nations began to proof reading, unite and form allies; “Our allies are back on for quoting a book, their feet again, but we still have some White Zones to clear…..we’re all in this together….. In Telugu? [We stop by a book in an, an old oak tree…my companion. Essay on World War II and Propaganda. reasons why World War II had a huge impact on the world was from propaganda because it promoted a great deal of industry and economic stability.

When one thinks of how many people participated in the war, they probably only think of how many soldiers fought in the war and how many casualties there were. Due to personal score, the art of propaganda, most of the citizens from each country during World War II were acting participants because it lit a fire in everyone’s stomachs to help their country’s cause in whatever. Changes in Government Between World War I and World War II Essay. June 1914. As a result, Austro-Hungary invaded Serbia. A Book In An Essay? Due to complex treaty obligations in Europe, Russia declares war on Austro-Hungary, Germany declared war on Russia and France, Britain declared war on Germany and Austro-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire declared war on Russia, Britain and France declared war on writings, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria declaredwar on Serbia, and Italy declared war on mla format essay, the Central Powers due to territorial goals.

Colonies of the respective powers in Europe also fight each other to.

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