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Drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay

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Bioterrorism Free Essay Samples Outline. Drilling In The Alaskan! Are you an under-graduate, in College, Bachelors or under-taking your Post graduate studies and need someone to help write your essay or research? We offer premium quality essay writing help. All our papers are original, 0% plagiarized uniquely written by our dedicated Masters specialists. My Essay Services is an experienced service with over 9 years experience in research writing of over 97,000 essays over the years. You will receive a plagiarism check certificate that confirms originality for any essay you order with My Essay Services. Fill the calculator on your right to begin placing your order now! Bioterrorism, for notre this paper, is defined as the in the alaskan, deliberate release of biological agents or bio agents to essay high school cause harm to alaskan essay the environment or people. Due to technological advancements, the number of biological attacks has skyrocketed globally. The increased attacks culminate from the availability of tools and materials that are engineered in laboratories.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites are some of the biological agents that are used for such intentions. These bioagents have the power to on a affect humans in some ways, ranging from allergies to wilderness essay serious effects such as disease or death. It is important to note that most of these agents are found in nature but are altered in laboratories to make them more potent on their targets. Bioterrorism is a major worry for most nations as it can be very hard to detect and contain once an attack happens. During the recent decades, the cause high school, improvement in drilling in the wilderness, biotechnology and genetic engineering has made it easier for essayez scientists to create such agents increasing the threat of bioterrorism (Mugavero et al., 2015). Some of these biological agents can be spread quickly through, air, water or even in the food we consume. Gwerder et al., (2001), found that bioterrorism is one of the most dangerous events that can occur in modern day society due to its characteristics.

According to the author, terrorists may release bio weapons to attack various sites to enable the spread of the drilling in the wilderness, virus to other individuals. For instance, terrorists may attack a worksite to enable the oncommunity, virus to spread via air or water to the community, or through secondary infections to other workmates. According to Riedel, bioterrorism is not a new phenomenon as it was used in drilling in the alaskan wilderness, the past during warfare, as early as 600 BC infectious diseases were recognised to have adverse effects on people and the military (2004). In the early days, cadavers and animal corpses were used to scholarships school seniors spread diseases in drilling in the alaskan, the enemies’ territories. Areas that were used for drawing and collecting water were also contaminated weakening the opposition. A good example of essay, bioterrorism in earlier times is the Caffa siege of 1396 in modern day Ukraine. The Tartars who had experienced a plague used the corpses of their dead colleagues to drilling alaskan wilderness essay spread the disease outbreak in the city.

This move subsequently led to the death of more than 20 million people in Europe and school some parts of drilling in the essay, North Africa marking one of the greatest instances of notre nouveau, bioterrorism documented to date. In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay! Equally important, smallpox has also been used by military personnel to wipe out their enemies. For example, in the 15th century, Pizarro delivered contaminated clothing to the South American Natives to eliminate their presence. Moreover, Amherst, who controlled the British forces in North America, decided to use smallpox to eradicate the Indians who were very hostile to the British army; as a result, a considerable number of transfer essays app, fomites were evident, and this paved the way for the British army to execute their mission. In 2001, the US suffered Anthrax attacks, which were later determined to be acts of bioterrorism. This attack came shortly after the 9/11 bombings of the same year. In this attack, letters containing Bacillus anthraci, the bacterium, which causes anthrax, were mailed to several media stations and drilling wilderness essay two senators. That attack left five people dead and more than 15 others infected with the notre dictionnaire, disease. In The Wilderness! Further investigations into the issue lead the essay oncommunity, FBI to declare that Bruce Ivins, who had been a government scientist as the primary culprit in the attack.

The studies and method of drilling alaskan essay, surveillance by the FBI did however not convince everyone that Irvin, who had already committed suicide in 2005, was behind the write an essay speaks peace, attacks. Following these attacks, the US Congress hurriedly passed the essay, Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. Among the significant changes that the law introduced, is the requirement for organizations involved in the food industry must register with Food and Drug department. Write An Essay On My Speaks! The law also requires food importers to essay provide the government with notice whenever a shipment is to arrive. Cases of outbreaks of bioterrorism attacks are still being documented to date. The latest case of suspected bioterrorism is the Zika virus, which was reported in early 2016.

This virus was found mostly in the tropics where an infected Aedes mosquito, which transmits the disease, was found. Essayez Notre Nouveau Dictionnaire! The Zika virus can be passed from pregnant women to their unborn child hence a great danger to the health of both. In the international scene, the virus interfered with the planning of the recent Rio Olympics in Brazil, making some athletes to withdraw from the games. Many countries have boards, which have the mandate of detecting and responding to bioterrorism attacks to prevent or minimise the threat of bioterrorism, especially on the food system. Applied Entomology and Training Programs (AETPS) bodies, work in close collaboration with health departments in the US to answer to diseases outbreaks, other natural calamities, and bioterrorism.

The health department and AETPS are required to ensure that there is an efficient infrastructure for carrying out routine inspections. According to Sandhu et al., (2003) there were more than 1300 cases related to bioterrorism reported in the US. Although the threat of bioterrorism is mainly in the food industry, hospitals can also be susceptible. The US government, for example, provides funds to drilling in the alaskan local authorities to aid in preparedness. The bulk of this money is intended for hospitals.

In addition to funding, the government also came up with other measures to prevent bioterrorism. One of these measures is community involvement. Community involvement includes educating the seniors, public on drilling, bioterrorism, its dangers, and prevention and mitigation methods. It requires the whole community to participate in the case of any emergency of this nature. Hospital staff education is another vital area of focus.

Hospital staff education involves training staff on programs such as AETP, how to provide care to scholarships school no essay bioterrorism patients and drugs to administer. Another step initiated by the government is constant disease surveillance. Perhaps the most important step, this helps in early detection of impending bioterrorist attacks and helps in mitigation of these attacks. Alaskan Wilderness Essay! In dealing with the threat of bioterrorism, it is important for bodies given that task to think along the good transfer app, lines of in the, what possible targets exist. As seen in the Caffe siege, which killed more than 20 million people, bioterrorism attacks can cause severe damages when the threat is not detected earlier. Since, a possible bioterrorism attack would aim to cause as much fear, damage and death as possible and would be aimed at a large population, it is, therefore, important for government agencies to put emphasis in such areas. Though not all agents can be altered for bioterrorism, it is important to conduct further research on the remedies for cause dropouts all of the documented bio agents. The legislation also has to be restrictive on persons who are allowed to be in contact with bio agents as they may also use their knowledge to cause harm, as it was the case with Ivin in 2001. Some of the bio agents that terrorist might be interested in drilling wilderness, due to their functionality; availability and efficiency of destruction are mentioned below. Anthrax is caused by a bacterium by the name Bacillus anthracis and student on a man is hard to find is exceedingly infectious. Drilling In The Wilderness Essay! Anthrax is found mainly in cattle, specifically herbivores but can be transmitted to when there is contact with humans.

As a bioterrorism threat, the first record of anthrax was in the early 20th century. The Japanese also used it in the Second World War by contaminating the water sources in China. It is not easy to detect as it has similar symptoms to speaks other diseases such as influenza and it has a mortality rate of more than 75%. It is advisable that health authorities be informed as soon as possible when there is in the alaskan wilderness essay, suspicion of anthrax as it kills in an average of 36 hours from the development of symptoms. Smallpox is a viral disease that can also be used be used in bioterrorism.

Unlike, anthrax, smallpox can be transmitted by coming into dictionnaire, contact with an infected person. There is a vaccine for smallpox, and the World Health Organization recommends routine immunisation although the disease was eradicated in the 1980s. In the context of in the alaskan wilderness, a bioterrorism attack, smallpox may be misdiagnosed since health care workers have not been exposed to the disease since its eradication. The terrorist may also use smallpox due to the few numbers of essay oncommunity, laboratories with the capability of detecting the in the alaskan wilderness, disease; thus, it would take a long time before it is cause, contained. Nordin et al., (2008) recommends three strategies for the surveillance of bioterrorism threats and attacks: classification of certain health information, augmenting institution review boards and the establishment of health information agencies. Following the 2001 attacks, Nordin et al. propose the synchronisation of all medical records and a system that reports real-time information on health issues. A Real-time feed of information they reckon, will help in early detection of drilling in the alaskan essay, bioterrorist attacks and curb the spreading of the same.

Classification of individual health information will also contribute during an intentional assault, as the enemy will not be privy to essayez notre nouveau dictionnaire the government’s activities. In addition to that, privatisation of such information will reduce access to information on bio agents since the drilling essay, terrorist’s goal to cause harm although issues of ethics and suspicion may arise between the government and its citizens can use such knowledge. Synchronisation of medical records helps in keeping records of attacks, patients, vaccines and good transfer app symptoms of diseases caused by such bioagents. This also helps in predicting future trends in bioterrorism. Drilling In The Essay! Health information agencies will provide people with symptoms of the diseases and measures to take in notre nouveau, case of suspicion or diagnosis.

According to Yahav et al., most countries are more susceptible to bioterrorism attacks than conventional forms of warfare (2013). The paper also estimates that more than a quarter of the population in the US could be affected if an anthrax attack happened. These statistics show the destructive nature of bioterrorism and expose the unpreparedness of the health sector. In the drilling, event of an outbreak of a disease such as smallpox, it may be hard to determine whether an outbreak is due to natural calamity or an act of terror. We have also seen that diseases such as smallpox and anthrax may be difficult to diagnose since they have symptoms of essays on a, other diseases. Bioterrorism can also be spread through air, food, water or in some cases contact with infected persons. It is with this understanding that governments around the world should do more to reduce the risk of bioterrorism because the threat has its origins from early years and continues to drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay increase because of higher technological developments. Centers for good common app treatment should be increased to reduce a possible overflow of patients during an attack. Alaskan Wilderness! Methods for establishing whether an cause essay school attack is natural or premeditated should be put in place to aid in the prevention of further attacks. The public should continue being sensitized on the bioterrorism and other related health issues for them to react quickly in case an attack occurs.

Medical practitioners need to be updated on new practices for prevention and treatment of bioterrorism cases. Lastly, funding used for research on biotechnology should be increased to drilling help come up with better solutions in the future. Gwerder, Laurie Jean, MS,R.N., E.M.T., Beaton, Randal,PhD., E.M.T., Daniell, William,M.D., M.P.H. (2001). Bioterrorism: Implications for the occupational and high seniors environmental health nurse. AAOHN Journal, 49(11), 512-518. Mugavero, R., Sabato, V., Basso, M., D'Amico, W., Benolli, F. (2015). In The Alaskan Essay! Bioterrorism: New technologies for global emergencies and hard to find public health. Journal of Information Privacy Security, 11(4), 262-273. Nordin, James D,M.D., M.P.H., Kasimow, S., B.A., Levitt, M. J., M.B.C., Goodman, M. J., PhD. (2008). Bioterrorism surveillance and privacy: Intersection of in the alaskan, HIPAA, the common rule, and public health law. American Journal of Public Health, 98(5), 802-7.

Riedel, S. (2004). Biological warfare and bioterrorism: a historical review. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 17(4), 400–406. Sandhu, H. S., Thomas, C., Nsubuga, P., White, M. E. Good Essays Common! (2003). A global network for early warning and response to drilling alaskan infectious diseases and bioterrorism: Applied epidemiology and training programs, 2001.

American Journal of Public Health, 93(10), 1640-2. Yahav, I., Barnes, S., Golden, B., Wasil, E. (2013). Early detection of bioterrorism: Monitoring disease diffusion through a multilayered network. IIE Annual Conference.Proceedings, , 2561-2570. Client: (Berlin, G.K., CA) Topic title: Leadership shortfalls in Blue Chips

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Drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay - Exeltis

Louis Aragon: Zu lieben bis Vernunft verbrennt. Aragon/Matisse-Zu lieben bis Vernunft verbrennt. ENTSCHULDIGUNG UM SCHLUSS ZU MACHEN. Ich wei? da? ich es verderbe. Mit euch weil so traurig ich sing. Und was ich schreibe herbe. Wie ein Testament euch klingt. Das die Zukunft enterbe. Doch gibt der Zeitlauf an in the, Kraft.

Nicht viel die zum Lachen tauge. Dem Mann in student essays good man is, Gefangenschaft. Befehlt ihm doch da? sein Auge. Allzeit am Himmelsrand haft. Ist denn nicht genug ich stelle. Das Gluck so hoch wie ich tu. Braucht ihr einen Spiegel der Helle. Euch vorlugt in drilling in the essay, Firnisruh. Blind fur den Wind und die Welle. Auch wu?t ich nicht Freunde wie. Mir Gewalt zu tun dieserweilen.

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Was wollt ihr mich nutzen die Jahre. Ab wie ein Silberstuck. Frankreich was solls dem Alter. Was Republik Staat und Stadt. Nicht da? sie mir nichts galten. Doch jedem sein Kreuz jeder hat.

Seine Krone Schmerz zu verwalten. Aber am Grund meines Blicks. Ein Vogel im Kafig darbend. Glanzt ein Traum wunderbar ein Licht. Das in alaskan essay, aller Himmel Farben. Meiner Redensart widerspricht. Worte sind Wurfel sie fallen. Ich setze ein Wort es steht. Fur mich im Spiel ists gefallen. Gewinn ich verlier ich ihr seht. Ich bin ein Mensch wie alle.

Die Liebe mein Rausch nackt und nah. Ich ging ohne Visa durch meine. Zeit und was ich tat litt sah. Alles am End nur der eine. Name mein Leben ELSA. Ubersetzt von Paul Wiens. Ich war nicht immer der Mann, der ich bin. Student Essays On A Man Is Hard. Mein Leben lang habe ich gelernt, um der zu werden, der ich bin; aber deswegen habe ich nicht den Mann vergessen, der ich war, oder, genauer gesagt, die Manner. Alaskan Wilderness. Und wenn es zwischen mir und jenen Mannern Widerspruche gibt, wenn ich glaube in cause high school, der Wandlung gelernt, Fortschritte gemacht zu haben, so schame ich mich ihrer nicht, wenn ich sie ruckblickend betrachte, sie sind Etappen meiner selbst, sie fuhren zu mir, ich kann nicht ich sagen ohne sie… Nicht eine einzige Gewi?heit habe ich anders erlangt als durch Zweifel, Angst, Schwei? und den Schmerz der Erfahrung. Mit diesen Satzen, die Aragon 1959 auf einer Veranstaltung des Kommunistischen Jugendverbandes Frankreichs sprach, hat er die hartnackigen Versuche zuruckgewiesen, sein Werk in wilderness essay, zwei voneinander isolierte Halften zu zerrei?en: die von manchen Kritikern als fruhe Verirrung abgetane surrealistische Phase und die von anderen als Abfall von der Kunst verdammte Schaffensperiode des parteilichen Realisten. Essayez Nouveau Dictionnaire. Solche Interpretationen begnugen sich damit, den augenfalligsten Widerspruch und andere Kontraste in drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay, Aragons Entwicklung festzustellen, statt sie aus dem inneren Gesetz seiner Personlichkeit zu deuten.

Nur wenn man der in essayez, seiner Biographie exemplarisch nachweisbaren Wechselwirkung von individueller Konstitution und historischen Bedingungen geduldig nachgeht, wird der Zusammenhang in in the wilderness essay, der scheinbaren Diskontinuitat sichtbar, fugen sich die auf den ersten Blick auseinanderfallenden Teile zusammen. An Essay On My Culture Speaks. Aragons leidenschaftliches Bedurfnis nach menschlicher Ganzheit zwang ihn, jeden Weg, der Erfullung zu versprechen schien, bis ans au?erste Ende zu gehen – bis er in drilling alaskan wilderness essay, kritischer Ungenugsamkeit die Begrenztheit des Erreichten erkannte und die Suche auf hoherer Stufe fortsetzte: bemuht, das noch Fehlende zu erobern, ohne das Erworbene preiszugeben. On My Culture. Dieser nie abgeschlossene Proze?, der als instinktive Auflehnung eines einzelnen begann, wandelt sich, in drilling in the essay, zuweilen sprunghaftverwirrendem Verlauf, zu einer immer bewu?teren Auseinandersetzung von Individuum und Gesellschaft, deren Ziel die im Kunstwerk vollzogene Versohnung von Einzelschicksal und Menschheitsgeschichte ist. Der erste Widerspruch war gesetzt durch das Milieu, in write on my peace, dem Aragon am 3. Drilling Alaskan Wilderness. Oktober 1897 geboren wurde. Speaks. Seine Familie gehorte jenem konsolidierten mittleren Burgertum an, aus dessen Umklammerung sich viele der besten Intellektuellen des neuen Jahrhunderts in drilling, einem schmerzhaften Proze? zu befreien versuchten. Essay. Nichts war in drilling in the, dieser Atmosphare der vorsichtigen Kompromisse so gefurchtet wie echte Leidenschaft, und so mu?te der unbandige Lesehunger des Knaben, erstes Symptom einer auf standige Bereicherung des Erlebens gerichteten Unrast, nach anfanglicher Billigung Anla? zu ernster Besorgnis werden. Cause Essay High School Dropouts. Er las alles, was ihm in drilling in the alaskan wilderness, die Hande fiel, vom Katalog bis zum Klassiker, von Stendhal bis zu Turgenjew und Gorki. Cause High School. „Hatte ich nicht so viel gelesen, hatte ich nicht so viel geschrieben.“ Wenn er sich 1915 dem Medizinstudium zuwandte, so war das wohl vor allem eine Konzession an drilling in the wilderness, elterliche Wunsche, vorlaufige Entscheidung eines jungen Menschen, der seine eigentliche Begabung noch nicht erkannt hat. Im Val-de-Grace, einem Pariser Militarhospital, lernt er Andre Breton kennen, der Anfang der zwanziger Jahre zur Zentralfigur der surrealistischen Bewegung wird. Oncommunity. Die beiden Arzte, starker an in the, kunstlerischen Problemen interessiert als an essays good man is hard to find, der Medizin, sind sich einig in alaskan wilderness, der Verachtung der burgerlichen Gesellschaft und des herkommlichen Literaturbetriebes. High Seniors 2013. Sie und ihre Freunde, hochbegabte, sensible Intellektuelle, lehnen sich gegen die stumpfsinnige Monotonie und Entleertheit der burgerlichen Existenz auf, aber ihr Protest bleibt rein individualistisch, gegen Erscheinungsformen gerichtet, deren tiefere Ursachen ihnen unbekannt sind. Drilling In The Alaskan. Aragon hat im Eingangsgedicht seines Poems „Le Roman Inacheve“ („Der unvollendete Roman“, 1956) das Portrat des anarchischen jungen Mannes gezeichnet, der er damals war:

Auf dem Pont Neuf begegnete mir. Das Bild meines fruheren Ich. In den Augen nichts als Tranen. Auf den Lippen nichts als Blasphemien. Auch der Krieg ist diesen jungen Burgern nichts als die bisher widerlichste Manifestation einer verha?ten Gesellschaftsordnung, ein unbegreifliches, grauenhaftes Geschehen, das man mit Ekel und Staunen, manchmal auch als eine Art schauerlicher Sensation uber sich ergehen la?t, ohne es zu bekampfen. Notre Nouveau. „Ich war ein Schriftsteller“, sagte Aragon spater, „der sich etwas darauf einbildete, durch den Krieg von 1914 bis 1918 hindurchgegangen zu sein, ohne ein Wort daruber zu schreiben.“ Das Mi?verhaltnis zwischen latenter produktiver Kraft und der Unmoglichkeit, sie anders als in drilling in the wilderness, anarchischer Negation der Umwelt zu betatigen, erzeugt eine ungeheure Unrast und Spannung.

Mit au?erster Ichbezogenheit verbindet sich ein starker, aber standig frustrierter Drang zur Selbstentfaltung. An Essay On My Culture Peace. Nur im Au?er-sich-Sein der Liebe gelingt die Befreiung von allen inneren und au?eren Schranken, die Wiedergewinnung einer zweckentbundenen Unschuld, eines von allen burgerlichen Nutzlichkeitsforderungen befreiten Lebensgefuhls. Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Die Frau wird zum Inbegriff des Geheimnisvoll-Unbekannten, jenes „Wunderbaren“, das Breton im Ersten Surrealistischen Manifest (1924) als das wahrhaft Poetische preist. School Seniors 2013 No Essay. Doch bevor es zu dieser Deklaration der surrealistischen Theorie und zur merkbaren Verbreiterung der bereits 1919 bestehenden Vierergruppe (Aragon, Breton, Eluard und Philippe Soupault) kommt, findet das Intermezzo Dada statt. Im gleichen Jahr begibt sich Tristan Tzara aus der Schweiz, dem Geburtsland des Dadaismus, nach Paris, um dort lautstark sein Programm zu verkunden. Drilling Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Er wird von den jungen Rebellen begeistert begru?t. Seniors No Essay. Tzaras freche Bildersturmerei, seine radikale Absage an in the, alle uberkommenen Wertungen, an cause essay high school, Logik und Moral, sein Relativismus und seine Verherrlichung der Spontaneitat mussen ihnen zusagen. In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Doch auf die Dauer kann ihnen das „NICHTS, NICHTS, NICHTS“ der dadaistischen Manifeste nicht genugen. Notre Dictionnaire. Sie, deren Streben auf menschliche Totalitat gerichtet ist, wollen der bourgeoisen Wirklichkeit nicht die pure Negation, sondern eine andere, hohere, reinere und lebendigere Wirklichkeit entgegensetzen. In The Alaskan. Breton glaubt den Zugang zu dieser Uber-Wirklichkeit, dieser Sur-Realitat, im Unbewu?ten und in student hard, der Welt der Traume gefunden zu haben. Drilling In The Wilderness Essay. 1921 legt er zusammen mit Soupault in essayez nouveau, „Les Champs Magnetiques“ (Die Magnetfelder) die Ergebnisse seiner von personlichen Erfahrungen ausgehenden, durch die Forschungen Siegmund Freuds ermutigten Untersuchungen uber das automatische Schreiben vor: es komme darauf an, sich von der logischen, asthetischen und moralischen Zensur zu befreien und widerstandslos dem Diktat des Denkstroms zu gehorchen.

Durch die These, da? sich in drilling alaskan wilderness, diesem Verfahren oder im Traum jedem Willigen die einzig wahren Quellen des Wunderbaren erschlie?en konnen, wird die Inspiration entmystifiziert. Essays App. Die Surrealisten leugnen das Talent und erklaren die Dichtung zum menschlichen Gemeingut. Alaskan Essay. Hier werden bereits die inneren Widerspruche des Surrealismus sichtbar: ein Demokratismus, der infolge der radikalen Abkehr von der normalen Wirklichkeit doch wieder in essayez nouveau, Esoterik umschlagt; eine Tendenz zur Wissenschaftlichkeit, zur nuchternen Analyse des Schaffensprozesses, die in drilling in the alaskan, der Hinwendung zum Irrationalen, zum Mystisch-Okkulten aufgehoben wird. Nicht alle surrealistischen Dichter wandten in essay, ihrer dichterischen Praxis ausschlie?lich die Methode des automatischen Schreibens an; aber bei allen fuhrt die Ausschaltung der Logik, die Hingabe an alaskan wilderness essay, Traumzustande, in an essay on my culture speaks peace, denen die Sprache ein Eigenleben entwickelt und die Worter „Schopfer von Kraft“ werden, zum syntaktischen Zerfall, zur Wortisolierung, zum assoziativen Spiel mit Klangen. Drilling In The Wilderness. Drei?ig Jahre spater hat Aragon in cause school, einem seiner gro?en autobiographischen Poeme diese Phase mit den Worten charakterisiert: Hier beginnt die gro?e Nacht der Worte.

Hier trennt sich der Name von dem was er nennt. Dennoch hat er, auch aus der distanzierten Sicht der Reife, immer wieder betont, da? er vom Surrealismus mehr bewahrt hat als eine liebevolle Erinnerung an alaskan wilderness essay, jene „pathetischen Kinder“, die Gefahrten seiner Jugend. High Seniors No Essay. „Es ist unbestreitbar, da? meine Sprache nicht das ware, was sie ist, wenn sie nicht aus dem Surrealismus hervorgegangen ware… Aber es gibt einen fundamentalen Unterschied: den Inhalt.“ Aragons lyrisches Werk beweist, da? er heute wie je die vollen Rechte der Phantasie fur sich in drilling in the wilderness essay, Anspruch nimmt. Essay School. Seine Vorliebe fur Alliterationen, fur uberraschende Klange und Reime, das virtuose Spiel mit dem Wort erinnern oft genug an in the alaskan wilderness essay, seine fruhen Gedichte. Essayez Nouveau Dictionnaire. Doch wahrend der Surrealist sich von den Impulsen des Unterbewu?tseins treiben la?t, wahrend er durch Absurditat schockieren, durch betonte Zusammenhanglosigkeit alle gewohnten Bindungen zerrei?en will, wahlt der reife Dichter aus dem Strom der poetischen Einfalle das aus, was der Idee seiner Dichtung dient. Aragon hat einmal den Surrealismus als einen verzweifelten Versuch bezeichnet, die dadaistische Negation zu uberwinden und eine neue Realitat zu errichten.

Es dauerte viele Jahre, bis ihm die Aufhebung der surrealistischen Negation in in the, der „Wirklichen Welt“ gelang. Essay School. Kaum eine Phase seines Lebens war so qualvoll und zerrissen, so reich an drilling in the wilderness, Widerspruchen, Ruckschlagen und hartnackigen Versuchen, sie zu uberwinden, wie dieser Ubergang vom Surrealismus zu einer sozialistischen Lebens- und Kunstauffassung. Die Zuspitzung der Klassenkonflikte, die Verscharfung der internationalen Spannungen in scholarships high school seniors 2013 no essay, den zwanziger Jahren hatte die Fragwurdigkeit einer rein geistigen Freiheitssuche deutlich machen mussen. In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Aber erst der emotionale Schock, den der kolonialistische franzosisch-spanische Krieg gegen die Rifkabylen bei den Surrealisten ausloste, vermochte ihre Haltung zu verandern. Write Culture Speaks. Ihre Emporung, geweckt durch die Erinnerung an in the alaskan wilderness essay, die Schrecken des ersten Weltkrieges, geschurt durch chauvinistische Kundgebungen der intellektuellen Prominenz, macht sich in write on my, anarchisch-spektakularen Protesten Luft. Drilling In The Wilderness. Und plotzlich werden sie nicht nur von der Polizei gema?regelt, sondern auch von der offiziellen Literaturkritik boykottiert, die ihren theoretischen Revolten bisher mit amusiertem Interesse zugesehen hatte: eine praktische Lektion uber die Wirksamkeit des Wortes und die Verantwortung des Schriftstellers. Good Common App. In den Proklamationen jener Zeit werden ganz neue Tone angeschlagen. In The Essay. Hatte man noch im Januar 1925 erklart, die von den Surrealisten angestrebte Revolution sei „unbeteiligt, weltabgewandt und sogar verzweifelt“, so hei?t es wenige Monate spater: „Wir sind keine Utopisten: wir sehen diese Revolution nur unter ihrem gesellschaftlichen Aspekt.“ Hier ist ein Wendepunkt erreicht, nach dem es kein Verharren in write an essay culture speaks peace, der alten Zwiespaltigkeit, im Nebeneinander von totalem Freiheitsstreben und Verachtung der materiellen Voraussetzungen echter menschlicher Freiheit mehr geben kann. In The Essay. Hier gabelt sich der Weg. Scholarships Seniors 2013. Die einen, unter ihnen Breton, werden fruher oder spater in drilling alaskan, das idealistische Denken zuruckfallen; andere werden in essay high dropouts, einem immer wieder durch innere Hemmnisse verzogerten Proze? die Wirklichkeit erobern. Drilling In The Wilderness Essay. Unter ihnen Aragon.

In einem Ende 1925 in essays app, Clarte veroffentlichten Aufsatz „Das Proletariat des Geistes“, der zweifellos unter dem Eindruck seiner ersten marxistischen Studien entstanden ist, spricht er vom konterrevolutionaren Charakter der Anarchie und fordert die Schriftsteller auf, ihre Fahigkeiten in wilderness essay, den Dienst des Proletariats zu stellen, doch ohne den „dummen Stolz“ jener Intellektuellen, die „sich mit dem Proletariat verbunden, ohne ein Teil des Proletariats zu werden“. Scholarships School Seniors. Solche Erkenntnisse, so wichtig sie sind, genugen freilich nicht, um ein Leben zu verandern. In The Essay. Auch als Aragon im Januar 1927 Mitglied der Kommunistischen Partei Frankreichs wird, ist das zunachst vor allem die Konsequenz aus theoretischen Einsichten, die nicht durch praktische politische Erfahrung erganzt werden. Transfer Essays App. Noch kann er die von ihm selbst geforderte Eingliederung in drilling in the alaskan wilderness, die Arbeiterklasse nur organisatorisch vollziehen, weil ihm die unmittelbare emotionale Beziehung zu den Menschen fehlt, die einmal seine Leser sein werden. Essayez Notre Dictionnaire. Die Revolution ist ihm zwar nicht mehr identisch mit Anarchie, aber noch nicht Beginn eines Neuen – nur Negation, Zerstorung einer zum Tode verurteilten Gesellschaft. In The Alaskan. So konnen die in on my speaks peace, den Jahren 1927 und 1928 entstandenen, 1929 unter dem ironischen Titel Le Grande Gaite ( Die gro?e Heiterkeit ) veroffentlichten Gedichte nichts ausdrucken als Trauer, Uberdru? und Spott: Ich mag die Leute nicht, ich sage euch. Ich mag die Leute nicht, weil sie. So furchtbar borniert und dumm sind. Weil sie zu Zeiten, die ihnen ihre Eltern vorschreiben. Zu Mittag und Abend essen.

Weil sie ins Theater gehen in drilling in the wilderness, die Schule… Selbst die Stadt Paris, fur die Aragon zu allen Zeiten seines Lebens Worte eines Verliebten gefunden hat, wird ihm jetzt zur „Wuste Gobi“. Essay. Dennoch ist in drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay, dieser extremen Negativitat etwas Neues: Aragon vermag zwar die Realitat noch nicht anders als hassenswert zu sehen, aber er weicht nicht mehr von ihr in essayez notre nouveau, die Innerlichkeit aus. Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Er greift sie an, und der ironische Spott erhebt sich zuweilen zur gro?en, unbarmherzigen Satire. Der Fluchtweg ins illusionare Wunderbare ist endgultig abgeschnitten. High. Aber: Alles vorbei Wo bin ich. Meine Hand im Finstern. Sto?t nur auf die stohnende Mauer. Die Verse der Grande Gaite , in essay, denen Aragon sich seinem eigenen Inneren zuwendet, sind von einer abgrundtiefen Traurigkeit erfullt, die sich in good transfer essays common app, dem „Gedicht in drilling, den Ruinen zu schreien“ zu erschreckender Intensitat steigert.

Wie sehr das alles Ausdruck personlichster Wirren des Gefuhls gewesen sein mag, die ihn im Sommer 1928 in write culture speaks peace, Venedig fast in in the wilderness, den Tod getrieben hatten (Noch geringe Zeit / Und es war so weit / Da? das Sterben kam), es ist auch die Verzweiflung eines Menschen, der, entgegen seinem innersten Gesetz, in essays common, die Sphare des Hasses und der Aggressivitat verbannt ist, eines Schriftstellers, der die von seinen theoretischen Einsichten geforderten neuen Inhalte noch nicht gestalten kann. Drilling Alaskan Essay. So mu? ihm, der spater sagte: „Wenn ihr wu?tet, wie ich die bedaure, die nicht lieben…“, der Schreiben und Leben immer gleichgesetzt hat, seine Existenz damals fragwurdig erschienen sein. Nur wenn man von diesem Tiefpunkt seiner Lebenskurve wei?, kann man ganz ermessen, was die Begegnung mit Elsa Triolet fur ihn bedeutete. Essay Dropouts. Nichts konnte ihm helfen als das Beispiel eines Menschen, der sich eine naturliche, ungebrochene Beziehung zur Umwelt bewahrt hatte. Drilling Alaskan. Das Beispiel einer Frau, die bereit war, ihn mit Klugheit und Liebe aus der Wuste Gobi zu den Menschen zuruckzufuhren.

Du fandest mich im Dunkel wie ein Wort das nicht vergeben wird. Wie einen Vagabunden der zur Nacht durch Stall und Scheune irrt. Wie einen Hund dem an essay high, den Hals man hangte fremde Initialen. Ein Mann vom schrillen Zorn vergangner Zeit gezeichnet wie mit Malen. Am 6. In The Wilderness. November 1928 lernten sie einander kennen, „in einem jener Cafes des Montparnasse, die gro? sind wie Bahnhofe“. Good Transfer Common. Elsa Triolet war zu dieser Zeit eine Schriftstellerin, die ihre autobiographischen Bucher in alaskan wilderness essay, russischer Sprache schrieb. An Essay On My Speaks. Aragon nannte sie spater eine „geborene Romanschriftstellerin“, der sich jedes Erleben in drilling alaskan wilderness essay, Figuren umsetze. Essay. Er hatte auch sagen konnen, sie sei eine geborene Realistin. In The Wilderness Essay. Diese naturliche Disposition wurde verstarkt und gefestigt durch die Verbundenheit mit den gro?en Traditionen der russischen Literatur von Puschkin bis Gorki, in nouveau dictionnaire, denen Elsa Triolet aufgewachsen war. Wilderness Essay. Schon als Kind hatte sie mit begeisterter Hingabe die Dichtungen Puschkins und Lermontows gelesen.

Aber sie erkannte auch mit klarerem Instinkt als manche Literaturkritiker die Genialitat der futuristischen Verse, die der junge Majakowski auf Spaziergangen fur die sechzehnjahrige Schulerin rezitierte. Notre. Lange Zeit konnte sie seine komplizierte Entwicklung aus nachster Nahe beobachten (Lili Brik, durch viele Jahre Majakowskis Gefahrtin, war Elsas Schwester). Essay. Sie wu?te besser als viele andere, wie schwierig und widerspruchsvoll der Weg eines echten Dichters sein kann, und dieses Wissen verlieh ihr Ausdauer und Geduld in essayez notre nouveau dictionnaire, dem Kampf gegen Aragons anarchistische Vergangenheit. Alaskan Essay. Sie bestand diesen Kampf, weil sie ihn in student essays, der selbstverstandlichen, unerschutterlichen Uberzeugung fuhrte, da? ein Schriftsteller ebenso wie sich selbst auch seinen Mitmenschen verantwortlich ist – mehr aber noch, weil sie dem emotionalen Nihilismus Liebe und Menschlichkeit entgegenzusetzen vermochte. Du hast mir den Himmel der Gute wieder geoffnet. Durch dich wei? ich von den menschlichen Dingen.

Und seitdem sehe ich die Welt auf deine Weise. Mein wirkliches Leben begann. An dem Tag da ich dir begegnete. Du nahmst mich an drilling essay, der Hand in essay, dieser modernen Holle. Wo der Mensch nicht mehr wei? was das hei?t Zu zweit sein. Zum ersten Mal ist die Liebe zur Frau nicht Expansion des Ich, Suche nach dem Absoluten als Kompensation fur das existentielle Unbehagen, sondern Gemeinschaft und Auseinandersetzung von zwei starken Personlichkeiten, ebenso faszinierend und geheimnisvoll wie das „Wunderbare“ traumhafter Begegnungen. Im Oktober 1930 reisten Elsa Triolet und Aragon nach Moskau, um Lili Brik zu besuchen. Essay. So wichtig die unerwartete Teilnahme an on my peace, der Internationalen Schriftstellerkonferenz von Charkow und den dort gefuhrten Diskussionen fur Aragon gewesen sein mag – das entscheidende Erlebnis war die Konfrontierung mit dem ersten sozialistischen Land und seinen Menschen. Drilling Alaskan Essay. „Bei meiner Ruckkehr“, schrieb er in essay oncommunity, einer spateren Einschatzung dieser Zeit, „war ich nicht mehr derselbe, nicht mehr der Autor des Paysan de Paris “ (ein 1926 veroffentlichtes Prosawerk, Hohepunkt der surrealistischen Phase), „sondern der Verfasser von Front Rouge .“ „Rotfront“ – als Titel wahlte Aragon den Kampfgru? der deutschen Genossen, den er in drilling alaskan essay, Charkow gehort hatte – ist ein Ubergangswerk.

Dem Virtuosen der poetischen Introspektion, zu dem Aragon in cause essay high school dropouts, zehn Jahren geworden ist, fehlen die kunstlerischen Mittel fur die Bewaltigung seines Themas: die anfeuernde Wirkung des sowjetischen Vorbildes auf die Arbeiterbewegung in in the essay, allen Landern der Erde. Cause Essay. Die Gestaltungskraft halt nicht Schritt mit dem Enthusiasmus, der Ton schlagt ins Deklamatorische um. Drilling In The Wilderness. Die Bedeutung dieses Poems liegt vor allem darin, da? Aragon hier zum ersten Mal den poetischen Gegenstand in cause high, der Au?enwelt findet, da? er nicht nur sich selbst ausdrucken, sondern Wirkungen erzielen will. Drilling Essay. Die in nouveau, „Rotfront“ enthaltenen heftigen Ausfalle gegen den Staatsapparat trugen ihm eine Anklage wegen Mordhetze und Aufwiegelung des Militars zum Ungehorsam ein. Eine zweite Reise in in the wilderness essay, die Sowjetunion fuhrt ihn im Sommer 1932 nach dem Ural, zu den gro?en Baustatten des Sozialismus, nach Magnitogorsk und Tscheljabinsk. Good Man Is. Er erlebt den hartnackigen Optimismus der sowjetischen Menschen, die einer kargen Wirklichkeit in in the alaskan wilderness essay, zahem Kampf das Neue abringen, und die Revolution, die ihm immer nur die gro?e Zerstorerin war, tragt jetzt die Zuge der Hoffnung:

Der ganze Himmel gehort der Jugend. Und die Jugend der Zukunft. Mit jedem Augenblick zwingt Zukunft die Gegenwart. Sich in on a good to find, Erinnerung zu verwandeln. hei?t es in drilling in the, Hourra l’Oural , einer 1932 entstandenen Gedichtsammlung, die von den gigantischen Veranderungen inspiriert ist, deren Zeuge er sein durfte. Essay. Durch haufige Verwendung der Alltagssprache, Assonanzen, hammernde Reime und einen suggestiven, zuweilen oratorischen Tonfall erinnern diese Verse an in the alaskan essay, Majakowski, dessen Bedeutung fur seine Entwicklung Aragon oft genug hervorgehoben hat. Write An Essay Culture Peace. Die Gleichheit des Anliegens: die engen Grenzen der fachlichasthetischen Rezeption zu durchbrechen und von vielen gehort zu werden, bedingt eine Verwandtschaft der Grundhaltung und Diktion. In The. Aber um die spezifischen Mittel fur eine echte Kommunikation zu finden, mu? Aragon, ebenso wie Majakowski, an student essays good man is hard, die im Gedachtnis des Volkes aufbewahrten Uberlieferungen der eigenen Nationalliteratur anknupfen, sie im Geist des Neuen, das er zu verkunden hat, lebendig machen. Wilderness. So ist es symptomatisch und bedeutungsvoll, da? er in oncommunity, balladesken Gedichten des Bandes Hourra l’Oural eine klassische Form der franzosischen Lyrik mit bewu?tem Nachdruck verwendet: knappe, achtsilbige Zeilen, nach einem strengen Reimschema zu vierzeiligen Strophen zusammengefugt.

Die Surrealisten hatten in alaskan, anarchischem Radikalismus jede Art von traditioneller Bindung verworfen. Good Transfer Common. In ihrem ahistorischen Bezugssystem war kein Raum fur die gro?en revolutionaren Taten und die aus ihnen geborene realistische Kunst der franzosischen Nation. Drilling Alaskan Wilderness. Au?er dem Rebellen Rimbaud (den Aragon auch noch 1947 in transfer common, einem Essay aus historischkritischer Sicht den „vielleicht gro?ten Dichter der Moderne“ nennt) erkannten sie nur einige von der offiziellen Literaturkritik halb oder ganzlich vergessene Einzelganger als ihre Ahnen an. In The Wilderness Essay. Selbst in an essay on my culture, der Zeit der engsten Verbundenheit mit der surrealistischen Bewegung hatte Aragon sich bisweilen von den ihm auferlegten und damals im wesentlichen von ihm akzeptierten Normen zu distanzieren versucht, am deutlichsten in essay, einer skeptischen Einschatzung des automatischen Schreibens. Essay Oncommunity. Viel schwieriger war die Loslosung von einem auch in in the wilderness, ihm tief verwurzelten Vorurteil des Surrealismus, von der Nichtachtung aller nationalen Traditionen, die aus der Gleichsetzung von chauvinistischem Gro?machtstreben und Nationalgefuhl, von Bourgeoisie und Nation resultierte. Essay. Dieser fur den Schriftsteller Aragon hochst gefahrliche nationale Nihilismus konnte nur durch reale Erfahrungen widerlegt werden – durch den Kontakt mit den Schichten des Volkes, in drilling alaskan wilderness, denen die wahre Gro?e der franzosischen Nation, das Erbe der Commune lebendig war. Essay. Um 1931 tritt in drilling in the alaskan, Aragons politischer Tatigkeit eine folgenschwere Wendung ein. Essays App. Paul Vaillant-Couturier stellt ihn Maurice Thorez vor, der ihm rat, die verhaltnisma?ig unwichtige Mitwirkung an in the wilderness, einer antireligiosen Zeitschrift aufzugeben und zu operativeren Formen der Parteiarbeit uberzugehen. Good Transfer Common App. Aragon spricht jetzt vor Fabriktoren und in alaskan essay, Versammlungen. Oncommunity. Er lernt die taglichen Note und Sorgen der Arbeiter kennen, aber auch ihren Mut und ihre Ausdauer.

Er sieht, da? sie bereit sind, nicht nur fur ihre unmittelbaren materiellen Interessen einzutreten, sondern sie aufs Spiel zu setzen, indem sie streikend gegen die Drohung des erstarkenden Faschismus protestieren. Drilling In The Alaskan. Er hort ihre vitale, prazise, noch nicht durch gesellschaftliche Konventionen ausgelaugte Sprache, die er wie kaum ein anderer Schriftsteller in good transfer essays common, sein literarisches Werk einbeziehen wird. Drilling In The Essay. Die franzosischen Arbeiter seien seine Sprachlehrer, sagt er spater, von denen er gro?artige Lektionen erhalten habe: nicht im Stil schulmeisterlicher Pedanterie, sondern im Geist der geschichtlichen Erfahrung. Mit leidenschaftlicher Intensitat beginnt Aragon die in essay oncommunity, Jahrhunderten vollzogene Formung des franzosischen Nationalcharakters und seine literarischen Manifestationen zu studieren: von den gesellschaftskritischen mittelalterlichen Fabliaux bis zu den gro?en Romanciers des 19. In The Alaskan Essay. Jahrhunderts. Essay High School. „Man gelangt zum Realismus nur uber den Weg des Nationalen… Jedes Mal, wenn ihr euch von der Realitat abwendet, wendet ihr euch von Frankreich ab.

Ich habe diese Krankheit gekannt…“ Ich wu?te nicht einmal was wei? ein jedes Kind. Da? rot mein Blut da? Herz und Sinn franzosisch sind. Ich wu?te nur Schwarz senken sich die Nachte nieder. Erst die Partei gab Blick mir und Gedachtnis wieder. Wenn Aragon sich in alaskan wilderness, diesen ersten Jahren des aktiven politischen Kampfes plotzlich ausschlie?lich dem Roman zuwendet, diesem von den Surrealisten wegen seiner realistischen „Banalitat“ verachteten Genre, so ist das mehr als eine Reaktion auf einengende Vorurteile der Vergangenheit oder programmatische Anknupfung an scholarships school 2013 no essay, eine der wichtigsten Traditionslinien der franzosischen Literatur. Drilling In The Wilderness. Die poetischen Ergebnisse der Reisen in good common, die Sowjetunion hatten ihm gezeigt, da? die in drilling in the alaskan wilderness, hohem Ma?e subjektive, emotionale, verschlusselnde und verkurzende lyrische Aussage keine volle Gultigkeit erreicht, solange der Dichter die Wirklichkeit, die er gestalten will, nicht als sicheren Besitz in common app, sich tragt. Drilling Alaskan Essay. Erst wenn er den poetischen Gegenstand ganz in essayez notre, sich hineingenommen hat, kann er, auf einer hoheren Stufe der Erkenntnis, zur lyrischen Spontaneitat zuruckkehren.

Die Konzentration auf den Roman entspricht dem bewu?ten Bemuhen des Marxisten Aragon, die komplexe nationale Realitat, die er als den naturlichen Nahrboden seines Schaffens erkannt hat, mit ihren historischen Voraussetzungen und ihrer historischen Perspektive zu seinem Eigentum zu machen, indem er sie mit immer differenzierteren Mitteln kunstlerisch zu bewaltigen versucht. Drilling Alaskan. Als 1939 das gro?e Unheil uber das Land hereinbricht, ist dieser Aneignungsproze? so weit vorangeschritten, da? personliches und kollektives Schicksal fur ihn zusammenfallen. Essay Oncommunity. In jedem Vers, den er in drilling in the, den Jahren des Krieges schreibt, auch wenn er personlichste Gefuhle ausdruckt, ist das Leid des ganzen Volkes gegenwartig. On A Man Is. Und die Strophen, die er an in the alaskan essay, das gequalte und geschandete Frankreich richtet, klingen wie die zartliche Klage eines Liebenden. Der junge Aragon hatte den ersten Weltkrieg als ein unheimliches Geschehen hingenommen, dem er sich zumindest innerlich durch individualistische Evasion zu entziehen versuchte. Cause Essay. Dieses Mal fuhlt er sich als Bruder von Millionen Franzosen, die von unfahigen oder verraterischen Regierungen, zuerst in in the wilderness essay, der Farce des „Seltsamen Krieges“, dann in write on my culture speaks, der Schmach der Kollaboration, dem Feind preisgegeben werden. Drilling Alaskan. Dieses Mal will er handeln und helfen.

Das Gedicht, rascher entstehend, rascher wirksam als der Roman, wird zur Waffe des Widerstandes, die er mit List und Leidenschaft einsetzt. In einem 1945 verfa?ten Vorwort zu dem zwei Jahre zuvor illegal veroffentlichten Musee Grevin hat Aragon das Wesen einer Dichtung definiert, die in scholarships high 2013, Zeiten der Heimsuchung Anspruch erheben kann, die Nation zu reprasentieren, und die er epische Dichtung nennt. Drilling Alaskan Wilderness Essay. „In diesem Sommer 1943, da unsere jungen Leute sich in cause high dropouts, Massen dem Maquis anschlie?en, wird der Sinn fur das Epische wiedergeboren, dessen Wurzeln tief in in the, den Humus der Jahre hinabreichen bis in scholarships school no essay, das Jahr 1941, als Gabriel Peri und die siebenundzwanzig Geiseln von Chateaubriant ermordet wurden, bis in in the alaskan essay, die Tage des Spanischen Burgerkrieges. An Essay On My Speaks. Eine „epische“ Situation, die der Nation gro?e Entscheidungen und Taten abverlangt, fordert vom Dichter den Atem der Epopoe, die Ruckkehr zum Geist des Rolandsliedes, der Chansons de Geste. Drilling In The Alaskan Essay. Doch Aragon will das Epische nicht formal, nicht in essay, der Begrenztheit des Genres, verstanden wissen. Drilling Essay. „Das Wesentliche der epischen Dichtung ist nicht der Umfang…, sondern die Intensitat des epischen Gefuhls“, das sich, in school dropouts, immer neuen, dem Charakter der Epoche angepa?ten Formen, manifestiert, „wenn die Umstande des nationalen Lebens episch sind“. In The Wilderness. Durch ihre unlosbare Verknupfung mit historischen Prozessen wird jede echte epische Dichtung zur Gelegenheitsdichtung, die das ublicherweise so bezeichnete Genre ebenso uberragt wie der geschichtliche Anla? den zufallig banalen. Man konnte, der Chronologie und Thematik von Aragons Dichten zwischen dem September 1939 und der Befreiung folgend, den Weg nachzeichnen, den das franzosische Volk in scholarships high school 2013, diesen Jahren gegangen ist. Drilling In The Alaskan. In jeder Phase hat er mit hochster poetischer Intensitat das ausgedruckt, was zahllose Menschen dachten und fuhlten – aber immer hat er ein Stuck uber die unmittelbare Gegenwart hinausgefuhrt und Hoffnung geweckt, nicht durch pathetischen Appell oder irreale Versprechungen, sondern indem er an scholarships high 2013 no essay, die Gro?e Frankreichs und die Kraft seines Volkes erinnert. In der Zeit der Verwirrung, des passiven Erleidens, macht er sich zum Sprecher der Liebenden, die durch den Krieg auseinandergerissen wurden – Le Creve-C?ur ( Das Herzeleid ) nennt er den schmalen Band, in drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay, dem er die Gedichte der Jahre 1939 und 1940 sammelt. Notre. Aber schon in in the essay, der tragischen Wurde des unmittelbar nach dem Waffenstillstand geschriebenen Gedichts „Der Flieder und die Rosen“, kundigt sich jener epische Geist an, der in an essay speaks peace, der Resistance-Dichtung zur vollen Entfaltung kommen wird: O Mond der Blutenfulle Mond der Metamorphosen.

Mai wolkenlos und Juni von scharfem Dolch durchwuhlt. Nie werd ich dies vergessen den Flieder und die Rosen. und jene die der Fruhling in drilling alaskan, seinem Schurz behielt. Nie werd ich je vergessen die Garten Frankreichs Fluren. wie strahlende Missale vergangner Alter gluhn. und Strau?e ihr des Ruckzugs Rosen und Rosen wieder.

wie ferne Feuerbrande die Rosen von Anjou. Und in on my culture speaks peace, der emporten Klage uber die Leiden der Unschuldigen, die, von ihren Heimstatten vertrieben, im Chaos des Ruckzuges sinnlos gehetzt werden, steht die Gestalt des kunftigen Widerstandskampfers auf: Er war schwarz wie die Bergwerke. Dieser Riese der heimkehrte. Nach Mericourt oder Sallaumines. Noch ist es Wut und Verzweiflung, die die „St. Drilling In The. Christophore der Landstra?e“ in notre nouveau dictionnaire, ihre Dorfer zurucktreibt, „ohne Tranen, ohne Hoffnung, ohne Waffen“ – aber man fuhlt: bald werden sie Waffen und Hoffnung haben, diese „Riesen vor dem wei?en Himmel des Zorns“. Etwa zwei Jahre lang nutzt Aragon die Moglichkeiten der legalen Publikation. In The Essay. Einzelne Gedichte und der Band Les Yeux d’Elsa ( Elsas Augen ) werden in high school dropouts, der Schweiz und in alaskan wilderness, Algier gedruckt, konnen aber ohne Behinderung in oncommunity, der „nicht-okkupierten Zone“ verbreitet werden. Drilling In The Wilderness Essay. Aragons poetische Konterbande, von den meisten Lesern muhelos gedeutet, bleibt den Zensoren der Petain-Regierung unverstandlich, da sie die gedanklichen und emotionalen Assoziationen der aufrechten Franzosen nicht teilen.

So vermogen sie in essay high school dropouts, den „Toten des Mai“, die sie fur die Gefallenen des Krieges halten, nicht die im Mai 1941 hingerichteten Kommunisten zu erkennen oder die Opfer der „blutigen Maiwoche“ des Jahres 1871. Drilling In The Alaskan. Nicht immer freilich gelingt die List. Essay. Findige Prufer, durch das Wort Ru?land aufgeschreckt, entdecken hinter der antiken Maske des Gedichtes „Nymphee“ die Aktualitat. Nymphaion – so hie? im Altertum die Stadt Kertsch. Drilling In The Wilderness. Und es geht in oncommunity, diesen Strophen nicht um den Konig Mithridates und die Romer… Unbegreiflich bleibt, da? die Zensur die grandiose Symbolik des Broceliande-Zyklus nicht durchblickte. Drilling In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Ruckkehr zu den keltischen Mythen – das war fur sie wohl asthetisierende Spielerei oder Ausweichen in school seniors 2013, die Historie. In The Wilderness. Aragons Leser aber erkannten in scholarships school seniors 2013, den Hexenmeistern und Drachen dieses Zauberwaldes die Herren von Vichy und die Gestapo. Drilling In The Alaskan Essay. Und der gro?e Regen, auf den sie warteten, war die zweite Front. In einigen den Gedichtbanden der Kriegszeit beigegebenen Essays, die in oncommunity, ihrer Gesamtheit eine Ars poetica des Realismus ergeben, hat Aragon die tieferen Grunde fur die Wiederbelebung mittelalterlicher Themen und Formen in drilling alaskan essay, seiner Lyrik enthullt.

In der Zeit der nationalen Erniedrigung, der Vergewaltigung seines Landes durch ein kulturloses, barbarisches Regime, will er daran erinnern, da? in write culture, der zweiten Halfte des 12. Drilling In The Wilderness Essay. Jahrhunderts in high seniors 2013, einem politisch zerrissenen, entzweiten Frankreich die franzosische Nationalliteratur geboren werden konnte, da? die von dieser Dichtung gesetzten Ma?stabe revolutionierend und veredelnd auf alle Nachbarlander wirkten. Drilling Essay. Die Chansons de Geste, vor allem der „Perceval“ des Nordfranzosen Chretien de Troyes, in write culture speaks peace, dem die hofische Sitte ihren reinsten Ausdruck fand, weckte in drilling alaskan wilderness essay, ganz Europa „die Liebe zur Gerechtigkeit, den Sinn fur Ritterlichkeit, fur die Verteidigung der Schwachen, fur die Lobpreisung hoher Gedanken“. Write Speaks. Dieses sittlich fundierte Ideal des Heldentums, das die Kampfer der Resistance mit den Gralsrittern teilen, stellt Aragon dem nazistischen Pseudoideal heldischer Mannlichkeit entgegen. Essay. Und indem er den Geist der nationalen Mythen heraufbeschwort, die „auf die Fu?e gestellt, nicht nur zum Traumen, sondern zum Handeln anregen“, will er den Ungeist des rassistischen Mythos widerlegen. Essay Oncommunity. Den gleichen Bezug zur Gegenwart hat seine Verteidigung des oft verspotteten Frauenkults der provenzalischen Troubadours, in drilling in the alaskan essay, dem er, trotz mancher Ausartungen, eine „erstaunliche Reaktion auf die feudale Barbarei“, auf die unmenschliche Behandlung der Frau und auf die Verherrlichung der brutalen mannlichen Kraft sieht. Oncommunity. „Diese Moral der Liebe ist eindeutig das Praludium jener Ideen, die spater Frankreich zur Leuchte der Welt machen werden.“ Aragons intensives Studium des „trobar clus“, des „verschlossenen Dichtens“, und der provenzalischen Verstechnik ist ebensowenig das Produkt einer Laune wie die Beschaftigung mit den gro?en Themen und Gestalten der mittelalterlichen Romanzyklen. In The Alaskan Wilderness. Er hat die Hinwendung zu altertumlichen Strophenformen und vor allem zum Reim in good transfer common, einigen Aufsatzen ausfuhrlich begrundet: im Nachwort zu Le Creve C?ur ( Der Reim im Jahr 1940 ), im Vorwort zu Les Yeux d’Elsa und im Nachwort dieses Bandes ( Die Lehre von Riberac ), einer Wurdigung des kunstvollen, originellen und von der Nachwelt zu wenig gewurdigten Troubadours Arnaud Daniel, der von der Burg Riberac stammte. Da? die moderne franzosische Lyrik sich immer mehr vom Reim abwandte und ihn schlie?lich ganzlich verwarf, erklart Aragon als Reaktion auf ein erstarrtes System pedantischer Regeln, das sich in drilling in the alaskan wilderness, Frankreich bis tief ins 19. Culture Speaks Peace. Jahrhundert unangefochten behaupten konnte. Drilling Alaskan Wilderness. Die durch bestimmte Eigenheiten des Franzosischen geforderte formalistische Degeneration des Reims lie? vergessen, da? mit seiner Einfuhrung (und dem gleichzeitigen Ubergang zu den romanischen Volkssprachen) die Emanzipation von den lateinischen Vorbildern und die Entwicklung einer eigenstandigen franzosischen Literatur begann.

Durch die Ruckkehr zum Reim und zu strengen metrischen Formen will Aragon sich „in die gro?e Bewegung der franzosischen Poesie einordnen“ – nicht etwa indem er das Vergangene als unveranderliches Vorbild aufrichtet. Student Good Hard. „Wir leben im Jahr 1940. Alaskan Wilderness. Ich erhebe meine Stimme und sage: Es ist nicht wahr, da? es keine neuen Reime gibt, wenn es eine neue Welt gibt.“ Er fordert von der modernen Dichtung das Vokabular der Gegenwart. Oncommunity. „Dann erlangt der Reim seine Wurde wieder, weil er neue Dinge in wilderness essay, die alte und erhabene Sprache einfuhrt…, die man Poesie nennt.“ Und weil er „das Bindeglied zwischen den Dingen und dem Lied ist“, weil er die „Dinge zum Singen bringt“. Essay. Aragon verwahrt sich entschieden gegen primitive populistische Tendenzen, diese auf Reim und Rhythmus beruhende Sangbarkeit als folkloristische Imitation des Volksliedes zu deuten. In The Alaskan. Der durch den „formalen Individualismus“ und die Originalitatssucht der modernen Lyriker verschuldete Kontaktverlust kann nur gutgemacht werden, wenn der Dichter die im Volk lebendigen Erfahrungen aller seiner poetischen Vorfahren bewu?t nutzt und sie im Geist der Gegenwart erneuert. Scholarships 2013. Das erfordert unermudliche Arbeit und jene strenge Disziplin, in in the wilderness essay, der Aragon die echte Freiheit des Dichters sieht. Seine Auffassung vom Wesen einer nationalen Dichtung, sein Vertrauen in essay oncommunity, die Fahigkeit des Volkes, auch schwierige, anspruchsvolle Lyrik zu verstehen, wenn ihr Autor sich nicht von der Tradition loslost und verstanden sein will, ist von seinem Publikum selbst bestatigt worden: eine unubersehbare Anzahl seiner Gedichte, von den bekanntesten Chanson-Komponisten vertont und auf Platten aufgenommen, wird uberall in in the wilderness, Frankreich gesungen – nicht nur die schlichtesten, melodiosesten, sondern auch gedankenschwere Verse mit uberhohter Metaphorik.

Mit der Souveranitat des gro?en Dichters, der die Preisgabe seiner Geheimnisse, die Enthullung seines Reichtums nicht zu scheuen braucht, hat Aragon seine Verstechnik analysiert. Cause Essay High Dropouts. Sie beruht, auf eine sehr verknappende Formel gebracht, auf der Fortfuhrung der von Apollinaire eingeleiteten revolutionierenden Umwandlung des optischen Reims in in the wilderness essay, den akustischen, auf der extensiven Verwendung des Binnenreims und auf einer nach Aragon benannten Neuerung, der „rime aragonienne“, die durch die Verbindung des letzten Wortes einer Zeile mit dem ersten Buchstaben der folgenden Zeile zustande kommt und unbegrenzte neue Reimkombinationen ermoglicht. School 2013. Die geradezu verbluffende technische Virtuositat erinnert an in the essay, das „trobar clus“, aber sie ist niemals Selbstzweck, blo?es Spiel. Write On My. Der Reim dient der Intensivierung des Sinns. Essay. „Er verbindet die Worte auf unzerstorbare Weise und la?t eine Notwendigkeit ihrer Anordnung erkennen, die… dem Geist ein Vergnugen, eine wesentlich rationale Befriedigung verschafft.“ Man mu? hinzufugen, da? diese geistige Freude an essayez notre nouveau, der Sinngebung nie durch Vernachlassigung des spezifisch Poetischen, sondern gerade durch die vollige Verschmelzung von Gedanken und Melodie bewirkt wird. Aragon hat zu keiner Zeit auf die Vielfalt der Formen und Symbole verzichtet.

Aber es ist nicht zu verkennen, da? die Diktion der in drilling in the essay, der vollen Illegalitat geschriebenen Gedichte direkter und schlichter wird. Good Transfer Essays App. Von den Fesseln der Zensur befreit, gibt er ruckhaltlos, was die geschichtliche Situation „im vierten Sommer unserer Apokalypse“ fordert, bei?ende politische Satire, die Petain, Mussolini und Hitler beim Namen nennt ( Le Musee Grevin ). Drilling Wilderness. Und endlich darf er offen die Opfer und Helden besingen: die zahllosen anonymen Kampfer und Gabriel Peri, den das Volk ehrte, indem es eine Legende uber seinen Tod dichtete. Culture Speaks. Diese bereits klassisch gewordenen Balladen der Resistance, die in alaskan wilderness essay, den letzten Jahren des Zorns und der Revolte im ganzen Land heimlich gesungen wurden, hat Aragon in essayez notre, die 1945 veroffentlichte Diane Francaise ( Franzosische Reveille ) aufgenommen. Das Gluck der Befreiung (Was wogen Ruinen und Schmerzen / Die Luft war uns so leicht so leicht) wahrt nicht lang. Drilling In The Alaskan Wilderness. Gleichgultigkeit und Verrat machen sich breit – der „Bauernfang“ von MCMXVI. 2013 No Essay. Le Nouveau Crceve-C?ur ( Das neue Herzeleid ) ist der Titel des 1948 veroffentlichten Gedichtbandes. In The Alaskan. Aber keinen Augenblick erstickt die Bitterkeit das „Lied fur die Leute ohne Dach“, das Lied, „das dem Menschen seinen Traum wiedergibt“, das „Lied fur euch und fur mich“. Ich singe gegen den Sturm und was kummern mich. Jene die im blonden Weizen nicht. Das kunftige Brot erkennen. Verstand und historische Einsicht allein vermochten diese unbeirrbare Zuversicht nicht zu erzeugen.

Sie wird genahrt durch die Liebe zum Menschen, die sich in essays common, der Liebe zu Elsa standig erneuert: Es gibt keine Liebe die nicht unsere Liebe ist. Die Spur deiner Schritte erklart mir den Weg. Die Geschichte und unsere Liebe haben den gleichen Atem. Dich singe ich MIT dem Sturm. Solche Zeilen, in in the essay, denen das Ideal einer modernen erotisch-geistigen Beziehung von Mann und Frau sich als Wirklichkeit darstellt, erhalten in an essay on my speaks peace, der dritten Phase von Aragons lyrischem Schaffen eine wortlich-konkrete Bedeutung. Drilling Essay. In den gro?en Dichtungen, die wahrend der nachsten zwei Jahrzehnte entstehen, gibt es zahllose Bezuge zum literarischen Schaffen Elsa Triolets: von poetischen Bildern, die auf Personen und Situationen in seniors, ihren Romanen anspielen, bis zur Identitat des Grundthemas. In The Essay. Aragon erkennt als Ursache dieser freiwilligen Abhangigkeit dankbar ihre weiblich-divinatorische Fahigkeit, in notre nouveau dictionnaire, der Imagination vorauszunehmen, was sich bald darauf als historische Problemstellung von besturzender Aktualitat erweist. Les Yeux et la Memoire ( Blick und Erinnerung ), niedergeschrieben in in the alaskan, der Zeit des kalten Krieges, zwischen dem 15. An Essay On My Peace. November 1953 und dem 25.

Juli 1954, bezeichnet er als Kontrapunkt zu Elsa TrioIets Roman Le Cheval Roux ( Das rote Pferd , Oktober 1953). Essay. In funfzehn Gesangen, fast mochte man sagen, Kapiteln, handelt er das in oncommunity, dem Roman vorgegebene bipolare Thema ab: die apokalyptische Bedrohung durch den Atomtod und die Gewi?heit des Sieges uber die Unmenschlichkeit. Essay. Dieses Poem, aus Furcht und Mitleid geboren, ist dennoch eine Botschaft der Hoffnung. Essays Good Man Is Hard. Schon im zweiten Abschnitt wird die kreaturliche Angst, von der die Introduktion beherrscht ist, durch wertende Ruckschau auf das eigene Leben korrigiert: Und das im Grunde ists was niemals ich versteh. Die Angste vor dem Tod die mancher in drilling in the essay, sich trug. Als war es nicht des Wunderbaren schon genug. Wenn ich sekundenlang den Himmel blauen seh.

Aragon wei?, da? „Ein Gedicht in essay, der dritten Person geschrieben / Niemals der Schrei aus Eingeweiden ist dem man glaubt“. In The Alaskan Essay. Doch der Hinweis auf die individuelle Erfahrung, da? selbst bittersten Erlebnissen und einer melancholischen Grunddisposition immer wieder ein intensives Glucksgefuhl abgerungen werden kann, wurde nicht genugen, um Menschen zu der Gesinnung zu bekehren, die er einmal „historischen Optimismus“, einen „Optimismus auf lange Sicht“ genannt hat. Good Common. Die emotional aufruttelnde und zugleich klarend-beruhigende Wirkung dieses „Lehrgedichts“ beruht darauf, da? Aragon sein eigenes Leben zum Modell einer Entwicklung macht, die von der Geschichte gefordert wird. In The Alaskan Wilderness. Aus der Vereinzelung findet er in common, das „riesige Laboratorium der Klasse“, die ihm das Bewu?tsein der Kraft und Verantwortung gibt. Drilling. „Die Zukunft das sind die anderen“; „Sterben ist nicht mehr Sterben“ fur jene, die dem „gro?en Traum“ dienen, die nicht „Streikbrecher“ beim Bau der Zukunft sind. High 2013 No Essay. Vor diesem gemeinsamen Willen mu? die luziferische Gegenfigur verstummen, der „Schatten“, der immer wieder den Gesang mit dem zynischen Rat unterbricht, in in the essay, vernunftig-egoistischer Beschrankung nur dem Augenblick zu leben. Speaks Peace. Der Dichter verschweigt nicht die Gro?e der Gefahr, er wei?, „Alles ist noch zu tun / In dem Jahrhundert wo der Tod kampiert“.

Aber er fordert das „Recht an drilling in the alaskan essay, der Wegbiegung zu traumen“ – einen Traum, der nicht von vagen Illusionen, sondern von seinem historischen Optimismus genahrt wird. Student On A Man Is Hard. Fur Les Yeux et la Memoire “ gelten die Worte, die Aragon fur ein Poem von Paul Eluard gepragt hat: „Lest das wie eine Zeitung. Drilling In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Die Poesie, unsere Poesie, mu? man lesen wie eine Zeitung. Essay Dropouts. Die Zeitung der Welt, die kommt.“ In einem Gesprach, das Aragon im Marz 1960 fuhrte, charakterisierte er sich als einen „Gegner des Individualismus, der ICH sagt“. In The Alaskan. Aus diesem Spannungsverhaltnis von Individuum und Gesellschaft, von Einzelschicksal und Menschheitsgeschichte, resultiert jede Seite, die er schreibt, sei es Prosa oder Lyrik. Student Essays To Find. Doch die Relation ist nicht statisch, das Ma? an alaskan wilderness essay, Subjektivitat, das der Dichter beanspruchen darf, wird bestimmt durch jene „unvergleichliche Empfindlichkeit fur die historische Bewegung“, die er Victor Hugo zuspricht und die er mit ihm teilt. Essays. Das Jahr 1953 verlangte gebieterisch die politische Autobiographie, den kampferischen Appell. Wilderness Essay. Le Roman Inacheve ( Der unvollendete Roman , 1956), ist eine monologisierende Selbstuberprufung, die sich vor allem dem personlichen Erlebnisbereich zuwendet, ohne das Thema der offentlichen Verantwortung vollig zu eliminieren.

Aber Ober- und Unterstimme sind vertauscht, der Hymnus weicht der Elegie. Student Essays On A Good. Boswillige Kritiker, die Aragon nie verzeihen konnten, da? er von der Literatur politische Parteilichkeit fordert, haben versucht, aus der gewollten thematischen Begrenzung und aus der tiefen Trauer, die lange Strecken dieses Poems beherrscht, einen weltanschaulichen Widerruf herauszulesen. Drilling Wilderness Essay. Sie gingen bis zur Falschung, indem sie Passagen, die sich eindeutig auf die surrealistische Phase und ihre Uberwindung beziehen, als Absage an transfer common app, den Kommunismus deuteten. Alaskan Wilderness. Kein Zweifel, da? die dunklen Tone uberwiegen. Essay. Konfrontation mit der Vergangenheit als Akt der Selbstbesinnung, Ruckschau auf eigenes Verschulden und unverschuldetes Leiden ist bitter und qualvoll, um so mehr, wenn die von einem Dichter von au?erster Sensibilitat vollzogen wird, in drilling in the alaskan wilderness, einer Epoche geschichtlicher Uberprufungen und Neubewertungen. Good Essays Common. Es genugt, einige Zeilen zu zitieren, die sich auf den letzten Seiten des „Roman Inacheve“ finden, um die These von einem Gesinnungswechsel zu widerlegen: Mag ich mich hunderttausendmal im Weg geirrt haben… Was tuts wenn am Ende die Nacht sich teilt. Im tiefsten Dunkel des Unglucks hor ich den Schrei des Hahns. Wenn der Nacken des Menschen fur die Faust des Henkers gemacht ist.

Wenn seine Arme dem Kreuz verschrieben sind. Es gibt das Gluck und ich glaube daran. Diese Auffassung des Glucks als Spannungszustand zwischen Trauer und Hoffnung ist nicht Ausdruck einer plotzlichen Verzweiflung. Drilling In The Essay. Schon in good transfer common, einem Gedicht des Jahres 1945 la?t Aragon, dessen Werk ein einziger gro?er Liebesgesang ist, dennoch jede Strophe in in the alaskan, den Kehrreim munden: „Es gibt keine gluckliche Liebe.“ Das personliche Gluck bleibt zerbrechlich und unvollstandig, solange ungezahlte Millionen Not leiden, solange die Menschheit durch die Moglichkeit der Selbstzerstorung bedroht ist, solange die Beziehung des Menschen zum Menschen, des Mannes zur Frau durch Gewalt, Brutalitat und Zynismus entstellt ist. Student Essays On A Hard To Find. Eine Liebe wie die seine, die sich der Vollkommenheit nahert, steigert die Empfindlichkeit fur die Unzulanglichkeiten menschlichen Zusammenlebens aufs au?erste, um so mehr, wenn der unmittelbare Wahrnehmungsraum eine der Humanisierung feindliche Gesellschaft ist. Drilling In The Wilderness Essay. Aber immer und uberall kann echte Liebe zur Keimzelle einer uber die Enge des Ich hinausweisenden Lebensform werden, die das Bild der kunftigen Menschengemeinschaft enthalt. Essayez Dictionnaire. „Fur mich ist innerhalb der Grenzen, der Dimensionen eines Menschenlebens die Liebe die einzig mogliche Umsetzung des historischen Optimismus.

Mit anderen Worten: das Gluck in in the alaskan wilderness, dieser Form ist die einzig mogliche Vorausnahme des historischen Glucks. Good. In der Liebe stellt jeder den anderen uber sich selbst.“ Und so klingt auch der Roman Inacheve in drilling alaskan wilderness essay, einen Hymnus auf Elsa aus. Seit Aragons Dichtung durch ihre Personlichkeit inspiriert wird, hat er sich gegen den „ewigen Platonismus“ von Interpretationen verwahrt, die Elsas Gestalt und die an oncommunity, sie gerichteten Verse symbolisch zu deuten versuchen. Alaskan Wilderness. Nirgends wird der menschlich-konkrete Charakter dieser Liebe so deutlich wie in essay, dem poetischen Portrat „Elsa“ (1959), wo, wohl zum ersten Mal in in the alaskan wilderness essay, der Geschichte der Liebeslyrik, intellektuelle Bewunderung als wesentliches Element des Liebesgefuhls erscheint. Write On My Culture Speaks Peace. Der Mann hat begriffen, da? er sich „den Geist der Frau nicht unterwerfen kann“. Drilling Wilderness. Dennoch bekennt er in essay dropouts, barocker Selbstironie die qualende Eifersucht, die ihn uberfallt, wenn die Geliebte sich in drilling alaskan essay, Phasen intensiver kunstlerischer Produktivitat vor ihm verschlie?t, Traumgeschopfe zur Welt bringt, an on my culture speaks, denen er keinen Anteil hat. In The Essay. Der wissende Mut, mit dem hier menschliche Widerspruchlichkeit bis in high school seniors 2013 no essay, ihre tragischen Aspekte preisgegeben wird, erhebt dieses von der Melancholie des Alters gezeichnete Poem zu einem document humain hochsten Ranges. Die unbehinderte Entfaltung des Emotionalen, die sich in drilling wilderness essay, Le Roman Inacheve und Elsa durchsetzt und eine notwendige Stufe in write speaks, Aragons unbeirrbarem Ringen um menschliche und kunstlerische Totalitat bezeichnet, lost eine neue Variabilitat der Form aus. Drilling. In standigem Wechsel passen sich Strophe, Metrum und Zeilenlange der Stimmung an, krisenhafte Ausbruche werden durch ein plotzliches Umschlagen in oncommunity, Prosa markiert.

Haufiger als sonst begegnet man freien Rhythmen (deren Existenzberechtigung neben anderen Formen Aragon nie bestritten hat). In The Alaskan Essay. Der Anspruch auf alle, auch entlegene Moglichkeiten des lyrischen Ausdrucks, deren Verwendung er freilich immer der Analyse und Kontrolle unterwirft, ist im Grunde der Gegenstand des Poems Les Poetes ( Die Dichter , 1960), eines imaginaren, nicht auffuhrbaren Theaterstucks, in transfer essays app, dem die Schatten von Majakowski und Lorca, Nezval und Apollinaire liebevoll heraufbeschworen werden. Drilling Wilderness. Provozierende Bizarrerie, die Erinnerungen an write on my culture speaks, Aragons fruheste literarische Experimente weckt, und leidenschaftlicher Ernst gehen eine faszinierende Verbindung ein; dem „Spiel der Laterna Magica“ folgt der erschutternde Monolog der „Ansprache in alaskan wilderness essay, der ersten Person“. Die in man is, Les Poetes gestellte Frage: „Aber was denn was denn ist Poesie“ hatte Aragon Jahre zuvor in in the alaskan, seinem Essayband Chroniques du Bel Canto so beantwortet: Ich glaube, die Poesie fangt genau dort an, wo wir auf Wegen, die nicht unbedingt die des alltaglichen Begreifens sind, zu verstehen beginnen. Scholarships School 2013 No Essay. Durch die Poesie gelange ich direkter zur Wirklichkeit, auf einer Abkurzung, die uberraschend zur Lichtung fuhrt. Drilling Alaskan. Die poetische Ergriffenheit zeigt an, da? Erkenntnis erreicht ist, eine Bewu?theit, die Zwischenstufen uberspringt. Man Is To Find. Nicht umgekehrt… Deshalb fordere ich von der Poesie… historische Genauigkeit, die, weit davon entfernt, mich am Traumen zu hindern, meinem Traum das riesige Feld der Wirklichkeit offnet. Aragons letztes Poem, Le Fou d’Elsa ( Elsas Narr , 1963), ein riesiges Freskogemalde von mehr als 400 Seiten, ist die kuhnste, souveranste und umfassendste Synthese von Traum und Wirklichkeit, die er bisher geschaffen hat. In The Alaskan Wilderness. Den Hintergrund bildet die Stadt Granada der Jahre 1489 bis 1492, das islamische, noch nicht von den katholischen Majestaten eroberte Granada mit seinem letzten Emir Boabdil.

Aragons Wissen, ob es sich um die schlichtesten Lebensgewohnheiten des Volkes oder die Sitten am Hofe des Emirs, um die kunstvollen Formen der andalusisch-arabischen Dichtung oder die sublimen Spekulationen der zeitgenossischen Philosophen handelt, ist imponierend. An Essay. Aber wie in in the alaskan wilderness, seinem Roman Die Karwoche ist die Geschichte „Sprungbrett fur die Phantasie“. Essayez Notre Dictionnaire. Die raumlich-zeitliche Ansiedlung des Poems im Schnittpunkt zweier Kulturen, im Augenblick ihrer endgultigen Auseinandersetzung, erlaubt ihm die Entfaltung einer historischen Dialektik, die, ohne das Faktische zu mi?achten, zu menschlich-philosophischen Verallgemeinerungen aufsteigt. In The Wilderness. In immer neuen Brechungen und Spiegelungen erscheint eines der Grundthemen seines Werkes: das Verhaltnis von individueller und geschichtlicher Zeit, Gegenwart als Verbindung von Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Good Transfer Common. Mittler zwischen den Epochen ist ein arabischer Stra?ensanger, Medjnoun, der Narr, genannt und von allen verspottet, weil er in drilling in the essay, leidenschaftlicher Liebe eine Frau besingt, die erst vierhundert Jahre spater leben wird – Elsa. Essay. In visionarer Verzuckung verkundet er das Glaubensbekenntnis seines geistigen Schopfers: „Die Zukunft des Menschen ist die Frau.“ Erst wenn der Mann in drilling essay, der naturlichsten menschlichen Beziehung seinen alten Herrschaftsanspruch aufgegeben hat, kann das Paar zur „Grundzelle“ einer von der Gewalt erlosten, vom Geist der Liebe gelenkten Menschengemeinschaft werden. Scholarships School Seniors 2013. „Es kommt der Tag da diese Vollkommenheit die Paar hei?t unzahlbarer Konig der Erde sein wird.“ Nach den Ursachen der Faszination befragt, die ihn jahrelang in drilling alaskan wilderness essay, Andalusien gefangenhielt, nannte Aragon die innere Verwandtschaft der spanisch-arabischen Dichtung mit der provenzalischen Troubadour-Lyrik.

Aber seine Vertiefung in write an essay on my, die Geheimnisse der islamischen Kultur war auch ein Akt der historischen Gerechtigkeit. Drilling Essay. Der algerische Krieg hatte ihm bewu?t gemacht, welche Barriere von traditioneller Uberheblichkeit und Ignoranz selbst den wohlmeinenden Westeuropaer von den afrikanischen Volkern trennt. Essay. Einer „humanistischen Tendenz“ folgend, die hinter allen Unterschieden der Lebensformen die menschliche Gleichheit sucht, hat er fur sich und damit fur zahllose andere diese Gewissensschuld getilgt. Le Fou d’Elsa ist das letzte gro?e Poem, das Aragon veroffentlicht hat, Wohl erschien 1964 ein schmaler Gedichtband, Le Voyage de Hollande ( Hollandische Reise ), 1966 eine Elegie an drilling in the, Pablo Neruda ; aber man fragt sich, ob vielleicht wieder eine jener Schaffensperioden begonnen hat, in cause essay high dropouts, denen er sich vorwiegend dem Roman zuwendet. Alaskan. Oder verstarkt sich – manche Anzeichen sprechen dafur – eine in scholarships high school no essay, seinem Werk seit jeher nachweisbare Tendenz, die bei anderen Schriftstellern scharf gezogene Trennungslinie zwischen Prosa und Lyrik zu durchbrechen? In allen seinen Romanen und sogar in drilling essay, den Essays gibt es Passagen, die eindeutig der Lyrik zuzuordnen sind, wahrend Poeme wie Le Roman Inacheve und Les Yeux et la Memoire ihrem eigentlichen Wesen nach Entwicklungsromane sind. Essay Oncommunity. Es ware sinnlos und vermessen, Prophezeiungen zu wagen.

Aragons Phantasie, sein Wille und seine Fahigkeit zum Neubeginn sind unerschopflich. Drilling In The Alaskan. Aber welchen Themen er sich in write on my culture, der Zukunft zuwenden, mit welchen kunstlerischen Mitteln er sie bewaltigen mag, sicher ist, da? jeder Vers, den er schreibt, der immer neuen, immer gleichen Aufgabe der Dichtung dienen wird, „Herausforderung des Menschen an alaskan essay, sich selbst“ zu sein: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dennoch vielleicht. Wenn Radar den Menschen ablost. Wird es keine Automation des Gedichts geben… Wir werden die letzten Handwerker sein wenn langst. Der Nagel nichts mehr ist als Erinnerung aus der Vorgeschichte… Wir werden nicht aufhoren jedes Wort mit unserem Blut zu bezahlen. Wir werden die Pechfackel sein in student hard, der elektrischen Zentrale.

Das unlosbare Problem inmitten von Rechenmaschinen… Singe Gesang wie die Flamme von Baum zu Baum. Wie der Blitz von Kirchturm zu Kirchturm… Gesang der der Liebe gleicht. Marianne Dreifu?, Nachwort, Sommer 1967.

Es geht mir unter meinen Landsleuten merkwurdig mit dem Dichter Aragon, dem ich uber alle Zeitgenossen stelle – ich sage „uber alle“ und meine nicht nur Franzosen. Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Ich habe einmal einen der gro?en Romane Aragons ubersetzt, dagegen von seinen vielen hundert Gedichten nur zwei, das ist lange her, und seitdem befinde ich mich in school 2013 no essay, der Lage eines Menschen, der seinen Freunden und Bekannten bei jeder Gelegenheit von einer Landschaft spricht, die sie nie gesehen, von einem Wein, den sie nie gekostet haben, wobei er ihnen zuredet, sie beschwort, sie mogen ihm doch ja glauben, diese Landschaft, dieser Wein sei mit nichts anderem vergleichbar. In The Alaskan. Ich rede naturlich von dem Lyriker Aragon, der bisher in high school, deutscher Sprache so gut wie nicht vorhanden war. Das ist nun, nach Jahrzehnten, anders geworden. Drilling In The. In der schonen Lyrikreihe des Verlags Volk und Welt , in hard to find, der bisher einige der bestimmenden Dichter des Jahrhunderts wie die Achmatowa, Radnoti, Arghezi erschienen sind, gibt es jetzt einen Aragon, zweisprachig wie die meisten Bande der Reihe, die erste Buchausgabe Aragonscher Gedichte in drilling wilderness, deutscher Sprache. Die Tatsache mu? vermerkt werden. Cause School Dropouts. Vermerkt werden soll die Beharrlichkeit und der Mut der Herausgeberin Marianne Dreifu?, die eine Aufgabe in alaskan essay, Angriff nahm, vor der andere; ich zum Beispiel, zuruckschreckten; und die uberdies, man mag sagen, was man will, die selbstgestellte Aufgabe auf respektable Art loste. Write On My Speaks. Man kannte Marianne Dreifu? als eine sehr gebildete und sensible Lektorin; hier macht sie in drilling in the alaskan, einer von ihr zusammengerufenen Schar von Ubersetzern ihr Debut als Nachdichterin.

Sie kommt zu eindrucksvollen Ergebnissen. Man Is To Find. Au?erdem hat sie ein Nachwort zu dem Buch geschrieben, das dem deutschen Leser viele Zugange zu dem wahrscheinlich doch kompliziertesten, ich mochte sagen abenteuerlichsten Werk moderner Poesie erschlie?t; nicht, da? dieses Nachwort nicht manche Wunsche offenlie?e, auch behandelt es die letzte Periode dieser Dichtung etwas summarisch und geht auf manches Wichtige nicht ein wie etwa auf das schon vor zehn Jahren erschienene Buch J’abats mon jeu (Ich decke meine Karten auf), in in the alaskan wilderness essay, dem Aragon wesentliche Gedanken zum eigenen Werk und seinen Voraussetzungen au?ert; dennoch bleibt das Nachwort der Herausgeberin die bisher beste Einfuhrung in essay school dropouts, Aragons Dichtung in drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay, deutscher Sprache. Notre Nouveau. Da? dem so ist, bezeichnet allerdings auch den Skandal einer Vernachlassigung. Ich habe oft genug das Abenteuer des Ubersetzens zu beschreiben versucht, jenes Wagnis, das ich die Eroberung des Gedichts, die Integrierung des Gedichts in alaskan, die eigene Sprache nenne. Student Essays On A. Naturlich bietet da jeder Dichter dem Ubersetzer ein neues, sein eigenes Problem. Essay. Ich habe aber bisher keinen gefunden, bei dem die Summe zu uberkommender Schwierigkeiten hoher lage als bei diesem. Essayez Nouveau. Die Entsprechungen, die sich dem Ubersetzer Aragons anbieten, ja aufdrangen, enthullen sich schon beim zweiten Blick allzuleicht als Falschungen. In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Die Intonation bekommt im Deutschen gern einen su?en, um nicht zu sagen su?lichen Klang, den das Original nicht besitzt. Oncommunity. Der Aragonsche Stil, ein sehr merkwurdiges Amalgam aus Alltags- und Kunstsprache, klingt deutsch unversehens hochgestochen und manieriert, wo er doch in drilling alaskan essay, Wirklichkeit den Leser durch Einfachheit, Intelligenz und die Fulle ebenso unvorhersehbarer wie schlagender Einfalle uberwaltigen mu?te. Essayez. Ein Aragonscher Vers entzuckt noch den Verstand, wo er einem schon das Herz stocken la?t. Wilderness Essay. Ich will gleich ein Beispiel anfuhren, um zu erklaren, was ich meine.

Das Buch, um das es hier geht, tragt den Titel Zu lieben bis Vernunft verbrennt . Essay Oncommunity. Ich gebe zu, da? der Titel mir beim ersten Lesen sogleich unbehaglich ist, weil er, ohne weiteres als Gedichtzitat kenntlich, dem Leser etwas als Poesie suggeriert, das in drilling alaskan wilderness essay, Wirklichkeit unter dem Zwang der Umstande an notre nouveau dictionnaire, die Stelle der Poesie getreten ist. Drilling In The Wilderness. Das Gedicht, aus dem die Zeile stammt, besteht aus regelma?igen gereimten Sechszeilern, deren vierte Strophe, prosaisch ubersetzt, so beginnt: „Lieben, da? man den Verstand verliert – lieben, da? man nicht mehr wei?, was man sagen soll – da? man nur noch dich als Horizont hat“ und so weiter… Hier wird unter dem Zwang des Reims also jenes gar nicht au?ergewohnliche Bild von der Liebe, die einen den Verstand verlieren la?t, ein Bild, das seine poetische Kraft aus dem Kontext bezieht, in high school dropouts, dem es steht, in drilling in the alaskan, das „seltenere“, in transfer essays, Wahrheit aber pseudopoetische, schwachliche „Zu lieben bis Vernunft verbrennt“ umgebogen; pseudopoetisch, weil die Findung dieser verbrennenden Vernunft nicht einmal auf den ersten Blick als genuine Neuentdeckung empfunden wird, sondern nur als muhsame Kontorsion. In The Alaskan. Ich habe hier ein beliebiges Beispiel angefuhrt, um zu zeigen, wie leicht der deutsche Ubersetzer eines Aragon-Gedichts aus echter Originalitat in an essay culture, eine falsche einschwenken kann, wobei es sich ubrigens gerade bei dem hier gemeinten Ubersetzer um einen hervorragenden Dichter handelt. Drilling In The Wilderness Essay. Das Beispiel zeigt die wirkliche Problematik der Aragon-Ubersetzung: an high school seniors 2013 no essay, die Stelle der Integration, des Einschmelzens in alaskan, die eigene Sprache tritt vorgebliche Poetisierung, die im Original immer wieder zur Bewunderung herausfordernde Muhelosigkeit mu? Wendungen weichen, deren artifizieller Anspruch eigentlich unbegrundet ist. Auch hier, in good common, dieser Zusammenstellung, finden sich, was noch argerlicher ist, gelegentlich schlichte Ubersetzungsfehler oder auch, meist ebenfalls durch Reimzwang verursachte, Freiheiten, die das zulassige Ma? uberschreiten. Drilling Wilderness. Wenn Klaus Mockel den Titel eines Gedichts, das „La Beaute du diable“ hei?t, wortlich mit „Die Schonheit des Teufels“ ubersetzt, so irrt er. Essay. Als Beispiel fur die andere Versundigung sei das folgende erwahnt: wenn es bei Aragon irgendwo „In der Dammerung des Blutes“ („Dans ce crepuscule de sang“) hei?t, macht der Nachdichter, weil es ihm besser pa?t, daraus „Blut der Dammerungen“, was ein durchaus mogliches Bild ist, auch nicht einfach das Gegenteil des erstgenannten Bildes, sondern etwas ganz anderes. Drilling In The Wilderness. Das eben nenne ich eine unzulassige Freiheit. Essay High Dropouts. Ich kann als Nachdichter, besonders dann, wenn Metaphern sich haufen, zu einem Verzicht gezwungen sein, ich kann eine Wahl zu treffen haben, aber ich habe nicht das Recht, die Teile einer Metapher zu vertauschen. Dennoch gibt es dann wieder erstaunlich Gelungenes. Drilling In The. Marianne Dreifu? selber hat sich an good essays, eines der ergreifendsten und zugleich schwierigsten Gedichte aus dem Kriege gemacht, jenes „Elsa vor dem Spiegel“, das nichts weiter zeigt als eine Frau, die sich kammt, endlos, schweigend, wahrend sie im Spiegel die Visionen des Schreckens zu erblicken scheint, ein Gedicht, in in the alaskan wilderness, dem sich immer wieder die schone Zeile wiederholt:

C’etait au beau milieu de notre tragedie. Die Nachdichterin hat dafur eine richtige und wohlklingende Entsprechung gefunden: Das Trauerspiel war bis zum dritten Akt gediehn. Es gelingt ihr auch weiter, dem Leser eine Vorstellung von dem wundervollen Gedicht zu geben, obwohl sie ihre eigenen Moglichkeiten selber eingeschrankt hat. Eine der schonsten Ubersetzungen des Bandes, zugleich eine der altesten, stammt von Friedhelm Kemp. Essayez Notre Dictionnaire. Das Gedicht „Der Flieder und die Rosen“ beschreibt eine Episode des Krieges, die deutsche Offensive im Mai 1940, den Vormarsch der franzosischen Truppen uber die belgische Grenze, den Jubel der Bevolkerung, die sich geschutzt und befreit meint, das darauffolgende Debakel. O Mond der Blutenfulle Mond der Metamorphosen.

Mai wolkenlos und Juni von scharfem Dolch durchwuhlt. Nie werd ich dies vergessen den Flieder und die Rosen. und jene die der Fruhling in wilderness, seinem Schurz behielt. Nie werd ich dies vergessen die tragische Verblendung. den lauten Jubelzug das Volk die Sonne gro?. die Panzer Belgiens Gaben und liebende Verschwendung. der Stra?en grellen Flimmer in good to find, summendem Getos. den Taumel des Triumphes voran ob Schlacht und Sturmen. das Blut das im Karmin der Kusse schon erglanzt. und jene Todgeweihten aufrecht in drilling wilderness essay, ihren Turmen. die ein berauschtes Volk mit Flieder rings umkranzt.

Ungleichma?iges findet man dann wieder unter den spaten Gedichten, von denen einige wundervolle Beispiele abgedruckt sind – aber die Ubersetzung la?t uns im Stich. On My Culture Peace. Klaus Mockel ubersetzt einen Vierzeiler so: So viele Menschen sah ich gehn. Ein Funke hatte schon genugt. Zu rasch verzagt zu schnell begnugt.

Ihr Zorn war schwacher Winde Wehn. Was da im Original steht, will ich wortlich wiedergeben: So viele hab ich gehen sehn – sie haben nur um Feuer gebeten – mit so wenig waren sie zufrieden – so gering ist ihr Zorn gewesen. Man wird bemerken, da? hier wie so oft bei Aragon die erschutternde Wirkung einer Strophe aus ihrer Anspruchslosigkeit kommt. Drilling In The. Das einzige Bild, das im Original unverge?lich auftaucht, ist das Bild des Passanten, der auf der Stra?e im Vorbeigehen jemand um Feuer bittet und verschwindet – er hat wie Millionen anderer nur Feuer verlangt, und sonst nichts im Leben. Oncommunity. Was der Ubersetzer uns anbietet, ist ein ganz anderer, dafur aber auch sehr banaler Gedanke: Ein Funke hatte schon genugt. Auch er tats um des Reimes willen. Drilling In The Essay. Um uns zu entschadigen, denkt er sich fur die letzte Zeile („so wenig Zorn war in high school seniors 2013 no essay, ihnen“) etwas aus, das nicht dasteht, das Aragon ubrigens auch nicht zuzutrauen ist. Der gleiche Nachdichter findet ubrigens an drilling essay, anderer Stelle bessere Losungen; noch bessere findet Paul Wiens, der ein Stuck aus Les Poetes ubertragen hat.

Dennoch mu? man sich im klaren daruber sein, da? man es bei vielen Stucken in scholarships high school seniors no essay, diesem Band nur mit Anlaufen zu tun hat, mit Stufen, die einem gro?eren, vielleicht einem endgultigen Gelingen entgegenfuhren. Drilling In The Wilderness. Der Leser, der auch nur geringe Kenntnisse des Franzosischen besitzt und den Urtext im Blick behalt, wird einen Teil wenigstens der originalen Schonheit dieser Dichtung begreifen und sich gleichzeitig ein Bild von den enormen Schwierigkeiten der Ubersetzung machen konnen. Seniors 2013. Naturlich kann man es sich leichtmachen und konstatieren, da? eine Ubersetzung, die das Original nicht erreicht, besser unterblieben ware. Drilling In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay. Gerade ernsthaften Ubersetzern ist dieser Gedanke, der sich auf die eigene Arbeit bezieht, nicht fremd. Scholarships Seniors 2013 No Essay. Ich bin dennoch, gerade hier, anderer Ansicht. In The Wilderness. Herausgeberin und Nachdichter haben Beachtenswertes, manchmal sehr Schones erreicht. Good Transfer Common App. Sie verdienen unseren Dank. Drilling In The. Ist das also der Dichter Aragon?

Noch nicht ganz. Seniors No Essay. Aber seines Geistes hat man einen Hauch verspurt… Stephan Hermlin, Sinn und Form, Heft 4, 1969. Deine kleinen Freundinnen tanzen im Kreis herum. Sie haben dir Kranze geflochten. aus deinen kleinen Lugen.

Ich habe dir Papier. und eine sehr gute Feder gebracht. Du wirst die Ewigkeit lang Gedichte schreiben. Dein Schutzengel trostet dich. Er knupft dir die gro?e Schleife am Hals. Und lehrt dich lacheln.

Mich hast du schon vergessen. Gott ist viel schoner als ich. Louis Aragons Gedicht l’affiche rouge gesungen von Leo Ferre. Seit Anfang der siebziger Jahre lebte Tomaz Salamun mit Unterbrechungen in drilling in the wilderness essay, Amerika, entdeckte die. Essays Common. Paul Eluard: Trauer schones Antlitz. Es ist die Auswahl von Stephan Hermlin. In The. Sie strebt nicht nach Vollstandigkeit, sie sucht vielmehr. Student Essays On A To Find. Guillaume Apollinaire: Unterm Pont Mirabeau. Als Guillaume Apollinaire am 9. In The Alaskan Essay. November 1918 im Alter von 38 Jahren starb, war sein. Good Transfer Essays. Paul Eluard: Gedichte. Dieses Buch erschien bereits 1947 in drilling, einer Ubersetzung von Stephan Hermlin.

1 Antwort : Louis Aragon: Zu lieben bis Vernunft verbrennt” Ich suche eine Deutsche Ubersetzung des Gedichts von Louis Aragon. C’est une chose etrange a la fin que le monde………. (vollstandiger Text gerne nachgeliefert) Konnt Ihr mir weiterhelfen? Dank im voraus – hs. Hans von Schack. Schreibe einen Kommentar Antworten abbrechen. „Suppe Lehm Antikes im Pelz tickte o Gott Lotte“ (marsch!): Arm am Arsch. Scholarships School Seniors 2013 No Essay. 000. Michel Leiris ?Felix Philipp Ingold.

erschienen 1. Drilling Alaskan Essay. Januar 2016. erschienen 23. Essayez Notre Nouveau Dictionnaire. Oktober 2015. erschienen 1. Wilderness. August 2016. erschienen 27. Cause Essay Dropouts. September 2017. erschienen 28. In The Alaskan. Dezember 2009.

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2017 eLearning Predictions: Updated Hype Curve. Our 2016 hype curve was a big hit, so we#8217;re doing it again this year. Here is the short, graphical version: Our 2017 eLearning predictions set in terms of drilling Gartner#8217;s hype cycle. And below the good transfer essays common, fold, the long version, broken into the five stages popularized by in the alaskan essay, Gartner: As I wrote last year, #8220;Online learning lags behind other industries in adopting new technologies. This is not because people in scholarships high school online learning are not interested in new technologies; it’s because we’re not a high-revenue industry compared to drilling in the giant industries like consumer goods.#8221; This is still as true as ever, and it explains why there#8217;s a four-to-eight-year lag between technology trends as a whole and their application in eLearning. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Our developer David Wipperfurth writes, #8220;AI and high school ML don#8217;t really fit well on the hype curve, because they will have multiple in/out fluxes with different technologies and uses. AI/ML is essentially too big and vague a category to put on such a chart. It would be like asking where economics fits on the chart.#8221; OK, granted. Writing specifically of intelligent apps, David adds, #8220;This depends on what we#8217;re talking about.

Flashcard applications and adaptive testing have been intelligent for years and years. Lots of people probably make claims about how #8216;intelligent#8217; their apps are. I#8217;d say adaptivity (outside of tests), procedural generation, and data mining are not widely utilized by drilling alaskan wilderness essay, mainstream pedagogy, so for those cases it might be at technology trigger.#8221; Following David#8217;s lead, we define artificial intelligence and machine learning as computer-generated algorithms, or #8220;procedural generation#8221;: the idea that the computer derives its own rules rather than relying on a human to dropouts program its rules. Essay? This kind of machine learning is used in applications like Google#8217;s speech recognition and translation software. Scholarships High School 2013? The eLearning applications of this technology are very much in their infancy; we expect them to be pioneered by firms like Google, IBM (which markets its Watson technology in connection with various LMS platforms it has acquired over the years), Microsoft (which just invested in the lifelong learning space with its purchase of LinkedIn/Lynda), and alaskan wilderness even Amazon.

We were surprised to find Amazon recruiting aggressively at student on a man is, the eLearning Guild#8217;s DevLearn conference. In short, eLearning applications of AI and ML are clearly in in the alaskan essay the Technology Trigger phase, but expected to continue to develop and mature in the next year. IMS Caliper: Caliper is the latest standard from IMS. A newer standard than even xAPI, Caliper is notre dictionnaire, somewhat less ambitious than xAPI in the number of in the use cases considered and APIs specified. This is a possible reason to common app expect quicker adoption. Tim Martin of Rustici praised the Caliper design process at DevLearn. As Martin is one of the xAPI originators, this could foreshadow future synergies between the two standards and help xAPI get out of the Trough (see below). To understand the difference between the two standards, it#8217;s important to note that IMS and Caliper are driven by higher ed and thus of drilling in the particular interest to the Educause crowd. IMS#8217;s best known standard, LTI, allows textbook companies to package online course content and ship it with their textbooks, regardless of the implementing university#8217;s LMS.

LTI packages vary from SCORM packages in that the write an essay peace, typical content model follows higher education#8217;s synchronous, weekly, semester-long format rather than the asynchronous, one-time, hour-long format of much corporate and military training. Caliper keeps these use cases and users in mind while improving on previous IMS standards in the granularity of data captured and in use of an xAPI-like model for in the alaskan wilderness essay, interoperability across multiple types of tools and platforms: mobile apps feeding back in to the LMS and the like. But the standard was only recently published, and application is still a work in progress. Internet-enabled Physical Simulators: There#8217;s not much more to cause add from what we said last year, other than that we#8217;ve participated in a pilot that used xAPI to connect a Laerdal simulator to a learning management system, and we#8217;ve read of drilling alaskan essay another similar pilot. The use cases are clear, but the technology is student essays on a man is, not so easy to deal with right now. Standardized connectors need to be built. But because of the pilot activity, we#8217;re moving this trend up-slope a bit. CHEST-Web Courseworks xAPI pilot. EHR-Integrated Performance Improvement: We have seen no real progress on the dream of integrating performance improvement education with electronic health records systems (EHRs). But the hype certainly increased in 2016 thanks to the long-awaited publication of the final rule on drilling, quality payment under the student essays hard, Federal Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).

MACRA replaces the old procedure-based Medicare payment formula with a complex new formula, called MIPS, that seeks to pay for drilling wilderness, quality. Part of the MIPS formula awards a bonus to clinicians for nouveau, participation in Clinical Practice Improvement Activities (CPIAs). In The Wilderness? CPIAs include MOC-IV and essay oncommunity similar efforts to get clinicians to study their own practice, learn, and alaskan wilderness improve. Payment bonuses for quality and practice improvement represent a renewed regulatory emphasis on performance improvement. At quality conferences like IHI, the MACRA/MIPS hype is strong. Some solutions providers already claim MIPS compliance (we are skeptical). When providers claim to tie reporting for reimbursement into performance improvement metrics, we expect EHR-integrated performance improvement to reach the Peak of Inflated Expectations.

Virtual Reality in eLearning: VR might evoke a bit of deja vu in experienced eLearning observers, as we went very far down the simulation/avatar-y path a few years back: around 2006, Second Life was the talk of eLearning (it#8217;s not now). Nonetheless, VR is something qualitatively different from 3D-animated, flat-screen computer games, and essay has been democratized by Google Cardboard and Samsung#8217;s Gear goggles. The presence of VR on drilling wilderness, the upward-sloping part of the curve was demonstrated at this year#8217;s DevLearn conference, where a number of vendors were demonstrating VR-based experiences. The applications barely need to be elucidated: VR would be great for good essays common, anything physical, including medical and technical skills. We#8217;ve blogged about an application at Filament Games. As is often the case, the popular adoption of VR is led by entertainment technology (gaming), and learning is still years behind. VR devices have low penetration in professional settings (have you got one in your office?). While the drilling in the, hype is, naturally, strong, VR is essay, still perceived as a #8220;future thing#8221; by most in eLearning. Drilling Alaskan Wilderness Essay? Web Courseworks instructional designer Jenny Saucerman using HTC Vive. Subscription Learning: Subscription learning goes by many names, including spaced learning, but where we find it particularly hyped right now is in the #8220;online continuous assessment#8221; model that has been popularized by the American Board of Anesthesiology. The basic idea of online continuous assessment is to do away with large, high-stakes certification exams that happen once every few years and dictionnaire replace them with a weekly or monthly exam question.

Learners have time to drilling in the essay digest the case-based questions and their feedback. They might even apply what they learn from them in their practice. This vision goes hand-in-hand with mobile delivery; learners are increasingly working on these bite-sized chunks of good transfer essays common app assessment during gaps in their work days. In our experience, most medical specialty boards are at least investigating mobile online continuous assessment, and many are actively searching for solutions providers. In a different, more commercial sense, subscription learning has been boosted by drilling alaskan, the collapse of the price point for on-demand learning.

We#8217;re seeing organizations with large libraries of online learning that are interested in selling their content on on a man is, a subscription model: the #8220;Netflix of self-paced learning#8221; approach exemplified by drilling in the alaskan, OpenSesame. And finally we note that Coursera#8217;s nanodegrees (see MOOCs, below) are now sold on a monthly subscription model. In short, a lot of people are hanging their hopes on the simple idea of write an essay culture peace subscribing to learning. In The? Expectations are a bit inflated. Data Visualization in eLearning: Nate Silver#8217;s The Signal and the Noise was published in 2012, and write on my speaks right about drilling in the wilderness essay, that time the market for self-service business intelligence software (Tableau, Qlik, Microsoft Power BI) went bonkers. Self-service BI software has democratized data visualization. Predictably, the trend has slowly disseminated outward from the higher-revenue parts of the enterprise to education, and we are now seeing constant talk about the need to offer administrative and learner-facing graphical dashboards to offer #8220;insights#8221; to designers and learners.

This trend is clearest in corporate eLearning, where the big corporate LMSes have colorful pie charts and histograms gratuitously flung all over their interfaces. Even Moodle, which is oncommunity, less commercial, now has a PowerBI plug-in. As with any technology at the Peak of Inflated Expectations; be wary of the hype: remember that the trick with computers is always garbage-in, garbage-out. But do insist on better visualization capabilities from your learning software. Gamification: It#8217;s the proliferation of leaderboards that has landed Gamification (temporarily, we hope) in the trough of drilling in the essay disillusionment. Many corporate LMSes offer leaderboards.

They#8217;re easy to scholarships school seniors no essay turn on, and also easy to misuse. The problem is that learners are being ranked on their completion of uninspiring SCORM modules. If learners feel they#8217;re being ranked arbitrarily, or that a training program is in the wilderness, trying to spice up low-quality learning with #8220;a little bit of competition,#8221; then they#8217;re going to an essay on my culture peace find the wilderness essay, leaderboard more annoying than motivating. That being said, there#8217;s plenty of hope that gamification will pull through the trough and reach productivity relatively unscathed. The #8220;serious professional trivia#8221; model that we first encountered years ago with SCTE is achievable for most professional associations using available technology. The American College of Chest Physicians runs its CHEST Challenge competition in two phases: a first phase is administered online as a quiz in their LMS, and the second phase is oncommunity, a live #8220;quiz show#8221; format. In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay? The key to getting out of the Trough of Disillusionment is higher-quality, lower-cost content enabled by new tools, such as BranchTrack. Essays On A Man Is To Find? xAPI: We are big believers in xAPI.

We want to be clear on that. But every technology goes through a phase of disillusionment; that#8217;s the point of the hype curve. In the case of essay xAPI, the disillusionment is around the continued difficulty in essay high school application. Drilling In The Wilderness? xAPI has not reached the #8220;plug and essayez nouveau play#8221; productivity of SCORM. Speaking here as a member of the eLearning community, this is probably our own failure to learn and adapt as quickly as we might like (hey, we#8217;ve got SCORM packages to finish). But it#8217;s also pretty clear that the xAPI standard, in its flexibility and granularity, is drilling alaskan, ambitious, and it takes some time for ambitious standards like these to be absorbed into everyday practice. Essay Oncommunity? For now, it might seem as if xAPI is stuck in a #8220;perpetual piloting#8221; phase. But the pilots are proliferating we#8217;ve seen many more pilots in the last year than in the rest of the short history of xAPI put together. And that#8217;s a good sign: as more practitioners participate in pilots, understanding spreads, and drilling in the xAPI moves upward toward the Slope of Enlightenment. MOOCs: We had MOOCs in good transfer app the Trough of Disillusionment last year, and indeed the hype has died down. Business models at in the alaskan wilderness essay, the big MOOC platforms have shifted; both Coursera and Udacity are now pushing #8220;nanodegrees#8221; with a self-paced format.

And their MOOCs are not entirely open anymore. Essayez Notre? Many now cost money. Meanwhile, corporate MOOCs seem to have, essentially, fizzled. The #8220;enlightenment#8221; we#8217;re experiencing is best expressed by a recent quote from Udacity founder Sebastian Thrun, who told the drilling in the wilderness, New York Times, “If I look back at school seniors 2013, the MOOC hype, what actually happened was that people equated a cheaper delivery method with the drilling wilderness, replacement of the an essay on my culture speaks peace, entire educational system. A cheaper technology is not the same as a business revolution.#8221; We agree: MOOCs should be seen as a valuable part of an educational system that must serve an incredibly diverse range of learners and purposes. Educational institutions of all stripes shouldn#8217;t see them as a replacement for anything, but a tool that meets certain needs. Drilling Essay? Mobile Learning: Celebrate, for we#8217;ve finally reached the point where we can look back at write an essay culture speaks peace, the train-wreck that was the early days of mobile learning and drilling in the wilderness laugh.

There was the wrenching transition away from nouveau Flash, the over-hyped hybrid apps, and the proliferation of unusable JQuery Mobile-based responsive websites (OK, some are still out in the essay, there). We#8217;re past that now, or a good many of us are, and we#8217;re finally to the point where we can intelligently and productively use the various options available to us. That pleasing, placid feeling of understanding and usability#8230;why, we must be on the Plateau of Productivity. Courtesy of The American Board of transfer Anesthesiology, MOCA 2.0. For more information on xAPI and the CHEST-Web Courseworks xAPI pilot, download our white paper. If you are interested in performance improvement, learn more about our Quality Improvement Education program (QIE). Web Courseworks#8217; received a Brandon Hall technology award for our QIE program in January. In The Essay? Adaptive learning system, virtual assistant, expert system, and eLearning management intelligence(one early case is building alerts from predictive learning analytics) will be major applications of AI/MachineLearning. Observing the capital poured into it, I guess AI/ML will be advancing faster than xAPI. The issue of xAPI isn#8217;t about technology itself, it#8217;s about people silos that leads to on a data silos. In The? I would love to see a table that shows all the essay, new learning technology with these columns: What it is and what can it do.

Major benefits to learners. An implementation difficulty rating. Cost of implementation. Drilling Wilderness? Learning curve for end users. Skill sets needed as a developer/administrator. I think I#8217;m going to make one. I need to clearly see the cost benefit ratio before jumping on any bandwagons. Association Learning Technologies eLearning Consultant, CEO of Web Courseworks. Dr.

Jon Aleckson is an educational leader and consultant in association learning technologies and eLearning. He works with an extensive list of association clients on LMS implementation and development, platform alignment and integration, and online curriculum development, giving him a holistic view of business models, operational practices, and educational approaches in association eLearning. Good Transfer? Dr. Hicken has worked in eLearning since 2006. Drilling In The Essay? He has been the write on my culture speaks peace, lead instructional designer and, later, product innovation specialist on a number of projects, including the World Anti-Doping Agency’s PlayTrue Challenge game, which won a silver award in the Games for Good/Non-Profit category at the Serious Games Conference. Dr. Drilling In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay? Hicken received his Ph.D. in essays man is hard ethnomusicology in 2009, and stays active in the field.

Jenny Saucerman has worked in eLearning since 2011 with a focus on educational games and learning analytics. She earned her master's degree in educational psychology from the in the essay, University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015. She is currently an instructional designer for Web Courseworks.

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conflict essay ideas IN WATCHING the flow of events over drilling in the alaskan wilderness the past decade or so, it is hard to avoid the feeling that something very fundamental has happened in world history. The past year has seen a flood of on a hard to find, articles commemorating the end of the Cold War, and the fact that peace seems to be breaking out in many regions of the world. Most of these analyses lack any larger conceptual framework for distinguishing between what is essential and in the alaskan wilderness essay, what is contingent or accidental in world history, and are predictably superficial. If Mr. Gorbachev were ousted from the Kremlin or a new Ayatollah proclaimed the millennium from a desolate Middle Eastern capital, these same commentators would scramble to announce the rebirth of a new era of conflict.

And yet, all of essay, these people sense dimly that there is some larger process at work, a process that gives coherence and order to the daily headlines. The twentieth century saw the developed world descend into a paroxysm of ideological violence, as liberalism contended first with the remnants of absolutism, then bolshevism and fascism, and finally an updated Marxism that threatened to lead to the ultimate apocalypse of drilling alaskan wilderness essay, nuclear war. But the century that began full of self-confidence in the ultimate triumph of Western liberal democracy seems at its close to be returning full circle to where it started: not to an end of ideology or a convergence between capitalism and socialism, as earlier predicted, but to an unabashed victory of scholarships high school seniors 2013, economic and political liberalism. The triumph of the in the alaskan, West, of the Western idea , is evident first of all in the total exhaustion of student essays on a man is to find, viable systematic alternatives to Western liberalism. In the past decade, there have been unmistakable changes in the intellectual climate of the world's two largest communist countries, and the beginnings of significant reform movements in both. But this phenomenon extends beyond high politics and it can be seen also in the ineluctable spread of consumerist Western culture in such diverse contexts as the peasants' markets and drilling in the wilderness essay, color television sets now omnipresent throughout China, the write on my culture speaks, cooperative restaurants and clothing stores opened in the past year in Moscow, the Beethoven piped into Japanese department stores, and drilling in the essay, the rock music enjoyed alike in notre dictionnaire Prague, Rangoon, and Tehran. What we may be witnessing is not just the alaskan wilderness, end of the Cold War, or the passing of a particular period of postwar history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of essay oncommunity, mankind's ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government. This is not to say that there will no longer be events to fill the pages of Foreign Affair's yearly summaries of international relations, for the victory of liberalism has occurred primarily in drilling wilderness the realm of ideas or consciousness and essays good man is hard to find, is as yet incomplete in. the real or material world.

But there are powerful reasons for believing that it is the ideal that will govern the material world in the long run . To understand how this is so, we must first consider some theoretical issues concerning the nature of historical change. THE NOTION of the end of history is not an original one. Its best known propagator was Karl Marx, who believed that the direction of historical development was a purposeful one determined by the interplay of material forces, and in the wilderness essay, would come to an end only with the achievement of a communist utopia that would finally resolve all prior contradictions. But the concept of history as a dialectical process with a beginning, a middle, and an end was borrowed by Marx from his great German predecessor, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. For better or worse, much of Hegel's historicism has become part of our contemporary intellectual baggage. The notion that mankind has progressed through a series of primitive stages of consciousness on his path to the present, and that these stages corresponded to concrete forms of social organization, such as tribal, slave-owning, theocratic, and finally democratic-egalitarian societies, has become inseparable from the modern understanding of man.

Hegel was the essay oncommunity, first philosopher to speak the language of modern social science, insofar as man for him was the product of his concrete historical and alaskan essay, social environment and not, as earlier natural right theorists would have it, a collection of more or less fixed natural attributes. The mastery and transformation of man's natural environment through the application of an essay on my culture, science and technology was originally not a Marxist concept, but a Hegelian one. Unlike later historicists whose historical relativism degenerated into relativism tout court, however, Hegel believed that history culminated in an absolute moment - a moment in alaskan essay which a final, rational form of society and state became victorious. It is Hegel's misfortune to be known now primarily as Marx's precursor; and student good hard to find, it is our misfortune that few of us are familiar with Hegel's work from direct study, but only as it has been filtered through the distorting lens of in the alaskan essay, Marxism. In France, however, there has been an effort to save Hegel from his Marxist interpreters and to resurrect him as the philosopher who most correctly speaks to our time.

Among those modern French interpreters of Hegel, the greatest was certainly Alexandre Kojeve, a brilliant Russian emigre who taught a highly influential series of seminars in Paris in the 1930s at the Ecole Practique des Hautes Etudes .[1] While largely unknown in the United States, Kojeve had a major impact on the intellectual life of the continent. Among his students ranged such future luminaries as Jean-Paul Sartre on the Left and Raymond Aron on the Right; postwar existentialism borrowed many of its basic categories from Hegel via Kojeve. Kojeve sought to resurrect the student man is hard to find, Hegel of the Phenomenology of in the wilderness essay, Mind , the cause high, Hegel who proclaimed history to in the alaskan essay, be at an end in 1806. For as early as this Hegel saw in Napoleon's defeat of the Prussian monarchy at the Battle of hard, Jena the drilling wilderness essay, victory of the ideals of the French Revolution, and oncommunity, the imminent universalization of the drilling alaskan, state incorporating the principles of liberty and equality. Kojeve, far from cause essay dropouts rejecting Hegel in light of the turbulent events of the drilling in the, next century and a half, insisted that the latter had been essentially correct.[2] The Battle of Jena marked the scholarships high seniors 2013, end of history because it was at that point that the vanguard of humanity (a term quite familiar to in the essay, Marxists) actualized the principles of the French Revolution. While there was considerable work to be done after 1806 - abolishing slavery and good transfer common app, the slave trade, extending the franchise to drilling alaskan wilderness, workers, women, blacks, and other racial minorities, etc. - the basic principles of the liberal democratic state could not be improved upon. The two world wars in this century and essay oncommunity, their attendant revolutions and upheavals simply had the effect of extending those principles spatially, such that the various provinces of human civilization were brought up to the level of its most advanced outposts, and of forcing those societies in Europe and North America at the vanguard of civilization to implement their liberalism more fully.

The state that emerges at drilling in the wilderness essay the end of essay, history is liberal insofar as it recognizes and protects through a system of law man's universal right to freedom, and democratic insofar as it exists only with the consent of the governed. For Kojeve, this so-called universal homogenous state found real-life embodiment in the countries of postwar Western Europe - precisely those flabby, prosperous, self-satisfied, inward-looking, weak-willed states whose grandest project was nothing more heroic than the creation of the Common Market.[3] But this was only to be expected. Essay? For human history and the conflict that characterized it was based on the existence of an essay on my culture peace, contradictions: primitive man's quest for mutual recognition, the dialectic of the master and slave, the transformation and mastery of nature, the struggle for the universal recognition of rights, and the dichotomy between proletarian and capitalist. But in the universal homogenous state, all prior contradictions are resolved and all human needs are satisfied. There is no struggle or conflict over large issues, and consequently no need for drilling essay generals or statesmen; what remains is essay school dropouts primarily economic activity. And indeed, Kojeve's life was consistent with his teaching. Believing that there was no more work for philosophers as well, since Hegel (correctly understood) had already achieved absolute knowledge, Kojeve left teaching after the war and spent the remainder of his life working as a bureaucrat in the European Economic Community, until his death in 1968.

To his contemporaries at mid-century, Kojeve's proclamation of the end of history must have seemed like the typical eccentric solipsism of a French intellectual, coming as it did on the heels of World War II and at the very height of the Cold War. Alaskan? To comprehend how Kojeve could have been so audacious as to assert that history has ended, we must first of all understand the meaning of notre nouveau, Hegelian idealism. FOR HEGEL, the contradictions that drive history exist first of all in the realm of human consciousness, i.e. on the level of ideas[4] - not the trivial election year proposals of American politicians, but ideas in the sense of in the, large unifying world views that might best be understood under the on a to find, rubric of ideology. Ideology in this sense is not restricted to the secular and explicit political doctrines we usually associate with the term, but can include religion, culture, and the complex of moral values underlying any society as well. Hegel's view of the relationship between the ideal and the real or material worlds was an extremely complicated one, beginning with the fact that for him the in the wilderness essay, distinction between the two was only apparent.[5] He did not believe that the real world conformed or could be made to high school 2013 no essay, conform to in the alaskan wilderness essay, ideological preconceptions of philosophy professors in any simpleminded way, or that the material world could not impinge on the ideal. Indeed, Hegel the professor was temporarily thrown out of an essay culture speaks peace, work as a result of a very material event, the Battle of Jena. But while Hegel's writing and thinking could be stopped by drilling essay a bullet from the material world, the hand on the trigger of the essay high school, gun was motivated in in the alaskan essay turn by the ideas of liberty and equality that had driven the French Revolution. For Hegel, all human behavior in the material world, and hence all human history, is rooted in a prior state of consciousness - an idea similar to the one expressed by good transfer essays common John Maynard Keynes when he said that the views of men of affairs were usually derived from drilling wilderness defunct economists and academic scribblers of earlier generations. This consciousness may not be explicit and self-aware, as are modern political doctrines, but may rather take the form of religion or simple cultural or moral habits.

And yet this realm of consciousness in the long run necessarily becomes manifest in student on a good the material world, indeed creates the material world in its own image. Consciousness is cause and not effect, and can develop autonomously from the material world; hence the real subtext underlying the apparent jumble of current events is the history of ideology. Hegel's idealism has fared poorly at the hands of later thinkers. Alaskan Essay? Marx reversed the priority of the real and essay, the ideal completely, relegating the entire realm of consciousness - religion, art, culture, philosophy itself - to wilderness, a superstructure that was determined entirely by the prevailing material mode of production. Yet another unfortunate legacy of Marxism is our tendency to retreat into materialist or utilitarian explanations of political or historical phenomena, and our disinclination to believe in the autonomous power of ideas. A recent example of this is Paul Kennedy's hugely successful The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers , which ascribes the decline of great powers to simple economic overextension.

Obviously, this is write an essay culture speaks true on some level: an empire whose economy is barely above the in the wilderness essay, level of subsistence cannot bankrupt its treasury indefinitely. But whether a highly productive modern industrial society chooses to spend 3 or 7 percent of its GNP on essays on a good hard defense rather than consumption is entirely a matter of that society's political priorities, which are in wilderness essay turn determined in the realm of consciousness. The materialist bias of essay oncommunity, modern thought is characteristic not only of people on the Left who may be sympathetic to Marxism, but of wilderness, many passionate anti-Marxists as well. Indeed, there is on oncommunity the Right what one might label the Wall Street Journal school of deterministic materialism that discounts the importance of wilderness essay, ideology and culture and sees man as essentially a rational, profit-maximizing individual. It is precisely this kind of write an essay on my, individual and his pursuit of material incentives that is posited as the basis for economic life as such in drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay economic textbooks.[6] One small example will illustrate the problematic character of such materialist views. Max Weber begins his famous book, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism , by noting the different economic performance of Protestant and essay high, Catholic communities throughout Europe and America, summed up in the proverb that Protestants eat well while Catholics sleep well. Weber notes that according to in the alaskan essay, any economic theory that posited man as a rational profit-maximizer, raising the piece-work rate should increase labor productivity. But in fact, in many traditional peasant communities, raising the piece-work rate actually had the opposite effect of lowering labor productivity: at the higher rate, a peasant accustomed to earning two and one-half marks per day found he could earn the same amount by working less, and did so because he valued leisure more than income.

The choices of essay oncommunity, leisure over income, or of the militaristic life of the Spartan hoplite over in the alaskan essay the wealth of the Athenian trader, or even the ascetic life of the early capitalist entrepreneur over that of a traditional leisured aristocrat, cannot possibly be explained by the impersonal working of material forces, but come preeminently out of the sphere of consciousness - what we have labeled here broadly as ideology. And indeed, a central theme of school seniors no essay, Weber's work was to drilling essay, prove that contrary to Marx, the material mode of production, far from being the base, was itself a superstructure with roots in essayez notre dictionnaire religion and culture, and that to understand the emergence of modern capitalism and the profit motive one had to drilling essay, study their antecedents in the realm of the spirit. As we look around the contemporary world, the poverty of essays good hard to find, materialist theories of economic development is drilling alaskan essay all too apparent. The Wall Street Journal school of deterministic materialism habitually points to essays good hard to find, the stunning economic success of Asia in drilling in the alaskan wilderness the past few decades as evidence of the viability of free market economics, with the implication that all societies would see similar development were they simply to allow their populations to pursue their material self-interest freely. Surely free markets and stable political systems are a necessary precondition to notre, capitalist economic growth. Drilling? But just as surely the cultural heritage of those Far Eastern societies, the ethic of work and saving and family, a religious heritage that does not, like Islam, place restrictions on certain forms of transfer common, economic behavior, and other deeply ingrained moral qualities, are equally important in explaining their economic performance.[7] And yet the intellectual weight of materialism is such that not a single respectable contemporary theory of economic development addresses consciousness and culture seriously as the matrix within which economic behavior is formed. FAILURE to understand that the roots of economic behavior lie in the realm of consciousness and culture leads to drilling in the alaskan, the common mistake of attributing material causes to phenomena that are essentially ideal in nature. For example, it is commonplace in the West to interpret the reform movements first in China and most recently in the Soviet Union as the victory of the material over the ideal - that is, a recognition that ideological incentives could not replace material ones in stimulating a highly productive modern economy, and that if one wanted to prosper one had to appeal to baser forms of self-interest.

But the deep defects of cause high school dropouts, socialist economies were evident thirty or forty years ago to anyone who chose to look. Why was it that these countries moved away from wilderness essay central planning only in school 2013 no essay the 1980s' The answer must be found in drilling essay the consciousness of the high 2013, elites and essay, leaders ruling them, who decided to opt for the Protestant life of wealth and risk over school the Catholic path of poverty and security.[8] That change was in no way made inevitable by the material conditions in which either country found itself on the eve of the reform, but instead came about wilderness essay as the result of the victory of one idea over another.[9] For Kojeve, as for write an essay culture peace all good Hegelians, understanding the underlying processes of history requires understanding developments in in the wilderness the realm of consciousness or ideas, since consciousness will ultimately remake the material world in its own image. To say that history ended in 1806 meant that mankind's ideological evolution ended in the ideals of the French or American Revolutions: while particular regimes in the real world might not implement these ideals fully, their theoretical truth is essay absolute and in the alaskan wilderness, could not be improved upon. Hence it did not matter to essay oncommunity, Kojeve that the consciousness of the postwar generation of Europeans had not been universalized throughout the world; if ideological development had in fact ended, the homogenous state would eventually become victorious throughout the material world. I have neither the space nor, frankly, the ability to defend in depth Hegel's radical idealist perspective. The issue is not whether Hegel's system was right, but whether his perspective might uncover the problematic nature of many materialist explanations we often take for granted. This is not to deny the role of material factors as such. To a literal-minded idealist, human society can be built around any arbitrary set of principles regardless of their relationship to the material world.

And in fact men have proven themselves able to endure the most extreme material hardships in the name of ideas that exist in the realm of the spirit alone, be it the drilling essay, divinity of cows or the nature of the Holy Trinity.[10] But while man's very perception of the material world is shaped by his historical consciousness of it, the material world can clearly affect in return the viability of a particular state of good man is hard, consciousness. In particular, the drilling in the alaskan, spectacular abundance of advanced liberal economies and student hard, the infinitely diverse consumer culture made possible by them seem to both foster and preserve liberalism in the political sphere. I want to drilling alaskan, avoid the materialist determinism that says that liberal economics inevitably produces liberal politics, because I believe that both economics and politics presuppose an autonomous prior state of consciousness that makes them possible. But that state of consciousness that permits the growth of liberalism seems to stabilize in the way one would expect at seniors the end of history if it is underwritten by the abundance of a modern free market economy. We might summarize the content of the universal homogenous state as liberal democracy in the political sphere combined with easy access to VCRs and stereos in the economic.

HAVE WE in fact reached the end of history? Are there, in other words, any fundamental contradictions in human life that cannot be resolved in the context of modern liberalism, that would be resolvable by an alternative political-economic structure? If we accept the idealist premises laid out above, we must seek an answer to this question in drilling wilderness the realm of ideology and consciousness. Our task is not to answer exhaustively the challenges to liberalism promoted by every crackpot messiah around the world, but only those that are embodied in important social or political forces and movements, and which are therefore part of student on a good man is to find, world history. For our purposes, it matters very little what strange thoughts occur to people in Albania or Burkina Faso, for drilling alaskan we are interested in what one could in some sense call the common ideological heritage of mankind.

In the oncommunity, past century, there have been two major challenges to liberalism, those of fascism and of communism. The former[11] saw the drilling wilderness, political weakness, materialism, anomie, and lack of community of the West as fundamental contradictions in liberal societies that could only be resolved by a strong state that forged a new people on the basis of national exclusiveness. Fascism was destroyed as a living ideology by World War II. This was a defeat, of course, on a very material level, but it amounted to student essays on a hard, a defeat of the idea as well. What destroyed fascism as an idea was not universal moral revulsion against it, since plenty of people were willing to endorse the idea as long as it seemed the alaskan wilderness essay, wave of the future, but its lack of high school seniors no essay, success. After the war, it seemed to most people that German fascism as well as its other European and Asian variants were bound to self-destruct. There was no material reason why new fascist movements could not have sprung up again after the war in drilling alaskan wilderness essay other locales, but for the fact that expansionist ultranationalism, with its promise of unending conflict leading to essay, disastrous military defeat, had completely lost its appeal.

The ruins of the Reich chancellery as well as the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed this ideology on wilderness essay the level of consciousness as well as materially, and essay school dropouts, all of the pro-fascist movements spawned by the German and Japanese examples like the Peronist movement in drilling in the wilderness essay Argentina or Subhas Chandra Bose's Indian National Army withered after the war. The ideological challenge mounted by the other great alternative to liberalism, communism, was far more serious. Marx, speaking Hegel's language, asserted that liberal society contained a fundamental contradiction that could not be resolved within its context, that between capital and labor, and this contradiction has constituted the chief accusation against liberalism ever since. Transfer Common? But surely, the class issue has actually been successfully resolved in in the essay the West. Common? As Kojeve (among others) noted, the egalitarianism of modern America represents the essential achievement of the classless society envisioned by Marx. This is not to say that there are not rich people and poor people in the United States, or that the gap between them has not grown in in the alaskan essay recent years. Cause Essay High? But the drilling alaskan wilderness essay, root causes of economic inequality do not have to do with the underlying legal and social structure of our society, which remains fundamentally egalitarian and moderately redistributionist, so much as with the cultural and social characteristics of the groups that make it up, which are in turn the historical legacy of premodern conditions. Thus black poverty in the United States is not the inherent product of liberalism, but is rather the legacy of slavery and racism which persisted long after the formal abolition of slavery. As a result of the scholarships high school seniors 2013 no essay, receding of the class issue, the appeal of communism in the developed Western world, it is safe to say, is lower today than any time since the end of the First World War.

This can he measured in drilling in the wilderness essay any number of ways: in the declining membership and electoral pull of the major European communist parties, and their overtly revisionist programs; in the corresponding electoral success of peace, conservative parties from Britain and Germany to the United States and Japan, which are unabashedly pro-market and anti-statist; and in an intellectual climate whose most advanced members no longer believe that bourgeois society is something that ultimately needs to be overcome. This is not to say that the in the essay, opinions of progressive intellectuals in Western countries are not deeply pathological in any number of ways. But those who believe that the future must inevitably be socialist tend to be very old, or very marginal to the real political discourse of their societies. 0NE MAY argue that the socialist alternative was never terribly plausible for the North Atlantic world, and high school 2013, was sustained for drilling wilderness the last several decades primarily by its success outside of this region. But it is precisely in the non-European world that one is most struck by the occurrence of major ideological transformations. Surely the most remarkable changes have occurred in Asia. Seniors 2013 No Essay? Due to the strength and drilling alaskan essay, adaptability of the peace, indigenous cultures there, Asia became a battleground for a variety of imported Western ideologies early in drilling alaskan essay this century. Liberalism in dictionnaire Asia was a very weak reed in the period after World War I; it is easy today to forget how gloomy Asia's political future looked as recently as ten or fifteen years ago.

It is easy to forget as well how momentous the outcome of wilderness essay, Asian ideological struggles seemed for world political development as a whole. The first Asian alternative to good transfer common app, liberalism to be decisively defeated was the fascist one represented by Imperial Japan. Japanese fascism (like its German version) was defeated by the force of American arms in the Pacific war, and liberal democracy was imposed on Japan by a victorious United States. Western capitalism and political liberalism when transplanted to Japan were adapted and in the essay, transformed by the Japanese in such a way as to good common, be scarcely recognizable.[12] Many Americans are now aware that Japanese industrial organization is very different from that prevailing in the United States or Europe, and it is questionable what relationship the factional maneuvering that takes place with the governing Liberal Democratic Party bears to democracy. Drilling In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay? Nonetheless, the very fact that the essential elements of essay oncommunity, economic and in the essay, political liberalism have been so successfully grafted onto uniquely Japanese traditions and essay high school, institutions guarantees their survival in drilling alaskan the long run.

More important is the contribution that Japan has made in turn to world history by following in school the footsteps of the United States to create a truly universal consumer culture that has become both a symbol and drilling, an underpinning of the universal homogenous state. Man Is Hard To Find? V.S. Naipaul traveling in drilling alaskan wilderness Khomeini's Iran shortly after the revolution noted the omnipresent signs advertising the products of app, Sony, Hitachi, and drilling alaskan essay, JVC, whose appeal remained virtually irresistible and gave the lie to the regime's pretensions of notre dictionnaire, restoring a state based on the rule of the Shariah . Desire for access to the consumer culture, created in large measure by Japan, has played a crucial role in wilderness fostering the spread of student man is hard to find, economic liberalism throughout Asia, and hence in promoting political liberalism as well. The economic success of the other newly industrializing countries (NICs) in Asia following on the example of Japan is by now a familiar story. Alaskan? What is important from a Hegelian standpoint is that political liberalism has been following economic liberalism, more slowly than many had hoped but with seeming inevitability.

Here again we see the victory of the idea of the school seniors, universal homogenous state. South Korea had developed into a modern, urbanized society with an increasingly large and well-educated middle class that could not possibly be isolated from the larger democratic trends around them. Alaskan? Under these circumstances it seemed intolerable to a large part of this population that it should be ruled by an anachronistic military regime while Japan, only a decade or so ahead in economic terms, had parliamentary institutions for over forty years. Even the former socialist regime in Burma, which for so many decades existed in scholarships school seniors 2013 no essay dismal isolation from the larger trends dominating Asia, was buffeted in the past year by in the essay pressures to liberalize both its economy and political system. It is said that unhappiness with strongman Ne Win began when a senior Burmese officer went to essay oncommunity, Singapore for medical treatment and broke down crying when he saw how far socialist Burma had been left behind by its ASEAN neighbors. BUT THE power of the liberal idea would seem much less impressive if it had not infected the alaskan, largest and oldest culture in Asia, China. The simple existence of communist China created an alternative pole of ideological attraction, and as such constituted a threat to liberalism. Student To Find? But the past fifteen years have seen an almost total discrediting of Marxism-Leninism as an economic system. Beginning with the in the alaskan wilderness, famous third plenum of the Tenth Central Committee in 1978, the Chinese Communist party set about decollectivizing agriculture for the 800 million Chinese who still lived in good the countryside. The role of the in the wilderness essay, state in agriculture was reduced to that of a tax collector, while production of consumer goods was sharply increased in order to give peasants a taste of the universal homogenous state and thereby an incentive to work. Essay Oncommunity? The reform doubled Chinese grain output in only five years, and in the process created for in the wilderness Deng Xiaoping a solid political base from which he was able to high seniors no essay, extend the reform to other parts of the alaskan, economy.

Economic Statistics do not begin to describe the dynamism, initiative, and openness evident in China since the reform began. China could not now be described in any way as a liberal democracy. At present, no more than 20 percent of its economy has been marketized, and most importantly it continues to be ruled by a self-appointed Communist party which has given no hint of wanting to devolve power. Deng has made none of Gorbachev's promises regarding democratization of the political system and high 2013 no essay, there is no Chinese equivalent of glasnost. The Chinese leadership has in fact been much more circumspect in criticizing Mao and in the alaskan essay, Maoism than Gorbachev with respect to Brezhnev and Stalin, and the regime continues to pay lip service to Marxism-Leninism as its ideological underpinning. But anyone familiar with the outlook and behavior of the new technocratic elite now governing China knows that Marxism and ideological principle have become virtually irrelevant as guides to policy, and that bourgeois consumerism has a real meaning in essay that country for drilling in the alaskan wilderness the first time since the revolution. The various slowdowns in the pace of reform, the campaigns against good transfer essays common, spiritual pollution and crackdowns on political dissent are more properly seen as tactical adjustments made in the process of managing what is an extraordinarily difficult political transition. By ducking the question of political reform while putting the economy on a new footing, Deng has managed to avoid the breakdown of authority that has accompanied Gorbachev's perestroika . Drilling Essay? Yet the pull of the liberal idea continues to be very strong as economic power devolves and the economy becomes more open to the outside world. School Dropouts? There are currently over 20,000 Chinese students studying in the U.S. and other Western countries, almost all of them the drilling in the essay, children of the Chinese elite. It is oncommunity hard to believe that when they return home to run the country they will be content for China to be the only country in Asia unaffected by the larger democratizing trend. The student demonstrations in Beijing that broke out first in December 1986 and recurred recently on the occasion of Hu Yao-bang's death were only the beginning of in the wilderness, what will inevitably be mounting pressure for change in the political system as well.

What is important about China from the standpoint of world history is not the present state of the on a good hard, reform or even its future prospects. The central issue is the fact that the People's Republic of China can no longer act as a beacon for in the wilderness essay illiberal forces around the world, whether they be guerrillas in some Asian jungle or middle class students in Paris. Maoism, rather than being the pattern for Asia's future, became an anachronism, and it was the mainland Chinese who in fact were decisively influenced by good app the prosperity and dynamism of in the wilderness, their overseas co-ethnics - the ironic ultimate victory of cause, Taiwan. Important as these changes in China have been, however, it is developments in the Soviet Union - the original homeland of the world proletariat - that have put the in the alaskan wilderness essay, final nail in the coffin of the Marxist-Leninist alternative to liberal democracy. It should be clear that in terms of formal institutions, not much has changed in the four years since Gorbachev has come to power: free markets and the cooperative movement represent only a small part of the Soviet economy, which remains centrally planned; the political system is still dominated by the Communist party, which has only begun to democratize internally and to share power with other groups; the regime continues to assert that it is seeking only to modernize socialism and that its ideological basis remains Marxism-Leninism; and, finally, Gorbachev faces a potentially powerful conservative opposition that could undo many of the changes that have taken place to date. Moreover, it is hard to be too sanguine about the chances for success of Gorbachev's proposed reforms, either in the sphere of economics or politics. But my purpose here is not to analyze events in the short-term, or to make predictions for an essay culture peace policy purposes, but to look at underlying trends in the sphere of ideology and consciousness.

And in drilling in the essay that respect, it is clear that an astounding transformation has occurred. Emigres from the Soviet Union have been reporting for at least the last generation now that virtually nobody in that country truly believed in Marxism-Leninism any longer, and that this was nowhere more true than in the Soviet elite, which continued to mouth Marxist slogans out of sheer cynicism. The corruption and decadence of the late Brezhnev-era Soviet state seemed to matter little, however, for as long as the state itself refused to speaks peace, throw into question any of the fundamental principles underlying Soviet society, the system was capable of functioning adequately out of sheer inertia and could even muster some dynamism in the realm of foreign and defense policy. Marxism-Leninism was like a magical incantation which, however absurd and devoid of meaning, was the only common basis on which the elite could agree to rule Soviet society. WHAT HAS happened in in the alaskan the four years since Gorbachev's coming to good transfer common, power is a revolutionary assault on the most fundamental institutions and principles of Stalinism, and their replacement by other principles which do not amount to liberalism per alaskan essay, se but whose only connecting thread is high school dropouts liberalism. This is most evident in the economic sphere, where the reform economists around Gorbachev have become steadily more radical in their support for free markets, to the point where some like Nikolai Shmelev do not mind being compared in public to Milton Friedman. There is a virtual consensus among the currently dominant school of Soviet economists now that central planning and the command system of allocation are the root cause of economic inefficiency, and that if the Soviet system is ever to alaskan wilderness, heal itself, it must permit free and decentralized decision-making with respect to investment, labor, and prices. After a couple of initial years of ideological confusion, these principles have finally been incorporated into policy with the promulgation of new laws on enterprise autonomy, cooperatives, and finally in 1988 on lease arrangements and an essay on my culture speaks, family farming. In The Wilderness Essay? There are, of course, a number of fatal flaws in essays on a good man is hard to find the current implementation of the reform, most notably the alaskan, absence of an essay peace, a thoroughgoing price reform. But the problem is no longer a conceptual one: Gorbachev and his lieutenants seem to understand the economic logic of marketization well enough, but like the leaders of a Third World country facing the IMF, are afraid of the social consequences of drilling wilderness, ending consumer subsidies and other forms of dependence on the state sector.

In the political sphere, the proposed changes to the Soviet constitution, legal system, and party rules amount to much less than the establishment of essays app, a liberal state. Alaskan? Gorbachev has spoken of democratization primarily in the sphere of internal party affairs, and has shown little intention of ending the Communist party's monopoly of essayez dictionnaire, power; indeed, the political reform seeks to legitimize and therefore strengthen the CPSU'S rule.[13] Nonetheless, the general principles underlying many of the reforms - that the people should be truly responsible for drilling in the wilderness essay their own affairs, that higher political bodies should be answerable to lower ones, and not vice versa, that the notre nouveau, rule of law should prevail over in the alaskan arbitrary police actions, with separation of powers and an independent judiciary, that there should be legal protection for property rights, the need for open discussion of public issues and the right of notre dictionnaire, public dissent, the empowering of the Soviets as a forum in which the whole Soviet people can participate, and in the alaskan essay, of a political culture that is more tolerant and pluralistic - come from a source fundamentally alien to the USSR's Marxist-Leninist tradition, even if they are incompletely articulated and nouveau dictionnaire, poorly implemented in practice. Gorbachev's repeated assertions that he is drilling in the essay doing no more than trying to restore the original meaning of Leninism are themselves a kind of Orwellian doublespeak. Gorbachev and his allies have consistently maintained that intraparty democracy was somehow the essence of Leninism, and that the various lib era1 practices of open debate, secret ballot elections, and cause high dropouts, rule of law were all part of the Leninist heritage, corrupted only later by Stalin. While almost anyone would look good compared to drilling in the essay, Stalin, drawing so sharp a line between Lenin and his successor is questionable. The essence of oncommunity, Lenin's democratic centralism was centralism, not democracy; that is, the absolutely rigid, monolithic, and disciplined dictatorship of a hierarchically organized vanguard Communist party, speaking in drilling the name of the demos. All of Lenin's vicious polemics against Karl Kautsky, Rosa Luxemburg, and student essays on a man is hard, various other Menshevik and Social Democratic rivals, not to mention his contempt for bourgeois legality and alaskan, freedoms, centered around his profound conviction that a revolution could not be successfully made by a democratically run organization. Gorbachev's claim that he is seeking to return to the true Lenin is perfectly easy to understand: having fostered a thorough denunciation of Stalinism and Brezhnevism as the root of the USSR's present predicament, he needs some point in Soviet history on good transfer common which to anchor the legitimacy of the CPSU'S continued rule. But Gorbachev's tactical requirements should not blind us to the fact that the drilling in the wilderness, democratizing and decentralizing principles which he has enunciated in both the economic and political spheres are highly subversive of essays on a hard to find, some of the most fundamental precepts of both Marxism and Leninism. Indeed, if the bulk of the present economic reform proposals were put into effect, it is hard to know how the Soviet economy would be more socialist than those of other Western countries with large public sectors. The Soviet Union could in no way be described as a liberal or democratic country now, nor do I think that it is terribly likely that perestroika will succeed such that the label will be thinkable any time in the near future.

But at the end of history it is not necessary that all societies become successful liberal societies, merely that they end their ideological pretensions of representing different and higher forms of human society. And in this respect I believe that something very important has happened in the Soviet Union in the past few years: the criticisms of the Soviet system sanctioned by Gorbachev have been so thorough and devastating that there is very little chance of going back to either Stalinism or Brezhnevism in any simple way. Gorbachev has finally permitted people to say what they had privately understood for in the alaskan wilderness essay many years, namely, that the magical incantations of oncommunity, Marxism-Leninism were nonsense, that Soviet socialism was not superior to drilling in the, the West in any respect but was in cause high fact a monumental failure. The conservative opposition in the USSR, consisting both of simple workers afraid of unemployment and inflation and of party officials fearful of losing their jobs and alaskan essay, privileges, is outspoken and may be strong enough to force Gorbachev's ouster in the next few years. But what both groups desire is tradition, order, and authority; they manifest no deep commitment to Marxism-Leninism, except insofar as they have invested much of their own lives in school it.[14] For authority to be restored in the Soviet Union after Gorbachev's demolition work, it must be on the basis of some new and vigorous ideology which has not yet appeared on the horizon.

IF WE ADMIT for the moment that the fascist and communist challenges to liberalism are dead, are there any other ideological competitors left? Or put another way, are there contradictions in liberal society beyond that of class that are not resolvable? Two possibilities suggest themselves, those of religion and nationalism. The rise of religious fundamentalism in recent years within the drilling wilderness, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim traditions has been widely noted. Scholarships High Seniors? One is inclined to say that the revival of religion in some way attests to in the alaskan essay, a broad unhappiness with the transfer, impersonality and spiritual vacuity of liberal consumerist societies. Yet while the drilling wilderness, emptiness at the core of liberalism is most certainly a defect in the ideology - indeed, a flaw that one does not need the perspective of on a good man is hard to find, religion to recognize[15] - it is not at all clear that it is remediable through politics. Modern liberalism itself was historically a consequence of the weakness of religiously-based societies which, failing to agree on the nature of the good life, could not provide even the minimal preconditions of peace and stability. In the contemporary world only Islam has offered a theocratic state as a political alternative to both liberalism and alaskan, communism. But the doctrine has little appeal for non-Muslims, and it is hard to essay, believe that the movement will take on any universal significance. Other less organized religious impulses have been successfully satisfied within the sphere of drilling wilderness essay, personal life that is permitted in liberal societies.

The other major contradiction potentially unresolvable by liberalism is the one posed by nationalism and other forms of racial and ethnic consciousness. It is certainly true that a very large degree of conflict since the Battle of Jena has had its roots in nationalism. Two cataclysmic world wars in cause essay high dropouts this century have been spawned by the nationalism of the developed world in various guises, and drilling alaskan essay, if those passions have been muted to a certain extent in postwar Europe, they are still extremely powerful in the Third World. Nationalism has been a threat to liberalism historically in Germany, and continues to student essays on a good man is hard to find, be one in isolated parts of post-historical Europe like Northern Ireland. But it is not clear that nationalism rep resents an alaskan irreconcilable contradiction in the heart of liberalism. In the first place, nationalism is 2013 not one single phenomenon but several, ranging from mild cultural nostalgia to the highly organized and elaborately articulated doctrine of National Socialism. Only systematic nationalisms of the latter sort can qualify as a formal ideology on the level of liberalism or communism. The vast majority of the world's nationalist movements do not have a political program beyond the negative desire of independence from some other group or people, and do not offer anything like a comprehensive agenda for socio-economic organization. As such, they are compatible with doctrines and ideologies that do offer such agendas.

While they may constitute a source of conflict for liberal societies, this conflict does not arise from liberalism itself so much as from the fact that the liberalism in question is incomplete. Certainly a great deal of the drilling in the wilderness, world's ethnic and nationalist tension can be explained in terms of peoples who are forced to live in unrepresentative political systems that they have not chosen. While it is impossible to rule out the sudden appearance of new ideologies or previously unrecognized contradictions in liberal societies, then, the present world seems to confirm that the fundamental principles of sociopolitical organization have not advanced terribly far since 1806. Student Essays Good Man Is Hard? Many of the wars and revolutions fought since that time have been undertaken in the name of ideologies which claimed to be more advanced than liberalism, but whose pretensions were ultimately unmasked by history. In the meantime, they have helped to spread the drilling alaskan, universal homogenous state to the point where it could have a significant effect on the overall character of essay, international relations.

WHAT ARE the implications of the end of history for international relations? Clearly, the vast bulk of the Third World remains very much mired in history, and will be a terrain of conflict for drilling in the alaskan many years to come. But let us focus for the time being on the larger and no essay, more developed states of the world who after all account for the greater part of drilling in the wilderness essay, world politics. Russia and China are not likely to good essays common, join the developed nations of the West as liberal societies any time in drilling in the essay the foreseeable future, but suppose for write an essay on my culture speaks peace a moment that Marxism-Leninism ceases to be a factor driving the foreign policies of these states - a prospect which, if not yet here, the last few years have made a real possibility. How will the overall characteristics of a de-ideologized world differ from those of the wilderness, one with which we are familiar at such a hypothetical juncture? The most common answer is - not very much. For there is a very widespread belief among many observers of international relations that underneath the skin of ideology is a hard core of great power national interest that guarantees a fairly high level of competition and conflict between nations. Indeed, according to good transfer essays common app, one academically popular school of international relations theory, conflict inheres in the international system as such, and to understand the prospects for alaskan wilderness conflict one must look at the shape of the system - for transfer app example, whether it is bipolar or multipolar - rather than at the specific character of the nations and regimes that constitute it. This school in effect applies a Hobbesian view of politics to international relations, and assumes that aggression and insecurity are universal characteristics of in the alaskan essay, human societies rather than the product of specific historical circumstances. Believers in this line of thought take the relations that existed between the participants in the classical nineteenth century European balance of power as a model for what a de-ideologized contemporary world would look like. Charles Krauthammer, for example, recently explained that if as a result of Gorbachev's reforms the USSR is shorn of Marxist-Leninist ideology, its behavior will revert to that of speaks peace, nineteenth century imperial Russia.[16] While he finds this more reassuring than the threat posed by a communist Russia, he implies that there will still be a substantial degree of competition and conflict in the international system, just as there was say between Russia and drilling alaskan essay, Britain or Wilhelmine Germany in the last century.

This is, of course, a convenient point of view for people who want to admit that something major is changing in the Soviet Union, but do not want to accept responsibility for recommending the radical policy redirection implicit in such a view. Essay High School? But is it true? In fact, the notion that ideology is a superstructure imposed on a substratum of permanent great power interest is a highly questionable proposition. For the way in which any state defines its national interest is not universal but rests on some kind of prior ideological basis, just as we saw that economic behavior is determined by a prior state of consciousness. In this century, states have adopted highly articulated doctrines with explicit foreign policy agendas legitimizing expansionism, like Marxism-Leninism or National Socialism. THE EXPANSIONIST and in the alaskan essay, competitive behavior of nineteenth-century European states rested on no less ideal a basis; it just so happened that the ideology driving it was less explicit than the doctrines of the twentieth century.

For one thing, most liberal European societies were illiberal insofar as they believed in the legitimacy of transfer common, imperialism, that is, the right of one nation to rule over other nations without regard for the wishes of the ruled. The justifications for imperialism varied from nation to alaskan, nation, from a crude belief in the legitimacy of force, particularly when applied to non-Europeans, to the White Man's Burden and Europe's Christianizing mission, to the desire to give people of color access to the culture of Rabelais and Moliere. But whatever the particular ideological basis, every developed country believed in the acceptability of scholarships high school 2013, higher civilizations ruling lower ones - including, incidentally, the United States with regard to the Philippines. This led to a drive for pure territorial aggrandizement in the latter half of the in the wilderness, century and played no small role in causing the Great War. The radical and deformed outgrowth of nineteenth-century imperialism was German fascism, an ideology which justified Germany's right not only to rule over good essays common non-European peoples, but over alaskan wilderness essay all non-German ones. But in retrospect it seems that Hitler represented a diseased bypath in the general course of European development, and since his fiery defeat, the essayez notre dictionnaire, legitimacy of any kind of territorial aggrandizement has been thoroughly discredited.[17] Since the Second World War, European nationalism has been defanged and shorn of any real relevance to foreign policy, with the consequence that the nineteenth-century model of great power behavior has become a serious anachronism. Drilling? The most extreme form of student good man is hard, nationalism that any Western European state has mustered since 1945 has been Gaullism, whose self-assertion has been confined largely to the realm of drilling in the alaskan wilderness, nuisance politics and culture. High School Dropouts? International life for the part of the world that has reached the end of history is far more preoccupied with economics than with politics or strategy. The developed states of the West do maintain defense establishments and in the postwar period have competed vigorously for influence to meet a worldwide communist threat.

This behavior has been driven, however, by an external threat from states that possess overtly expansionist ideologies, and would not exist in their absence. To take the neo-realist theory seriously, one would have to believe that natural competitive behavior would reassert itself among the OECD states were Russia and China to disappear from the face of the earth. That is, West Germany and France would arm themselves against each other as they did in the 193Os, Australia and New Zealand would send military advisers to block each others' advances in drilling in the Africa, and the U.S.-Canadian border would become fortified. Such a prospect is, of essay oncommunity, course, ludicrous: minus Marxist-Leninist ideology, we are far more likely to see the Common Marketization of world politics than the disintegration of the EEC into nineteenth-century competitiveness. Indeed, as our experiences in dealing with Europe on matters such as terrorism or Libya prove, they are much further gone than we down the drilling in the wilderness, road that denies the legitimacy of the use of force in international politics, even in self-defense. The automatic assumption that Russia shorn of its expansionist communist ideology should pick up where the czars left off just prior to the Bolshevik Revolution is therefore a curious one. It assumes that the evolution of human consciousness has stood still in the meantime, and that the Soviets, while picking up currently fashionable ideas in the realm of student essays on a man is hard to find, economics, will return to foreign policy views a century out of date in the rest of Europe. Wilderness Essay? This is certainly not what happened to notre, China after it began its reform process. Chinese competitiveness and expansionism on the world scene have virtually disappeared: Beijing no longer sponsors Maoist insurgencies or tries to cultivate influence in distant African countries as it did in the 1960s. This is not to say that there are not troublesome aspects to in the alaskan essay, contemporary Chinese foreign policy, such as the scholarships high school seniors 2013 no essay, reckless sale of ballistic missile technology in the Middle East; and the PRC continues to manifest traditional great power behavior in its sponsorship of the Khmer Rouge against Vietnam. But the former is wilderness explained by essay high school commercial motives and the latter is a vestige of earlier ideologically-based rivalries.

The new China far more resembles Gaullist France than pre-World War I Germany. The real question for the future, however, is the degree to which Soviet elites have assimilated the consciousness of the universal homogenous state that is post-Hitler Europe. From their writings and from my own personal contacts with them, there is no question in drilling alaskan essay my mind that the essay school, liberal Soviet intelligentsia rallying around Gorbachev have arrived at the end-of-history view in a remarkably short time, due in no small measure to the contacts they have had since the Brezhnev era with the larger European civilization around them. New political thinking, the general rubric for their views, describes a world dominated by economic concerns, in which there are no ideological grounds for major conflict between nations, and in which, consequently, the use of military force becomes less legitimate. Alaskan Wilderness? As Foreign Minister Shevardnadze put it in mid-1988: The struggle between two opposing systems is no longer a determining tendency of the present-day era.

At the modern stage, the ability to build up material wealth at an accelerated rate on the basis of front-ranking science and high-level techniques and technology, and to distribute it fairly, and through joint efforts to restore and protect the resources necessary for mankind's survival acquires decisive importance.[18] The post-historical consciousness represented by student essays on a good new thinking is in the alaskan wilderness only one possible future for good common app the Soviet Union, however. There has always been a very strong current of great Russian chauvinism in the Soviet Union, which has found freer expression since the advent of glasnost . It may be possible to return to in the wilderness, traditional Marxism-Leninism for a while as a simple rallying point for those who want to restore the authority that Gorbachev has dissipated. Notre? But as in Poland, Marxism-Leninism is dead as a mobilizing ideology: under its banner people cannot be made to work harder, and its adherents have lost confidence in themselves. Unlike the propagators of traditional Marxism-Leninism, however, ultranationalists in the USSR believe in their Slavophile cause passionately, and one gets the sense that the fascist alternative is not one that has played itself out entirely there. The Soviet Union, then, is at a fork in the road: it can start down the path that was staked out by Western Europe forty-five years ago, a path that most of drilling in the wilderness essay, Asia has followed, or it can realize its own uniqueness and remain stuck in history. The choice it makes will be highly important for us, given the Soviet Union's size and military strength, for that power will continue to essayez dictionnaire, preoccupy us and slow our realization that we have already emerged on in the alaskan wilderness the other side of write an essay on my culture peace, history. THE PASSING of Marxism-Leninism first from China and then from the Soviet Union will mean its death as a living ideology of wilderness, world historical significance. For while there may be some isolated true believers left in places like Managua, Pyongyang, or Cambridge, Massachusetts, the essay high, fact that there is essay not a single large state in which it is a going concern undermines completely its pretensions to good essays common, being in the vanguard of human history.

And the death of this ideology means the growing Common Marketization of international relations, and the diminution of the in the alaskan wilderness essay, likelihood of large-scale conflict between states. This does not by any means imply the end of international conflict per se. For the world at that point would be divided between a part that was historical and a part that was post-historical. Conflict between states still in history, and between those states and those at nouveau the end of history, would still be possible. There would still be a high and perhaps rising level of ethnic and nationalist violence, since those are impulses incompletely played out, even in drilling alaskan wilderness essay parts of the post-historical world. Palestinians and essay, Kurds, Sikhs and Tamils, Irish Catholics and Walloons, Armenians and Azeris, will continue to have their unresolved grievances. This implies that terrorism and wars of national liberation will continue to be an important item on the international agenda.

But large-scale conflict must involve large states still caught in the grip of history, and they are what appear to be passing from the scene. The end of history will be a very sad time. The struggle for recognition, the willingness to risk one's life for a purely abstract goal, the worldwide ideological struggle that called forth daring, courage, imagination, and idealism, will be replaced by economic calculation, the endless solving of technical problems, environmental concerns, and the satisfaction of sophisticated consumer demands. In the post-historical period there will be neither art nor philosophy, just the perpetual caretaking of the museum of human history. In The Alaskan Wilderness? I can feel in essays common app myself, and see in others around me, a powerful nostalgia for the time when history existed. Such nostalgia, in fact, will continue to fuel competition and conflict even in drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay the post-historical world for some time to come. Even though I recognize its inevitability, I have the essays app, most ambivalent feelings for the civilization that has been created in Europe since 1945, with its north Atlantic and Asian offshoots. Alaskan Wilderness? Perhaps this very prospect of centuries of boredom at the end of history will serve to get history started once again.

1. Kojeve's best known work is his Introduction a la lecture de Hegel (Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1947), which is a transcript of the Ecole Practique lectures from the 1930's. This book is available in English entitled Introduction to the Reading of Hegel arranged by Raymond Queneau, edited by Allan Bloom, and translated by James Nichols (New York: Basic Books, 1969). (back to text) 2. In this respect Kojeve stands in sharp contrast to contemporary German interpreters of Hegel like Herbert Marcuse who, being more sympathetic to Marx, regarded Hegel ultimately as an cause high school dropouts historically bound and incomplete philosopher. (back to text) 3. In The Alaskan Wilderness Essay? Kojeve alternatively identified the end of history with the postwar American way of life, toward which he thought the Soviet Union was moving as well. (back to text) 4. This notion was expressed in the famous aphorism from the preface to the Philosophy of History to the effect that everything that is rational is essay real, and everything that is real is rational. (back to text) 5. Drilling Wilderness Essay? Indeed, for Hegel the very dichotomy between the ideal and material worlds was itself only an apparent one that was ultimately overcome by the self-conscious subject; in his system, the essays app, material world is itself only an aspect of mind. (back to text) 6. Drilling? In fact, modern economists, recognizing that man does not always behave as a profit -maximizer, posit a utility function, utility being either income or some other good that can be maximized: leisure, sexual satisfaction, or the write peace, pleasure of philosophizing. Drilling Alaskan Wilderness? That profit must be replaced with a value like utility indicates the cogency of the idealist perspective. (back to text) 7. One need look no further than the recent performance of write an essay on my, Vietnamese immigrants in the U.S. school system when compared to in the wilderness essay, their black of Hispanic classmates to realize that culture and consciousness are absolutely crucial to high seniors no essay, explain not only economic behavior but virtually every other important aspect of life as well. (back to text) 8. In The Wilderness Essay? I understand that a full explanation of the origins of the reform movements in China and Russia is a good deal more complicated than this simple formula would suggest.

The Soviet reform, for example, was motivated in good measure by Moscow's sense of insecurity in on a good man is the technological-military realm. Nonetheless, neither country ion the eve of its reforms was in such a state of material crisis that one could have predicted the surprising reform paths ultimately taken. (back to drilling in the alaskan wilderness essay, text) 9. It is still not clear whether the Soviet people are as Protestant as Gorbachev and will follow him down that path. (back to text) 10. Essayez Notre Nouveau Dictionnaire? The internal politics of the Byzantine Empire at wilderness the time of Justinian revolved around a conflict between the so-called monophysites and monothelites, who believed that the essay, unity of the Holy Trinity was alternatively one of nature or of will. Drilling In The Wilderness Essay? This conflict corresponded to some extent to one between proponents of different racing teams in essayez notre nouveau dictionnaire the Hippodrome in Byzantium and led to a not insignificant level of political violence. Modern historians would tend to seek the roots of drilling, such conflicts in antagonisms between social classes or some other modern economic category, being unwilling to believe that men would kill each other over the nature of the Trinity. (back to write on my speaks, text) 11. I am not using the term fascism here in its most precise sense, fully aware of the frequent misuse of this term to denounce anyone to the right of the user. Fascism here denotes nay organized ultra nationalist movement with universalistic pretensions - not universalistic with regard to its nationalism, of course, since the latter is exclusive by definition, but with regard to the movement's belief in its right to rule other people.

Hence Imperial Japan would qualify as fascist while former strongman Stoessner's Paraguay or Pinochet's Chile would not. Obviously fascist ideologies cannot be universalistic in drilling alaskan essay the sense of Marxism or liberalism, but the structure of the doctrine can be transferred from app country to country. (back to text) 12. I use the example of Japan with some caution, since Kojeve late in his life came to conclude that Japan, with its culture based on purely formal arts, proved that the in the wilderness essay, universal homogenous state was not victorious and student essays on a man is hard to find, that history had perhaps not ended. Drilling Essay? See the long note at the end of the second edition of Introduction a la Lecture de Hegel , 462-3. (back to text) 13. This is not true in Poland and oncommunity, Hungary, however, whose Communist parties have taken moves toward true power sharing and pluralism. (back to text) 14.

This is particularly true of the drilling in the, leading Soviet conservative, former Second Secretary Yegor Ligachev, who has publicly recognized many of the deep defects of the Brezhnev period. Cause Essay? (back to text) 15. I am thinking particularly of Rousseau and the Western philosophical tradition that flows from him that was highly critical of Lockean or Hobbesian liberalism, though one could criticize liberalism from the drilling in the alaskan, standpoint of classical political philosophy as well. (back to text) 16. See his article, Beyond the Cold War, New Republic, December 19, 1988. (back to text) 17. Essayez Notre Dictionnaire? It took European colonial powers like France several years after the in the essay, war to admit the essay school, illegitimacy of their empires, but decolonialization was an inevitable consequence of the Allied victory which had been based on the promise of a restoration of democratic freedoms. Drilling Alaskan Wilderness Essay? (back to text) 18. Vestnik Ministerstva Inostrannikh Del SSSR no.

15 (August 1988), 27-46. Transfer Essays App? New thinking does of course serve a propagandistic purpose in persuading Western audiences of Soviet good intentions. But the fact that it is drilling alaskan wilderness good propaganda does not mean that is formulators do not take many of its ideas seriously. (back to text)

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