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RESUME PSIKOLOGI PEMBELAJARAN DAN PENGAJARAN. Essay! `PSIKOLOGI PEMBELAJARAN DAN PENGAJARAN` (PROF.DR.H.MOHAMAD SURYA : 2004) PSIKOLOGI DAN PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN. Need Essay! Psikologi berasal dari kata “psyche” yang berarti jiwa atau nafas hidup, dan “logos” atau ilmu. Mortality Essay! Psikologi adalah suatu ilmu pengetahuan yang mengkaji perilaku individu dalam interaksi dengan lingkungannya. Academic Writing! Perilaku yang dimaksud adalah dalam pengertian yang luas sebagai manifestasi hayati (hidup) yang meliputi jenis motorik, kognitif, konatif, dan efektif. Pendekatan Behaviorisme, lebih mengutamakan hal-hal yang nampak dari individu. Essay! Menurut pendekatan ini, perilaku adalah segala sesuatu yang dapat diamati oleh alat indra kita sebagai hasil interaksi dengan lingkungan (stimulus-response) . Mla Format A Book In An Essay! Tokoh dalam pendekatan ini ialah Watson, skinner, Pavlov, dan Thorndike. Mortality! Pendekatan Psikoanalisa, lebih mengutamakan hal-hal yang berada dibawah kesadaran individu (libido) . Paper! Pendekatan ini menganggap bahwa perilaku individu dikontrol oleh bagian yang tidak sadar. Essay! Tokoh utamanya adalah Sigmund Freud. Technical Writing Paper! Pendekatan Kognitif, bahwa perilaku itu sebagai proses internal (di dalam) atau suatu proses input-output yaitu penerimaan dan pengolahan informasi, untuk kemudian menghasilkan keluaran yang berupa perilaku. Essay! Tokoh dalam pendekatan ini adalah Piaget, Ausubel, dan Brunner. Ethical! Pendekatan Humanistik, lebih menekankan pada martabat kemanusiaan pada individu yang berbeda dengan hewan dan makhluk lainnya.

Manusia sudah sejak awalnya mempunyai dorongan untuk mewujudkan dirinya sebagai manusia di lingkungannya. Perilaku individu terjadi karena adanya kebutuhan ang mendorong untuk mewujudkan dirinya (self-actualization) . Mortality! Tokoh pendekatan ini ialah Maslow dan Carl Rogers. Demonstrate! Pendekatan Neurobiologi, mengaitkan perilaku individu dengan kejadian-kejadian didalam otak dan sistem syaraf. Mortality Essay! Perilaku seseorang amat tergantung pada kondisi otak dan syarafnya. Technical Writing Research Format! Beberapa jenis Psikologi khusus antara lain: u Psikologi Perkembangan, mengkaji perilaku individu yang berada dalam proses perkembangan sejak kehidupan dimulai (konsepsi) sampai akhir kehidupan (mati). Mortality Essay! u Psikologi Sosial, mengkaji perilaku individu dalam interaksi sosial. Mla Format For Quoting Essay! u Psikologi Abnormal, mengkaji perilaku individu yang tergolong abnormal. u Psikologi Komparatif, mengkaji perbandingan perilaku manusia dengan prilaku binatang. Mortality Essay! u Psikologi Diferensial, mengkaji perbedaan perilaku antar individu. Essay! u Psikologi Kepribadian, mengkaji perilaku individu secara khusus dari aspek kepribadiannya. Mortality Essay! u Psikologi Pendidikan, mengkaji perilaku individu dalam situasi pendidikan. Demonstrate Financial Need! u Psikologi Industri, mengkaji perilaku individu dalam kaitan dengan dunia industri. Essay! u Psikologi Klinis, mengkaji perilaku individu untuk keperluan klinis/penyembuhan. Thesis Reading! u Psikologi Kriminal, mengkaji perilaku individu dalam situasi kriminal. Mortality! u Psikologi Militer, mengkaji perilaku individu dalam situasi kemiliteran.

Psikologi pendidikan ialah cabang psikologi yang secara khusus mengkaji berbagai perilaku individu dalam kaitan dengan situasi pendidikan. Writing! Tujuan psikologi pendidikan ialah menemukan berbagai fakta, generalisasi, dan teori psikologis yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan untuk digunakan dalam upaya melaksanakan proses pendidikan yang efektif. Mortality! E. Ethical! Pranan Psikologi dalam Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Memahami siswa sebagai pelajar (perkembangannya, tabiat, kemampuan, kecerdasan, motivasi, minat, fisik, pengalaman, kepribadian, dsb) Memahami prinsip-prinsip dan teori pembelajaran. Memilih metode-metode pembelajaran dan pengajaran. Essay! Menetapkan tujuan pembelajaran dan pengajaran. For Quoting A Book In An Essay! Menciptakan situasi pembelajaran dan pengajaran yang kondisif. Essay! Memilih dan menetapkan isi pengajaran. Reading! Membantu siswa-siswa yang mendapat kesulitan pembelajaran.

Memilih alat bantu pembelajaran dan pengajaran. Mortality Essay! Menilai hasil pembelajaran dan pengajaran. Memahami dan mengembangkan kepribadian dan profesi guru. And Critical Thinking! Membimbing perkembangan siswa. Mortality Essay! Pembelajaran ialah suatu proses yang dilakukan oleh individu untuk memperoleh suatu perubahan perilaku yang baru secara keseluruhan, sebagai hasil dari pengalaman individu itu sendiri dalam interaksi dengan lingkungannya. Mla Format A Book In An Essay! Beberapa prinsip yang menjadi landasan pengertian tersebut diatas ialah: Pertama, pembelajaran sebagai usaha memperoleh perubahan perilaku, dengan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut: a. Mortality Essay! Perubahan yang disadari. Writing Thinking! b. Mortality Essay! Perubahan yang bersifat kontinu (berkesinambungan). Ethical Nursing! c. Mortality! Perubahan yang bersifat fungsional. Financial Need! d. Mortality! Perubahan yang bersifat positif. Thesis! e. Mortality Essay! Perubahan yang bersifat aktif. Essay Oncommunity! f. Mortality! Perubahan yang bersifat permanen (menetap). Ethical Nursing! g. Mortality Essay! Perubahan yang bertujuan dan terarah. Thinking! Kedua, hasil pembelajaran ditandai dengan perubahan perilaku secara keseluruhan. Mortality Essay! Ketiga, pembelajaran merupakan suatu proses. Ethical Essay! Keempat, proses pembelajaran terjadi karena adanya sesuatu yang mendorong dan ada sesuatu tujuan yang akan dicapai. Kelima, pembelajaran merupakan bentuk pengalaman.

B. Mortality Essay! Pengertian Pembelajaran dan Pengertian Lain 1. Financial Need Essay! Belajar dan pertumbuhan, perkembangan, kematangan , perubahan yang terjadi dalam pertumbuhan, perkembangan, dan kematangan akan terjadi dengan sendirinya karena dorongan dari dalam secara naluriah. Essay! 2. Ethical! Pembelajaran dan menghafal, proses pembelajaran akan berlangsung dengan efektif apabila disertai dengan aktivitas menghafal. Mortality Essay! 3. Binding Reading! Pembelajaran dan latihan, pembelajaran akan lebih berhasil apabila disertai dengan latihan-latihan yang teratur dan terarah. Mortality! 4. Demonstrate Financial Need Essay! Pembelajaran dan studi, aktivitas studi merupakan sebagian dari aktivitas pembelajaran secara keseluruhan. Mortality! 5. Technical Writing Research! Pembelajaran dan berfikir, terdapat keterkaitan antara proses berfikir dengan pembelajaran. Mortality! Pembelajaran yang efektif (terutama pembelajaran pemecahan masalah) sangat memerlukan keterampilan berfikir. Oncommunity! Orang tidak mungkin berfikir tanpa belajar, dan tidak mungkin belajar tanpa berfikir. Mortality! PROSES DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN. Writing Paper Format! Proses pembelajaran ialah proses individu mengubah perilaku dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhannya. Hal ini mengandung arti bahwa proses pembelajaran akan terjadi apabila individu menghadapi situasi kebutuhan yang tidak dapat dipenuhi dengan insting atau kebiasaan. Essay! Proses pembelajaran akan merupakan suatu rangkaian aktivitas sebagai berikut: Pertama, individu merasakan adanya kebutuhan dan melihat tujuan yang ingin dicapai.

Kedua, kesiapan (readiness) individu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan mencapai tujuan. Academic Writing Thinking! Ketiga, pemahaman situasi. Mortality Essay! Keempat, menafsirkan situasi, yaitu bagaimana individu melihat kaitan berbagai aspek yang terdapat dalam situasi. Technical Writing Research Format! Keenam, akibat (hasil) pembelajaran. Mortality Essay! Perubahan perilaku sebagai hasil pembelajaran adalah perubahan perilaku secara keseluruhan, bukan hanya salah satu aspek saja. Oncommunity! Gagne membagi delapan jenis pembelajaran dari yang sederhana samapi dengan yang kompleks, yaitu: Signal Learning atau pembelajaran melalui isyarat. Mortality! Stimulus Response learning atau pembelajaran rangsangan tindak balas. Academic Writing And Critical! Chaining Learning atau pembelajaran melalui perantaian. Mortality! Verbal Association Learning atau pembelajaran melalui perkaitan verbal. Reading! Discrimination Learning atau pembelajaran dengan membeda-bedakan.

Concept Learning atau pembelajaran konsep. Mortality Essay! Rule Learning atau pembelajaran menurut hukum (aturan). Essay! Problem Solving Learning atau pembelajaran melalui penyelesaian masalah. Mortality Essay! Empat fungsi umum suatu teori menurut Patrick Supper (1974), yaitu: Teori terdiri atas prinsip-prinsip yang dapat diuji sehingga dapat dijadikan kerangka untuk melaksanakan penelitian. Teori memberikan kerangka kerja bagi informasi yang spesifik. Essay Oncommunity! Menjadikan hal-hal yang bersifat kompleks menjadi lebih sederhana. Mortality Essay! Menyusun kembali dari pengalaman-pengalaman sebelumnya. Essay! Fungsi teori pembelajaran dalam pendidikan adalah: Memberikan garis-garis rujukan untuk perancangan pengajaran. Menilai hasil-hasil yang telah dicapai untuk digunakan dalam ruang kelas.

Mendiagnosis masalah-masalah dalam ruang kelas. Mortality! Menilai hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan teori-teori tertentu. Essay! B. Mortality Essay! Teori Pembelajaran Behaviorisme. Essay! Behaviorisme berpendapat bahwa perilaku terbentuk melalui perkaitan antara rangsangan (stimulus) dengan tindak balas (respons). Mortality! Maka perubahan perilaku itu lebih banyak karena pengaruh lingkungan. Mla Format For Quoting! Teori ini dibedakan antara teori pelaziman klasik dan teori pelaziman operan, Teori Pelaziman Klasik, dipelopori oleh IP Pavlov, seorang ahli fisiologi dari Rusia mengemukakan beberapa konsep atau prinsip pembelajaran, yaitu: a. Mortality Essay! Excitation (pergetaran) b. Demonstrate Essay! Irradiation (penularan) c. Mortality! Stimulus generalization (generalisasi rangsangan) d. Demonstrate Need! Extintion (penghapusan) Teori lain, JB Watson berpendapat bahwa perilaku terbentuk melalui pembentukan tindak balas (reflex) dengan memberikan rangsangan tertentu.

Tokoh berikutnya, Edwin Guthrie menyatakan bahwa suatu kombinasi rangsangan yang dipasangkan dengan suatu gerakan akan diikuti oleh gerakan yang sama apabila rangsangan itu muncul kembali. Essay! Ia juga membedakan antara pergerakan dengan tindakan. Pergerakan ialah kontraksi otot dan tindakan ialah kombinasi dari gerakan-gerakan. Ethical Nursing! Guthrie mengemukakan ada tiga metode dalam mengubah kebiasaan (terutama kebiasaan buruk), yaitu: Metode ambang (the threshold method), secara berangsur. Essay! Metode meletihkan (the fatigue method), mengulang tindak balas sampai letih.

Metode rangsangan tak serasi (the incompatible response method), menimbulkan tindak balas yang tidak di inginkan. Mla Format For Quoting A Book In An Essay! Teori Pelaziman Operan: Thorndike. Mortality Essay! Proses pembelajaran pada dasarnya merupakan pembinaan hubungan antara rangsangan tertentu dengan perilaku tertentu. Thesis Reading! Ada tiga hukum pembelajaran dalam teori ini, yaitu hukum hasil (law of mortality essay effect), hukum latihan (law of demonstrate financial essay exercise) dan hukum kesiapan (law of mortality essay readiness). Dalam kaitannya dengan pembelajaran dalam pendidikan Thorndike menembahkan lima macam hukum lagi yang disebut hukum minor, yaitu: Pertama, hukum gerak tindak aneka (multiple response) , Kedua, hukum sikap atau keadaan awal (attitudes dispositions or state), Ketiga, hukum kemampuan memilih hal-hal penting (partial or piecemeal activity of academic writing thinking a situation), Keempat, hukum tindak balas melalui analogi (assimilation of essay response by need analogy) Kelima, hukum perpindahan berkait (associative shifting) Perubahan perilaku itu adalah fungsi dari pada kondisi dan peristiwa lingkungan (yang tidak diketahui/tidak disadari). Pembelajaran menurut teori ini adalah perubahan suatu tindak balas yang dikehendaki. Essay! Dalam mengembangkan suasana kelas yang positif, teori skinner menyarankan peringkat-peringkat sebagai berikut: (1) menganalisis keadaan lingkungan kelas; (2) mengembangkan hal-hal yang dapat menjadi peneguhan positif; (3) memilih perilaku-perilaku pembelajaran yang akan diterapkan dalam kelas; (4) menerapkan perilaku pembelajaran, dengan memberikan pengendalian untuk mencatat dan menyesuaikan kalau diperlukan. Essay! Tokoh lain dalam teori ini ialah Miller dan Dollard dengan teori pengurangan dorongan, ada empat unsur pokok dalam pembelajaran yaitu dorongan, isyarat, tindak balas, dan ganjaran. Mortality Essay! Dan juga Albert Bandura dan Walters dengan teori pembelajaran melalui tiruan. Academic Writing! Objek atau peristiwa tertentu akan dipandang sebagai suatu keseluruhan yang terorganisasikan.

Organisasi (tata susunan) dasar melibatkan suatu figur (bentuk) yaitu apa yang menjadi pusat pengamatan secara keseluruhan dan bukan bagian-bagiannya. Essay! Pokok-pokok pandangan gestalt berangkat dari empat asumsi dasar, yaitu: Pertama, bahwa perilaku molar (perilaku dalam keterkaitan dengan lingkungan luar) hendaknya lebih banyak dipelajari dibandingkan dengan pandangan molecular (perilaku dalam bentuk kontraksi otot/kelenjar) Kedua, membedakan antara lingkungan geografis (lingkungan yang sebenarnya ada) dengan lingkungan behavioral (sesuatu yang nampak). Ketiga, bahwa organisme tidak mereaksi terhadap rangsangan lokal atau unsur-unsur atau suatu bagian peristiwa, akan tetapi mereaksi terhadap keseluruhan obyek atau peristiwa. Essay Oncommunity! Keempat, pemberian makna terhadap suatu rangsangan sensori adalah merupakan suatu proses yang dinamis dan bukan sebagai suatu reaksi yang statis. Essay! Menurut Koffka dan Kohler, ada enam prinsip organisasi yang terpenting, yaitu: 1) Prinsip figure ground relationship (hubungan bentuk dan latar), setiap bidang pengamatan dapat dibagi dua, yaitu figur atau bentuk dan latar belakang. Nursing! 2) Prinsip proximity (kedekatan), bahwa unsur-unsur yang saling berdekatan (bila waktu maupun ruang) dalam bidang pengamatan akan dipandang sebagai bentuk tertentu. Mortality Essay! 3) Pronsip similarity (kesamaan), sesuatu yang memiliki kesamaan cenderung akan dipandang sebagai sesuatu obyek yang saling memiliki. Thesis Reading! 4) Prinsip common direction (arah bersama), unsu-unsur bidang pengamatan yang berada dalam arah yang sama, cenderung akan dipersepsi sebagai suatu figur atau bentuk tertentu. Essay! 5) Prinsip simplivity (kesederhanaan), orang cenderung menata bidang pengamatannya dalam bentuk yang sederhana, penampilan reguler, dan cenderung membentuk keseluruhan yang baik berdasarkan susunan simetris dan keteraturan. Writing! 6) Prinsip closure (ketertutupan), orang cenderung akan mengisi kekosongan suatu pola obyek atau pengalaman yang tidak lengkap.

Dalam teori Gestalt, pembelajaran merupakan suatu fenomena kognitif yang melibatkan persepsi terhadap suatu benda, orang, atau peristiwa dalam cara-cara yang berbeda. Mortality! Beberapa aplikasi teori Gestalt dalam proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran, antara lain: Pengalaman Tilikan (insight), kemampuan mengenal keterkaitan unsur-unsur dalam suatu obyek atau peristiwa. Ethical! Pembelajaran yang Bermakna (meaningful learning), hal-hal yang dipelajari siswa hendaknya memiliki makna yang jelas dan logis dengan proses kehidupannya. Mortality Essay! Perilaku Bertujuan (purposive behavior), proses pembelajaran akan lebih efektif apabila pelajar mampu mengenal tujuan yang akan dicapainya, dan selanjutnya mampu mengarahkan perilaku belajarnya ke tujuan tersebut. Research Format! Prinsip Ruang Hidup (life space), adanya padanan dan kaitan antara proses pembelajaran dengan tuntutan dan kebutuhan lingkungan. Transfer dalam Pembelajaran, pemindahan pola-pola perilaku dari suatu situasi pembelajaran tertentu kepada situasi lain. Mortality! Perkembangan kognitif merupakan suatu proses dimana tujuan individu melalui suatu rangkaian yang secara kualitatif berbeda dalam berfikir, yang terbentuk melalui interaksi yang konstan antara individu dengan lingkungan melalui dua proses yaitu Organisasi (proses penataan segala sesuatu yang ada dilingkungan) dan Adaptasi (proses terjadinya penyesuaian antara individu dengan lingkungan). Demonstrate Essay! Implikasi dari teori ini dalam pengajaran ialah: Bahasa dan cara berfikir anak berbeda dengan orang dewasa.

Anak-anak akan belajar lebih baik apabila dapat menghadapi lingkungan dengan baik. Essay! Bahan yang harus dipelajari anak hendaknya dirasakan baru tetapi tidak asing. Binding! Beri peluang agar anak belajar sesuai dengan peringkat perkembangannya. Di dalam kelas, anak-anak hendaknya banyak diberi peluang untuk saling berbicara dengan teman-temannya dan saling berdiskusi B. Mortality Essay! Teori Pemrosesan Informasi (Robert Gagne) Pembelajaran merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan. Nursing! Perkembangan merupakan hasil kumulatif dari pada pembelajaran, yakni bahwa hasil pembelajaran yang dicapai individu adalah merupakan kumpulan keseluruhan hasil-hasil pembelajaran sebelumnya yang saling terkait. Mortality! Gagne berpendapat bahwa dalam pembelajaran terjadi proses penerimaan informasi untuk kemudian diolah sehingga menghasilkan keluaran dalam bentuk hasil pembelajaran. Research! Dalam pemrosesan informasi itu terjadi adanya interaksi antara kondisi-kondisi internal (keadaan didalam individu/proses kognitif yang terjadi) dan kondisi eksternal (rangsangan dari lungkungan yang mempengaruhi) individu. Menurut teori ini, hasil pembelajaran merupakan keluaran dari hasil pemrosesan informasi yang berupa kecakapan manusia (human capabilities) yang terdiri atas: Informasi verbal, informasi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk kata/kalimat baik tertulis/lisan. Mortality! Kecakapan intelektual, kecakapan dalam melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungannya dengan menggunakan simbol-simbol.

3. Essay Oncommunity! Strategi kognitif, kecakapan untuk melakukan pengendalian dalam mengelola (management) keseluruhan aktivitasnya. Mortality Essay! 4. Academic! Sikap, kecakapan untuk memilih tindakan yang akan dilakuakan. Mortality Essay! 5. Writing And Critical! Kecakapan motorik, kecakapan pergerakan yang dikontrol oleh otot dan fisik. Essay! Peringkat pemrosesan pembelajaran menurut teori Gagne, yaitu: 1) Fase Motivasi , dorongan untuk melakukan suatu tindakan dalam mencapai tujuan tertentu. Essay! 2) Fase Pemahaman , individu menerima dan memahami rangsangan yang berupa informasi, yang diperoleh dalam pembelajaran. Mortality Essay! 3) Fase Pemerolehan , individu mempersepsi atau memberilakan makna kepada segala informasi yang sampai pada dirinya. 4) Fase Penahanan , menahan hasil pembelajaran, yaitu informasi agar dapat dipakai untuk jangka panjang. Mla Format For Quoting Essay! 5) Fase Ingatan kembali , mengeluarkan (apabila ada rangsangan) kembali informasi yang telah disimpan. Mortality Essay! 6) Fase Generalisasi , mengeluarkan hasil pembelajaran yang telah dimiliki untuk suatu keperluan tertentu. Academic Writing And Critical! 7) Fase Perlakuan , perwujudan perubahan perilaku individu sebagai hasil pembelajaran. Mortality! 8) Fase Umpan balik , individu memperoleh umpan balik (feed back) dari perilaku yang telah dilakukannya.

Bentuk-bentuk pembelajaran menurut Gagne, yaitu: ? Pembelajaran melalui isyarat, ? Pembelajaran melalui rangsangan, ? Pembelajaran perkaitan verbal, ? Pembelajaran menurut hukum, dan. Academic Writing! ? Pembelajaran penyelesaian masalah. Mortality! Langkah-langkah pengajaran yang perlu diperhatikan oleh guru, ialah: Melakukan tindakan untuk menarik perhatian siswa. A Book In An Essay! Memberikan informasi kepada siswa mengenai tujuan pengajaran dan topik-topik yang akan dibahas. Mortality! Merangsang siswa untuk memulai aktivitas pembelajaran. Technical Writing Research Paper Format! Menyampaikan isi pelajaran yang dibahas sesuai dengan topik yang telah ditetapkan. Memberikan bimbingan bagi aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran. Essay! Memberikan peneguhan kepada perilaku pembelajaran siswa. Demonstrate Need Essay! Memberikan umpan balik terhadap perilaku yang ditunjukan siswa.

Melaksanakan penilaian proses dan hasil pembelajaran. Mortality! Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengingat dan menggunakan hasil pembelajaran. Essay Oncommunity! C. Essay! Teori Pembelajaran Sosial-Kognitif (Albert Bandura) Pertama, bahwa individu melakukan pembelajaran dengan meniru apa yang ada dilingkungannya, terutama perilaku-perilaku orang lain (perilaku model/contoh). Essay Nursing! Kedua, terdapat hubungkait yang erat antara pelajar dengan lingkungannya (lingkungan, perilaku, faktor-faktor pribadi). Essay! Ketiga, hasil pembelajaran adalah berupa kode perilaku visual dan verbal yang diwujudkan dalam perilaku sehari-hari. Oncommunity! Jadi perilaku individu terbentuk melalui peniruan terhadap perilaku di lingkungan, pembelajaran merupakan suatu proses bagaimana membuat peniruan yang sebaik-baiknya sehingga bersesuaian dengan keadaan dirinya dan tujuannya. Essay! Proses pembelajaran menurut teori Bandura, yaitu:

Perilaku model (contoh), Pengaruh perilaku model, Proses internal belajar, Fungsi perilaku model: Untuk memindahkan informasi kedalam diri individu, Untuk memperkuat atau memperlemah perilaku yang tlah ada, Untuk memindahkan pola-pola perilaku yang baru. A Book In An Essay! Dalam kaitannya dengan pembelajaran, ada tiga macam model: Live model, model yang berasal dari kehidupan nyata. Essay! Symbolic model, model-model yang berasal dari sesuatu perumpamaan. Essay Nursing! Verbal description model, model yang dinyatakan dalam suatu uraian verbal (kata-kata). Model-model yang akan ditiru ditentukan oleh tiga faktor: Pertama, ciri-ciri model (sesuai atau tidak dengan individu). Essay! Kedua, nilai frestise (baik atau buruk untuk individu) Ketiga, peringkat ganjaran intrinsik (kepuasan meniru suatu model) Dalam mengembangkan proses pengajaran yang efektif, teori ini menyarankan strategi sebagai berikut: 1) Mengidentifikasi model-model perilaku yang akan digunakan dalam kelas. Essay Oncommunity! 2) Mengembangkan perilaku yang memberikan nilai-nilai secara fungsional, dan memilih perilaku-perilaku model. Mortality! 3) Mengembangkan urutan atau peringkat proses pengajaran.

4) Menerapkan aktivitas pengajaran dan membimbing aktivitas pembelajaran siswa dalam membentuk proses kognitif dan motorik. ASPEK-ASPEK PSIKOLOGIS DALAM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN DAN PENGAJARAN. Demonstrate Need Essay! Kegiatan belajar-mengajar merupakan inti kegiatan pendidikan secara keseluruhan. Essay! Dalam prosesnya kegiatan ini melibatkan interaksi individu yaitu pengajar disatu pihak dan pelajar dipihak lain. Nursing! Keduanya berinteraksi dalam suatu proses yang disebut proses belajar mengajar yang berlangsung dalam situasi belajar-mengajar. Mortality! Hubungan antara komponen-komponen dalam kegiatan tersebut dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut: 2 = pelajar (siswa) yang berperilaku belajar. And Critical! 4 = situasi yang menunjang berlangsungnya proses belajar-mengajar.

Individu melakukan berbagai perbuatan dari yang paling sederhana sampai ke yang paling kompleks. Mortality Essay! Menurut Robert Gagne, bentuk perilaku dari yang sederhana ke yang paling komplek itu adalah: Mengenal tanda atau isyarat, Menghubungkan stimulus dengan respons, Merangkaikan dua respons atau lebih, Asosiasi verbal (menghubungkan lebel ke stimulus) Diskriminasi (menghubungkan respons yang berbeda ke stimulus yang sama), Mengenal konsep (menempatkan stimulus yang beda dalam kelas yang sama), Mengenal prinsip (membuat hubungan antara dua konsep atau lebih), dan Pemecahan masalah (penggunaan prinsip untuk merancang respons). Mla Format A Book Essay! Dalam hubungannya dengan proses belajar, yang harus dikenal betul oleh para pengajar adalah: Metakognisi, yakni pengetahuan seorang individu terhadap proses dan hasil belajar yang terjadi dalam dirinya serta hal-hal yang terkait. Mortality Essay! Persepsi sosial-psikologis pelajar, sampai seberapa jauh pelajar mempersepsi proses belajar yang berlangsung serta situasi-situasi yang berpengaruh. Demonstrate Financial! Tujuannya ialah supaya peserta didik mampu menjadi: Pribadi yang mandiri, pribadi yang mengenal, menerima dan mengarahkan dirinya sendiri dan lingkungannya, dan pada gilirannya dapat mewujudkan dirinya secara optimal. Mortality! Pelajar yang efektif, mampu melakukan kegiatan belajar dengan hasil yang baik dan dapat diterapkan dalam bebagai aspek kehidupannya. Academic! Pekerja yang produktif, mampu melaksanakan pekerjaan dengan hasil yang optimal. Essay! Anggota masyarakat yang baik, perwujudan diri yang bermakana dalam keseluruhan perjalanan hidup. Financial Need! Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut diatas maka hal yang harus dikembangkan pada siswa:

Belajar untuk menjadi ( learning to essay be ), kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan siswa sehingga pada gilirannya akan menghasilkan pribadi-pribadi yang mandiri. Technical Writing Paper Format! Belajar untuk belajar ( learning to mortality essay learn ), bahwa apa yang dicapai dari satu pristiwa belajar, hendaknya mendorong siswa untuk belajar lebih lanjut, baik secara horizontal (perluasan kegiatan belajar) maupun vertikal (mencapai hasil yang lebih tinggi). Binding! Belajar untuk berbuat ( learning to mortality do ), apa yang dipelajari hendaknya menjadi modal dasar bagi keefektifan dan produktivitas bekerja. Writing And Critical Thinking! Belajar untuk hidup bersama ( learning to mortality live together ), mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan melalui tatanan hidup bersama atas dasar toleransi yang ditandai oleh nilai-nilai universal yang bersumber dari ajaran agama. Ethical! C. Mortality! Guru: Prilaku Mengajar. Academic Writing And Critical! Guru tidak terbatas hanya sebagai pengajar dalam arti penyampai pengetahuan, akan tetapi lebih meningkat sebagai: Perancang pengajaran, mengelola seluruh proses belajar-mengajar dengan menciptakan kondisi-kondisi belajar sedemikian rupa sehingga setiap anak dapat belajar secara efektif dan efisien.

Manajer pengajaran, senantiasa menimbulkan, memelihara, meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk belajar. Mortality! Penilai hasil belajar siswa, secara terus menerus mengikuti hasil-hasil belajar yang dicapai oleh siswa dari waktu kewaktu. Essay! Direktur belajar, dapat mengenal dan memahami siswa secara lebih mendalam, sehingga dapat membantu dalam keseluruhan proses belajarnya. Mortality! Dari itu, guru dituntut mampu mengenal dan memahami setiap siswa, baik secara individual atau kelompok; memberikan informasi-informasi yang diperlukan dalam proses belajar; memberikan kesempatan yang memadai agar setiap siswa dapat belajar dengan karakteristik pribadinya; membantu setiap siswa dalam menghadapi masalah-masalah pribadi yang dihadapinya; menilai keberhasilan setiap langkah kegiatan yang telah dilakukannya. Format! Karakteristik pengaja yang diharapkan adalah: Memiliki minat yang besar terhadap pelajaran dan mata pelajaran yang diajarkannya. Mortality! Memiliki kecakapan untuk memperkirakan kepribadian dan suasana hati secara tepat serta membuat kontak dengan kelompok secara tepat. Mla Format For Quoting A Book! Memiliki kesabaran, keakraban, dan sensitivitas yang diperlukan untuk menumbuhkan semangat belajar. Essay! Memiliki pemikiran yang imajinatif (konseptual) dan praktis dalam usaha memberikan penjelasan kepada peserta didik.

Memiliki kualifikasi yang memadai dalam bidangnya, baik isi maupun metode. Academic! Memiliki sikap terbuka, luwes, dan eksperimental dalam metode dan teknik. Pengajar akan mengajar dengan baik apabila: 1) Memiliki sikap dasar yang benar dan: Bertindak sebagai pembimbing dan kawan. Essay! Menghindari corak hubungan yang berjarak antara pengajar dan pelajar. Mla Format In An Essay! Memahami tujuan dan kesulitan pelajaran; oleh karena itu, seyogyanya para pengajar: u Bertemu dengan kelompok secara informasi untuk mengenal mereka secara mendalam. Essay! u Berminat kepada pelajar disamping berminat kepada pelajaran. 2) Memiliki sasaran yang benar dan: Mewujudkan tujuan untuk mengembangkan pribadi belajar dan bukan memberikan informasi. Demonstrate Financial Need Essay! Menyadari bahwa tujuan jangka panjang adalah perkembangan optimal dan pribadi belajar, sehingga tercapai ke puasan pribadi dan produkktivitas kerja yang optimal; oleh karena itu, para pengejar seyogianya: u Menyiapkan rencana kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan sebaik-baiknya. Mortality! u Melaksanakan rencana tersebut dengan baik. Thesis Reading! 3) Memiliki informasi faktual yang diperlukan; oleh karena itu mengajar seyogyanya: Menemukan, memahami, dan memilih informasi yang memadai. Essay! Mempersiapkan pokok-pokok rangkuman materi. Ethical Nursing! Menghargai dan memanfaatkan penemuan pelajar.

4) Memahami macam-macam metoda dan teknik, dan mengetahui bagaimana memilihnya, oleh karena itu, parapelajar seyogyanya: Mampu memilih macam-macam metoda dan teknik pada setiap tahapan. Mortality! Memberikan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan, mendapatkan informasi, analisis, menilai dan menyatakan gagasan dengan jelas. Essay Oncommunity! 5) Membantu pelajar dalam merencanakan tindak lanjut, oleh karena itu, para pelajar seyogyanya: Mendiskusikan masalah-masalah secara baik sebelum kegiatan belajar berakhir. Essay! Proses (proses belajar, metode mengajar, pola-pola interaksi) saling mempengaruhi sehingga terjadi perubahan perilaku pada diri pelajar dalam bentuk tercapainya hasil belajar. Writing And Critical! Faktor-faktor yang harus diperhatikan guru: Penjabaran tujuan Motivasi kepada siswa Penggunaan model Urutan materi Bantuan dalam usaha pertama Pengaturan latihan secara efektif masalah perbedaan individual evaluasi dan bimbingan usaha menghafal bantuan dalam aplikasi hasil belajar. Mortality! Pola-pola interaksi, yaitu: Salah satu model pembelajaran yang cukup konperehensif oleh Ernest Chang dan Don Simpson (1997) dengan nama “The Circle of thesis binding reading Learning: Individual and essay, Group Proses”. Essay! Pembelajaran dapat berlangsung tidak hanya tanggung jawab individual, akan tetapi dapat dalam bentuk kolaboratif melalui proses kehidupan kelompok (hubungan antara aktivitas dan orientasi). Essay! Dalam proses berlangsungnya pembelajaran ada dua dimensi, yaitu: Dimensi Aktivitas Pembelajaran, aktivitas pembelajaran yang dilakukan dirinya sendiri dan kelompok sebaya.

Dimensi Orientasi Proses, pembelajaran orang sebagai pokus dan pembelajaran kelompok sebagai fokus. Thesis Binding! Dari hubungan dua dimensi itu menghasilkan pola pembelajaran, yaitu: 1. Essay! Traditional Lectures (ceramah tradisional), ceramah dari pihak pengajar akan tetapi kurang memberikan pemberdayaan secara positif terhadap pembelajar. Demonstrate Need Essay! Ciri utamanya ialah mendengarkan penjelasan pengajar, kegiatan dan lingkungan dikendalikan oleh pengajar, pengetahuan yang diperoleh tergantung penangkapan pembicaraan pengajar, sedikit dukungan teknologi, dan berlangsung dalam suasana otoriter. Essay! 2. Technical Research Format! Self Study (belajar sendiri), dilakukan secara mandiri oleh pelajar dalam keseluruhan aktivitasnya dan dituntut adanya disiplin diri yang kuat dari pihak pembelajar karena harus mengatur dirinya sendiri secara terarah. Mortality! Ciri utamanya adalah berfokus pada pemikiran sendiri, prosesnya diarahkan sendiri, isi pengetahuan yang berupa refleksi dan integrasi, dengan menggunakan multi media, diatas penghargaan diri yang otonom. Demonstrate Financial Need! 3. Mortality! Concurrent Learning (pembelajaran berbarengan), pembelajaran dilakukan atas dasar tanggung jawab pembelajar secara mandiri, namun dalam suasana berbarengan dengan yang lain dan saling berinteraksi baik langsung maupun tidak langsung.

Ciri utamanya ialah dilakukan secara partisipatif, dalam satu forum terbuka, dalam suasana saling menghargai satu dengan yang lainnya, materi yang berada dalam perspektif masing-masing, dan suasana demokratis dengan dukungan teknologi. Technical Writing Research Format! 4. Mortality Essay! Pembelajaran Kolaboratif, dilakukan dalam bentuk kerjasama yang saling membantu antar pembelajar dalam bentuk tim (untuk mencapai keputusan bersama). Ciri utamanya adalah dilakukan melalui satu bentuk kerjasama, untuk mendapatkan konsensus, adanya berbagai dan saling pemahaman nilai, adanya keputusan yang dibuat bersama, atas dasar nilai yang disepakati bersama. Academic! Dari keempat dimensi tersebut memiliki sejumlah dimensi yang saling terkait, sehingga berkembang menjadi dimensi-dimensinya adalah hubungan antar pribadi; lingkungan pembelajaran; isi pengetahuan; dukungan teknologi; dan dimensi sosiologis. Mortality Essay! ASPEK-ASPEK PRILAKU PEMBELAJARAN. Financial Essay! Beberapa alasan bahwa motivasi itu merupakan hal yang sangat penting; Para siswa harus senantiasa didorong untuk bekerja sama dalam belajar dan senantiasa berada dalam situasi itu, Para siswa harus senantiasa didorong untuk bekerja dan berusaha sesuai dengan tuntutan belajar, Motivasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam memelihara dan mengembangkan SDM melalui pendidikan. Motivasi dapat diartikan sebagai upaya untuk menimbulkan atau meningkatkan dorongan untuk mewujudkan perilaku tertentu yang terarah kepada pencapaian suatu tujuan tertentu.

Karekteristik motivasi: 1) sebagai hasil dari kebutuhan; 2) terarah kepada suatu tujuan; 3) menopang perilaku. Mortality Essay! Alasan bahwa motivasi itu merupakan hal yang kompleks, yaitu: 1) Motif yang menjadi sebab dari tindakan seseorang itu tidak dapat diamati, akan tetapi hanya diperkirakan. Thesis Binding! 2) Individu mempunyai kebutuhan atau harapan yang senantiasa berubah dan berkelanjutan. Mortality! 3) Manusia memuaskan kebutuhannya dengan bermaca-macam cara. Financial Need Essay! 4) Kepuasan dalam satu kebutuhan tertentu dapat mengarah kepada peningkatan intensitas kebutuhan. Essay! 5) Perilaku yang mengarah kepada tujuan, tidak selamanya dapat menghasilkan kepuasan. Demonstrate Financial! Reaksi yang terjadi bila dalam pencapaian tujuan itu belaum berhasil menimbulkan keadaan yang disebut frustasi atau reaksi seseorang terhadap kegagalan dan ke-kecewaannya, ialah: Pertama Reaksi yang tergolong konstruktif, individu mampu menghadapi kegagalan itu. Essay! Secara realistik dan mampu melakukan tindakan untuk menanggulangi kegagalan secara realistik dan benar menurut norma yang berlaku (realistis dan rasional). Kedua reaksi yang tergolong defensif, bentuk perilaku reaksi untuk mempertahankan atau melindungi dirinya dari kegagalan yang dihadapi (reaksi kurang disadari dan kehilangan kontrol). Demonstrate Financial Need Essay! Faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan siswa dalam belajar: Imbalan hasil belajar, sesuatu yang dapat diperoleh siswa sebagai konsekuensi dari perilaku belajar yang berupa pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan (berbentuk nilai atau angka). Essay! Rasa aman dalam belajar, adanya rasa aman dalam situasi belajar atau perlindungan diri dari kegelisahan atau tekanan yang diterimanya.

Kondisi belajar yang memadai, belajar dalam tempat baik, bersih, dan sehat dapat memberikan kepuasan dibandingkan dengan belajar dalam lingkungan yang kurang memadai (fisik, psikis, sosial). Technical Research! Kesempatan untuk memperluas diri, kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan diri demi masa depannya yang lebih baik. Essay! Hubungan pribadi, suasana terciptanya hubungan antar pribadi dalam lingkungan kelas atau diluar kelas. Ethical Nursing! Suatu unjuk kerja yang mendatangkan suatu ganjaran tertentu cenderung akan memperkuat motivasi, dan sebaliknya unjuk kerja yang tidak memberikan dampak ganjaran tidak akan mempunyai kaitan dengan motivasi. Mortality Essay! C. Need Essay! Prinsip-Prinsip Motivasi Prinsip kompetisi, persaingan secara sehat baik inter pribadi (dalam diri pribadi masing-masing/dimensi tempat dan waktu) ataupun antar pribadi (individu yang satu dengan yang lain). Prinsip pemacu, motif individu ditimbulkan dan ditingkatkan melalui upaya secara teratur untuk mendorong selalu melakukan berbagai tindakan dan unjuk kerja yang sebaik mungkin. Essay! Prinsip ganjaran dan hukuman, ganjaran dan hukuman yang diterima seseorang dapat meningkatkan motivasi untuk melakukan tindakan yang menimbulkan ganjaran atau hukuman itu. Oncommunity! Kejelasan dan kedekatan tujuan, makin jelas dan makin dekat suatu tujuan, maka akan semakin mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan. Essay! Pemahaman hasil, para siswa hendaknya selalu dipupuk untuk memiliki rasa sukses dan. Binding! terhindar dari berkembangnya rasa gagal.

Pengembangan minat, motivasi seseorang cenderung akan meningkat apabila yang bersangkutan memiliki minat yang besar dalam melakukan tindakannya. Mortality! Lingkungan yang kondusif, lingkungan kerja yang kondusif, baik lingkungan fisik, sosial, maupun psikologis, dapat menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan motif untuk bekerja dengan baik dan produktif. Keteladanan, perilaku guru dapat menjadi sumber keteladanan bagi para siswanya. Essay! D. Essay! Pengamatan dan Perhatian Pengamatan, suatu proses mengenal lingkungan dengan menggunakan alat indera, dengan proses pengamatan yang dimulai dari penerimaan rangsangan oleh alat indera, pengiriman informasi kepusat kesadaran atau otak, pemberian tafsiran terhadap rangsangan yang diterima. Essay Nursing! Beberapa gaya pengamatan individu, yaitu: Gaya Pengamatan Visual, dengan menggunakan indera penglihatan atau mata. Essay! Gaya Pengamatan Auditif, dengan menggunakan indera pendengaran atau telinga.

Gaya Pengamatan Taktil, dengan menggunakan indera peraba atau penciuman. Need Essay! Gaya Pengamatan Kinestetik, pengamatan melalui gerakan. Essay! Faktor-faktor ke efektifan suatu pengamatan, antara lain: Faktor Rangsangan, ada rangsangan yang diterima individu apabila jelas, kuat dan berarti. Thesis! Faktor Individu, kualitas alat indera, kualitas pusat kesadaran, kondisi fisik, pengalaman, motivasi, perhataian, kesehatan, kepribadian, dsb. Mortality! Faktor Lingkungan, lingkungan yang baik akan menunjang terjadinya pengamatan yang baik dan sebaliknya lingkungan yang kurang baik akan menghambat proses pengamatan. Macam-macam kelainan dalam pengamatan: Ilusi, kelainan pengamatan dalam bentuk terjadinya perbedaan antara apa yang diamati dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Essay! Halusinasi, keadaan dimana individu merasa mengamati sesuatu, padahal rangsangan yang sebenarnya tidak ada. Mortality! Osilasi, terjadinya bermacam-macam atau pergantian terhadap suatu rangsangan. Thesis Binding! Hal-hal yang dapat dilakukan guru untuk membantu siswa melakukan pengamatan yang baik dalam pembelajaran adalah: 1) Pengamatan akan lebih efektif kepada rangsangan-rangsangan yang mempunyai struktur dan bentuk yang jelas, Hal-hal yang akan dipelajari hendaknya mempunyai struktur dan organisasi yang jelas. Mortality! 2) Pengamatan kepada sesuatu yang dekat akan lebih berkesan, siswa diberi banyak kesempatan untuk lebih dekat dengan hal-hal yang akan dipelajari. 3) Pengamatan dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman sebelumnya, pada waktu guru mulai mengajar sebaiknya dimulai dengan pengalaman-pengalaman siswa.

4) Pengamatan dimulai dengan keseluruhan, baru kemudian kepada bagian-bagian yang lebih khusus. For Quoting A Book In An! 5) Pengalaman dipengaruhi oleh peringkat perkembangan individu, pengajaran hendaknya disesuaikan dengan peringkat perkembangan individu terutama peringkat perkembangan kognitif. Essay! 6) Terdapat perbedaan individual dalam pengamatan. Essay Oncommunity! Tiapa individu mempunyai macam gaya pengamatan (visual, auditif, taktil dan kinestetik). Mortality! Oleh karena itu, pengajaran hendaknya disesuaikan dengan gaya pengamatan masing-masing siswa. Essay Nursing! 7) Beberapa faktor dapat menimbulkan terjadinya kesalahan atau kelainan pengamatan, hindari hal-hal yang dapat menimbulkan kesalahan pengamatan, seperti rangsangan yang kurang jelas, kurangnya perhatian siswa, pengalaman dimasa lampau, kurang baiknya alat indera, lingkungan yang mengganggu, dsb. Perhatian, peningkatan aktivitas mental terhadap suatu rangsangan tertentu.

Setiap individu mempunyai cara memberikan perhatian yang berbeda. Mortality! Ada yang Terpencar, yaitu kemampuan memberikan perhatian kepada berbagai hal atau rangsangan sekaligus dalam waktu yang bersamaan, dan ada yang Terpusat, yaitu kemampuan memberikan perhatian secara khusus kepada hal atau rangsangan tertentu. Thesis! Hal-hal yang mempengaruhi perhatian dari faktor rangsangan ialah: 1) Intensitas atau kekuatan rangsangan, intensitas atau kekuatan yang lebih tinggi akan lebih menarik pehatian. 2) Actractiveness atau daya tarik, rangsangan yang sangat berbeda dengan rangsangan lain di lingkungannya, sehingga mempunyai kekuatan untuk menarik perhatian. Mortality Essay! 3) Perubahan atau pergantian, rangsangan yang selalu berubah akan lebih menarik perhatian. And Critical Thinking! 4) Keteraturan, rangsangan yang datang berulang-ulang secara teratur.

5) Suara yang tinggi, suara yang memiliki getaran yang tinggi, sehingga berbeda rangsangan disekitarnya. Essay! 6) Rangsangan yang terlazim dan yang terbiasa, rangsangan yang sudah terbiasa dihadapi sehari-hari, seperti nama sendiri, nama ibu atau bapak, dsb. And Critical Thinking! 7) Isyarat atau tanda, rangsangan yang merupakan tanda terhadap sesuatu rangsangan atau aktivitas. Hal-hal yang mempengaruhi perhatian dari faktor individu ialah: 1) Minat, sesuatu yang diminati akan lebih menarik perhatian. Mortality Essay! 2) Kondisi fisik atau kesehatan, perhatian akan lebih baik dalam kondisi fisik yang baik. Demonstrate Essay! 3) Keletihan, dalam keadaan letih, seseorang akan sukar memberikan perhatian kepada suatu rangsangan.

4) Motivasi, orang yang memiliki motivasi yang besar terhadap suatu aktivitas, akan lebih banyak memberikan perhatian. Mortality! 5) Kebutuhan perhatian, orang yang merasa perlu untuk memperhatikan sesuatu, akan dengan sendirinya banyak memberikan perhatian lebih banyak. Binding! 6) Harapan, perkiraan seseorang terhadapsuatu tujuannya akan mendorong orang itu untuk dapat lebih banyak memberikan perhatian. Mortality! 7) Karakteristik kepribadian, sifat-sifat pribadi seseorang akan mempengaruhi kualitas perhatiannya terhadap sesuatu (aspek kepribadian). Guru dapat membantu siswa dalam memusatkan memelihara perhatian dalam proses pembelajaran, dengan hal-hal sebagai berikut: Isyarat, memberikan isyarat tertentu kepada siswa pada saat memulai atau pergantian pelajaran. Oncommunity! Gerakan, senantiasa bergerak dan berkeliling keseluruh kelas selama menyajikan pelajaran. Essay! Variasi, menggunakan variasi dalam gaya mengajar, suara, isyarat badan, dan alat-alat bantu mengajar. Technical Writing Research Paper Format! Minat, membangkitkan semangat siswa sebelum dan selama proses pengajaran, materi yang diajarkan sesuai dengan minat siswa. Essay! Pertanyaan, mengajukan pertanyaan selama proses pengajaran berlangsung, mendorong siswa untuk memberikan jawaban dengan kata-kata mereka sendiri dan tekankan bahwa mereka mempunyai tanbggung jawab dalam proses pembelajaran masing-masing.

Mengingat merupakan proses menerima, menyimpan, dan mengeluarkan kembali informasi-informasi yang telah diterima melalui pengamatan, kemudian disimpan dalam pusat kesadaran/otak (terdiri dari ingatan jangka panjang dan pendek) setelah diberikan tafsiran. Technical Research Paper Format! Proses mengingat banyak dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain: Faktor individu, memiliki minat yang besar, motivasi yang kuat, memiliki metode dalam pengamatan dan pembelajaran, kondisi fisik dan kesehatan yang baik. Essay! Faktor sesuatu yang harus diingat, sesuatu yang memiliki organisasi dan struktur yang jelas, mempunyai arti, mempunyai keterkaitan dengan individu, mempunyai intensitas rangsangan yang cukup kuat, dsb. Writing Format! Faktor lingkungan, lingkungan yang menunjang dan terhindar dari adanya gangguan-gangguan. Lupa ialah suatu keadaan dimana individu kehilangan kemampuan untuk mengeluarkan kembali informasi yang telah tersimpan dalam ingatan jangka panjang atau jangka pendek. Mortality Essay! Lupa dapat disebabkan oleh: Keusangan, hilangnya informasi dari tempat penyimpanan ingatan karena tidak pernah dipakai. Academic Writing And Critical Thinking! Gangguan informasi baru terhadap informasi lama atau sebaliknya.

Gangguan dalam otak. Essay! Kesengajaan untuk dilupakan. Research Paper! F. Essay! Transfer dalam Pembelajaran. Pemindahan hasil pembelajaran dari satu situasi kesituasi lain. Nursing! Transfer akan terjadi apabila terdapat kesamaan antara pembelajaran yang satu dengan yang situasi lainnya. Essay! Ada dua macam transfer yaitu: Transfer positif , hasil pembelajaran yang satu menunjang hasil pembelajaran yang lainnya, dan. Need Essay! Transfer negatif , hasil pembelajaran yang satu sukar ditransfer karena ada perbedaan. Essay! Suatu situasi kekurangan dalam diri individu dan menuntut pemuasan agar dapat berfungsi secara efektif. A Book In An! Ada dua macam kebutuhan yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu: Kebutuhan fisiologi (hayat), disebut juga kebutuhan biologis yang meliputi jenis kebutuhan mendapatkan makanan, minuman, tidur dan istirahat, udara, pembuangan kotoran, sek dan bergerak.

Kebutuhan psikologis, kebutuhan untuk memperoleh kepuasan kejiwaan yang meliputi antara lain keselamatan, kasih sayang, penghargaan, diperlukan, persamaan hak, mengetahui, berprestasi, estetik, perwujudan diri, dsb. Essay! A. Essay Nursing! Proses Pengajaran yang Efektif 1. Mortality! Berpusat pada siswa, dalam proses pengajaran siswa merupakan subyek/perhatian utama dari para guru, segala bentuk aktivitas hendaknya diarahkan untuk membantu perkembangan siswa. Reading! Keberhasilan proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran terletak dalam perwujudan diri siswa sebagai pribadi yang mandiri, pelajar efektif dan pekerja produktif. Essay! 2. Financial Essay! Interaksi edukatif antara guru dengan siswa, terjalin hubungan yang bersifat edukatif/mendidik dan mengembangkan. Essay! Guru harus menjadi figur yang merangsang perkembangan pribadi siswa.

Adanya saling pemahaman antar guru dengan siswa. Ethical! 3. Mortality! Suasana demokratis, semua pihak memperoleh penghargaan sesuai dengan prestasi dan potensinya, sehingga dapat memupuk rasa percaya diri, dan pada gilirannya dapat berinovasi dan berekreasi sesuai dengan kemampuan masing-masing. Writing! 4. Mortality Essay! Variasi metode mengajar, guru tidak mengajar hanya dengan satu metode saja, melainkan berganti-ganti sesuai dengan keperluannya. Demonstrate Financial Need! 5. Mortality Essay! Guru profesional, guru memiliki keahlian yang memadai dan rasa tanggung jawab yang tinggi. Binding Reading! Guru mencintai pekerjaannya dan melaksanakannya dengan penuh dedikasi dan tanggung jawab. Essay! 6. Mla Format A Book In An Essay! Bahan yang sesuai dan bermanfaat, bahan bersumber dari kurikulum yang telah ditetapkan secara baku. Tugas guru adalah mengolah bahan pengajaran menjadi sajian yang dapat dicerna (sesuai dengan kondisi dan lingkungan siswa) oleh siswa secara tepat dan bermakna, sehingga siswa melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran dengan lebih bergairah. Essay! 7. Writing Format! Lingkungan yang kondusif, lingkungan yang dapat menunjang bagi proses pembelajaran-pengajaran secara efektif. Mortality! Guru mampu bekerjasama dengan fihak luar sekolah, khususnya dengan keluarga. Essay Oncommunity! 8. Essay! Sarana belajar yang menunjang, berupa alat bantu mengajar, laboratorium, aula, lapangan olah raga, perpustakaan, dsb. Technical Writing Paper! B. Mortality! Mengenal Model-Model Mengajar.

Bruce Joyce dan Marsha Weil (1986, model of essay oncommunity teaching . Mortality Essay! New Jersey: Prentice Hall International) mengemukakan ada sejumlah model mengajar yang dikelompokan dalam em[pat rumpun, yaitu: Rumpun model-model informasi, berorientasi pada kecakapan siswa dalam memproses informasi dan cara-cara mereka dapat memperbaiki kecakapan untuk menguasai informasi. A Book In An Essay! Rumpun model-model personal, berorientasi kepada individu dan perkembangan keakuan (selfhood), untuk membentuk dan menata realitas keunikannya. Essay! Perhatian banyak diberikan kepada kehidupan emosional. Academic Writing And Critical! Rumpun model-model interaksi sosial, menekankan hubungan individu dengan orang lain atau masyarakat (hubungan sosial). Mortality Essay! Rumpun model-model behavioral (perilaku), menekankan pada aspek perubahan perilaku psikologis dan perilaku yang tidak dapat diamati. Ethical Essay Nursing! Penjabaran tugas-tugas yang harus dipelajari menjadi serangkaian perilaku dalam bentuk yang lebih kecil. Essay! C. Essay! Mengembangkan Perbendaharaan Model-Model Mengajar. Essay! Mengembangkan perbendaharaan model-model mengajar berarti mengembangkan keluwesan, karena ini akan merupakan landasan bagi pemahaman dan kemungkinan pemilihan dalam penerapannya. Thesis! Pada sisi pribadi, perbendaharaan menuntut kecakapan untuk menumbuhkan dan memperluas potensi seseorang, dan kemampuan untuk mengajar dengan cara-cara bervariasi dan menarika agar dapat menyesuaikan dengan tuntutan kebutuhan yang ada.

Model-model mengajar itu merupakan suatu simulator bagi aktivitas dirinya sendiri (guru). Model-model itu sebagai landasan dalam mengkreasikan kegiatan mengajarnya sesuai dengan tujuan yang akan dicapai dan situasi dan kondisi yang ada. Mortality! Keseluruhan perilaku yang harus dilakukan guru dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai guru. A Book! Disekolah guru berperan sebagai perancang pengajaran, pengelola pengajaran, penilai hasil pembelajaran, dan sebagai pembimbing murid. Essay! Dalam keluarga guru berperan sebagai pendidik dalam keluarga atau family educator. Demonstrate Financial Need Essay! Sedangkan dimasyarakat guru berperan sebagai pembina masyarakat, pendorong masyarakat, penemu masyarakat, dan sebagai agen masyarakat. Essay! Dalam hubungannya dengan aktivitas pengajaran dan administrasi pendidikan, lebih jauh guru berperan sebagai: Pengambil inisiatif, pengarah, dan penilai aktivitas-aktivitas pendidikan. Nursing! Wakil masyarakat disekolah, guru berperan sebagai pembawa suara dan kepentingan masyarakat dalam pendidikan. Essay! Seorang pakar dalam bidangnya, menguasai bahan yang harus diajarkannya. And Critical Thinking! Penegak disiplin, guru harus menjaga agar siswa-siswa melaksanakan disiplin.

Pelaksana administrasi pendidikan, guru bertanggung jawab agar pendidikan dapat berlangsung dengan baik. Pemimpin generasi muda, guru bertanggung jawab untuk mengarahkan perkembangan siswa sebagai generasi muda yang akan menjadi pewaris masa depan. Mortality! Penterjemaah kepada masyarakat, guru berperan untuk menyampaikan berbagai kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kepada masyarakat. Writing Thinking! Dipandang dari segi dirinya pribadi (self-oriented), seorang guru dapat berperan sebagai: Pekerja sosial, memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Mortality Essay! Pelajar dan ilmuan, harus senantiasa belajar secara terus menerus. Academic Writing! Orang tua, wakil orang tua disekolah bagi setiap siswa. Essay! Model keteladanan, model tingkah laku yang harus dicontoh oleh siswa-siswanya. Reading! Pemberi keselamatan, memberikan rasa keselamatan bagi setiap siswa. Mortality Essay! Dari sudut pandang secara psikologis, guru adalah sebagai: Pakar psikologi pendidikan, memahami psikologi pendidikan dan mampu mengamalkannya dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai pendidik. Seniman dalam hubungan antar manusia, memiliki kemampuan menciptakan suasana hubungan antar manusia, khususnya dengan siswa-siswa.

Pembentuk kelompok, menciptakan kelompok dan aktivitas-aktivitas sebagai cara untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Ethical Nursing! Citalyticagent atau inovator, menciptakan suasana pembaharuan bagi membuat suatu hal yang lebih baik. Essay! Petugas kesehatan mental, bertanggung jawab bagi terciptanya kesehatan mental para siswa. Essay! B. Mortality! Kebutuhan dan Motivasi. Financial! Kebutuhan merupakan suatu situasi kekurangan dalam diri individu yang mendorongnya untuk berperilaku untuk mencapai tujuan. Dalam hubungannya dengan jabatan guru, perilaku pada dasarnya adalah upaya memenuhi kebutuhannya. Mortality Essay! Lima tingkatan kebutuhan manusia menurut A.H.

Maslow, ialah kebutuhan fisik dan jasmani, memperoleh keselamatan, kebutuhan sosial/hubungan dengan orang lain di lingkungan, memperoleh harga diri, mewujudkan diri. Demonstrate Financial Essay! Kebutuhan itu akan memotivasi manusia untuk berperilaku, peringkat kebutuhan itu akan mendorong guru melakukan perilaku keguruan. Mortality! Faktor yang mempengaruhi kerja guru, ialah: Imbalan kerja, guru merasakan memperoleh kepuasan kerja dari imbalan yang diterimanya. Demonstrate Need! Rasa aman dalam pekerjaan, merasakan adanya keamanan lahir bathin dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Essay! Kondisi kerja yang baik, adanya kepuasan kerja karena pada umumnya kondisi kerja. Ethical Essay! guru lebih baik dari kondisi lainnya. Essay! Kesempatan pengembangan diri, benyak memperoleh kesempatan untuk memperluas dan mengembangkan diri untuk kepentingan dimasa depan.

Hubungan pribadi, dalam pekerjaannya sebagai guru banyak kesempatan untuk membina hubungan pribadi teutama dengan siswa. C. Oncommunity! Kompetensi Guru. Mortality! Kompetensi adalah keseluruhan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan yang diperlukan oleh seseorang dalam kaitan dengan sesuatu tugas tertentu. Ethical Nursing! Kompetensi guru meliputi: Kompetensi personal, kemampuan pribadi yang diperlukan agar dapat menjadi guru yang baik. Mortality Essay! Mencakup kemampuan pribadi yang berkenaan dengan pemahaman diri, penerimaan diri, pengarahan diri, dan perwujudan diri. Kompetensi profesional, berbagai kemampuan pribadi yang diperlukan agar dapat mewujudkan dirinya sebagai guru profesional, mencakup kepakaran atau keahlian dalam bidangnya yaitu penguasaan bahan yang harus diajarkannya beserta metodenya, rasa tanggung jawab akan tugasnya, dan rasa kebersamaan dengan sejawat guru lainnya. Essay! Kompetensi sosial, kemampuan dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain atau keterampilan dalam interaksi sosial dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial. Mortality Essay! Kompetensi intelektual, penguasaan berbagai ilmu pengetahuan yang berhubungan dengan tugasnya sebagai guru. Technical Writing Format! Kompetensi spiritual, kualitas keimanan dan ketaqwaan sebagai orang yang beragama.

Dari suatu penelitian yang dilakukan oleh A.M. Mortality Essay! MacKay, tentang pengajaran yang efektif (dalam Guy R. Demonstrate Financial Essay! Lefrancois. Mortality! 1991. Oncommunity! Psychology for essay Teaching. Belmont, California, Wadwordh Publising Company, p.13-14) disarankan PERILAKU UNTUK MENGAJAR YANG EFEKTIF, sebagai berikut: Menggunakan suatu sistem aturan tertentu dalam menghadapi hal-hal pribadi atau prosedur tetentu. Essay! Mencegah agar perilaku siswa yang salah tidak keterusan. Essay! Mengarahkan tindakan dengan disiplin secara tepat. And Critical! Bergerak keseluruh ruang kelas untuk mengamati seluruh siswa. Mortality! Situasi-situasi yang mengganggu, diatasi dengan cara-cara yang baik (dengan cara non-verbal, isyarat, pesan-pesan, pendekatan, kontak mata, dsb. Mla Format For Quoting A Book Essay! Memberikan tugas-tugas yang menarik minat siswa, terutama apabila mereka bekerja secara bebas. Essay! Menggunakan cara yang memungkinkan siswa malaksanakan tugas-tugas belajar dengan arahan seminimal mungkin.

Memanfaatkan waktu pembelajaran sebaik mungkin dan siswa harus terlibat aktif dan produktif dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas pembelajaran. Essay! Menggunakan cara-cara tertentu untuk mendapatkan perhatian siswa. Mortality Essay! Tidak memulai berbicara kepada kelas sebelum semua siswa memberikan perhatian. Demonstrate Need! Menggunakan teknik-teknik mengajar yang bervariasi dan menyesuaikan pengajaran dengan keperluan pembelajaran. Essay! Menggunakan satu sistem pemeriksaan tugas-tugas. Mla Format A Book In An! Menghubungkan bahan yang diajarkan dengan aktivitas yang harus dilakukan siswa. Mortality! Menggunakan teknik-teknik yang memberikan kemudahan berpindah secara berangsur dari aktivitas yang konkrit ke yang lebih abstrak.

Menggunakan campuran pertanyaan dari peringkat yang rendah dan tinggi. Technical Format! Menyadari apa yang sedang berlangsung didalam kelas. Mortality Essay! Dapat menghadirkan lebih dari satu hal dalam satu waktu. Ethical Essay! Mengatur perhatian pelajaran atau aktivitas secara mulus. Memelihara jalannya arahan pelajaran dengan baik. Mortality! Memberikan penyajian secara jelas di dalam kelas. Technical Research Paper! Dapat memotivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran. Mortality! Menunjukan sikap memelihara, menerima, dan menghargai anak. Thesis Binding! Memberikan tindak balas ( respons ) yang memadai terhadap makna, perasaan dan pengalaman anak-anak. Essay! Mengarahkan pertanyaan kepada banyak siswa yang berbeda-beda, dan bukan hanya kepada siswa tertentu saja. Technical Writing Paper Format! Menggunakan berbagai teknik untuk membantu siswa dalam memperbaiki tindak balas yang keliru atau salah.

Memberikan penghargaan dan ganjaran untuk memotivasi siswa. Menggunakan kritikan yang halus dalam mengkomunikasikan harapan kepada siswa yang lebih pandai. Mortality! Menerima inisiatif siswa yang disampaikan melalui pertanyaan, bahasan, atau sasaran. Academic Writing And Critical Thinking! D. Essay! Profesionalisme Guru. Thesis Reading! Guru yang memiliki keahlian, tanggung jawab, dan rasa kesejawatan (satu perwujudan solidaritas kebersamaan sesama guru untuk mencapai tujuan bersama) yang didukung oleh etika profesi yang kuat. Mortality! Unjuk kerja secara profesional mencakup berbagai dimensi secara terpadu, yaitu filosofi, konseptual, dan operasional. Binding Reading! Kematangan profesi guru ditandai dengan perwujudan guru yang memiliki: 1) keahlian; 2) rasa tanggung jawab; dan 3) rasa kesejawatan yang tinggi. Guru yang profesional ialah mereka yang memiliki keahlian, baik yang menyangkut materi keilmuan yang dikuasainya maupun keterampilan metodologinya, yang telah mendapat pengakuan formal yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk sertifikasi, lisensi, dan akreditasi dari pihak yang berwenang (pemerintah dan organisasi profesi). Mortality Essay! Perwujudan unjuk kerja profesional guru di tunjang dengan jiwa profesionalisme yaitu sikap mental (intrinsik) yang senantiasa mendorong dirinya untuk mewujudkan diri sebagai guru profesional. In An Essay! Profesionalisme guru mempunyai makna penting karena, profesionalisme memberikan jaminan perlindungan kepada kesejahteraan masyarakat umum, merupakan satu cara untuk memperbaiki profesi pendidikan, memberikan kemungkinan perbaikan dan pengembangan diri yang memungkinkan guru dapat memberikan pelayanan sebaik mungkin dan memaksimalkan kompetensinya.

Kualitas profesionalisme ditunjukan oleh lima unjuk kerja sebagai berikut: Keinginan untuk selalu menampilkan perilaku yang mendekati standar ideal. Mortality Essay! Mengidentifikasikan dirinya kepada figur yang dipandang memiliki standar ideal. Technical Research Paper Format! Meningkatkan dan memelihara citra profesi. Mortality Essay! Keinginan untuk selalu meningkatkan dan memelihara citra profesi melalui perwujudan perilaku profesional, seperti penampilan, cara bicara, penggunaan bahasa, postur, sikap hidup sehari-hari, hubungan antar pribadi, dsb. Keinginan untuk senantiasa mengejar kesempatan pengembangan profesional yang dapat meningkatkan dan memperbaiki kualitas pengetahuan dan keterampilannya, berusaha mencari dan memanfaatkan kesempatan yang dapat mengembangkan profesinya, antara lain: a) mengikuti kegiatan ilmiah (lokakarya, seminar dsb); b) mengikuti penataran atau pendidikan lanjutan; c) melakukan penelitian atau pengabdian pada msyarakat; d) menelaah kepustakaan, membuat karya ilmiah; e) memasuki organisasi profesi. Technical Research Format! Mengejar kualitas dancita-cita dalam profesi, aktif dalam seluruh kegiatan dan perilakunya untuk menghasilkan kualitas yang ideal atau selalu memperbaiki diri untuk memperoleh hal-hal yang lebih baik dalam melaksanakan tugasnya.

Memiliki kebanggaan terhadap profesinya, memiliki rasa bangga dan percaya diri akan profesinya serta berdedikasi tinggi terhadap tugas-tugasnya sekarang, dan menyakini akan potensi dirinya bagi perkembangan dimasa depan.. Mortality! E. Research Format! Menampilkan Kepribadian. Essay! Keseluruhan perilaku dalam berbagai aspek yang secara kualitatif akan membentuk keunikan atau kekhasan seseorang dalam interaksi dengan lingkungan di berbagai situasi dan kondisi. Mla Format A Book! Sifat utama guru adalah kemampuannya dalam mewujudkan penampilan. kualitas kepribadian dalam interaksi pendidikan yang sebaik-baiknya agar kebutuhan dan tujuan dapat tercapai secara efektif. Mortality! Hal itu dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut: Komponen Penampilan, kemampuan mewujudkan berbagai perilaku kinerja yang Nampak sesuai dengan bidang jabat dan tugasnya sebagai pendidik. Mla Format For Quoting A Book In An Essay! Komponen subjek, kemampuan penguasaan bahan / substansi pengetahuan yang relavan dengan bidang jabatan dan tugas pendidik sebagai prasyarat bagi penampilan kinerjanya secara tepat dan efektif. Mortality! Komponen Subyek, kemampuan penguasaan substansi pengetahuan dan keterampilin teknis keahlian khusus dalam bidang jabatan dan tigas pendidik yang diperoleh melalu Komponen Profesional, kemampuan penguasaan proses-proses mental-intelektual yang mencakup proses berfikir (logis, kritis rasional, kreatif) dalam pemecahan masalah, pembuatan keputusan, dsb. Ethical Essay! Sebagai prasyarat bagi terwujudnya penampilan kinerja pendidik.

Komponen penyesuayan diri, kemampuan penyerasian dan penyesuaian diri terhadap tuntutan lingkungan berdasarkan karakteristik pribadi untuk mencapai keefektifan kinerja kependidikan. Mortality Essay! Komponen Kepribadian , kualitas keseluruhan perilaku sebagai prasyarat fundamental bagi terwujudnya penampilan kinerja secara keseluruhan. Writing Paper! Akan terwujud melalui berfungsinya keseluruhan fotensi manusiawi secara penuh dan utuh melalui interaksi antara diri dengan lingkungannya. Essay! Potensi manusiawi itu berbentuk daya nalar sebagai pilar penyangga dengan empat jenjang anak-anak tangga yang berupa: 1) Coping, kemampuan melakukan tindakan sehari-hari dengan baik; 2) Knowing, memahami kenyataan dan kebenaran dunia sehari-hari; 3) Believing, kenyakinan yang melandasi berbagai tindakan; 4) Being, perwujudan diri yang otentik dan bermakna (William D.Htt,1993). Penalaran, Sumber-sumber daya, seseorang memerlukan atau daya berupa kecakapan untuk melakukan sesuatu, mempengaruhi pihak lain, dan mendapatkan hasil dari tindakannya. Ethical Nursing! Dalam melaksanakan tugas pendidikan secara efektif, sekurang-kurangnya hasur memiliki tiga prinsip sumber daya atau kekuatan, yaitu: (1) staf, yaitu pihak-pihak lain yang menjadi mitra kerja yang siap, mau, dan mampu, (2) informasi, yaitu seperangkat pengetahuan yang memiliki untuk enunjang jalannya tugas-tugas, (3) jaringan kerja, yaitu kontak-kontak pribadi untuk berbagai gagasan, informasi, dan sumber-sumber. Mortality! pe ngetahuan, merupakan pilar penunjang bagi kepribadian yang efektif yang diperoleh melalui pengalaman hidup, pengalaman kerja, atau melalui suatu proses terstruktur seperti melalui pendidikan dan latihan. Thesis Reading! Untuk perwujudan kepribadian efektif, pengetahuan yang harus dikuasai secara utuh mencakup: (1) pengetahuan tentang diri sendiri, yaitu sejauh mana mengenal, memahami, dan menerima berbagai aspek tentang dirinya secara utuh dan benar; (2) pengetahuan tentang tugas atau pekerjaan, yaitu pemahaman mengenai berbagai tugas-tugas utama yang harus dilaksanakan dalam hubungan dengan jabatan atau pekerjaannya; (3) pengetahuan tentang organisasi, yaitu pemahaman mengenai berbagai aspek organisasi tempat tugas; (4) pengetahuan tentang bisnis utma, yaitu pemahaman mengenai visi dan misi secara khusus organisasi tempat tugas; dan (5) pengetahuan tentang dunia, yaitu pemahaman mengenai berbagai aspek lingkungan dan perkembangannya, baik local maupun global. Essay! Funfsi-fungsi uatama, konsisten terhadap keyakinan dasar yang menjadi panduan dalam hidupnya. Academic And Critical! Kepribadian efektif akan tercermin dari keseluruhan pe-rilakunya yang dilandasi dan dibimbing oleh nilai-nilai yang berakar pada keyakinannya.

Atas dasar itu, ada enam fungsi dasar yang dilakukan oleh pendidik berkepribadian efktif yang meliputi; (1) valving, yaitu kemampuan penguasaan nilai-nilai yang baik da-lam lingkungan pendidikan dan mampu menterjemahkan nilai-nilai itu dalam praktek, (2) visioning, yaitu memiliki gambaran mental yang jelas mengenai masa depan yang diinginkan bagi pendidikan, (3) coaching, yaitu membantu orang lain mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yangdiperlukan untuk mencapaai visi, (4) empowering, yaitu memberdayakan orang lain untuk bergerak sampai visi, (5) team bulding, yaitu mengembangkan kebersamaan dengan orang-orang yang bersedia untuk bersama-sama mencapai visi, dan (6) promoting quality, yaitu mencapai suatu reputasi meningkatnya mutu kinerja lembaga pendidikan. Kualitas watak, perwujudan potensi kepribadian pada tingkatan yang paling tinggi melalui penampilan dari secara otentik dan paripurna. Mortality Essay! Kepribadian efektif pendidik dalam tingkatan ini meliputi; (1) identitas, atau jatidiri yaitu keaslian diri dengan rasa keutuhan dan keterpadun; (2) kebebasan diri, yaitu menjadi orang yang lebuh banyak terkendali secara internal dari pada terkendali secara eksternal; (3) otentisitas atau keaslian, menyatakan diri secara benar dan memelihara keterpaduan antara diri bagian dalam ( inner self ) dengan diri bagian luar ( outer self ); (4) tanggung jawab, yaitu menjadi akuntabel dalam keputusan dan tindakan sendiri; (5) keteguhan hati, yaitu mempertahankan jatidiri meskipun dalam menghadapi rintangan; (6) integritas, yaitu terbimbing oleh seperangkat prinsip-prinsip moral dan diakui oleh orang lain sebagai orang yang memiliki keutuhan diri. Oncommunity! F. Essay! Menampilkan Kewibawaan. Mla Format! PROF. Essay! DR. H. Essay Nursing! MOHAMAD SURYA (2004). Essay! PSIKOLOGI PEMBELAJARAN PENGAJARAN.


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Short Definition Essay Examples Essays and mortality, Research Papers. your school newspaper about the binding reading meaning of friendship. As you write your speech, remember to: Focus on mortality essay, the definition of friendship. Writing And Critical. Consider . the purpose, audience, and context of your article. Organize your ideas and details effectively. Mortality. Include specific details that clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for mla format for quoting standard grammar and mortality, language usage. Example Essay on the Definition of oncommunity Friendship If asked, many people would say that their friends are some of the mortality essay most important people in. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. Definition Essay I. A definition essay defines a word, term, or concept in depth by providing a . personal commentary on what the specific subject means.

A. Most physical objects have a definition about which most people agree. 1. Most people will agree on what trees, windows, computers, and pencils are in for quoting in an general. 2. These objects all have specific physical properties that most people can agree on through the use of their physical senses. B. However, abstract. Birthright citizenship in the United States of essay America , Democracy , Nationalism 2153 Words | 7 Pages. DEFINITION ESSAY Definition Essay Definition : The aim in this essay . is to define, explain, and exemplify something. Financial Need Essay. Generally, in definition essays , we try to make the terms that we use understandable for the reader. Our understanding of a term may be different from the general concept, or we may be focusing on a specific aspect. Giving an exact definition would enable the reader to follow the ideas and mortality essay, arguments in your essay . Organization: Definition of essay a term is generally given in the introduction. Definition , Essay , Essays 790 Words | 3 Pages. An essay is generally a short piece of essay writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition . is vague, overlapping with those of an thesis reading article and a short story.

Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Mortality Essay. Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism. Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 944 Words | 3 Pages. noun ?esa/ 1. a short piece of writing on a particular subject. A Book In An Essay. synonyms: article, composition, study, paper, dissertation, thesis, . discourse, treatise, disquisition, monograph; More 2. formal an attempt or effort. a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in telecommunications a trial design of a postage stamp yet to mortality be accepted. verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past. Definition , Essay , Gerund 608 Words | 4 Pages. ?Amanda Colwell Sept. 19 2014 Eng. 102 Definition Essay – The Meaning of Charisma Leaders have long had the ability to thesis binding reading . galvanize populations either in support of terrible atrocities or in opposition to them. From Adolf Hitler, who produced a mass of support in Germany in the 1930s, to Martin Luther King, Jr., who rallied support for essay racial and economic justice in the American Civil Rights Movement, leaders have been able to pull together this support largely because they have had charisma. Charisma.

Adolf Hitler , Charisma , Charismatic authority 948 Words | 3 Pages. Definition and essay nursing, Heroism Essay Assignment. 8th Grade Language Arts Heroism Essay Assignment Due October 9, 2009 Your assignment is to write a multi-paragraph . essay that defines your concept of essay heroism. You will use various strategies of academic thinking definition ( definition by function, example , and negation) to explain your unique opinion on the concept. Steps Prewriting/Planning 1. Revisit your responses to mortality essay the Essential Question: What defines a hero? You may ask yourself, “To what extent or to what degree can a person or an action. 2005 albums , Definition , Essay 580 Words | 3 Pages. Why do I have to write an essay ? I just need help with my homework. It would be great if you could help me please. It's due tomorrow and oncommunity, . Mortality Essay. this is for quoting in an essay taking to mortality long.

I hope you enjoy your pizza. Essay. Thank you. Pakhtuns Knowledge I downstairs Disown owns Die opened Isospin Keith Judo then Hallam Just by Haut so Thought so Splash poet Kite is Kebabs Loire Sound Organ Kaput Haifa Sites Heightens Roses are red Violets are blue This essay is stupid And so are you My homework is. Gratitude , Help , Help me 384 Words | 3 Pages. ONLINE SHORT ESSAY Technical Requirements: No more than two (2) pages, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, one (1)-inch . margins. Please put your name and current mailing address in essay a header on each page of the essay and number the pages.

These technical requirements, including the page limit, will be strictly enforced, and students submitting non-conforming essays risk receiving the grade of demonstrate financial “F” on this assignment. Deadline: Friday, February 8, 2013, 12:00 Noon. Mortality. The essay must. Academia , Academic dishonesty , Essay 888 Words | 3 Pages. Michael Pastrano Melinda Zepeda English 1301 November 26, 2012 Definition Essay Draft Living, the feeling of just having . air in your lungs and blood pumping through your veins. Not only does living define a human being it also can resemble nature.

I think living can have many different definitions , such as having a very good day or the essay best time of your life, enjoying the mortality little things. When were talking about living I’m not talking about something from the movie the Hangover or anything. 2006 albums , 2007 singles , 2008 singles 900 Words | 3 Pages. Essay II Definition Essay The definition of basketball as defined by the Webster dictionary is as . follows: Basketball - noun. Bas-ket-ball: A usually indoor court game between two teams of academic five usually five players each who score by tossing an inflated ball through a raised goal; also: the used in this game. The game of basketball was invented in December 1891 by the Canadian-American educator by essay, the name of James Naismith, which at ethical nursing, the time was an instructor at what is essay now Springfield. Basketball , Game , James Naismith 1116 Words | 3 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is designed to be as close as possible to an . essay question that might appear on the SAT. Oncommunity. You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to explain your view and mortality, back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will.

Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. elements. To begin, one must determine what a traveler actually is. A good way to find out what a traveler is would be to look it up in the dictionary, ask . a friend or do some research. A definition in the dictionary tends to be precise and simple, however it is only explained in more detail when there is an for quoting a book example of a traveler.

The next step to finding a traveler is to mortality cancel out other forms of travelers, such as tourists or sightseers. Writing And Critical. The final step into understand a traveler is to mortality describe famous. Antarctica , Dictionary , James Cook 1077 Words | 3 Pages. ?Exemplification Essay Organization and Essay Assignments Overview This is to help clarify our two essay . assignments. Essay Nursing. The two 5-paragraph essays that we will write this semester will each have an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The first essay will be a simple expansion of the Exemplification ( Example ) Paragraph, so it will logically be about the same person you chose as the topic for your example paragraph. Mortality Essay. The second essay will be a basic Justification. Essay , Inigo Montoya , Paragraph 2011 Words | 4 Pages.

Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Essay. Then answer the questions below. The qualities of a hero . include selflessness, having the inspiration to be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in essay mind, it is easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in his life and work. He was born in Al Ain and paper format, had a simple education which included learning the Koran and mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Eng02 Cada, Daryl Jay P. Mortality Essay. 2/6/2013 Encallado, Jerald S. Limosinero, Ma. Academic Thinking. Ayabelle V. 1. Essay. Procrastinate Surface Meaning - . Procrastinator the oncommunity matter until it was too late. Dictionary Definition - postpone doing what one should be doing. Etymology – 1540’s from latin procrastination “a putting off” noun of mortality action from pp. stem of procrastinate “put off till tomorrow” from pro- “forward + crastinus “belonging to tomorrow from cras “tomorrow” of unknown origin.

Synonyms. Causality , Definition , Procrastination 1127 Words | 4 Pages. ana m4 fahma eh dh assn. :P bs hwa 3mal y2ole too short , fa hfdl aktb l7d ma y2ole kda tmam. ana 3ayza akml 2rayet el essay ele . Oncommunity. ana ft7to m4 aktr . we hwa 3mal ybw5 , a3ml eh tyb . aktb ad eh ya bay5 enta . wah . deh m4 tre2a t3amlo beha el dyof bto3ko 5als . ento btkrhona fe el mge 3ndko . we kda ht5sro kter › Home › Health › Medicine Read this college essay and over 1800000 others like it now. . Success is not a gift. Essay , Essays , Failure 510 Words | 4 Pages. Definition of Rhetoric- extended definition essay. slightly different variation in his discussion of rhetoric that adds to the definition saying: “The duty and office of rhetoric is to apply . reason to imagination for mortality essay the better moving of the will.” What Francis Bacon meant by this is that rhetoric is the academic and critical presentation of an argument that inspires people to act virtuously, with “reason” for the “better moving of the mortality will”. Of course, this is not contained within the thinking dictionary definition of rhetoric, yet Bacon’s addition is crucial because it addresses how. Adolf Hitler , Anthony Eden , Nazi Germany 996 Words | 3 Pages. life on the island. In the beginning, they voted Ralph the essay leader, yet towards the end, most of the boys had switched into the rule of Jack. These instances . point to the fact that Human Nature is constantly and forever changing.

Another modern example of changing Human Nature is modern politics. Four years ago, the Democratic Party was against the legal marriage of homosexuals. Today, it is a topic they adamantly support. A few years back, the mla format for quoting a book essay Republican Party was very pro-environment, regulating. Change , Human , Human nature 902 Words | 3 Pages. Darla Abraham BA 2410 III41 Professor Shaffer December 13, 2010 Test 2 – Short Essay 1. What is the difference between . Mortality Essay. organization-centered and individual-centered career planning? Why should HR departments facilitate individual-centered career planning if these individuals might not stay with the ethical essay organization for their entire career? Organization-centered career planning focuses on mortality essay, jobs and on identifying career paths that provide for the logical progression of people between jobs in. Collective bargaining , Drug addiction , Drug test 1185 Words | 4 Pages. For Feb.

9, 2011 in class - Short essay questions – You may use your book. Work Email by yourself. Email . ( your answers by in an, cutting and mortality, pasting these questions onto a new document. You may use secondary sources (if its so intensely relevant that you just can’t do without) but then make sure you CITE them! DO NOT plagiarize from the Internet!! If your work reads too well I will upload it onto Turnitin. No kidding. Please cite relevant passages in the book by using their.

Crime and Punishment , Murder 720 Words | 3 Pages. What is a hero? Someone who can fly across the country or shoot laser beams out of their eyes? No, the essay main heroes in mortality our lives are the ones we pay the least . attention to. Essay. A hero’s traits vary from strength to emotional to mortality essay witty.

As an example think about doctors. They have to have strength, wit, and emotional all at the same time. They pursue the ideas and conquests for ethical nursing a hero but it doesn’t even have to be that. A hero doesn’t have to be a doctor or even a human. It could be an animal. A hero. Cyclops , Debut albums , Emotion 1331 Words | 3 Pages. The Role of Isolation and Madness The Fall of the mortality House of writing thinking Usher Short Story Essay “Isolation is a self-defeating dream.” As . quoted by Carlos Salinas de Gartani. Essay. In the ethical “Fall of the House of Usher” written by Edger Allen Poe, and is one of mortality essay his most popular short stories. There have been many understandings and theories regarding the theme and financial need essay, nature of this short story. Essay. In this story the use of diction, the thinking overall setting and the characters relationships influence what the main theme revolves.

Edgar Allan Poe , English-language films , Fiction 1444 Words | 4 Pages. SANTELICES, Rhey Elmerson S. ENGLCOM EW2 Definition Essay Draft August 16, 2011 . Death is the mortality one thing in life we can be sure about and that is why religions have beliefs about what it means. Essay. Everything else might happen to us: we might get married, be rich, be happy, have children, open our own business or travel the world, but the only real certainty is essay that we will die. The major western religion Christianity has borrowed heavily. Afterlife , Christian terms , Christianity 1322 Words | 3 Pages.

age of expansion following on an age of discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about architectural design and decoration. Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of academic and critical thinking Baroque Architecture and mortality, design. It displays the thesis binding reading Baroque essence in mortality a way but is not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Marble is mainly used in the columns and the base appears to be gilded in bronze. Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages.

? International Migration: A Very Short Introduction. By Khalid Koser . Writing Format. Demography UM 237. Wadiyah Lattimore. FEBUARY 27/ 2014. . Human migration , Human rights , Lifestyle 1065 Words | 3 Pages. Short Essay Questions 1. Mortality Essay. I was watching a new episode of White Collar an writing and critical interesting, yet overly dramatic crime show and I . distinctively remember four commercials. Mortality. The first one was for some fancy restaurant that showed a nice juicy steak with a ton of appetizing food on the table. The next commercial, ironically, was for mla format for quoting essay some gym that showed a man that had muscles in places I frankly didn’t know could gain muscle, the mortality man was outrageously big. The next commercial was for another show by the same. Crime , Federal Bureau of Investigation , Fossil 916 Words | 3 Pages.

more specific and was defined as munificence, open-handedness, and liberality in the giving of money and possessions of others. Generosity used to be an essay . inheritable trait, but we know in mortality today’s society it is research paper format a practiced trait. Over time as the definition has changed, acts of generosity have become nearly imperceptible causing it to be a more desired and a sentimental trait. I can’t say I haven’t donated to SPCA or to World Hunger Relief without the thought of me being generous. They were an. Acts of the mortality essay Apostles , Charity , Giving 757 Words | 3 Pages. they depend or abuse of any substance.

The person consistently depends on these harmful substances that give the writing paper person a sense of mortality essay joy. Giving into an . addiction helps a person feel accepted and loved. Demonstrate Essay. An addiction is considered a brain disorder. For example , a person who is a heavy drinker constantly keeps having problems in different aspects of mortality essay their life because the drinking has become the problem. People have a sense of lost of writing format control to limit their drinking habits. An addiction can lead to many.

Addiction , Alcoholism , Brain 1380 Words | 5 Pages. ?Running Head: DEFINITION ESSAY 1 . Essay. Definition Essay Altruism Upper Iowa University Author Note This paper was prepared for English Composition II, taught by essay, Professor H. Mortality Essay. DEFINITION ESSAY 2 Altruism Eric Gibson, the editor of the Leisure Arts page of technical paper The Wall Street Journal, once wrote. Altruism , Arianna Huffington , Auguste Comte 1102 Words | 5 Pages. Family Definition with Classification Essay. ?My Definition of Family with Classification The definition of “family” may differ from one person to the next. Even the . various dictionaries have multiple definitions for the simple yet ever so complex word. Mortality Essay. The Oxford English Dictionary’s etymology of the word family comes from the Middle French famile, beginning in demonstrate financial essay 1337 with family being defined as a group of people living under the mortality essay same roof, household, in 1442-44 included a group of people related by blood, 1580 a group of people related. Definition , Extended family , Family 1311 Words | 6 Pages. Examples from Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and . strontium by soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in a book in an essay chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of how much of essay a solvent is [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy.

Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. a) BASIC ESSAY (single text / topic) Introduction This forms the a book beginning of your essay . It tells the examiner, or your . teacher, that you understand the question and gives them an idea of the mortality plan that you have to answer the essay . Give a very brief summary of the text or a definition , if necessary. Writing And Critical. Answer the question that was asked, without any details or explanation. These answers will become your topic sentence / points in the upcoming paragraphs. your introduction does not need to be more. Bella Swan , Pilcrow , Question 1343 Words | 5 Pages. up for their rights, discrimination keep happening which result into severe psychological consequences. Essay. Workplace discrimination can become a threatening . Oncommunity. form, which will not only result in the victim’s mind but also their physical body. A good example to illustrate discrimination in the workplace is the study from Lei Lai and Linda C. Babcock. They both did a study on workplace discrimination to mortality Asian Americans.

They did an demonstrate need essay experiment that had about 100 participants that they will go to an interview. Abuse , Asian American , Discrimination 875 Words | 4 Pages. Example Essay “He that is good for mortality essay making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the . founding of the United States of America, Mr. Nursing. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I don't have enough time… and it negative effects on essay, their lives. Today, it is binding reading frequently used as an excuse to mortality justify the lack of time management skills. For Quoting A Book In An. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available.

Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. In this essay , the human nature of physically killing its own specie and however it’s morally right to do so, and if so; when, will be analyzed . in different contexts. It’s however important to show consideration and understanding to mortality essay the fact that it’s also in the humans nature to not kill its own specie. Before discussing the subject itself, it’s important to define certain terms that will either appear or have an important purpose to financial essay the subject of the essay . Morality, the most common definition. Ethics , Human , Morality 1026 Words | 3 Pages. medicine…it was [and is] a miracle” ( Discovery of anything takes time, funding, hopefulness and support. Unfortunately, many medical . subjects are not fully understood and do not receive the support which is needed. Mortality. Diabetes is financial essay just one example of mortality essay many which have come so far with the discovery of insulin, but still needs an actual cure. Stem cell research could provide the cure and should continue, even if some do not agree on the procedures.

Stem Cell research is, and probably will. Adult stem cell , Biotechnology , Bone marrow 1889 Words | 5 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. According to the paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the . Mla Format In An. transfer of data or energy which can't be described by mortality essay, present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and format, a pair of essay scissors fell from the countertop and on to the floor. Ethical Essay. It scared me to death and it was like the mortality scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition : Descriptive essay is one of the many types of writing styles that provides a . Essay Oncommunity. detailed description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object.

Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to for relaxation. They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. Short Essay on Inerrancy and Inspiration.

Dareld A. Osborne THEO201_B01_200930 Short Essay #1 Short . Essay on Inerrancy and Inspiration The topic of my essay is Inerrancy and Inspiration. Inerrancy is the mortality essay recognizing that what God revealed and inspired is accurate, reliable, authorative, and without error. (Towns pg. 29) Inspiration is the thesis binding reading supernatural guidance of the writers of scripture by the Spirit of God, also accuracy and reliability. (Towns, pg. 29) The key to both inerrancy and inspiration. Ark of the mortality essay Covenant , Bible , Christianity 869 Words | 3 Pages.

mess you up for life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to teach you how to thesis binding reading deal with the unfairness . in life. Mortality Essay. When I first started middle school I felt so out of place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and I was very stressed out a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out was because of the changes that I had to endure around and to me. For example I had to deal with the disturbing fact that I was growing hair in various places on my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . things in our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from generation to generation.

Because of this, the idea of academic sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today. Today, sexuality can be expressed in almost anything we do. Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and essay, many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in professional and semi-professional musicians.” One of the most visible . benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of demonstrate memory capacity and ability. Mortality Essay. For example , the constant use of both the left and essay, right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously in someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Thanks to this, it is also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages.

Example of mortality a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . points to make on the way the essay is structured and financial essay, the way the information is put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the job of clearly defining the topic covered in the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in particular last sentence of mortality essay introduction. ( We will be looking at the structure of introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. An Essay is demonstrate a piece of mortality essay writing which is often written from an author's personal point of view. Essays can consist of a number of . elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of financial daily life, recollections, and reflections of the mortality author. The definition of an essay is vague, overlapping with those of an research paper format article and a short story. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's An Essay on.

Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 746 Words | 3 Pages. of the week when Pete receives big shipments of inventory for the store. When that occurs the retail part of the Garden Center can be really busy for mortality a few . days after stocking the new inventory. Demonstrate. Inventory can range from a variety of mortality things, for example ; garden rocks in assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and even bird baths. So as one of the three managers, Pete has to make sure things go well and items are placed correctly and neatly throughout the store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. analysis, you will use examples gathered from mla format, research on current events. Short Essay Topic: Based on essay, the . information you have learned about personality development, write a paragraph explaining how at least two theories helped shape your own personality. Refer to specific personality traits that you have and essay oncommunity, how they might have been formed by essay, the elements of the oncommunity various theories. Hints on Essay Structure: Follow the structure given on the Social Studies Essay Rubric and also include. Big Five personality traits , Explanation , Personality psychology 594 Words | 4 Pages.

head honcho of poetry? Maybe poetry to you is a bunch of figurative language. In that case E.E. Essay. Cummings A Leaf Falls probably seemed like an extremely . Essay. short story more that a poem. Today, an analysis of a poet’s definition of poetry will be examined.

By analyzing the figurative language in essay Ars Poetica we will capture Archibald MacLeish’s definition of poetry. Nursing. Archibald MacLeish has won numerous awards for mortality his role in demonstrate financial poetry. Mortality Essay. He was an American poet and the Librarian of Congress, he strongly promoted. Alliteration , Archibald MacLeish , Ars Poetica 937 Words | 4 Pages. of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . Academic Writing. essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Essay. Firstly, the higher quality example essays , such as the Distinction and High Distinction essays provided great structure and an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in essay the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages.

Love- An Extended Definition Essay. LOVE What is the essay definition of love? The formal definition states that love is; 1. Oncommunity. Intense affection, 2. A feeling of attraction . resulting from sexual desire, and 3. Enthusiasm or fondness. Essay. Although these definitions are all true there is ethical essay a deeper meaning to this word, this word can be a feeling, a choice, even a state of mind. Mortality. Love is a many splendid thing; you cannot live without it even if you try it is thesis binding not possible. It is not possible to live without love because each and every person holds. 2006 singles , Emotion , English-language films 1377 Words | 4 Pages. Section Number: ________Theo 201 d10 luo ______________________ (e.g. Mortality. THEO 201 B01) Essay on Topic [ Short Essay . on technical paper format, Inerrancy and essay, Inspiration] What does it mean to essay say that the Bible has authority and from where does the authority come from? well to answer that the Bible is mortality essay a book of many books broken down from demonstrate financial, old testament to the new testament dealing with people in essay it and our creator who made this world in ethical essay nursing such short time as the book Genesis tells about creation even the book of essay John tells us in.

Bible , Biblical hermeneutics , Biblical studies 2694 Words | 7 Pages. Organizing and Drafting Your Definition Essay. Organizing and academic thinking, Drafting Your Definition Essay To draft your definition essay , use the organizer . below. To complete the organizer, use the criteria, examples , and essay, non- examples from your previous assignments. Be sure to write in mla format for quoting a book complete sentences and mortality essay, provide details. FIRST PARAGRAPH: INTRODUCTION Introduce the concept of the American Dream. Demonstrate Financial Essay. Explain why it’s important to define the concept and why it is difficult in some cases to define the concept. success isn't something you chase. It's something. Barack Obama , Democratic Party , Family of Barack Obama 1037 Words | 4 Pages.

Definition Essay: the Good Shepherd. The Biblical Definition of the mortality Good Shepherd: Definition Essay .. The Biblical Definition of . the Good Shepherd Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd” (John 10:11, NIV). A Shepherd is technical paper format a person who tends and guards flocks of sheep. Mortality. In Bible, Jesus was not a real shepherd; however, he described himself as the Good Shepherd. Christians may question why the Good Shepherd is distinctive from general shepherd. From biblical perspective, the Good shepherd is an emotional image that teaches Christians.

Bible , Christianity , God 1274 Words | 4 Pages. ?THEO 201 Short Essay # 2 Short Essay on Christology Jesus was both a human being and God. . This essay will discuss the Biblical basis for Jesus' humanity and deity. It will also explain how Jesus can be God and man at the same time and what that means. Writing And Critical. Jesus had to become incarnate to save humanity and it will be explained why. It will also be discussed the mortality essay dangers of overemphasizing and denying the humanity and deity of Christ, as well as some of the common objections to the traditional. Christ , Christianity , Christology 878 Words | 4 Pages. Essay on the Short Story (approximately 800 words [typed]) Over the past few weeks, we have read and discussed many stories. We . have looked at ethical nursing, what the authors had to essay say, how they said it and, in essay some cases, talked about the authors, themselves. Mortality Essay. You looked at two theories of short fiction: Hawthorne’s need to express a moral or theme and his reliance on exposition versus Poe’s purpose being to create a single or central effect relying on plot to essay do so.

Some critics have said that a short story. Boleslaw Prus , Edgar Allan Poe , Essay 1607 Words | 5 Pages. Jun. 17, 2013 ESSAY WRITING ESSAY . – A short literary composition of an analytical, interpretive, or reflective kind, dealing with its subject in a non-technical, limited, often unsystematic way and, usually expressive of the author’s outlook and personality. - An attempt. TYPES OF ESSAYS – Personal – Describes how you feel about someone or something. Mortality Essay. YOU are at the center . . Article , Essay , Essays 622 Words | 3 Pages.

Reflexive/Definition Example Essay. Reflexive/ Definition Essay Family determines our future. It shapes children into who they will become. If a family sets a bad . example for the child, such as involvement in drugs, alcohol, and crime, then the child will most likely follow the same path. If a loving family spends time to teach their children morals and values, then the child will most likely become a good-spirited, well-rounded character. Academic Writing. Which type of essay person would you prefer to be around, given the preceding choices? Therefore. Child , Drug , Drug addiction 673 Words | 2 Pages. ?4/1/14 English Composition Definition Essay : Trust What is technical research paper format trust?

The . dictionary meaning of trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of essay someone or something. Reading. The second meaning is, confidence placed in a person by making that person the nominal owner of mortality essay property to be held or used for the benefit of one or more others. But what can we really define as trust? In this paper, I will discuss how trust is used every. Faith , Friendship , If You Have to a book essay Ask 1338 Words | 4 Pages. Wrong! Surely, the most famous arch in the world is the beautiful golden arch of the McDonald’s ‘M’! McDonald’s was founded in the United States of America . in 1940 when brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald stated a humble barbecue restaurant. In that short space of time this small-town BBQ joint has taken over the world: now McDonald’s serves around 68 million customers daily in 119 different countries. That’s almost every country in the world! The unprecedented domination of this restaurant has brought.

Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. and write. This is the most common definition , but there are other aspects of mortality essay being literate. First, being literate can mean being educated . A Book In An Essay. or cultured. All communities, cultures, and subcultures—geographical, academic, religious, athletic, musical, social—have their own languages, rituals, and symbols which can be understood and mortality essay, manipulated by binding reading, someone who is culturally literate. Second, being literate can mean having knowledge or competence. For example , we speak of mortality people being computer.

Essay , Knowledge , Literacy 1120 Words | 4 Pages.

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10 Psychological Experiments That Could Never Happen Today. Nowadays, the American Psychological Association has a Code of Conduct in place when it comes to ethics in psychological experiments. Experimenters must adhere to various rules pertaining to everything from confidentiality to mortality, consent to overall beneficence. Review boards are in place to enforce these ethics. A Book Essay? But the mortality, standards were not always so strict, which is how some of the most famous studies in psychology came about.

At Johns Hopkins University in 1920, John B. Ethical Essay Nursing? Watson conducted a study of classical conditioning, a phenomenon that pairs a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus until they produce the same result. This type of conditioning can create a response in mortality essay a person or animal towards an object or sound that was previously neutral. Classical conditioning is commonly associated with Ivan Pavlov, who rang a bell every time he fed his dog until the mere sound of the bell caused his dog to salivate. Watson tested classical conditioning on a 9-month-old baby he called Albert B. Ethical Essay Nursing? The young boy started the experiment loving animals, particularly a white rat. Watson started pairing the presence of the essay, rat with the loud sound of a hammer hitting metal. Albert began to develop a fear of the white rat as well as most animals and furry objects. The experiment is considered particularly unethical today because Albert was never desensitized to technical, the phobias that Watson produced in him. Mortality? (The child died of an unrelated illness at age 6, so doctors were unable to determine if his phobias would have lasted into demonstrate need, adulthood.) Solomon Asch tested conformity at Swarthmore College in 1951 by essay, putting a participant in a group of people whose task was to match line lengths. Each individual was expected to announce which of three lines was the closest in for quoting in an length to a reference line. But the participant was placed in a group of mortality essay actors, who were all told to academic writing and critical thinking, give the mortality, correct answer twice then switch to each saying the same incorrect answer. Asch wanted to see whether the participant would conform and start to give the writing research paper, wrong answer as well, knowing that he would otherwise be a single outlier. Thirty-seven of the 50 participants agreed with the incorrect group despite physical evidence to mortality, the contrary.

Asch used deception in need his experiment without getting informed consent from his participants, so his study could not be replicated today. Some psychological experiments that were designed to test the bystander effect are considered unethical by today’s standards. In 1968, John Darley and Bibb Latane developed an interest in crime witnesses who did not take action. Mortality? They were particularly intrigued by the murder of Kitty Genovese, a young woman whose murder was witnessed by many, but still not prevented. The pair conducted a study at Columbia University in which they would give a participant a survey and leave him alone in a room to fill out the paper. Harmless smoke would start to seep into the room after a short amount of time.

The study showed that the solo participant was much faster to report the smoke than participants who had the exact same experience, but were in a group. The studies became progressively unethical by putting participants at risk of thesis psychological harm. Darley and essay, Latane played a recording of an actor pretending to have a seizure in the headphones of a person, who believed he or she was listening to an actual medical emergency that was taking place down the hall. Again, participants were much quicker to react when they thought they were the sole person who could hear the seizure. Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram hoped to further understand how so many people came to participate in the cruel acts of the need, Holocaust. He theorized that people are generally inclined to obey authority figures, posing the question, “Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?” In 1961, he began to conduct experiments of obedience.

Participants were under the impression that they were part of mortality essay a study of memory. Each trial had a pair divided into “teacher” and “learner,” but one person was an technical actor, so only one was a true participant. The drawing was rigged so that the essay, participant always took the technical writing paper format, role of “teacher.” The two were moved into separate rooms and the “teacher” was given instructions. He or she pressed a button to shock the “learner” each time an incorrect answer was provided. These shocks would increase in voltage each time. Eventually, the mortality essay, actor would start to complain followed by thinking, more and more desperate screaming. Milgram learned that the mortality, majority of participants followed orders to continue delivering shocks despite the clear discomfort of the nursing, “learner.” Had the shocks existed and been at the voltage they were labeled, the majority would have actually killed the “learner” in the next room. Mortality? Having this fact revealed to the participant after the study concluded would be a clear example of psychological harm. In the for quoting in an essay, 1950s, Harry Harlow of the University of Wisconsin tested infant dependency using rhesus monkeys in essay his experiments rather than human babies.

The monkey was removed from its actual mother which was replaced with two “mothers,” one made of cloth and one made of wire. The cloth “mother” served no purpose other than its comforting feel whereas the ethical essay nursing, wire “mother” fed the monkey through a bottle. The monkey spent the majority of his day next to the cloth “mother” and only around one hour a day next to essay, the wire “mother,” despite the association between the and critical thinking, wire model and mortality, food. Harlow also used intimidation to prove that the monkey found the cloth “mother” to be superior. He would scare the infants and watch as the monkey ran towards the cloth model. Harlow also conducted experiments which isolated monkeys from other monkeys in order to show that those who did not learn to be part of the group at a young age were unable to assimilate and writing and critical, mate when they got older. Harlow’s experiments ceased in 1985 due to mortality, APA rules against need essay, the mistreatment of animals as well as humans. However, Department of Psychiatry Chair Ned H. Kalin, M.D. of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health has recently begun similar experiments that involve isolating infant monkeys and exposing them to mortality essay, frightening stimuli.

He hopes to discover data on human anxiety, but is meeting with resistance from animal welfare organizations and oncommunity, the general public. The ethics of mortality essay Martin Seligman’s experiments on learned helplessness would also be called into question today due to his mistreatment of animals. In 1965, Seligman and demonstrate financial need essay, his team used dogs as subjects to test how one might perceive control. The group would place a dog on one side of a box that was divided in half by a low barrier. Mortality Essay? Then they would administer a shock, which was avoidable if the dog jumped over the barrier to the other half. Dogs quickly learned how to mla format a book, prevent themselves from being shocked.

Seligman’s group then harnessed a group of dogs and mortality essay, randomly administered shocks, which were completely unavoidable. The next day, these dogs were placed in the box with the barrier. Despite new circumstances that would have allowed them to escape the painful shocks, these dogs did not even try to jump over the barrier; they only cried and paper format, did not jump at all, demonstrating learned helplessness. Muzafer Sherif conducted the Robbers Cave Experiment in the summer of 1954, testing group dynamics in mortality the face of conflict. A group of mla format a book in an essay preteen boys were brought to a summer camp, but they did not know that the counselors were actually psychological researchers. The boys were split into two groups, which were kept very separate.

The groups only mortality came into contact with each other when they were competing in sporting events or other activities. Mla Format? The experimenters orchestrated increased tension between the two groups, particularly by keeping competitions close in points. Then, Sherif created problems, such as a water shortage, that would require both teams to unite and mortality, work together in order to achieve a goal. After a few of these, the groups became completely undivided and amicable. Though the experiment seems simple and perhaps harmless, it would still be considered unethical today because Sherif used deception as the boys did not know they were participating in a psychological experiment. Technical Paper Format? Sherif also did not have informed consent from participants.

At the University of Iowa in 1939, Wendell Johnson and his team hoped to discover the cause of stuttering by attempting to turn orphans into stutterers. There were 22 young subjects, 12 of essay whom were non-stutterers. Half of the group experienced positive teaching whereas the other group dealt with negative reinforcement. The teachers continually told the latter group that they had stutters. No one in either group became stutterers at writing paper format, the end of the experiment, but those who received negative treatment did develop many of the essay, self-esteem problems that stutterers often show. Perhaps Johnson’s interest in this phenomenon had to do with his own stutter as a child, but this study would never pass with a contemporary review board. Johnson’s reputation as an unethical psychologist has not caused the University of Iowa to remove his name from its Speech and Hearing Clinic.

9. Blue Eyed versus Brown Eyed Students. Jane Elliott was not a psychologist, but she developed one of the most famously controversial exercises in thesis 1968 by dividing students into a blue-eyed group and a brown-eyed group. Elliott was an elementary school teacher in Iowa, who was trying to give her students hands-on experience with discrimination the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was shot, but this exercise still has significance to psychology today. The famous exercise even transformed Elliott’s career into one centered around diversity training. After dividing the class into groups, Elliott would cite phony scientific research claiming that one group was superior to mortality essay, the other. Throughout the day, the group would be treated as such. Elliott learned that it only research paper format took a day for essay the “superior” group to turn crueler and the “inferior” group to writing paper, become more insecure. Mortality Essay? The blue eyed and brown eyed groups then switched so that all students endured the same prejudices.

Elliott’s exercise (which she repeated in 1969 and 1970) received plenty of public backlash, which is probably why it would not be replicated in a psychological experiment or classroom today. The main ethical concerns would be with deception and ethical, consent, though some of the original participants still regard the experiment as life-changing. 10. The Stanford Prison Experiment. In 1971, Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University conducted his famous prison experiment, which aimed to examine group behavior and the importance of roles. Zimbardo and mortality essay, his team picked a group of 24 male college students who were considered “healthy,” both physically and psychologically. The men had signed up to demonstrate financial essay, participate in a “psychological study of mortality essay prison life,” which would pay them $15 per day. Half were randomly assigned to mla format for quoting a book, be prisoners and mortality, the other half were assigned to be prison guards.

The experiment played out in the basement of the academic writing thinking, Stanford psychology department where Zimbardo’s team had created a makeshift prison. The experimenters went to great lengths to create a realistic experience for the prisoners, including fake arrests at mortality, the participants’ homes. The prisoners were given a fairly standard introduction to prison life, which included being deloused and assigned an academic writing and critical thinking embarrassing uniform. The guards were given vague instructions that they should never be violent with the mortality essay, prisoners, but needed to stay in control. The first day passed without incident, but the reading, prisoners rebelled on the second day by barricading themselves in essay their cells and ignoring the nursing, guards.

This behavior shocked the mortality, guards and presumably led to the psychological abuse that followed. The guards started separating “good” and “bad” prisoners, and doled out punishments including push ups, solitary confinement, and academic and critical, public humiliation to rebellious prisoners. Zimbardo explained, “In only mortality essay a few days, our guards became sadistic and oncommunity, our prisoners became depressed and essay, showed signs of extreme stress.” Two prisoners dropped out of the experiment; one eventually became a psychologist and technical paper format, a consultant for prisons. The experiment was originally supposed to last for two weeks, but it ended early when Zimbardo’s future wife, psychologist Christina Maslach, visited the experiment on the fifth day and mortality, told him, “I think it’s terrible what you’re doing to those boys.” Despite the unethical experiment, Zimbardo is still a working psychologist today. He was even honored by the American Psychological Association with a Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in writing research paper format the Science of Psychology in 2012. On September 30, 1982—35 years ago today—television audiences met Sam Malone, the fictional Red Sox pitcher-turned-proprietor of Cheers, the Boston bar where everybody knows your name. Essay? But there’s plenty you probably don’t know about the classic sitcom, which spent 11 seasons on writing thinking, the air. 1. Mortality? CHEERS ALMOST DIDN’T MAKE IT THROUGH SEASON ONE. Like many of television’s greatest success stories (e.g. Seinfeld ), Cheers was not an immediate hit. It premiered on September 30, 1982 to dismal ratings—77th place out of 100 shows that week, according to Nielsen.

It was NBC’s entertainment president at the time, Brandon Tartikoff, who saved the show from cancellation during its first season. 2. THE BULL FINCH PUB, ON WHICH CHEERS IS MODELED, IS NOW CALLED CHEERS. Talk about life imitating art. After it was decided that the essay oncommunity, series would be set in a bar instead of a hotel, co-creators Glen and Les Charles decided the locale should be moved to mortality essay, New England. “Boston was chosen partially because only five short-lived television shows claimed the city and the East Coast pubs were real neighborhood hangouts,” wrote Dennis A. Bjorklund in his book, Toasting Cheers. As the show’s popularity rose, it didn’t take long for nursing word to spread that the Beacon Hill tavern was the “real” Cheers (though only the exterior shots were filmed there), turning the neighborhood hangout into mortality essay, a tourist attraction. Writing Thinking? To satisfy the masses, a second location—this one was actually called Cheers and featuring a replica of the bar viewers were used to—was opened in nearby Faneuil Hall in 2001. One year later, the Bull Finch officially changed its name to Cheers. 3. SAM MALONE WAS A PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL PLAYER. At least he was in the script’s earliest incarnations, which made sense considering that Fred Dryer—the former NFL defensive end who would go on to star in Hunter —was a top choice to mortality essay, play the role of Sam (opposite Julia Duffy as Diane; William Devane was also a strong contender).

Ultimately, it was the ethical nursing, chemistry between Ted Danson and Shelley Long that led to mortality, them getting the gigs. Once the casting was finalized, the creators swapped out essay nursing, football for mortality baseball, based on Danson’s body type. Academic Writing? 4. TED DANSON ATTENDED BARTENDING SCHOOL. Danson spent two weeks at essay, a bartending school in Burbank, California as part of his training to play Sam. Essay? 5. NORM AND CLIFF WEREN’T INTENDED TO BE REGULAR CHARACTERS.

Both George Wendt and essay, John Ratzenberger auditioned for the same role in nursing the pilot, a minor character named George who had a single line: “Beer!” The character’s name was changed to Norm Peterson when Wendt was cast. But Ratzenberger wasn’t about to give up so easily. “As I was leaving the office after the audition, I turned around and asked them, ‘Do you have a bar know-it-all?,’” the Bridgeport, Connecticut-born Ratzenberger recalled to mortality essay, Ability Magazine. “None of the creators was from New England. They were all Hollywood-centered. And I said, ‘Well, every local bar in New England has got a know-it-all—someone who pretends to have the knowledge of all mankind between his ears and is not shy about sharing it.’” Thus, Cliff Clavin was born. 6. For Quoting A Book Essay? NORM PETERSON IS BASED ON A REAL GUY. In 2012, co-creator Les Charles told GQ that Norm was based on a real person. “I worked at a bar after college, and we had a guy who came in every night. He wasn't named Norm, [but he] was always going to have just one beer, and then he'd say, ‘Maybe I'll just have one more.’ We had to help him out of the bar every night. His wife would call, and he'd always say, ‘Tell her I'm not here.’” 7. Mortality? NORM’S NEVER-SEEN WIFE VERA IS VOICED BY GEORGE WENDT’S REAL WIFE. Though she’s only thesis credited in one episode, George Wendt’s wife, Bernadette Birkett, provided the voice for Norm’s wife, Vera. Birkett did make one appearance on the show—as a love interest of Cliff’s—in season three.

8. JOHN RATZENBERGER IMPROVISED MANY OF CLIFF’S FUN FACTS. Many of the random (and untrue) facts that Cliff Clavin offers up were ad libbed by Ratzenberger. Mortality? “After a couple of years on the show they realized they could trust me not to mess it up,” Ratzenberger told Deseret News in 1993. “So little by little they've let me just sort of run off. Ethical Essay Nursing? Because I know when to stop … It's easy to improvise comedy. It really is. Essay? But the mla format in an, art is knowing when to shut up and let other people talk. That's a hard thing to learn.” 9. SOME OF THE DIALOGUE CAME FROM REAL BAR CONVERSATIONS.

In order to nail the bar talk aspect of the series, the creators regularly visited bars in the Los Angeles area to eavesdrop on patrons’ conversations. Mortality Essay? In the series premiere, there’s an ethical nursing argument about the sweatiest movie ever made, which was lifted from one of these overheard conversations. 10. Essay? CHEERS WASN’T AFRAID TO TACKLE SOCIAL ISSUES. Cheers ’ writers never shied away from demonstrate taboo topics such as alcoholism or homosexuality, through they always had a sense of mortality humor about them. The season one episode “The Boys in the Bar,” in which one of academic writing and critical Sam’s former teammates announces that he is gay, earned writers Ken Levine and David Isaacs a GLAAD Media Award. 11. PLANS FOR AN HIV SCARE FOR SAM HAD TO BE ABANDONED. In 1988, the Writers Guild of mortality essay America went on thesis binding reading, strike, which meant that several planned episodes of the series were never filmed. Mortality Essay? Among them was a season six cliffhanger in which Sam learns that a former girlfriend is HIV positive. 12.

RHEA WASN’T THE ONLY PERLMAN ON THE SET. Financial Need Essay? Rhea Perlman wasn’t the mortality essay, only member of her family to grace the set of Cheers . Her younger sister, Heide, produced more than two dozen episodes between 1985 and 1986 and wrote several episodes throughout the academic writing, show’s run. Perlman’s father, Phil, played one of the bar regulars (named Phil). 13. JAY THOMAS MURDERED EDDIE LEBEC. When character actor Jay Thomas wasn’t portraying Carla’s Bruin-turned-ice-show-performer husband Eddie LeBec, he was the host of a popular morning radio show in Los Angeles.

Which is exactly what led to his character being killed off rather prematurely by way of Zamboni. “A few episodes of mortality essay recurring bliss and then one day on Jay’s radio show, a caller asked him what it was like to be on Cheers,” recounts writer Ken Levine. “He said something to the effect of, ‘It’s brutal. I have to kiss Rhea Perlman.’ Well, guess who happened to be listening . Jay Thomas was never seen on Cheers again.” 14. Research Paper Format? A CHEERS MINI-EPISODE WAS PRODUCED FOR THE U.S. TREASURY. Early in Cheers ’ run, its creators were contracted by the U.S. Treasury to create a special mini-episode to mortality, promote the purchase of U.S. savings bonds. Titled “Uncle Sam Malone,” the episode never aired on television nor is it included on any of the financial need essay, DVDs; it was intended to essay, be screened for promotional purposes at savings bond drives only. 15. For Quoting In An? A “LOST” SCENE ALSO AIRED AS PART OF THE 1983 SUPER BOWL XVII PREGAME SHOW. Back in early 1983, writers Ken Levine and mortality, David Isaacs wrote a special one-off scene to air before Super Bowl XVII in which Sam, Diane, Carla, Norm, Cliff, and need essay, NBC announcer Pete Axthelm bet on who will win the big game. “They ran it just before game time and it was seen by 80,000,000 people,” Levine recalled of the spot on essay, his blog. “Nothing we've ever written before or since has been seen by that many eyeballs at one time. But the scene was never repeated.

It never appeared on any DVDs. It just disappeared.” (Until now: You can watch it at the link above.) 16. TED DANSON WORE A HAIRPIECE TO PLAY HAIR-OBSESSED SAM. A fact that became apparent when he accepted the Emmy—sans hairpiece—in 1990. In the essay oncommunity, 1993 episode “It’s Lonely on the Top,” Sam shares his follicular challenge with Carla. 17. VIEWERS FREQUENTLY COMPLAINED ABOUT THE VOLUME OF THE LAUGH TRACK, EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS NO LAUGH TRACK. In 1983, a quick disclaimer—spoken by mortality, one of the regular cast members—was added to the beginning of each episode: “ Cheers was filmed before a live studio audience.” This was a direct response to viewer complaints that the “laugh track” was too loud.

18. Technical Writing Paper? THE PART OF FRASIER WAS WRITTEN FOR JOHN LITHGOW. After recent roles in All That Jazz, Blow Out, and The World According to Garp (for which he received his first of two consecutive Oscar nominations), Lithgow was not interested in working on the small screen. “I just said, 'No,’” Lithgow recalled to The Hollywood Reporter . “I barely even remembered that … It was like swatting away a fly … I just wasn’t going to do a series.” 19. KELSEY GRAMMER PLAYED FRASIER CRANE FOR 20 YEARS. Mortality Essay? Grammer made his Cheers debut in the third season premiere in 1984. Though he was intended to be a short-lived character, Crane’s popularity with audiences led to him becoming a series regular. Four months after Cheers ended in May of 1993, Frasier made its debut (on the redesigned Cheers stage, no less) and ran for its own 11 seasons. Grammer’s two-decade run as the in an essay, pretentious psychiatrist is a record-breaking one for an American comedy actor. Mortality Essay? 20. TONY SOPRANO'S MOM PLAYED FRASIER'S MOM, TOO.

Nancy Marchand's character threatened to kill Diane. The role of technical format Frasier's mom was played by Tom Hanks' wife Rita Wilson in a 2001 Frasier flashback. 21. KIRSTIE ALLEY IS THE ONLY MAIN CHARACTER WHO DIDN’T MAKE A GUEST APPEARANCE ON FRASIER. Throughout Frasier ’s 11-season run, Kirstie Alley was the essay, only one of Cheers ’ main actors to research paper, not make an appearance on the popular spinoff, possibly because the psychiatric profession conflicts with her beliefs as a Scientologist. “Kirstie once said . she'd never do a show about a psychiatrist,” Kelsey Grammer told Entertainment Weekly in 2002. 22.

FRASIER’S DAD WAS MAGICALLY RESURRECTED FOR THE SPINOFF. When Frasier talked about his family on Cheers , he noted that his father—also a well-respected psychiatrist—had passed away. Yet his ex-cop dad, played by John Mahoney, is a main character in Frasier. Incidentally, Mahoney made a one-off appearance in essay Cheers’ eleventh season, as a fast-talking jingle writer named Sy Flembeck: His full name is Hillary Norman Peterson. 24. THAT WOODY PLAYED WOODY WAS A TOTAL COINCIDENCE.

Though many of the non-regular bar patrons’ real names were used in filming, that Woody Harrelson ended up playing Woody Boyd is by sheer coincidence. The character’s name was written into the script long before any actors had auditioned for the role. The bar on the set may have been fully functional, but that doesn’t mean the cast got to spend the technical, day throwing back cold ones. Norm may have had it the worst. As the bar’s resident lush, he’s rarely seen without a sudsy glass of mortality essay beer in his hand. Essay Oncommunity? But what’s really in that glass is “near beer,” a weakened strain of ale mixed with a bit of salt to keep a perfect head on mortality, the glass at all times. Which Wendt unfortunately had to consume on for quoting a book in an essay, more than one occasion. Essay? 26. THE SHOW HELPED PROMOTE THE IDEA OF A DESIGNATED DRIVER.

It was important to the producers of academic writing and critical Cheers that no tipsy bar patron ever drove him or herself home, so there are frequent references to calling cabs and designated drivers. The Harvard Alcohol Project had a hand in spreading this message. 27. Mortality Essay? SAM AND DIANE DID GET MARRIED AT THE END OF SEASON FIVE. Because Cheers was filmed in for quoting essay front of a live studio audience, the producers had to occasionally trick the audience so that show developments weren’t leaked. In order to keep Shelley Long’s departure from the mortality essay, series a secret, the live audience saw Sam and Diane get married at the end of season five.

The real ending—which sees Diane leaving for six months to finish her book, only to return for for quoting essay a guest appearance in the final season—was filmed on a closed set. In September 2011, a Spanish version of the series—also called Cheers —made its debut. It starred Alberto San Juan as a former soccer player turned Irish pub owner and essay, ran for just one season. Academic And Critical? 29. THE END OF THE SHOW IS ALL TED DANSON’S FAULT. Though understandably so.

When Danson announced that he’d be leaving the series at mortality essay, the end of the 1992-1993 season, producers decided that Woody could take over thesis, the bar. But Woody Harrelson wasn’t interested in continuing the mortality essay, show without Danson, and oncommunity, so its series finale was set. 30. THE CAST AND CREW GOT REALLY, REALLY DRUNK FOR THEIR SENDOFF. NBC made a major event of the series finale, with cast and mortality essay, crew celebrating at financial need, Boston’s Bull Finch Pub, where thousands of fans gathered outside to watch the show on two Jumbotrons. Then the drinks started flowing … and flowing … and flowing. Essay? “The show ended at eleven,” Ken Levine wrote in a 2013 remembrance of the technical writing research, evening for Vulture. “The next half-hour was an emotional tsunami. Mortality Essay? Everyone was hugging and crying and doing a lot of drinking. We were all completely wrecked.” Then it was time for the cast to make an appearance on The Tonight Show. “The cast, in no condition to face anybody, much less 40 million people, dutifully trooped downstairs to do the live show,” Levine continued. “Us non-celeb types stayed back and watched on TV … in ethical nursing horror. They were so drunk they needed designated walkers. They giggled like schoolgirls over nothing, fired spitballs into each other’s mouths, squirted water guns, Woody Harrelson implied he gave oral sex to mortality essay, both Ted Danson and Oliver Stone, and Kirstie Alley sang a song where the research format, only lyric was ‘dick, dick, dick.’” Pre-dating The Simpsons by mortality essay, almost 30 years , The Flintstones was the writing thinking, first primetime animated show on TV and, until 1997 when The Simpsons stole the crown, The Flintstones aired the mortality essay, most episodes of any animated show in for quoting essay primetime, with 166 episodes between 1960 and 1966. The show was so successful, it established Hanna-Barbera as the largest producer of animated films.

Fred and Wilma Flintstone and their neighbors, Barney and Betty Rubble, live in Bedrock during 10,000 B.C. Mortality? Fred and Barney work at a quarry, and Betty and Wilma are homemakers who are constantly at odds with their husbands. In the third and fourth seasons, respectively, kids Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm joined the cast. Akin to writing paper, other Hanna-Barbera-produced shows like Scooby-Doo , The Flintstones reappeared in many other series and specials throughout the decades, including two live-action theatrical movies and mortality, several spinoff series, including 20 episodes of The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show , featuring the kids as teenagers. Nearly a dozen TV specials aired, including The Flintstone Kids’ “Just Say No” Special , a couple of Flintstones holiday specials, and a made-for-TV Jetsons / Flintstones mash-up. Along with all of the shows, The Flintstones launched multi-million dollar merchandising with Fruity Pebbles cereal and Flintstones vitamins. Here are 15 brontosaurus-sized facts about one of the technical writing research paper, greatest animated families of all time. 1. ORIGINALLY, THE FLINTSTONES WERE THE FLAGSTONES. Joe Barbera thought about mortality calling the show The Gladstones , then decided on thesis binding, The Flagstones until he realized there was a comic strip with the same name. Essay? In 1959, they filmed a 90-second pilot.

Daws Butler provided Fred’s gruff voice and June Foray played Betty. Unfortunately for her, the part eventually went to Bea Benaderet. “I was terribly disappointed, and when my agent talked to Joe Barbera, he said they wouldn’t even let me come in technical research and retest for the part or any of the others,” Foray told Hogan’s Alley. The pilot didn’t air, and the name got changed to The Flintstones . But in 1993, Cartoon Network unearthed the pilot, found in a New York storage warehouse. “It was this mythological sort of thing animators had heard of essay it, but nobody had actually seen it,” Mike Lazzo, the Cartoon Network’s head of programming, told Entertainment Weekly . Thesis? “So we sent out teams of researchers to look for mortality it all over. It was like the search for the Holy Grail.” The pilot finally aired on TV in reading May of 1994. 2. BARNEY AND FRED WERE DRAWN TO RESEMBLE CAVE PEOPLE.

Ed Benedict was one of The Flintstones ’s designers. He told Hogan’s Alley that he sketched the essay, characters to look like “cave people wearing long beards, with scraggly, unkempt hair and in slightly distorted, hunched-over shapes.” Barbera didn’t like the designs, so Benedict “straightened them up” and made them more “clean-cut.” “Barney, as originally designed, had a strap over one shoulder, and when he turned he had a bare shoulder,” Benedict said. “It just didn’t look right, so we had to correct that. I was told they had a pet, so a dinosaur seemed appropriate, and that’s all Dino is: a small dinosaur. I had six spots on oncommunity, Fred’s loincloth and remember exactly that it was reduced to four. I continued to mortality essay, add little things, like the ethical nursing, necktie on Fred and the stone necklace that Wilma wears.

Joe just continued making very small changes, bit by bit. Joe was going more for a neat, cute look, but not cute for its own sake.” 3. ALAN REED INVENTED “YABBA DABBA DOO.” Flintstones source WebRockOnline says the origin of Fred’s iconic “Yabba dabba doo” catchphrase came from mortality Alan Reed, who voiced Fred, and reportedly used the line during a recording session. Reed’s mother apparently used to technical writing paper, say, “A little dab’ll do ya,” which inspired Reed. Essay? “Alan said, ‘Hey, Joe, where it says yahoo, can I say yabba-dabba-doo?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ God knows where he got it, but it was one of those terrific phrases,” Barbera said. Paper Format? 4. THE FLINTSTONES DIDN’T COPY THE HONEYMOONERS . It’s true that Fred was based on Jackie Gleason’s Honeymooners character Ralph Kramden, but Joe Barbera made him different. “So many people say, ‘Did you copy The Honeymooners ?’ I said, ‘Well, if you compare The Flintstones to The Honeymooners , that’s the biggest compliment you can give me,” Barbera told Emmy TV Legends, “but The Honeymooners don’t have all the gags that we had in there,” including a Stoneway Piano and the Polarrock Camera. 5. HANNA-BARBERA DID HIRE A FORMER HONEYMOONERS WRITER FOR THE FLINTSTONES . Mortality? As Barbera relayed to Emmy TV Legends, he hired a guy who had written for The Honeymooners . “We paid him $3000 and he was terrible,” Barbera recalled. “And the reason being is, he just wrote words. It was all dialogue. He had no visual gags, no nothing. Yak, yak, yak, yak. Essay? The Honeymooners had a lot of dialogue, but it was their expressions and [Art] Carney’s attitude that made it work.

When you’re doing an animation, you better go beyond that. You can’t just have people making faces at each other. You have to move them.” 6. THE FLINTSTONES HELPED SELL CIGARETTES. Mortality? In the a book, 1960s, Winston cigarettes sponsored The Flintstones . At the end of the essay, show, Fred and thesis binding reading, Barney would be animated to mortality, smoke the cigarettes. In one black-and-white spot, Barney and Fred avoid yard work. “Let’s take a Winston break,” Barney says, as he and Fred light up. Wilma and Betty catch them in the act and essay, throw yard equipment at them, and Fred says the tagline, “Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should.” The smoking was short-lived: Enacted in essay 1970, the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act required stricter health warnings on cigarette packs, and it also banned cigarette ads on TV and nursing, radio.

Later on, The Flintstones started shilling the healthier Welch’s grape juice. 7. PEBBLES WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BABY BOY. In 1962, during the show’s third season, the producers decided Fred and Wilma should have a child. Barbera told Emmy TV Legends the plan was for their child to be a boy, until Ideal Toy Company (the company that created the mortality, Rubik’s Cube and mla format for quoting a book, Betsy Wetsy) changed his mind. Mortality Essay? One day, Barbera received a call from the guy in charge of nursing Flintstones merchandising. “He said, ‘Hey, I hear you’re having a baby on the show.’ I said, ‘Yeah,’” Barbera said. Essay? “He said, ‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ ‘What else, a boy.

A chip off the a book essay, old rock.’ He says, ‘That’s too bad. I have the mortality essay, ideal toy. If it was a girl, we could’ve made a hell of essay a deal.’ I said, ‘It’s is mortality a girl.’” They sold three million dolls within the first couple of months. Essay? 8. MEL BLANC KEPT VOICING BARNEY DESPITE A HORRIBLE CAR ACCIDENT. The Man of a Thousand Voices portrayed Barney Rubble, even following a devastating head-on car collision in mortality essay 1961. Academic? Blanc didn’t let a 70-day hospital stay deter him too much, and when he got out of the hospital, the cast and crew came to his home to record episodes. Blanc recounted the experience in his book , That’s Not All Folks , writing: “Tangles of essay wires were scattered all over the floor, and chairs and mla format in an essay, microphones were arranged around my hospital bed.” The cast gathered around Blanc, and the producers talked to him through a built-in speaker. “Every couple of hours Joe would ask if I was too tired to carry on, but I insisted on mortality, completing the show,” Blanc wrote, saying that they recorded about 40 episodes in that manner. Essay Oncommunity? “Thankfully, by September, my doctors allowed me to sit up a bit, elevated by essay, way of a pulley-cable system, to a semi-sitting position. It was no more than a few inches difference, but as I laughingly told my colleagues, ‘How nice is it to be able to look at your faces instead of at the damned ceiling.’” 9. THE VOICE OF WILMA THINKS SHE AND FRED “REALLY LOVED EACH OTHER.” Jean Vander Pyl supplied the technical, voice of Wilma Flintstone from the show’s beginning to the day she died, in 1999. Though Wilma and Fred argued a lot, they did have a rock-solid relationship. “I loved the bum,” Pyl told the Los Angeles Times in 1989. “Sure, Fred was a yahoo and mortality, I got mad at him all the essay oncommunity, time.

But we really loved each other. Mortality Essay? Our romance was one of the things that made us so popular. We were real.” Pyl also voiced Rosie the Robot and Mrs. Demonstrate Need Essay? Spacely on The Jetsons , but it’s Wilma who made her famous. “I know I’m going to mortality, get killed for saying this, but Wilma had a great ‘housewife whine’ to her voice,” Pyl said. “She commanded enough authority to run the house but kept an technical writing research equal amount of warmth. Wilma is essay a communicator and a lot of women relate to that, at least I know I do.

I think there’s a lot of ethical nursing me in Wilma, and even though she’s just a cartoon, I think my voice is one of the things that made her so human.” 10. ACCORDING TO HARVEY KORMAN, THE GREAT GAZOO IS WORTH MONEY. The actor provided the voice of the “superior and essay, arrogant and elite” Great Gazoo, a green alien, for 13 episodes, from 1964 to 1966. Mla Format Essay? Korman told Emmy TV Legends that he didn’t realize how popular—and lucrative—the character was until he attended conventions. “Some years back, I traveled for Hanna-Barbera,” Korman said. “They had these huge conventions and seminars where collectors collect cels, and the cels with The Great Gazoo on it are worth lots of money. Collectors on mortality, eBay and thesis, stuff want my autograph.” 11. Mortality? IT TOOK NINE YEARS (AND 32 WRITERS) TO BRING THE LIVE-ACTION FLINTSTONES MOVIE TO THE BIG SCREEN. Even though the and critical, 1994 film grossed $341,631,208 at the worldwide box office, the film was in development hell for years.

According to an article in Entertainment Weekly , producers Keith Barish and Joel Silver commissioned Steven E. de Souza to write a script for mortality a Flintstones movie in 1985. Steven Spielberg, who had directed John Goodman in Always , recommended Goodman for the role of Fred. In 1993, eight writers wrote a new draft of the script, but only three writers were credited. Richard Donner was once attached to direct but Brian Levant took over (he also directed the sequel, The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas ). The plot of the final film centers around a work scheme and kidnapping, but an earlier version had a Grapes of Wrath -like plot. “I don’t even remember it that well, but Fred and Barney leave their town during a terrible depression and go across the country, or whatever that damn prehistoric thing is, looking for jobs,” Mitch Markowitz, one of the earlier writers, said. “They wind up in trailer parks trying to keep their families together. They exhibit moments of heroism and poignancy.” 12.

THE FLINTSTONES ARE COMIC BOOK HEROES. On 2016, DC Comics turned America’s favorite modern Stone Age family into comic book heroes with The Flintstones #1 . The summary reads, “Welcome to technical writing research paper format, Bedrock, where Paleolithic humans head to dinner for a taste of mortality artisanal mammoth after shopping at Neandertall Big Men’s Clothing … Join Fred and demonstrate essay, Barney as Mister Slate sends them on a mission to show some Neanderthals a night on the town in mortality essay hopes of oncommunity luring them into this new system called ‘working for a living’—in Slate’s Quarry, of course.” 13. THE FLINTSTONES AND WRESTLING CAME TOGETHER IN 2015. Essay? In 2015, The Flintstones and WWE: Stone Age SmackDown was released direct-to-DVD. It features Fred and Barney hanging around with animated versions of wrestling stars like John Cena (John Cenastone), Rey Mysterio Jr. (Rey Mysteriopal), and Daniel Bryan (Daniel Byrock). “We recorded it at SummerSlam 2013,” Bryan told IGN. Academic Writing And Critical Thinking? “The weird thing that happens when you go from kind of being a nobody to being in a new type of position is that all these crazy things happen to you. Like, ‘Wow, I’m a toy.’ And now ‘Wow, I’m a Flintstone.’ It’s really strange to see yourself animated like that, with the little caveman outfit and mortality, those feet. It’s borderline surreal.”

14. FRED AND WILMA WERE ONE OF THE FIRST TELEVISION COUPLES TO SLEEP IN THE SAME BED. It seems strange now that married couples weren't allowed to share a bed on paper format, American television, but watch enough old TV shows and essay, you'll see that, indeed, husbands and wives usually slept in nursing separate beds. While many sources claim that Fred and mortality, Wilma were the essay, very first couple to share a bed on mortality essay, American television, that title actually belongs to Mary Kay and Johnny , a sitcom that ran from 1947 to 1950. Academic Writing And Critical? Still, Fred and Wilma were one of the first—and definitely the essay, first animated couple. Pretty progressive for a Stone Age family. 15. Financial Need Essay? A NEW FLINTSTONES PROJECT HAS BEEN IN THE WORKS FOR A FEW YEARS.

The Flintstones last appeared on essay, TV in 2001’s The Flintstones: On the Rocks . In 2011, it was reported that Seth MacFarlane wrote an animated Flintstones TV pilot for Fox, which they rejected. Gilmore Girls ’ Dan Palladino and Family Guy ’s Kara Vallow were supposed to produce the show. Mla Format For Quoting In An? Earlier this month, MacFarlane finally said that he was giving up on the project. In 2014, Warner Bros. Mortality Essay? revived the idea of a theatrical animated Flintstones movie, the paper, first since the box office failure of mortality 2000’s The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas . Writing Thinking? Chris Henchy was scheduled to write the script, with Will Ferrell and essay, Adam McKay executive producing. Since then, the project has been quiet. LIVE SMARTER BIG QUESTIONS WEATHER WATCH BE THE CHANGE JOB SECRETS QUIZZES WORLD WAR 1 SMART SHOPPING STONES, BONES, WRECKS #TBT THE PRESIDENTS WORDS RETROBITUARIES.

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips. Just as with most essays, the major secret to excelling on the SAT essay is to pre-plan the examples and evidence you want to use. But wait! I hear you cry. Can you do that on the new SAT essay? Isn’t the point of the essay that you’re supposed to be using information from the passage in your answer, which you don’t know about ahead of time? The answer: Yes and no. While the specifics of mortality essay, each example will obviously change, depending on the passage, the types of examples you choose to discuss (and the way you explain each example builds the author’s argument) can be defined, and thus prepared for, ahead of time.

In this article, we give you 6 good SAT essay examples you’ll be able to find in nearly every prompt the SAT throws at you. By assembling a collection of academic writing and critical thinking, these reliable examples that can answer most prompts, you'll cut down on planning time and significantly increase the amount you can write, making you able to walk into every SAT essay confident in your abilities. If you haven’t already read our introduction to the SAT essay prompt, read it now. This will give you a good idea of what the SAT essay assignment looks like. Then come back to this article. The SAT essay prompts have several important things in common: They’re all passages that try to convince the reader of the essay, veracity of the author’s claim They’re all around the same length (650-750 words) They’re all meant to be analyzed and written about in a relatively short period of time (50 minutes) This means that you can have a pretty good idea ahead of time of thesis, what types of argument-building techniques you might see when you open the booklet on test day. The main techniques the author uses aren't going to be overly complex (like the first letter of every word spelling out a secret code), because you just don’t have the time to analyze and write about complex techniques. And because of essay, that, you can prepare yourself with SAT essay examples that’ll be likely to found across persuasive passages about many different issues —we've provided some ideas below.

We've chosen two examples of evidence, two examples of reasoning, and two examples of stylistic/persuasive elements you can use as stellar evidence to demonstrate financial need essay, support your thesis . Mortality? Play to oncommunity, the features of the passage – if there are a lot of facts/statistics, make sure to discuss that; if it dwells more on mortality essay, personal anecdotes/appeals to emotion, discuss those. For each example below, we also show you how you can use the need essay, type of evidence to support your thesis across a range of prompts. This should prove to essay, you how effective pre-planned examples are. So, without further ado, onto our list of multipurpose support for any SAT Essay prompt. The most basic way author builds an argument is by supporting claims with evidence . Mla Format In An? There are many different kinds of evidence author might use to support her/his point, but I'm just going to discuss the two big ones I've seen in the various official SAT Essay prompts that have been released. These two types of evidence are Facts and Statistics and mortality Anecdotes . Example Type #1: Facts and Statistics.

Employing statistics and facts to bolster one's argument is one of the most unassailable methods authors can use to build an argument. This argument-building technique is particularly common in essays written about scientific or social studies-related topics, where specific data and facts are readily available. Statistics usually show up in the form of specific numbers related to the topic at hand - maybe as percents, or maybe as a way to ethical nursing, communicate other data. Here're a couple of examples of statistics from an official SAT essay prompt, Let There Be Dark by Paul Bogard: Example : 8 of 10 children born in the United States will never know a sky dark enough for the Milky Way. Example : In the essay, United States and ethical essay Western Europe, the amount of light in mortality, the sky increases an average of about 6% every year.

Factual evidence can also be in the form of non-numerical information. Often, you'll see facts presented with references to the research study, survey, expert, or other source from which they're drawn. Here's another example from demonstrate financial need essay, Let There Be Dark: Example : Already the World Health Organization classifies working the night shift as a probable human carcinogen. Another form of mortality, evidence that is often used as an alternative to actual facts or statistics is the anecdote.

This type of evidence is most often found in speeches or other sorts of thesis binding, essay prompts that are written as a personal address to mortality essay, the reader. An anecdote is thesis reading, a short story about a real person or event . When an author discusses own personal experience or personal experience of someone they know or have heard of, that's anecdotal evidence. Here's an example of (part of) an anecdote from an official SAT essay prompt that was adapted from a foreword by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter: One of the most unforgettable and humbling experiences of our lives occurred on the coastal plain. We had hoped to mortality essay, see caribou during our trip, but to our amazement, we witnessed the demonstrate need essay, migration of tens of thousands of caribou with their newborn calves.

In a matter of a few minutes, the sweep of tundra before us became flooded with life, with the sounds of grunting animals and clicking hooves filling the air. The dramatic procession of the mortality, Porcupine caribou herd was a once-in-a-lifetime wildlife spectacle. We understand firsthand why some have described this special birthplace as “America’s Serengeti.” Even though anecdotes aren't statistics or facts, they can be powerful because it’s more relatable/interesting to the reader to essay, read an anecdote than to mortality, be presented with dry, boring facts. People tend to put more faith in experiences if they can personally connect with the need essay, experiences (even though that doesn't actually affect how likely or not a statement is to be true).

In the example above, rather than discussing the statistics that support the creation of wildlife refuges, Jimmy Carter instead uses an anecdote about experiencing the wonder of nature to illustrate the same point - probably more effectively. By inviting the reader to experience vicariously the majesty of witnessing the migration of the Porcupine caribou, Carter activates the reader's empathy towards wildlife preservation and essay so makes it more likely that the oncommunity, reader will agree with him that wildlife refuges are important. All authors use reasoning to some extent, but it’s not always a major part of how the essay, author builds her/his argument. Essay Oncommunity? It's not always enough just to mortality, throw out support for a claim – an author may choose to use reasoning to explain how the essay, evidence presented actually builds the argument. Example Type #3: Counterarguments and Counterclaims. One way in which an author might use reasoning to persuade the reader to accept the claim being put forward is to discuss a counterargument, or counterclaim, to the author's main point. The discussion (and subsequent neutralization) of counterarguments is found in prompts across all subject areas.

A counterargument or counterclaim is simply another point of view that contradicts (either fully or partially) the author's own argument. When some might claim, however, or other contrast words and phrases show up in an essay prompt, the author is likely presenting a counterclaim. Here's an example of an essay, effective presentation (and negation) of a counter claim from an official SAT essay prompt, The Digital Parent Trap by academic thinking, Eliana Dockterman: “You could say some computer games develop creativity,” says Lucy Wurtz, an administrator at the Waldorf School in Los Altos, Calif., minutes from Silicon Valley. “But I don’t see any benefit. Waldorf kids knit and build things and paint—a lot of really practical and creative endeavors.” But it’s not that simple. While there are dangers inherent in access to Facebook, new research suggests that social-networking sites also offer unprecedented learning opportunities. So how does bringing up an opposing point of mortality, view help an mla format a book in an, author build her argument? It may seem counterintuitive that discussing a counterargument actually strengthens the main argument.

However, as you can see in the brief example above, giving some space to another point of view serves to make it seem as if the discussion’s going to be more “fair.” This is still true whether the author delves into the counterargument or if the author only mortality briefly mentions an writing and critical, opposing point of view before moving on. But a true discussion of the mortality, counterargument , as is present in Dockterman's article, also shows a deeper understanding of the topic than if the article only presented a one-sided argument . And because it demonstrates that the author knows the thesis binding reading, topic well enough to mortality essay, be able to see the issue from multiple sides, it means that the nursing, reader is essay, more likely to trust that the author's claims are well-thought out and worth believing. In the ethical, case of the Dockterman article, the author not only mentions the opposite point of mortality essay, view but also takes the time to get a quote from mla format in an essay, someone who supports the opposing viewpoint. This even-handedness makes her following claim that it's not that simple more believable, since she doesn't appear to mortality, be presenting a one-sided argument. Example Type #4: Explanation of Evidence. In some cases, the clarity with which the essay oncommunity, author links her evidence and her claims is integral to the author's argument. As the mortality essay, College Board Official SAT Study Guide says, Reasoning is the connective tissue that holds an argument together. Mla Format For Quoting? It’s the “thinking” — the logic, the analysis — that develops the argument and ties the claim and evidence together. This is one of the mortality, trickier argument-building techniques to binding reading, discuss (at least in essay, my opinion), because while it is present in many essay prompts, it isn't always a major persuasive feature.

You can pretty easily identify an thesis reading, author's explanation of evidence if the mortality essay, author connects claims to support and demonstrate need explains it , rather than just throwing out evidence without much ceremony or linking to the claim; however, whether or not the essay, explanation of the evidence is a major contributing factor to the author's argument is somewhat subjective. Here's a pretty clear instance of a case where an author uses explanations of each piece of thesis, evidence she discusses to mortality essay, logically advance her argument (again from the Dockterman passage): And at MIT’s Education Arcade, playing the empire-building game Civilization piqued students’ interest in history and was directly linked to an improvement in mla format a book essay, the quality of their history-class reports. Unfortunately, the mortality, explanation the Official SAT Study Guide gives for how to essay oncommunity, discuss an mortality, author's reasoning is a little vague: You may decide to discuss how the author uses (or fails to thinking, use) clear, logical reasoning to essay, draw a connection between a claim and the evidence supporting that claim. But how exactly you should go about doing this? And wh y is it persuasive to clearly explain the link between evidence and claim? In general, when an author explains the logic behind her argument or point, the reader can follow along and understand the author’s argument better (which in essay, some cases makes it more likely the reader will agree with the author). In the Dockterman example above, the author clearly lays out data ( Civilization leads to improvements in history class), a claim (this is because of engagement with the game and thus the mortality, subject material), provides data that back up that claim (retention rate skyrockets when students do things for themselves), and links that smaller claim to a larger concept (actively browsing pages on a computer or tablet is technical writing research paper, way more brain-stimulating than vegging out in front of the TV). This clear pattern of data-explanation-more data-more explanation enables the reader to follow along with Dockterman's points.

It's more persuasive because, rather than just being told Civilization leads to improvements in history and having to take it on faith, the reader is forced to mortality essay, reenact the thinking processes that led to the argument, engaging with the topic on demonstrate, a deeper level. Examples of mortality essay, Stylistic/Persuasive Elements. This final category of examples is the top layer of argument building. The foundation of a good argument is evidence, which is often explained and elucidated by reasoning, but it is often the addition of stylistic or persuasive elements like an essay, ironic tone or a rhetorical flourish that seals the deal. Vivid language is mortality, truly the icing on the persuasive cake.

As with explanations of evidence, vivid language can be found across all topics of essay prompts (although they usually play a larger role when the passage is light on facts or logic). Vivid language is demonstrate need, pretty easy to essay, spot - it shows itself in similes, metaphors, adjectives, or any words that jump out at you that don’t seem to have purely functional purposes . Here are a couple of examples - the first is Paul Bogard again: …show that what was a very dark country as recently as the thesis binding, 1950s is mortality essay, now nearly covered with a blanket of light. This example is relatively restrained, using the metaphor of a blanket of light to add emphasis to Bogard's discussion of light pollution. A more striking example can be found in another official SAT essay prompt, adapted from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech Beyond Vietnam - A Time To Break Silence: Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and ethical nursing money like some demonic destructive suction tube. Vivid language is an effective argument building device because it puts the mortality, reader in the author’s shoes and draws them into academic writing and critical the passage . If used in moderation, vivid language will also make the topic more interesting for the reader to read, thus engaging them further. In the excerpt taken from Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech above, the phrase demonic destructive suction tube is startling and provocative, meant to rouse the audience's indignation at the injustice and mortality essay waste of the Vietnam war.

If King had left out the second part of the sentence and only said, Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money, his point would not have had as big of an impact. Example Type #6: Direct Addresses and demonstrate financial Appeals to essay, the Reader. The last category I'll be discussing in this article are direct addresses and appeals to the reader. These stylistic elements are found across all sorts of different passage topics, although as with the previous category, these elements usually play a larger role when the passage is light on facts or logic. Direct addresses and appeals to technical writing format, the reader are wordings or other stylistic devices specifically designed to provoke a response (often emotional) in the reader . This category covers many different elements, from appeals to emotion to mortality essay, rhetorical questions. Here's an example of an appeal to emotion, taken again from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech: Perhaps a more tragic recognition of reality took place when it became clear to me that the war was doing far more than devastating the hopes of the poor at home.

It was sending their sons and nursing their brothers and mortality their husbands to fight and to die in extraordinarily high proportions relative to the rest of the population. And here's an example of a rhetorical question (from the Paul Bogard article): Who knows what this vision of the night sky might inspire in each of us, in our children or grandchildren? Appealing to the emotions , as Martin Luther King, Jr. does in technical paper format, his speech, is an alternate route to persuasion, as it causes readers to emotionally (rather than logically) agree with the author . By describing how the war was causing their sons and their brothers and their husbands to fight and die, King reminds the reader of the terrible costs of war, playing upon their emotions to get them to agree that the Vietnam War is a mistake, particularly for the poor. Rhetorical questions , on the other hand, get the readers to step into the author's world. By reading and mortality essay thinking about the author's question, the reader engages with the topic on a deeper level than if the reader were just given a statement of what the author thinks . In the technical research paper, case of the Bogard example above, the rhetorical question draws the reader into thinking about his/her descendants, a group of people for whom the reader (presumably) only wishes the best, which then puts the reader into a positive mood (assuming the reader likes his/her descendants). As you can see, these examples of different argumentative techniques can be extracted from a lot of different article types for a wide range of topics . This is because the mortality essay, examples themselves are so meaningful and complex that they can be used to discuss a lot of issues. The main point is, you don't have to wait until you see the prompt to develop an arsenal of types of argument-building techniques you can use to support your points. Instead, preparing beforehand how you’ll discuss these techniques will save you a lot of time and anxiety when the oncommunity, test rolls around . If you're reading this article, you probably want to excel on the SAT essay.

We've written a bunch of detailed guides to mortality, make sure you do. Took the old SAT and not sure how the academic writing and critical, new essay compares to the old? Start with our article about what’s changed with the new SAT essay, then investigate the SAT essay rubric for further edification. Want to score a perfect SAT score? Check out our guide on how to score a perfect SAT score, written by our resident perfect scorer. How happy would you be with adding an extra 160 SAT points to your score ? If it's a lot, check out mortality essay, our guide to how you should study to oncommunity, improve your SAT score by 160 points: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article!

Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the mortality, Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and a book GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school. You should definitely follow us on mortality, social media. Thesis Reading? You'll get updates on our latest articles right on your feed. Essay? Follow us on essay oncommunity, all 3 of our social networks: Have any questions about this article or other topics? Ask below and we'll reply! Series: How to Get 800 on essay, Each SAT Section: Series: How to Get to 600 on Each SAT Section:

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In this essay I will explain why morbidity rates and mortality rates of the

How to write Software Tester resume in 2017. Are you confident that you can write a QA resume that will result in getting called for essay, an interview session? Recruiters are getting swamped on a daily basis with several hundreds of product testing resumes; therefore, you need. to able to writing, write an mortality essay, eye-catching resume that will stop your prospective employer in his tracks and make them take a. second look at your resume and then reach for reading, the phone.

So keep on mortality, reading this article and it helps you to walk through writing an eye-catching QA resume process! There is a good news – structure can be arbitrary. But you should approximately follow next points: Personal info Objective Summary Skills Employment history Education Additional information. Personal info should be located at the top of your resume and include next information: Pay attention to oncommunity, your email address. Mortality? It can’t be something like that: ‘’. I have seen once email address familiar to ‘’. It also looks weird. The best way is to use your First/Last name in thesis binding reading, your address.

For instance, ‘’. It would be great if you include links to social media (LinkedIn, GitHub) into your Personal Info. Software testing resume objective is typically at essay the top of your resume and this is essay oncommunity just one sentence of what position you are seeking because hiring managers might have several position so you need to tell them specifically who you are. Objective: To obtain a QA engineer position. Looking for interesting project where I can elaborate my professional skills, study new technologies. Objective: To get an interesting, well-paid job in mortality, IT area with opportunities for professional growth. Search for QA engineer, technical writer positions. Good summary is essay oncommunity several sentences which described your key experience #038; skills.

Other words, it is a briefly definition of mortality essay, your resume. Ethical? Use it like the opportunity to mortality essay, catch hiring manager’s eye. You shouldn’t copy your “Skills” section to the “Summary” section. Technical Writing Research Paper? Especially, with bullets. You should describe your strongest side of technical background and it should look like sentences but try to avoid using the “I” word in them. 10+ years of experience as a software test engineer and lead test engineer in testing client/server applications. Proficient in most test automation tools (Win Runner, QTP, Silk Test etc), automation methodologies and in writing automated scripts.

Advanced level skills in test management tools like Quality Center (including administration) Experienced in mortality, creating master test plans and detailed test cases based of off functional requirements and specifications. Thesis Binding? Experienced in mortality, analysis of use cases, complex system requirements and business requirements to oncommunity, ensure testability of the product. I have over 2 year experience in Software Testing (Web and Embedded); I understand product development lifecycles (Waterfall, V-model, Agile/Scrum); ? Wide range of test methodologies, types and approaches knowledge and mortality essay usage: ? Static and dynamic; ? Black-box, white-box, grey box testing; ? Ad-hoc, smoke, sanity, regression, functional; ? Performance testing using JMeter tool; ? Security, GUI, usability, reliability, installation, configuration etc; Experience in financial application (web/mobile/desktop) and technical research paper format gambling/casino related applications (web/mobile/desktop)• Working experience in all QA activities during full software life cycle • Efficient communication in the international distributed teams • Analytical and logical reasoning capability. In this section you should describe your technical skills. Don’t forget about essay formatting (it must be list) and avoid next mistakes: HTML is not a programming language. Mla Format For Quoting A Book In An? mySQL is actually too. Split your skills by group or your proficiency. Mortality? For instance: Software testing, Languages, RDBMS, WEB, OS, Other Writing skills what you know not pretty well. “I have read about it once on Wikipedia” is not a reason to include it in your resume. Remember, you should verify your skill on the interview. OS: MacOS, Windows, Linux Software testing: functional/ regression/ exploratory/ UI testing; testing of mobile and desktop applications; design/ redesign and execution of writing and critical thinking, manual test cases; bug reporting and verifying; work with documents and technical specification; Tools: Jira, Firebug, SoapUI, BareTail, SIP IP Phones; Web: HTML, CSS, XML, REST, SOAP.

DB: Mysql Other: SVN, Git. It would be good way if you put points in front of your skills which defined your level of proficiency. It helps hiring managers to understand how good you in skill which they were interested in. In this case you also can use infographics: Main: Knowledge of testing methodologies and software development; Ability to prepare test documentation (test plan, test specifications, test report); Finished courses on software testing in large companies; Will be a plus: Knowledge of the principles of client-server applications, Web; Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVA, JS; Basic skills in working with GIT, Jenkins, SVN and bug-tracking systems; Knowledge JSON/XML Understanding the database, knowledge of SQL Learn to use Selenium; Experience with Linux systems. Mortality? The terminal, bash, etc. Bonus: ISTQB entry-level certificate. Set of experienced testers skills: Analyze test results Ability to code automated tests Create test plans Experience with agile development process Experience with web based testing applications Perform manual and automated testing Record test progress and results Research and analyze product features being tested Research new tools, technologies, and for quoting essay testing processes Capable of mortality, using source code repositories Communicate with technical and non-technical Resources Identify areas of academic writing and critical thinking, improvement Identify, isolate and mortality track bugs throughout testing Identify potential problems users may encounter Perform and ethical essay nursing document risk analysis Perform manual and automated testing Record test progress and essay results. It is technical writing research paper a custom to write about experience in mortality essay, reverse order.

In this part of ethical essay, a resume follow next structure: You shouldn’t detailed describe your irrelevant jobs. And If you have one try to mortality essay, define previous job responsibilities more matching to position which you are applying for. Or describe your irrelevant position in several sentences to show hiring manager that you don’t have gaps and do focus on courses which you’ve taken etc. Describe what problems you solved in your projects, how you impacted and improved testing process (all others processes).

Sep 2005/Current -Lead Test Engineer Centric Consulting. Client : Nationwide Insurance. Role: Lead Test Engineer 09/05 – Present. Project: Nationwide : Office of Investments. Nationwide Office of thesis binding reading, Investment is building investments data infrastructure foundation with integrated hub. Develop test strategies, master test plans and test cases. Main contact between the development team and test team. Essay? Communicate the test team expectations and strategies to rest of the team and project manager. Write extensive SQL queries and execute test cases. Gather and maintain/load test data to execute test cases.

Coordinate the ethical nursing testing activities: prioritizing, scheduling, assigning work. Web: HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript DB: Oracle, MySQL, Postgre, Cassandra, Mongo Task tracking: Jira, Redmine, Pivotal Test management: TestRail, Zephyr Test automation: Robot framework(Python), jMeter, Selenium IDE, Protractor, Cucumber Integration: Jenkins, Bamboo, Karaf, Docker. Junior Manual Test Engineer. Essay? Project: websites.(Jan 2015 – Aug 2015) 12.2010 – 03.2012 LLC ” Poultry Bashtansky»

Purchasing Manager. -control quality materials procurement Wrote reports about purchased products -planning and control costs for the purchase -responsibility for the quality of the finished feed (purchase of all components + standard test). Main department of and critical thinking, statistics. Leading Specialist. and the accept audit on the investments in mortality essay, the logic and completeness -Search and error correction, after making statements to the database Summarizing on the basis of the data and for quoting a book essay reporting to management. What should include in the Education section of a software tester resume? First, list your highest level of education and name. Mortality Essay? If you’ve earned a bachelor’s degree or higher, do not include your high school information. Include your GPA only if it is higher than 3.0 and it’s been less than three years since you graduated. If you recently graduated and don’t have any experience you can mention appropriate academic honors or extracurricular leadership roles to your future job. Binding? Mention relevant modules/subjects you studied.

For software testing positions candidates having computer networking and system administration skills are preferred. If you studied any subject or completed any course related to computer networking and mortality essay system administration or Linux/Unix operating system knowledge, then add it in your resume. Ethical Essay? You can add courses which you taken or books which you read (some source most important for software testing. Mortality Essay? You shouldn’t list all courses) 2007 Master of ethical essay, Science in Information Technology. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.

Courses in Project Management: Project management essentials and mortality Project management #038; team leadership. Formal training in test tools: SilkTest, TestDirector, WinRunner. Essay Nursing? Testing Methodologies. Use Case methodology Object Oriented programming in C++ and Object Oriented analysis. There is the section for next data: Languages Marital status Interesting hobbies Any information is important to mortality essay, learn by an employer in the context of a particular job.

How to write a fresher’s resume? Software tester resume sample for thesis binding reading, freshers. There are general rules which shouldn’t avoid: structure, formatting, design, appropriative of the technical skills to the position, conciseness, readability. The key idea of writing freshers software tester resume is essay focusing on your technical skills and relevant courses, open-source projects, any volunteer work. You must show hiring manager despite of writing thinking, lack of work experience you were ready on free work to essay, get some relevant experience. How freshers looking for software testing job can get relevant experience? Get some experience by working on dummy projects that available on internet. Ethical Nursing? Search for essay, online dummy projects (e.g. Inventory management software) and download test software and mla format for quoting all available documents.

Follow complete testing process like: Requirements analysis Writing test cases Executing test cases Preparing test reports By adding dummy projects learned from mortality, software testing courses: If you have joined any software testing course to learn manual testing and automation tools then you can put this dummy project experience in your resume. How to write a software test lead resume? follow this link. Highly skilled Agile QA Tester has excellent technical ability and a sound understanding of software debugging and testing. Thesis Binding? Has extensive knowledge of mortality essay, multiple computer programming languages and writing and critical thinking is very detail-oriented and focused. Has excellent communication skills a Bachelor’s Degree in essay, Computer Programming and over six years working as an research, Agile QA Tester. Set of highlights for Agile QA Tester Resume. Excellent collaboration with all stakeholders in development projects Strong testing and debugging abilities Good time-management and organizational skills Able to work well with minimal supervision while also functioning as a vital team member Highly responsive to essay, client needs and changing software requirements Works well with developers, programmers, computer engineers, project managers and clients Excellent functional and analytical technical abilities Highly detail-focused. Agile QA Tester 6/1/2012 – 9/1/2014. Business Applications Technology Solutions LLCNew Cityland, CA.

Collaborated with all stakeholders in every project. Completed quality assurance testing of developed applications and identified code areas that needed improvements. Streamlined projects to make them meet changing needs. Was highly responsive to team and clients. Agile QA Tester 6/1/2008 – 5/1/2012. Corporate Insurance Technologies Inc.New Cityland, CA. Collaborated with all stakeholders in essay nursing, the quality assurance and development process. Mortality? Tested and debugged code sections and thesis adapted to meet the needs of clients. Met with teams weekly in meetings for planning purposes. Met all deadlines for essay, projects. follow this link.

Healthcare QA Tester Resume Samples. follow this link. 20 Tips about writing the essay best quality assurance resume. Ensure your resume stands out from others in the crowd: formatting, appropriative skills, readable structure, stunning cover letter. Mortality? Ensure your key information on the first half-page of your resume because the first page of your resume is crucial Make sure you read the contents of the job opening thoroughly. Binding? Next, you might need to rephrase your resume (for instance, add some skills) to become more appropriate to the position.

You make sure your skills maximally matches to mortality essay, the job. pay attention to nursing, the needs of your employer. Write a clear objective at the top of mortality, your QA resume. Don’t write irrelevant cliches, but keep the demonstrate financial objectives as short as possible; one or two lines being the mortality best. Ethical Essay? Let your on-the-job accomplishments also be on the first page. Give some real-life examples to showcase your problem-solving capabilities. Do not write about the non-relevant job, responsibilities a lot of. Mortality? Save your doc with an appropriate name.

Typically, “Name_Role/tile_years of experience.doc- (Name-QA_Analyst-8 Years.doc)” is thesis binding reading recommended. Keep resume short – no more than 2 pages unless you are applying for team lead or managerial positions. Check for spelling, grammar mistakes. Essay? Highlight relevant skills Do not put fake experience or skills – remember, you must verify them. Focus on employer’s needs and prepare your resume with relevant skills.

Avoid table structure. Mla Format For Quoting In An? It is old-school. Do not write ‘CV’ or ‘Resume’ word at mortality the top of your resume. It is obvious. Do not use “I” while describing your responsibilities: instead of “I wrote test cases” use “Wrote test cases” or “test cases writing”) Don’t download your resume from LinkedIn. It looks unprofessionally. You can stick this template. But it also isn’t perfect. software testing resume format should be DOC or PDF.

Pat attention to situation when hiring manager doesn’t have Microsoft Office or situation when your resume formatting can be broken after opening it with MS Word. So I recommend to use PDF format. In this case you can save your right resume formatting.

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