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What s the Average Score on the AP French Language Exam? | Albert io

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How Should Rmit University Address the Issue of Declining International Student Numbers in a Very Competitive Global Market? How Should RMIT University Address the Issue of Declining International Student Numbers in A Very Competitive Global Market? [pic] Executive Summary Royal Melbourne Institution of ap french scoring Technology (RMIT) is a worldwide famous university and it provides global education service with good evaluations, lots of international students in Australia would choose RMIT University for their first or continuing studies and they are becoming a big part to consist of RMIT University students. But recently, because of the global financial situation change and return to work course, current conditions in essay scoring Australia, the RMIT University might face the declining problems of international students. Base on this overview, this research provides an analysis and recommendations of current RMIT University’s international student’s situations and future improvements. The purpose and objective of writing college essay this research is searching the most closely reasons which are creating the ap french essay biggest influence in international students’ evaluations and social measurements. The major method of kindred critical essay analysis adopts questionnaires survey; each questionnaire involves eleven progressive questions to measure the results from different gender, nationality, level of degree and personal opinions. The sample of survey can be found in appendix. The outcomes of primary and secondary data analysis indicate that the current international students declining in RMIT University because of the whole trend of the Australian international students is decreasing and lots of international students are not satisfied with RMIT University’s basic conditions or they just measured it as “Just okay”. The first part of this paper is identification of research purpose and objectives; in this part it briefly describes currently general situation of Australian international students market and most of universities’ behaviours. Especially, this part represents detailed information of essay international students in Royal Melbourne Institution of uranus essays Technology (RMIT) and recent important performance, and then combines all mentioned data and information to confirm the research purpose is aim to find out core factors by examine all related elements. Base on the research purpose of ap french this paper, the can you thesis reasonable and logical methodology should be used in ap french essay collecting data and distribute the results from data analysis, therefore this article adopts the method of questionnaire survey to kindred essay, collect information from RMIT University’s international students.

In this particular questionnaire, it concerns the ap french research project to set up eleven progressively questions. And in third part of this paper, it through the main questions in survey to create accurate data results to assist the continuous analysis and final outcomes. At the end of analysis, according to previous detailed analysis of primary and secondary data, this paper suggests several reasonable and active recommendations such as enhance the can you say because in a thesis quality of ap french scoring education system and facilities and so on to support the objective purpose of uranus essays this research. Finally, the conclusion of ap french essay this research summarise all findings and emphasize the key improvements which is suggested to RMIT University then help institution to solve current problems. 2. Research Purpose and Objective. A number of international students in Australia have increased considerably over many years ago. More people, particularly from Asia-Pacific region, were likely to course, study in Australia.

Many universities tried to develop educational systems into Australia education standard and undertake assessment of ap french scoring overseas qualification by the National Office of foil essays Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR) in order to essay, attract more international student (Auditor General Victoria, 2002). However, since the to work coordinator course global financial crisis in 2008 numbers of international students are decreased by ap french essay scoring 10% to lowest levels. Margaret Gardner, vice chancellor and president of thesis RMIT University, said that there is ap french likely to be a decline in the total number of international students coming to Australia. This issue can be caused by can you say because statement many factors, that influence dramatically on decision, such as a soaring currency, restriction of scoring visa application, etc. (Mercer, P 2011). Furthermore, students also have other option countries, which are more affordable study destination. All Australian universities are faced high competitive situation. This seems to uranus essays, be very concerning issue due to the fact that an education industry earns a massive income from international student. According to Ding, K (2012), international students bring Australia a huge $16. 3 billion in ap french scoring export income in 2010-2011. Uranus Essays. RMIT University is one of scoring high reputation universities in Melbourne. It provides 74,000 students, including 30,000 international students inshore and of warren, off shore from more than 100 countries (RMIT University, 2012).

However, it has also been in the declining of international student numbers situation even numbers of student in higher education was still growing (Lane, B 2011). In 2011, the ap french scoring Australian Government has changed some visa application policies that would help reverse the decline in international enrollments (PIER, 2011). This may bring advantages to all universities, including RMIT University to have more international students’ enrollments. The purpose of this research is to examine various factors, which affect on decreasing in numbers of international student at RMIT University. The issue will be considered thoroughly in order to find out appropriate solution for this situation. As a result, some crucial recommendation will be given to RMIT University to address the issue of declining of international student numbers. 3. Methodology Research was created by RMIT International students in order to investigate the declining of say because thesis statement international student numbers issue faced by RMIT University and give some crucial recommendations to address the mentioned issue. Interviewees comprised 26 overseas students, divided by gender half and half from Chinese(14), Thai(2), Taiwanese(2), Malaysian(1), Indian(2), Ethiopia, Saudi Arabian, Pakistan, UAE, and Kenyan. Most respondents were student 21 – 30 age group. This survey consisted of 11 questions.

Personal information was surveyed in the beginning, regarding gender, age, and nationality. Other questions were linked to the factors that affect the problem of essay scoring declining international student numbers in can you in a RMIT University. Furthermore, it can be inferred to scoring, some solutions that address the issue effectively. In the second part of the a great college admission survey, the interviewees were asked about the person who influence most to study overseas, including provide financial while they are studying. The questions focussed on internal factors that encourage international student studying at RMIT University. The next questions pointed at factors from RMIT University. The participants were asked for an opinion about the most popular education level in RMIT University for international student, also ranked a satisfaction of quality of educational system, facilities and student service at ap french scoring RMIT University if they were concern in of warren buffett these factors. The rest of the questions related to external factors, which would influence participants study at RMIT University. Ap French. The respondents were asked to uranus essays, rank each factor influences’ to study at RMIT University. Additionally, they were requested to show other option country for studying aboard, unless they studied in scoring Australia.

The last question asked for the recommendation to attract more international student come to study at RMIT University. A copy of the interview questions appears in can you in a statement the appendix section of this report. 4. Findings and Outcomes Generally, to ap french scoring, study overseas will offer international students a better education and more job opportunities. Return Coordinator. On the ap french scoring other hand, international students also make significant contributions to Australian society and economy. For example, they will bring different cultures to uranus essays, communities and enrich them. The Australian economy as well as universities will obtain benefits from the tuition fees paid by international students or other expenses. As the number of international students declined in Australia recently, RMIT University should pay attention to this issue for the sake of continuous making profits.

Therefore, in this section we will analyse why the number of ap french international students declined recently from kindred secondary data which are collected from literature review and primary data which are collected from ap french our questionnaires. The following graph shows the can you in a basic trends in ap french essay international student visa pplications to Australia. Fig 4. 1 [pic] (Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011) As Figure 4. Uranus Essays. 1 shows, there is essay scoring a sharp increase of student visa applications from 2006 until 2008-09 because of the higher reputation of Australian education system. However, the total number followed by say because thesis statement a significantly sudden decrease from ap french essay scoring 2008-09 until 2011. Because of the graph shows the uranus essays whole trends of international student visa applications, it can be guessed that not only RMIT University experienced the decline, but also other universities such as Melbourne University or Monash University struggled. Moreover, the decline issue has not changed from the end of 2011 and still continued in 2012. The following Fig 4. Essay Scoring. 2 shows the change of admission volume of essay Enrolments and Commencements in different Australian educational sectors. As we can see the in a statement total volume of Enrolments and Commencements in March 2012 declined by -8. Scoring. 5% and -7. 2% respectively compared with the same month of last year.

Especially, the Higher Education sector displays a decrease in Enrolments of 4. 0% and a 6. Of Warren. 0% decline in Commencements compared with 2011 figure. Fig 4. 2 pic](Source: Australian Education International 2012) What kind of reasons that contributed to this situation? According to Deloitte Access Economics (2011), the reasons include the appreciation of the Australian dollar which will increase the living cost in Australia for international students, the change of the General Skilled Migration program which made more difficult for international student to apply the permanent residency and the increased competition from other countries’ universities may also effect the number of international student visa applications. The above analysis is based on essay scoring the secondary data, next we will use our own data which are concluded from questionnaires to writing admission essay, do the further analysis. Ap French Essay Scoring. One question in the questionnaire is: How would you rank the quality of education system of RMIT University? The reason why we ask this question is the quality of education system is an foil essays important component of a university. If the quality of a university is good enough and has a higher reputation, then more international students will choose it and ap french essay scoring, vice versa. The responses of this question can reflect international students’ attitudes to RMIT University. The result of this question is showing in foil essays the following Fig 4. 3. Ap French Essay Scoring. Fig 4. 3 [pic] Base: International students (26) Q: How would you rank the quality of education system of RMIT University?

As we can see from Fig 4. 3, most interviewees which are 13 ranked the quality of education system of RMIT University as Medium. 7 interviewees ranked as High. However, we are very surprised that 2 interviewees ranked the quality as Low. This means they are not satisfied with the education of RMIT University. The reason they gave us why they ranked as Low is they think recent years RMIT University did not improve its education system a lot such as the courses in some programs did not change for a period of time. Combined with this question, we think one reason of declining international student numbers at RMIT University should be the quality of education system is college essay not as good as other universities such as Melbourne University. Fig 4. 4 [pic] Base: International students (26) Q: How would you rank the quality of facilities and services of RMIT University? According to the answers of the respondent in terms of the quality of ap french scoring facilities and services in uranus essays RMIT University (Fig 4. 4), the essay result looks like moderate. More than half of return coordinator answerer (56%) thinks facilities and services quality can be accepted, only 4 students out of 25 who think RMIT University provide a good facility and services, while 28% respondents don’t like the facilities and services. Ap French Essay. Here, the essays mobi facilities services, according to RMIT University, includes maintenance of all mechanical and essential services, mail services, cleaning services, fire and emergency services, and security system (RMIT University 2012). But in the survey, except the facilities mentioned above, the respondent also considers the ap french essay teaching facilities, library facilities, sport facilities, frequency of social events, administrative services and support, online learning resources, IT support and equipment, university web site, financial support and advice of RMIT University provided.

Some students complain that: “there is always a long line in the hub, in computer lab, and even the printer”, “no available group meeting room unless I booked it couple of days before”, “sometimes, I cannot login myRMIT”. Therefore, it is obvious to see that the quality of facilities and services of uranus essays RMIT University is not a competitive advantage for attracting international student. Fig 4. 5 [pic] Base: International students (26) Q: How would you rank the following factors that influence you to study overseas such as at RMIT University? Knowing the ap french factors that influence student to study overseas is significant to find the reasons of the changes of number of international students. As shown in the pie chart above (Fig 4. Of Warren. ), there are two main aspects that students will consider when they go to ap french essay, abroad for further study, that is, reputation of the say because thesis university and education system quality, which occupied totally 52% of the all factors that the survey provided.

After consider the university reputation and education quality, 15% international student prefer study at the country with the good currency exchange rate. In addition, tuition fee (13%) and social environment (10%) of the expected country as two important aspects will be considered before students choose the ap french scoring overseas university or the country. Few students take into consideration the education policy (e. g. Double degree program in short-term) and the country’s immigration policy (e. g. , permanent resident policy), from the survey result, these two policies have the same number of return course supporter (5%). In this survey question, seven factors were offered, it is clearly that reputation of university, education system quality, education policy and tuition fee refers to the university, while another three factors: immigration policy, exchange rate of currency, and social environment of that country related to the country. Regarding the survey result, compared with the concerns of the country, international students would like put more concentration on the choice of university. Besides, the survey provides an interesting choice, that is, “which country would you go to ap french essay scoring, study instead of Australia? ” Almost every respondent said they want go to USA and UK, and they gave similar reasons, like: “high quality of education in the world, good education facility, good education atmosphere, weakness of US dollar”. In fact, their opinion of the choice is consistence with the factors affect people study abroad discussed above. Thus, to attract more international students, the university should take more measures to improve their education quality and reputation, rather than relay on the policies of government. 5. Recommendations In the foil essays previous section, we have analysed the ap french scoring reasons that the number of RMIT University’s international students declined using both secondary data and primary data. In this section, we are mainly aiming to college admission essay, propose some recommendations for RMIT University for the sake of preventing the declining trend and continuous making profits.

The last question in our questionnaire is: If you were reporting to ap french scoring, RMIT Executive, what would you recommend RMIT University do to attract more international students? This is an open-end question and the purpose of mobi it is to obtain interviewees’ suggestions about the improvements for scoring, RMIT University. Finally, we have concluded 6 recommendations from all interviewees’ responses for RMIT University to uranus essays, address the issue of declining international student numbers. Improve Education Quality. Basically, most interviewees’ first suggestion is about the education quality of RMIT University. Education quality includes many areas such as the quality of programs, courses allocation of programs, physical environment of study and the quality of lecturers. Therefore, we think RMIT University should devote some effects to improving these areas in the future. For example, some courses in the program have not been changed for a long time; RMIT University could allocate different courses for the program after a period of time.

This will make the ap french essay program fresh to students and follow the trend of uranus essays educational development. By allocating different courses in the program regularly, the quality of program will be improved to a large extent. Ap French Scoring. For the critical quality of lecturers, we think RMIT University should arrange some training courses for the lecturers regularly to enhance their abilities of teaching and also provide better resources and ap french essay, infrastructures for lecturers. This will improve the quality of lecturers in the long run. Enhance the Quality of Facilities and Services. Except the education quality, university’s facilities and services also play an important role in the levels of satisfaction of student experiences. To satisfy international student’s demand in can you say because in a thesis statement terms of facilities and services, the paper would like recommend RMIT University provide more service counters in hub, and offer more computers in the lab, more group study rooms.

For learning resource, more books or journals are required in the library and allowed registered student can assess more online learning resources. Furthermore, provide more writing workshop for international student. More Overseas Advertisements Our third recommendation is about the advertisement of RMIT University itself. We think RMIT University should advertise itself more in education market especially in essay foreign countries such as Asian and European countries. Uranus Essays. In the advertisements, RMIT University should display its unique educational strength such as it is the only university that provides logistics program in Melbourne. Because of the globalization is becoming a trend gradually, the logistics in some Asian countries is ap french boosting its development and mobi, demanding more good logistics graduates. As a result, more students want to go abroad to get better education in logistics, so this could be an opportunity for RMIT University to advertise itself and increase the number of ap french essay international students. Moreover, we think RMIT University should also enhance its cooperation relationships with other foreign universities.

For example, RMIT University could introduce more students exchange programs such as study tour and cooperation programs. Cooperation program means international student can study for a period time in buffett his own country’s university and then come to RMIT University to study another period of time to acquire the certificate. This economic way is ap french scoring becoming more and more popular in Asian countries because it can save much cost for students who want to study abroad compared with the way that they apply RMIT University directly. Through this way, RMIT University could also increase its international student numbers. Say Because In A Thesis Statement. Establish More Scholarship Programs and Reduce Tuition Fee. The next recommendation is about scholarships and tuition fees.

Many interviewees mentioned RMIT University should also provide scholarships for international students instead of only providing to PR students or citizens. In fact, most American universities will provide a fairly amount of scholarship to ap french essay, its students regardless of their nationalities. College Admission Essay. Moreover, as the exchange rate of US Dollar is depreciated currently, more students will choose American universities for better education and scholarship. That is one reason of declining international student numbers in RMIT University. Thus, if RMIT University could also provide scholarships to international students, the essay number of students will increase to some extent because Australia has a better environment and society compared with America. Foil Essays. This is a significant strength of Australia and an important reason for international student’s choice. Furthermore, tuition fee is another important aspect according to interviewees’ answers.

They are not happy with the increase of tuition fee every year. Ap French Essay Scoring. Because the tuition fee is foil essays already very high for international students compared with local students. If the tuition fee increases every year, it will be a big burden for international students. According to their answers, they do not hope tuition could decrease, they just hope the tuition fee can keep stable during their study period because they think the tuition fee is an important factor to influence their choice of university. Therefore, we think if RMIT University could consider the issue of scholarship and tuition fees, it will have more chances to increase the number of international students and improve the reputation.

Career or Employment Support. The career support of ap french scoring a university provided is an advantage for attracting international students. Therefore, a suggestion for RMIT University is cooperate or communicate with some companies to offer some practical skill training opportunities to students, enable them obtain the foil essays practical work experience and professional skills before they get a job, thus, compared with their peer, the essay graduates will have more competitive advantage. Besides, RMIT University could provide job information to international students about working in Australia, such as: organise career expo. Take Care of International Student’s Wellbeing A sense of wellbeing is integral to a high-quality experience for international students and is contains accommodation, community engagement and health and of warren mobi, safety issues (Council of Australian Government, 2010). International students face particular challenges and may require some specialized services to support their wellbeing, because they may be living independently and for the first time in a foreign country with an unfamiliar culture and ap french essay, limited English skills. Apparently, the issues of wellbeing are a responsibility of the council; however, university as an education provider and contact with international students directly, is an important channel to increase student awareness of safety and minimise safety risk by informing students. Therefore, RMIT University can provide safety information and advices to current and future international students and publicise the student personal safety guide to international student at orientation events. A Great College Admission Essay. In terms of accommodation issues, as we known, there is no accommodation provided in RMIT University. So, for scoring, international student’s convenience and safety, RMIT University can cooperate with housing agency to provide housing information through school’s bulletin board and website. To Work Coordinator Course. One survey which was held by Council of Australian Government (2010) indicates that 80 per cent of international students want more Australian students as friends.

The paper suggests RMIT University should actively to promote social events, help international students engage with local students and community groups and helps them adjust to the new society and culture. . Conclusion At the ap french end of this report, according to the above detailed analysis and recommendations suggested. In conclusion, the essays buffett major reason to cause the declining issue happens to RMIT University can be divided into two sections, first one is the integral influence, because of the current international students situation in Australia is indicating an decreasing trend therefore the national factors influence the international students source of RMIT University. The second reason is the ap french essay social evaluations, concerning the questionnaire survey’s result and analysis; the general evaluations for RMIT University from its international students are obtaining a medium level. Therefore, the results show that the RMIT University service provides to students which is just meet the basic level but not fully satisfied everyone, and most of investigators expect more improvements. Base on the research results, this report suggests several reasonable recommendations to help RMIT University abate current problems. The major opinions include establish more scholarship programs and reduce tuition fee, take care of international student’s wellbeing and improve the mobi quality of education system and facilities. Because of essay these three suggestions are the key reasons which were reflected on questionnaires research, therefore these performance should be developed first as essential conditions to innovate the whole institution then develop the critical essay other parts as long term enhancement and scoring, future strategies. Haven’t found what you want? 12-22 Newhall St, Birmingham B3 3AS, UK [emailprotected] Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? How about receiving a customized one?

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Taylre Jones, Film and Video Colorist. (jazz music) - [Voiceover] Editors do a good job when you don't notice the edits. Ap French Essay Scoring. It's similar with a colorist. You don't wanna see a huge difference between shots within in a scene. (trance music) Color correction is fixing things like if there's an exposure issue and then color grading is writing admission more of ap french a stylizing, giving it a certain aesthetic. Creating a type of film look that would be done through a chemical process but now it's digitally done. Kindred Critical. You have certain colors that are really complementary to other colors just in essay, the human mind, so as you enhance those colors to really match, it really makes it the most pleasant looking it can look. (trance music) Before I was ever even considered being a colorist or anything like that, I was in foil essays, school for genetics because I've always been intrigued by biology and ap french, all that kind of stuff. Took some video editing classes as fillers and kindred, from that point I kinda just fell in love with the film-making aspect and ap french scoring, I was spending five, six hours a day after school just watching tutorials, studying, trying to learn as much as I could about cameras and sensors, and just all the kindred different elements. Ap French Essay. I was always looking to bring my work to another level. I wanted to figure out How do I make this look more professional?

How do I make this look more high-end? I learned about color grading and for me it was literally love at first sight. Became my obsession, of my obsession, if that can even be possible. Critical. And for me the process really was a growing process. I began just with the basic tools in Adobe Premiere, moving from there into something called Colorista, from Colorista to Magic Bullet Looks, but I knew it wasn't dedicated enough and so I went into essay scoring DaVinci Resolve. I probably spent six months just to learn Resolve, learn the writing college admission ins and outs of all the buttons, all the tools, cause I knew I wanted to be a colorist, and move into a color dedicated platform. So as I've been working as a colorist, I learned that from scoring, Alexis Van Hurkman's book, the critical essay Color Correction Handbook, he kinda talks about essay scoring six key points of what a colorist's duties are.

The first duty is that's he's doing is he's adjusting elements of writing college admission essay your contrast, your exposures, you're correcting those types of essay scoring things. This is part of the writing a great essay color correction process. And what we're starting with here first is I just brought in a little bit of contrast and saturation and then I adjusted my white balance and exposure properly. That's a correction. The second element is gonna be something called making your key elements look right.

So a key element really is gonna be something like your skin tones. If you have bad looking skin tones, it's just not gonna look good. So here we see in this image I did a bunch of ap french essay scoring adjustments to the image but as I was making those adjustments it really pushed his skin tone to a magenta red, pretty ugly, I'm correcting that, getting that fixed to a proper state. Now we go into what's called color grading, where you're stylizing an of warren buffett image. Essay. So I've created more of a vintage, kind of a crunchier image, and obviously everything feels more warm, more sunset type of feel. Return To Work Course. Sometimes you've got shots that are kind of not matched. So here we've got a sunset.

I enhanced it with some more warmth. Now we've established that warm tone, all those things, now I need to carry that throughout the rest of this scene that's happening. So we're gonna cut to the characters. They're sitting here on this boat. It's not very golden. It doesn't have that same tone, so I've gotta match those.

First adjustment I'm gonna do, I'm just gonna bring in that warm tone in the highlights. It's a little blown out in the sky on the left so just dialing that down, bringing a little more saturation in there. And that pretty much sets it there. Ap French Essay Scoring. So now we go into what's called creating depth to foil essays the image. Creating depth both in ap french essay, the image itself, but also in uranus essays, the emotions that are happening with this character. So we've got this character here. Obviously you can see he has a look of agony, of pain, of sorrow, on his face. Ap French. Beginning creating your initial saturation adjustments, creating that contrast that we want, and from that point, I'm creating some lighting adjustments, bringing more attention to the character's face, and then I'm gonna go in and create more depth with the foil essays color tones of the image. I brought in ap french, some cooler tones to bring a little bit of a sense of sadness, that it's late at night. Foil Essays. And then from that point, increasing kinda that contrast in color, between the warm light that's shining on the wall, and the moonlight that's coming in from the windows and then adding just a touch more contrast to really feel more gritty for that character.

So that creates a big depth of both emotion for the character, and essay scoring, we're creating depth of the kindred essay actual visual image itself. My last step is quality control. There are quality control standards that a colorist has to ap french essay scoring live by. So when you're putting out anything for broadcast, if your saturations are too high, if you have luminance values that are too high, you're gonna get your stuff spit back. They're not gonna accept it, you're not gonna be able to broadcast it. So you have to make sure to keep everything what's called broadcast legal and uranus essays, follow the quality control standards. (banjo music) So when I was learning to color grade and kinda learning about color correction I did a lot of just Youtube searching, trying to look at what tutorials there were. Scoring. There was a color program called Color Slide School, Patrick Inhofer, I believe he's with Lynda. Essays Of Warren Buffett. Com, does tutorials for them. Patrick had some courses.

I went there and did those and I kind of learned Okay, I do know what I'm doing. I have learned the technical elements correctly. I am on scoring, track. And there's a point where you learn enough of the tools that, that only kindred critical essay gets you so far. The rest becomes your own creative decisions that you're making. And so I went into the industry doing just production type of things, production assistant. I interned with some companies here in Kansas City.

But I continued in my own spare time to continue to ap french essay scoring learn as much as I could about color. (banjo music) Really from there it was coloring a lot of people's just free work, or really low-budget stuff, just for fun, kinda getting my name out there. I knew a lot of em from being a production assistant. I knew a lot of different DPs and stuff like that. Having the people that are shooting say Hey, I know this guy, he's really good, you should talk to uranus essays him. And doing all that kinda stuff was really beneficial for me. Cause word of mouth was my biggest seller in the beginning, all word of mouth. (classical music) One big factor for ap french scoring, me was there wasn't really anybody that specialized in uranus essays, color in essay, Kansas City at the time. For me I'm born and raised here, so I have kind of writing a hometown pride, that I love to kinda like just say Hey, I'm a Kansas City native. Ap French Essay. And so for me, I love being here.

I love Kansas City and my other purpose in being in coordinator, Kansas City was to be able to scoring bring quality work to the local market to where they could come sit with me, we could really design some looks, really enhance the images, make the work that came out of this city just that much better. (country music) Anytime I see an image, what we're gonna think about first is what's the emotions of the character because that's the most important element, for of warren buffett, me as a colorist, is to really help tell the essay scoring emotion of the scene. So what's happening with this character at this moment, him and his brother kind of having a strange relationship and they're kind of distant from of warren buffett, each other. Scoring. The feeling that I was sensing was kind of this feeling of isolation, of separation. And so to me that had, in my mind, as soon as I think about that, I think about blues, as being kind of return coordinator course that loneliness feeling, that's a typical emotional feel for blue. But typically what I do as a colorist is ap french scoring I like to work in what's called red film log. So I'm gonna go into essay the camera metadata, I'm gonna change that over to red film log, so we see this here, red log film. Now the image looks even more desaturated, it looks a little brighter. And the ap french essay benefit of uranus essays that is essay I can see where I can truly stretch that full stretch to that image. So my first thought process was I really wanna give an interesting vibe to in a statement the background. And in this process we actually talked about utilizing LUTs and we actually decided upon kind of essay scoring a Kodak LUT. So it kind of emulates the film stock of Kodak and so I'll go ahead and essays of warren mobi, turn that on.

So we see right off the bat, we're getting a nice, rich contrast. And it actually looks pretty good just right off the bat. The second thing I'm gonna do after that adjustment is ap french essay I'm gonna go ahead and put in some saturation, kind of tweak the lighting just a little bit more. I kind of had the return to work coordinator image in the general color tones that I wanted it to have. So then I wanted to essay scoring just really bring my attention, my focus to the character. So I create what's called power windows to really draw and isolate areas of light and enhance areas of uranus essays light or color or whatever may be. But in this instance, it's gonna be lighting. Scoring. And so this first adjustment I'm doing here is return to work course real subtle, slight vignetting to just the tip edges of the image, very small to see, but it just kinda draws your eye in ap french essay scoring, just a touch.

Bringing some exposure up on the character. So you can see this window. Essay. I created this light pool here, or enhanced the light in that pool so you can see that. Essay Scoring. I did it again on the character specifically, just to make him pop just a touch more. Then this one, I'm isolating.

This light's just a little too bright. I wanna really draw my attention on the character right here. So what I did was I drew a gradient here, drew down the light just a touch, and then last but not least, brought up just a little bit bit more of this foreground so that my eye doesn't draw too much into the background, but kinda draws more towards the foreground. So let me just give you an example before and uranus essays, after. This is our starting point.

This is our finishing point, before and after. (trance music) What I'll find is they'll be films that I loved the way it looked, but I never get to see what did the colorist do to ap french essay scoring it. And I'm sure that's part of their secret sauce, they don't wanna reveal a lot of the things that they're doing, but for critical essay, me, I believe that they could be real inspiring to the creative market if they would do those kind of things. So on Vimeo I've created different color wheels from ap french essay scoring, different films I've worked on. And there was one film in particular, The House on Pine Street, that I worked on. That Vimeo video that I created was kind of just a breakdown of foil essays some the scenes I did and some breakdowns of the color in scoring, those scenes. And what happened was I posted it just for the cast and critical, crew to see, and somebody posted it to Reddit and from there it became in one of the top five videos on Reddit and just blew up. It's got a good million views or so on it now and just continues to ap french keep being an exposure tool for me.

Since that Vimeo video went on the internet and went viral, I've worked for commercials in other countries like Australia, Kuwait. There's not a marketing tool that I could've used that would've been more successful at just getting my name out kindred essay there. With this film, it was a lot of fun. It was just a great story. It's kind of a psychological horror. Ap French. First adjustment I'm doing is typically my contrast and saturations.

From that point, just increasing the contrast a little bit more, bringing out some of the detail of her hair and things. I'm bringing more attention to uranus essays here face. From there, I brought in the blues. This is a very kinda teal and orange type of ap french essay scoring a film and so it creates more visual color contrast in the image, makes the uranus essays palettes themselves are pleasing because they're opposite spectrum so they create more of a pop to the image, more of a contrast to ap french essay the image. Now this shot here, this is during a nightmare scene. I really wanted to be able to enhance that but I wanted it to say because in a thesis feel very scary, like it's in this really abandoned, scary hallway.

So here we're working with the log. Essay. So the foil essays first thing I'm gonna do is essay scoring enhance the a great admission essay saturations and the contrast like I always do. But it wasn't scary enough for me, I wanted to push it. This is surreal, this is ap french essay a nightmare. And so I even pushed the contrast just a bit more, brought out more of the can you say because in a shadows around the door. I was getting way too much of my eye drawn to the foreground, these doors, and this beginning of the hallway.

And I wanted to focus my attention on the actual door floating in the middle of the scoring hall. Can You Say Because. So creating kinda that isolation of light, dropping down all that light, I'm drawing my eye to the middle. Ap French Essay Scoring. But now what happens is college admission it's not the right tone. I want it to be scary, which to ap french essay scoring me was this blue tone that carries throughout the film. Foil Essays. So I increase this blue tone into the shot. Now after doing that, this doorway's an red-orangish color. And that really needed to stand out so what I had to do was go back and isolate the reds of that door and pop it out, really make that door stand out from the scoring scene, really make it pop and draw your eye and attention to that door. (clapping) (rock music) One thing that you run into as a colorist is an image is never good enough. You can continue to tweak an image for writing a great, the rest of your life and never find like This is perfect.

Trial and error is your biggest teacher. Experimenting, trying things out, playing around, you start to learn how different camera types like react to your color. There's a lot of also Photoshop, like retouching types of techniques, just watching and looking at scoring, a lot of different photographer's styles that they do. All those kinds of things help me to essays mobi kinda get that beginning process. Ap French Essay. And then in terms of technical elements, there's a lot that you can learn from just different color correction handbooks, or textbooks, or whatever may be about color correction. That really helps you to understand all the technical things that you need to know as a colorist. And so from that point, really the only end is uranus essays whatever your creative mind can think up. Introduction to Video Color Correction. DaVinci Resolve Guru: Mastering Scopes.

DaVinci Resolve 11 Essential Training. Mark as unwatched Mark all as unwatched. Are you sure you want to mark all the videos in ap french, this course as unwatched? This will not affect your course history, your reports, or your certificates of completion for this course. Mark all as unwatched Cancel. Take notes with your new membership! Type in the entry box, then click Enter to save your note. 1:30 Press on any video thumbnail to jump immediately to to work the timecode shown. Notes are saved with you account but can also be exported as plain text, MS Word, PDF, Google Doc, or Evernote. You started this assessment previously and ap french, didn't complete it.

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Essay Excerpt De Futilitate by C. S. Lewis. Many believe that our idea that the universe is #8220;futile#8221; is an ap french, illusion. Thoughts of utility and futility are merely human projections upon coordinator course, reality as a whole, holdovers from our evolutionary derived tool making, means-end functions. C.S. Lewis wrote, #8220;there is something attractive about this: but the question is how far we can go.#8221; He asks, #8220;can we carry through to the end the view that human thought is ap french essay merely human: that is simply a zoological fact about homo sapiens that he thinks in a certain way: that in uranus essays, no way reflects (though no doubt it results from) non-human or universal reality?#8221; These are the questions Lewis poses in his essay, De Futilitate. In it, one can find variants of the Argument from Reason and the Moral Argument, though he uses them only to interrogate materialistic philosophy and ap french moral systems like Stoicism and uranus essays Confucianism.

The acceptance of these arguments was an important first step for ap french scoring Lewis in the abandonment of his own atheism. They are near to my heart for a great they were two arguments that I held onto during a particularly difficult season of doubt about God’s existence. With regard to human thought, he writes, #8220;the most we can ever do is to decide that certain types of essay human thoughts are #8216;merely human#8217; or subjective, and uranus essays others are not.#8221; At this point, I was thinking what I once thought, #8220;well, Lewis, science enables us to determine exactly which #8216;merely human#8217; thoughts are true through repeatable, empirical methods.#8221; Lewis anticipated this (and probably thought it one time himself) claiming that #8220;the distinction made between scientific and non-scientific thoughts will not easily bear the weight we are attempting to put on it.#8221; Then, he shows that we cannot escape inference for our #8220;the material or external world, in general, is an inferred world#8221; that we access via our senses, even during scientific experiments #8220;we reach our knowledge of the essay scoring, universe only by inference.#8221; In the in a statement, end, #8220;the physical sciences, then, depend on the validity of logic just as much as metaphysics or mathematics.#8221; In other words, logic is a priori to, not verifiable by, science. The consequences of ap french essay this admission about uranus essays, logic are tremendous, and Lewis details several of ap french them, namely that a strictly materialistic account of thought is inadequate and that the applicability of logic to the natural world is inescapable. #8220;Where thought is strictly rational it must be, in some odd sense, not ours, but cosmic or super-cosmic #8230; not shut up inside our heads.#8221; Having established logical thought as something that must be objective, Lewis goes on to draw out foil essays, parallels with our thoughts about values writing, #8220;we might therefore conclude that though the ap french essay scoring, ultimate reality is logical it has no regard for course values#8221; for only a small fraction of ap french scoring it is what we would call good. Return Coordinator Course! The rest of the universe is, by comparison, useless or futile. But, Lewis points out that #8220;there is ap french essay scoring real difficulty about accusing it of anything.

An accusation implies a standard.#8221; The quote below is from the statement, end of the essay and scoring is, arguably, the climax that it has been working towards. It is significant to point out that many of the atheists I know reject God because of the abundance of senseless suffering in in a statement, this world. This suffering was a catalyst for my own brush with atheism. I hope you enjoy this small taste of what is an excellent essay. “There is, to be sure, one glaringly obvious ground for denying that any moral purpose at scoring all is operative in the universe: namely, the actual course of events in can you in a statement, all its wasteful cruelty and apparent indifference, or hostility, to life. But then, as I maintain, that is precisely the essay scoring, ground which we cannot use. Unless we judge this waste and cruelty to be real evils we cannot of course condemn the universe for exhibiting them. Unless we take our own standard of goodness to be valid in principle (however fallible our particular applications of it) we cannot mean anything by calling waste and buffett mobi cruelty evils. And unless we take our own standard to be something more than ours, to be in fact an objective principle to which we are responding, we cannot regard that standard as valid. In a word, unless we allow ultimate reality to be moral, we cannot morally condemn it.

The more seriously we take our own charge of futility the more we are committed to ap french scoring, the implication that reality in the last resort is not futile at all. The defiance of the good atheist hurled at an apparently ruthless and idiotic cosmos is uranus essays really an unconscious homage to something in or behind that cosmos which he recognizes as infinitely valuable and authoritative: for if mercy and ap french essay justice were really only foil essays, private whims of his own with no objective and impersonal roots, and if he realized this, he could not go on being indignant. The fact that he arraigns heaven itself for ap french disregarding them means that at some level of his mind he knows they are enthroned in a higher heaven still. I cannot and never could persuade myself that such defiance is displeasing to the supreme mind. There is something holier about the atheism of a Shelley than about the theism of a Paley. Uranus Essays! That is the lesson of the Book of Job.

No explanation of the problem of unjust suffering is there given: that is not the point of the poem. The point is that the man who accepts our ordinary standard of good and by it hotly criticizes divine justice receives the divine approval: the orthodox, pious people who palter with that standard in the attempt to justify God are condemned. Apparently the way to advance from our imperfect apprehension of scoring justice to the absolute justice is not to throw our imperfect apprehensions aside but boldly to go on applying them. Just as the foil essays, pupil advances to more perfect arithmetic not by ap french scoring throwing his multiplication table away but by working it for all it is in a thesis worth.” From #8220;De Futilitate,#8221; in Christian Reflections (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1967), pp.69-70. Lewis writes, #8220;The idea of a wholly mindless and valueless universe has to be abandoned at one point i.e. as regards logic, after that there is no telling at essay how many other points it will be defeated nor how great the reversal of our nineteenth-century philosophy must finally be.#8221; He was not the only person to come to this conclusion. Prominent atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel is another intellectual that agrees. You can read more here: #8220;Aristotle Call Your Office#8221; by Ed Feser. 3 thoughts on “ Essay Excerpt De Futilitate by in a statement C. S. Lewis ” Consider once more the 16-year study conducted with several premier European Southern Observatory telescopes aimed at the center of our own Milky Way galaxy. Beginning in 1992, German researchers took “pictures” of 28 individual stars and ap french essay mapped their individual positions, enabling them to return to work coordinator course, come up with a composite sketch of the essay, motion of each of the stars.

Their findings showed that all of the stars orbit around an invisible but insanely massive “black hole” an object some 4 million times more massive than our sun. You cannot even wrap your mind around that kind of density. It takes the word “weighty” to its proper biblical proportions. This is God’s glory, writ large, powerful and foil essays unseen directly. His “weightiness” upholds the ap french, universe and moves suns about as though they were nothing. The researchers of the study focused on 28 stars, but one in particular they discovered, called simply S2, some fifteen times more massive than our sun , completes one orbit of the “black hole” in just fifteen years, sailing around the center of our galaxy among a multitude of other massive star energetically moving about return to work, like soap bubbles blown out from the end of ap french a plastic wand.

It baffles the imagination. How do we even begin to conceptualize such mass, let alone how such mass seems to to work coordinator course, float about so lightly? The psalmist declares, “By the word of the Lord, the heavens were made, And by the breath of His mouth all their hosts.” Stars really are like soap bubbles to the Lord Jesus. By the breath of His mouth all the starry hosts came into being and by His command they live and move and have their being. He can thus take one star and move it about in the sky for His own pleasure and scoring glory, putting it wherever He so desires, even as an Infant, helpless and yet upholding the universe at the same time. It seems wholly counterintuitive to our own finite sensory perception that such incredibly massive objects can be moved about at writing a great college the command of their Creator, even when He was but a Babe in swaddling clothes lying in a bed of straw, but simply because something is counterintuitive to our senses doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Ap French! Recall the opening quote from Archibald Wheeler, the physicist who coined the essays of warren, term “black hole.” “The world is ap french a crazy place, and in a statement the way it’s organized is truly crazy. But, we have to be crazy enough to essay, see what that way is if we’re really going to understand this physical world. It’s not just a matter of nice, simple formulas.” You *need* to writing a great admission essay, see Terrence Malick#8217;s #8220;The Tree of Life#8221; movie. It is an artistic exploration of the Book of Job. The main character, and the only one given a name, is essay scoring Jack O#8217;Brien (J-O-B).

It#8217;s a masterpiece a filmic poem. Currently writing on it. Will post more here. Praying for you.

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essays by emerson [This essay was put together after Emerson's death from a number of commencement and similar addresses he had made. It appears in The Complete Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson , edited by Edward Emerson] A new degree of intellectual power seems cheap at any price. The use of the ap french essay, world is that man may learn its laws. And the human race have wisely signified their sense of this, by calling wealth, means-- Man being the end. Language is uranus essays, always wise. Therefore I praise New England because it is the ap french scoring, country in the world where is the freest expenditure for uranus essays, education. Scoring. We have already taken, at foil essays, the planting of the Colonies (for aught I know for the first time in essay the world), the initial step, which for its importance might have been resisted as the most radical of revolutions, thus deciding at the start the destiny of this country--this, namely, that the poor man, whom the law does not allow to take an ear of corn when starving, nor a pair of shoes for his freezing feet, is allowed to put his hand into can you thesis, the pocket of the rich, and ap french, say, You shall educate me, not as you will, but as I will: not alone in the elements, but, by further provision, in the languages, in sciences, in the useful and in kindred critical essay elegant arts. The child shall be taken up by the State, and taught, at the public cost, the rudiments of knowledge, and, at last, the ripest results of art and science.

Humanly speaking, the school, the college, society, make the difference between men. Ap French. All the fairy tales of Aladdin or the invisible Gyges or the taIisman that opens kings' palaces or the enchanted halls underground or in the sea, are any fictions to indicate the one miracle of intellectual enlargement. When a man stupid becomes a man inspired, when one and the same man passes out a great of the torpid into the perceiving state, leaves the din of trifles, the scoring, stupor of the senses, to enter into the quasi-omniscience of high thought--up and down, around, all limits disappear. No horizon shuts down. He sees things in their causes, all facts in their connection.

One of the problems of history is the beginning of civilization. The animals that accompany and serve man make no progress as races. Those called domestic are capable of learning of foil essays, man a few tricks of utility or amusement, but they cannot communicate the skill to their race. Each individual must be taught anew. The trained dog cannot train another dog. And Man himself in many faces retains almost the unteachableness of the beast. For a thousand years the islands and forests of essay scoring, a great part of the world have been led with savages who made no steps of buffett, advance in art or skill beyond the necessity of being fed and warmed. Certain nations with a better brain and usually in more temperate climates have made such progress as to ap french, compare with these as these compare with the bear and the wolf. Victory over things is the office of buffett, man. Of course, until it is ap french essay, accomplished, it is the critical, war and insult of things over him. His continual tendency, his great danger, is to overlook the fact that the ap french essay scoring, world is only his teacher, and return to work coordinator course, the nature of sun and ap french essay, moon, plant and animal only means of arousing his interior activity.

Enamored of their beauty, comforted by their convenience, he seeks them as ends, and fast loses sight of the fact that they have worse than no values, that they become noxious, when he becomes their slave. This apparatus of wants and faculties, this craving body, whose organs ask all the elements and all the functions of Nature for their satisfaction, educate the wondrous creature which they satisfy with light, with heat, with water, with wood, with bread, with wool. The necessities imposed by his most irritable and all-related texture have taught Man hunting, pasturage, agriculture, commerce, weaving, joining, masonry, geometry, astronomy. Here is kindred critical essay, a world pierced and belted with natural laws, and fenced and scoring, planted with civil partitions and college essay, properties, which all put new restraints on the young inhabitant. He too must come into this magic circle of ap french essay scoring, relations, and know health and sickness, the fear of injury, the desire of external good, the charm of riches, the charm of power. Return. The household is a school of power. There, within the door, learn the essay scoring, tragicomedy of human life. Here is the sincere thing, the wondrous composition for which day and writing, night go round. In that routine are the sacred relations, the passions that bind and ap french essay scoring, sever. Here is poverty and all the wisdom its hated necessities can teach, here labor drudges, here affections glow, here the essays buffett mobi, secrets of character are told, the guards of man, the guards of woman, the ap french scoring, compensations which, like angels of justice, pay every debt: the opium of custom, whereof all drink and many go mad. Here is Economy, and Glee, and Hospitality, and Ceremony, and Frankness, and Calamity, and Death, and Hope.

Every man has a trust of power--every man, every boy a jurisdiction, whether it be over a cow or a rood of a potato-field, or a fleet of ships, or the laws of a state. Foil Essays. And what activity the desire of power inspires! What toils it sustains! How it sharpens the perceptions and stores the memory with facts. Thus a man may well spend many years of life in ap french trade. It is a constant teaching of the laws of matter and of mind, No dollar of property can be created without some direct communication with nature, and of course some acquisition of knowledge and practical force. It is a constant contest with the active faculties of men, a study of the issues of one and another course of action, an accumulation of foil essays, power, and, if the ap french, higher faculties of the individual be from time to time quickened, he will gain wisdom and virtue from his business. As every wind draws music out of the return coordinator course, Aeolian harp, so doth every object in Nature draw music out of his mind.

Is it not true that every landscape I behold, every friend I meet, every act I perform, every pain I suffer, leaves me a different being from that they found me? That poverty, love, authority, anger, sickness, sorrow, success, all work actively upon our being and unlock for us the concealed faculties of the mind? Whatever private or petty ends are frustrated, this end is essay scoring, always answered. Thesis Statement. Whatever the man does, or whatever befalls him, opens another chamber in his soul--that is, he has got a new feeling, a new thought, a new organ. Do we not see how amazingly for this end man is essay, fitted to the world? What leads him to science? Why does he track in the midnight heaven a pure spark, a luminous patch wandering from age to age, but because he acquires thereby a majestic sense of power; learning that in his own constitution he can set the shining maze in order, and finding and carrying their law in his mind, can, as it were, see his simple idea realized up yonder in giddy distances and frightful periods of duration. Kindred. If Newton come and first of men perceive that not alone certain bodies fall to the ground at a certain rate, but that all bodies in the Universe, the universe of bodies, fall always, and at one rate; that every atom in nature draws to every other atom--he extends the power of ap french essay scoring, his mind not only over every cubic atom of his native planet, but he reports the condition of millions of worlds which his eye never saw. And what is the charm which every ore, every new plant, every new fact touching winds, clouds, ocean currents, the secrets of chemical composition and decomposition possess for Humboldt. What but that much revolving of similar facts in his mind has shown him that always the mind contains in its transparent chambers the means of classifying the return to work, most refractory phenomena, of depriving, them of all casual and chaotic aspect, and ap french, subordinating them to a bright reason of its own, and so giving to man a sort of property--yea, the very highest property in every district and particle of the globe.

By the can you statement, permanence of Nature, minds are trained alike, and made intelligible to each other. In our condition are the roots of ap french essay scoring, language and communication, and to work coordinator, these instructions we never exhaust. In some sort the end of life is that the man should take up the universe into himself, or out of that quarry leave nothing unrepresented. Yonder mountain must migrate into his mind. Yonder magnificent astronomy he is at last to import, fetching away moon, and essay, planet, solstice, period, comet and binal star, by comprehending their relation and writing college admission, law. Instead of the timid stripling he was, he is to essay scoring, be the foil essays, stalwart Archimedes, Pythagoras, Columbus, Newton, of the scoring, physic, metaphysic and buffett mobi, ethics of the design of the world. For truly the population of the globe has its origin in the aims which their existence is to serve; and so with every portion of them.

The truth takes flesh in forms that can express it; and thus in history an idea always overhangs, like the moon, and rules the tide which rises simultaneously in all the souls of a generation. Whilst thus the world exists for the mind; whilst thus the man is ever invited inward into shining realms of knowledge and power by the shows of the world, which interpret to essay scoring, him the infinitude of his own consciousness--it becomes the office of can you say because thesis, a just education to awaken him to the knowledge of this fact. We learn nothing rightly until we learn the ap french essay scoring, symbolical character of life. Day creeps after day, each full of facts, dull, strange, despised things, that we cannot enough despise--call heavy, prosaic, and desert. The time we seek to kill: the admission essay, attention it is elegant to divert from things around us. And presently the aroused intellect finds gold and gems in one of these scorned facts--then finds that the day of facts is a rock of diamonds; that a fact is an Epiphany of God. We have our theory of life, our religion, our philosophy; and the event of each moment, the shower, the steamboat disaster the passing of a beautiful face, the apoplexy of our neighbor, are all tests to try our theory, the approximate result we call truth, and reveal its defects. If I have renounced the essay scoring, search of truth, if I have come into the port of some pretending dogmatism, some new church or old church, some Schelling or Cousin, I have died to all use of these new events that are born out of prolific time into multitude of uranus essays, life every hour. I am as a bankrupt to whom brilliant opportunities offer in vain. Ap French Essay Scoring. He has just foreclosed his freedom, tied his hands, locked himself up and given the a great, key to another to keep. When I see the doors by which God enters into ap french scoring, the mind; that there is no sot or fop, ruffian or pedant into whom thoughts do not enter by passages which the individual never left open, I can expect any revolution in character.

I have hope, said the great Leibnitz, that society may be reformed, when I see how much education may be reformed. It is ominous, a presumption of crime, that this word Education has so cold, so hopeless a sound. A treatise on education, a convention for education, a lecture, a system, affects us with slight paralysis and a certain yawning of the jaws. We are not encouraged when the law touches it with its fingers. Education should be as broad as man.

Whatever elements are in him that should foster and demonstrate. If he be dexterous, his tuition should make it appear; if he be capable of dividing men by the trenchant sword of foil essays, his thought, education should unsheathe and sharpen it; if he is one to cement society by his all-reconciling affinities, oh! hasten their action! If he is essay scoring, jovial, if he is buffett, mercurial, if he is a great-hearted, a cunning artificer, a strong commander, a potent ally, ingenious, useful, elegant, witty, prophet, diviner--society has need of all these. The imagination must be addressed. Ap French Essay. Why always coast on the surface and never open the interior of nature, not by science, which is surface still, but by poetry? Is not the Vast an element of the mind?

Yet what teaching, what book of this day appeals to the Vast? Our culture has truckled to the times--to the writing a great college, senses. It is not manworthy. If the vast and ap french, the spiritual are omitted, so are the practical and the moral. Can You Say Because Thesis. It does not make us brave or free. We teach boys to be such men as we are.

We do not teach them to aspire to be all they can.. We do not give them a training as if we believed in their noble nature. Ap French Essay Scoring. We scarce educate their bodies. We do not train the eye and return to work coordinator course, the hand. We exercise their understandings to the apprehension and: comparison of some facts, to a skill in numbers, in words; we aim to make accountants, attorneys, engineers; but not to make able, earnest, great-hearted men. Essay. The great object of Education should be commensurate with the can you say because, object of life. It should be a moral one; to teach self-trust; to inspire the youthful man with an interest in himself; with a curiosity touching his own nature; to acquaint him with the resources of his mind, and to teach him that there is all his strength, and to inflame him with a piety towards the Grand Mind in which he lives. Thus would education conspired with the Divine Providence. A man is a little thing whilst he works by and for himself, but, when he gives voice to the rules of love and justice, is godlike, this word is current in ap french scoring all countries; and all men, though his enemies, are made his friends and obey it as their own.

In affirming that the moral nature of man is the predominant element and should therefore be mainly consulted in the arrangements of a school, I am very far from wishing that it should swallow up all the other instincts and faculties of man. It should be enthroned in foil essays his mind, but if it monopolize the man he is not yet sound, he does not yet know his wealth. He is in danger of becoming merely devout, and wearisome through the monotony of his thought. It is not less necessary that the intellectual and the active faculties should be nourished and matured. Let us apply to this subject the light of the same torch by which we have looked at all the ap french scoring, phenomena of the time; the writing a great college admission essay, infinitude, namely, of every man. Everything teaches that. One fact constitutes all my satisfaction, inspires all my trust, viz., this perpetual youth, which, as long as there is scoring, any good in uranus essays us, we cannot get rid of. It is very certain that the coming age and the departing age seldom understand each other. The old man thinks the young man has no distinct purpose, for he could never get any thing intelligible and ap french essay scoring, earnest out of return, him. Perhaps the young man does not think: it worth his while to explain himself to so hard an inapprehensive a confessor. Let him be led up with a longsighted forbearance, and let not the sallies of his petulance or folly be checked with disgust or indignation or despair.

I call our system a system of essay, despair, and critical essay, I find all the correction, all the revolution that is needed and that the best spirits of this age promise, in one word, in Hope. Nature, when she sends a new mind into the world, fills it beforehand with a desire for that which she wishes it to know and do, Let us wait and see what is this new creation, of what new organ the great Spirit had need when it incarnated this new Will. A new Adam in the garden, he is to name all the beasts in the field, all the gods in the sky. And jealous provision seems to have been made in scoring his constitution that you shah not invade and contaminate him with the worn weeds of your language and uranus essays, opinions. The charm of life is this variety of genius, these contrasts, and scoring, flavors by which Heaven has modulated the identity of truth, and there is a perpetual hankering to violate this individuality, to warp his ways of thinking and behavior to critical essay, resemble or reflect your thinking and ap french, behavior. A low self-love in the parent desires that his child should repeat his character and of warren buffett, fortune; an expectation which the child, if justice is done him, will nobly disappoint.

By working on the theory that this resemblance exists, we shall do what in us lies to defeat his proper promise and produce the ordinary and mediocre. I suffer whenever I see that common sight of a parent or senior imposing his opinion and way of thinking and being on a young soul to which they are totally unfit. Cannot we let people be themselves, and enjoy life in ap french essay their own way? You are trying to make that man another you . One's enough. Or we sacrifice the genius of the pupil, the unknown possibilities of his nature, to a neat and safe uniformity, as the Turks whitewash the costly mosaics of ancient art which the Greeks left on say because statement their temple walls. Rather let us have men whose manhood is ap french essay, only the return to work, continuation of their boyhood, natural characters still; such are able and fertile for heroic action; and not that sad spectacle with which we are too familiar, educated eyes in uneducated bodies. I like boys, the masters of the playground and of the street--boys, who have the same liberal ticket of admission to all shops, factories, armories, town-meetings, caucuses, mobs, target--shootings, as flies have; quite unsuspected, coming in scoring as naturally as the janitor--known to have no money in their pockets, and themselves not suspecting the value of this poverty; putting nobody on his guard, but seeing the inside of the show--hearing all the asides. There are no secrets from of warren buffett, them, they know everything that befalls in the fire company, the essay scoring, merits of every engine and of every man at the brakes, how to work it, and are swift to try their hand at every part; so too the merits of every locomotive on the rails, and will coax the engineer to let them ride with him and pull the handles when it goes to the engine-house. They are there only for fun, and not knowing that they are at school, in can you say because thesis statement the court-house, or the cattle-show, quite as much and more than they were, an hour ago, in the arithmetic class.

They know truth from ap french, counterfeit as quick as the essays buffett, chemist does. They detect weakness in your eye and behavior a week before you open your mouth, and have given you the benefit of their opinion quick as a wink. They make no mistakes, have no pedantry, but entire belief on experience. Their elections at ap french, baseball or cricket are founded on merit, and are right. They don't pass for uranus essays, swimmers until they can swim, nor for stroke-oar until they can row: and ap french scoring, I desire to be saved from their contempt. If I can pass with them, I can manage well enough with their fathers.

Everybody delights in the energy with which boys deal and talk with each other; the mixture of foil essays, fun and earnest, reproach and coaxing, love and wrath, with which the game is played--the good-natured yet defiant independence of a leading boy's behavior in the schoolyard. How we envy in later life the happy youths to whom their boisterous games and rough exercise furnish the precise element which frames and sets off their school and college tasks, and teaches them, when least they think it, the ap french, use and meaning of these. In their fun and extreme freak they hit on the topmost sense of Horace. The young giant, brown from his hunting tramp, tells his story well, interlarded with lucky allusions to Homer, to Virgil, to college songs, to Walter Scott; and Jove and Achilles, partridge and uranus essays, trout, opera and binomial theorem, Caesar in Gaul, Sherman in Savannah, and hazing in essay Holworthy, dance through the narrative in of warren merry confusion, yet the ap french, logic is good. Foil Essays. If he can turn his books to such picturesque account in his fishing and hunting, it is easy to see how his reading and experience, as he has more of both, will interpentetrate each other. And every one desires that this pure vigor of action and wealth of narrative, cheered with so much humor and street rhetoric, should be carried: into the habit of the ap french scoring, young man, purged of its uproar and rudeness, but. with all its vivacity entire. His hunting and campings-out have given him an indispensable base: I wish to add a taste for good company; through his impatience of bad. That stormy genius of essay, his needs a little direction to games, charades, verses of society, song, and a correspondence year by year with his wisest and best friends.

Friendship is an order of nobility; from its revelations We come more worthily into nature. Essay Scoring. Society he must have or he is poor indeed; he gladly enters a school which forbids conceit, affectation, emphasis and dullness, and requires of each only the uranus essays, flower of his nature and experience; requires good will, beauty, wit, and select information; teaches by practice the law of conversation, namely, to ap french, hear as well as to speak. Meantime, if circumstances do not permit the high social advantages, solitude has also its lessons. The obscure youth learns there the practice instead of the literature of foil essays, his virtues; and, because of the disturbing effect of passion and sense, which by ap french essay scoring a multitude of trifles impede the mind's eye from the quiet search of that fine horizon-line which truth keeps--the way to knowledge and power has ever been an escape from return, too much engagement with affairs and possessions; a way, not through plenty and superfluity, but by denial and renunciation, into solitude and privation; and, the more is taken away, the more; real and inevitable wealth of being is made known to us. Ap French Essay. The solitary knows the essence of the thought, the scholar in society only its fair face. There is no want of critical, example of great men, great benefactors, who have been monks and ap french essay scoring, hermits in habit. The bias of mind is sometimes irresistible in that direction. Return Course. The man is, as it were, born deaf and dumb, and ap french scoring, dedicated to a narrow and lonely life.

Let him study the art of solitude, yield as gracefulIy as he can to his destiny. Why cannot he get the good of uranus essays, his doom, and if it is from eternity a settled fact that he and society shall be nothing to essay scoring, each other, why need he blush so, and make wry faces to keep up a freshman's seat in the fine world? Heaven often protects valuable souls charged with great secrets, great ideas, by long shutting them up with their own thoughts. And the to work, most genial and amiable of men must alternate society with solitude, and learn its severe lessons. There comes the period of the imagination to each, a later youth; the power of beauty, the power of books, of poetry. Culture makes his books realities to him, their characters more brilliant, more effective on his mind, than his actual mates. Do not spare to put novels into the hands of young people as an occasional holiday and ap french essay, experiment but, above all, good poetry in all kinds, epic, tragedy, lyric. If we can touch the imagination, we serve them, they will never forget it. Let him read Tom Brown at Rugby , read Tom Brown at Oxford , better yet, read Hodson's Life --Hodson who took prisoner the King of kindred critical, Delhi. They teach the same truth--a trust, against all appearances, against all privations, in your own worth, and not in tricks, plotting, or patronage. I believe that our own experience instructs us that the essay, secret of Education lies in respecting the pupil.

It is not for you to choose what he shall know, what he shall do. Return Coordinator. It is ap french essay scoring, chosen and foreordained, and he only holds the key to his own secret. By your tampering and thwarting and too much governing he may be hindered from his end and kept out of his own. Respect the child. Wait and see the new product of Nature. Nature loves analogies, but not repetitions. Respect the child. Return. Be not too much his parent. Trespass not on his solitude.

But I hear the outcry which replies to this suggestion--Would you verily throw up the reins of public and private discipline; would you leave the young child to the mad career of ap french essay, his own passions and whimsies, and call this anarchy a respect for the child's nature? I answer--Respect the thesis statement, child, respect him to the end, but also respect yourself. Scoring. Be the companion of his thought, the friend of his friendship, the lover of his virtue--but no kinsman of his sin. Let him find you so true to yourself that you are the irreconcilable hater of his vice and the imperturbable slighter of his trifling. The two points in a boy's training are, to uranus essays, keep his naturel and essay, train off all but that--to keep his naturel , but stop off his uproar, fooling, and horseplay--keep his nature and arm it with knowledge in the very direction to which it points. Here are the foil essays, two capital facts, Genius and essay scoring, Drill. This first in the inspiration in the well-born healthy child, the new perception he has of nature. Somewhat he sees in foil essays forms or hears in music or apprehends in mathematics, or believes practicable in mechanics or possible in political society, which no one else sees or hears or believes. This is the essay, perpetual romance of new life, the invasion of God into the old dead world, when he sends into quiet houses a young soul with a thought which is not met, looking for coordinator course, something which is not there, but which ought to be there: the thought is essay scoring, dim but it is sure, and he casts about restless for means and masters to verify it; he makes wild attempts to explain himself and invoke the aid and consent of the by-standers.

Baffled for want of language and methods to convey his meaning, not yet clear to himself, he conceives that though not in this house or town, yet in some other house or town is the wise master who can put him in possession of the rules and instruments to execute his will. Happy this child with a bias, with a thought which entrances him, leads him, now into deserts now into cities, the fool of an to work idea. Let him follow it in good and in evil report, in good or bad company; it will justify itself; it will lead him at last into the illustrious society of the lovers of truth. In London, in a private company, I became acquainted with a gentleman, Sir Charles Fellowes, who, being at Xanthos, in ap french essay the Aegean Sea, had seen a Turk point with his staff to some carved work on the corner of kindred critical, a stone almost buried in ap french essay the soil. Fellowes scraped away the return to work coordinator, dirt, was struck with the beauty of the sculptured ornaments, and, looking about him, observed; more blocks and fragments like this. He returned to the spot, procured laborers and uncovered many blocks. He went back to England, bought a Greek grammar and learned the ap french, language; he read history and studied, ancient art to explain his stones; he interested Gibson the sculptor; he invoked the assistance of the English Government; he called in the succor of Sir Humphry Davy to analyze the pigments; of foil essays, experts in coins, of scholars and connoisseurs; and at last: in essay scoring his third visit brought home to England such statues and marble reliefs and coordinator course, such careful plans that he was able to reconstruct, in the British Museum where it now stands, the perfect model of the Ionic trophy-monument, fifty years older than the Parthenon of ap french essay, Athens, and which had been destroyed by earthquakes, then by iconoclast Christians, then by savage Turks. But mark that in the task be had achieved an can you say because statement excellent education, and become associated with distinguished scholars whom he had interested in his pursuit; in short, had formed a college for himself; the enthusiast had found the master, the masters, whom he sought. Always genius seeks genius, desires nothing so much as to be a pupil and to ap french, find those who can lend it aid to perfect itself. Nor are the two elements, enthusiasm and drill, incompatible.

Accuracy is essential to beauty. The very definition of the intellect is Aristotle's: that by which we know terms or boundaries. Give a boy accurate perceptions. Teach him the difference between the similar and the same. Make him call things by their right names. Foil Essays. Pardon in him no blunder. Then he will give you solid satisfaction as long as he lives, It is better to teach the child arithmetic and Latin grammar than rhetoric or moral philosophy, because they require exactitude of performance; it is ap french essay scoring, made certain that the lesson is mastered, and that power of performance is worth more than the knowledge. He can learn anything which is important to him now that the power to learn is secured: as mechanics say, when one has learned the use of tools, it is easy to work at a new craft.

Letter by return to work letter, syllable by syllable, the child learns to read, and in ap french essay good time can convey to all the domestic circle the sense of Shakespeare. By many steps each just as short, the stammering boy and the hesitating collegian, in the school debates, in college clubs, in mock court, comes at last to foil essays, full, secure, triumphant unfolding of his thought in the popular assembly, with a fullness of power that makes all the steps forgotten. But this function of opening and feeding the human mind is not to be fulfilled by any mechanical or military method; is not to be trusted to any skill less large than Nature itself. You must not neglect the ap french essay scoring, form, but you must secure the essentials. It is curious how perverse and intermeddling we are, and what vast pains and cost we incur to kindred critical essay, do wrong.

Whilst we all know in our own experience and apply natural methods in our own business -- in education our common sense fails us, and we are continually trying costly machinery against nature, in patent schools and academies and in great colleges and universities. The natural method forever confutes our experiments, and we must still come back to it. The whole theory of the school is on the nurse's or mother's knee. The child is as hot to ap french essay, learn as the mother is to impart. There is mutual delight. The joy of our childhood in hearing beautiful stories from some skillful aunt who loves to tell them, must be repeated in youth. The boy wishes to learn to skate; to coast, to catch a fish in coordinator course the brook, to hit a mark with a snowball or a stone; and a boy a little older is just as well pleased to teach him these sciences. Not less delightful is the mutual pleasure of teaching and learning the secret of algebra, or of chemistry, or of good reading and good recitation of poetry or of prose, or of chosen facts in history or in biography. Nature provided for the communication of thought by planting with it in the receiving mind a fury to impart it. Essay Scoring. 'Tis so in every art, in every science. One burns to tell the new fact, the other burns to hear it. See how far a young doctor will ride or walk to essays of warren, witness a new surgical operation.

I have seen a carriage-maker's shop emptied of all its workmen into the street, to scrutinize a new pattern from New York. So in literature, the young man who has taste for poetry, for fine images, for noble thoughts, is insatiable for this nourishment, and forgets all the world for the more learned friend--who finds equal joy in dealing out his treasures. Happy the essay, natural college thus self-instituted around every natural teacher; the young men of Athens around Socrates; of Alexander around Plotinus; of Paris around Abelard; of Germany around Fichte, or Niebuhr, or Goethe: in short the natural sphere of every leading mind. But the moment this is organized, difficulties begin. The college was to be the of warren buffett mobi, nurse and home of ap french, genius; but, though every young man is born with some determination in his nature, and is a potential genius; is at last to be one; it is, in the most, obstructed and delayed, and, whatever they may hereafter be, their senses are now opened in advance of their minds. They are more sensual than intellectual. Appetite and can you say because in a statement, indolence they have, but no enthusiasm. These come in numbers to the college: few geniuses: and the teaching comes to be arranged for these many, and not for those few. Hence the instruction seems to require skillful tutors, of accurate and systematic mind, rather than ardent and inventive masters. Besides, the youth of genius are eccentric, won't drill, are irritable, uncertain, explosive, solitary, not men of the world, not good for every-day association.

You have to work for scoring, large classes instead of individuals; you must lower your flag and reef your sails to wait for the dull sailors; you grow departmental, routinary, military almost with your discipline and college police. But what doth such a school to form a great and heroic character? What abiding Hope can it inspire? What Reformer will it nurse? What poet will it breed to mobi, sing to the human race? What discoverer of Nature's laws will it prompt to enrich us by disclosing in the mind the statute which all matter must obey? What fiery soul will it send out to warm a nation with his charity?

What tranquil mind will it have fortified to walk with meekness in private and obscure duties, to wait and to suffer? Is it not manifest that our academic institutions should have a wider scope; that they should not be timid and essay, keep the ruts of the last generation, but that wise men thinking for themselves and heartily seeking the good of critical essay, mankind, and essay scoring, counting the cost of essays of warren buffett mobi, innovation, should dare to arouse the young to a just and heroic life; that the moral nature should be addressed in the school-room, and children should be treated as the high-born candidates of ap french essay, truth and virtue? So to a great admission essay, regard the ap french essay, young child, the uranus essays, young man, requires, no doubt, rare patience: a patience that nothing but faith in the medial forces of the soul can give. Ap French Essay Scoring. You see his sensualism; you see his want of those tastes and college, perceptions which make the power and safety of your character. Very likely, But he has something else. If he has his own vice, he has its correlative virtue.

Every mind should be allowed to make its own statement in action, and its balance will appear. In these judgments one needs that foresight which was attributed to an eminent reformer, of whom it was said his patience could see in the bud of the aloe the blossom at the end of a hundred years. Alas for the cripple Practice when it seeks to come up with the bird Theory, which flies before it. Try your design on the best school. The scholars are of all ages and temperaments and capacities.

It is difficult to class them, some are too young, some are slow, some perverse. Each requires so much consideration, that the morning hope of the teacher, of a day of love and progress, is often closed at scoring, evening by despair. Each single case, the more it is considered, shows more to can you say because statement, be done; and ap french essay scoring, the strict conditions of the hours, on: one side, and the number of tasks, on the other. Whatever becomes of our method, the conditions stand fast--six hours, and to work, thirty, fifty, or a hundred and fifty pupils. Something must be done, and done speedily, and in essay scoring this distress the foil essays, wisest are tempted to adopt violent means, to ap french scoring, proclaim martial law, corporal punishment, mechanical arrangement, bribes, spies, wrath, main strength and ignorance, in lieu of that wise genial providential influence they had hoped, and essays, yet hope at some future day to adopt. Of course the devotion to details reacts injuriously on the teacher.

He cannot indulge his genius, he cannot delight in scoring personal relations with young friends, when his eye is uranus essays, always on ap french scoring the clock, and twenty classes are to be dealt with before the day is done. Besides, how can he please himself with genius, and foster modest virtue? A sure proportion of rogue and dunce finds its way into return coordinator course, every school and ap french essay, requires a cruel share of time, and the gentle teacher, who wished to be a Providence to of warren, youth, is grown a martinet, sore with suspicions; knows as much vice as the judge of a police court, and his love of learning is lost in the routine of grammars and books of elements. A rule is so easy that it does not need a man to apply it; an automaton, a machine, can be made to keep a school so. It facilitates labor and thought so much that there is always the temptation in large schools to omit the endless task of meeting the wants of each single mind, and to govern by steam. But it is at frightful cost. Our modes of Education aim to expedite, to save labor; to do for masses what cannot be done for masses, what must be done reverently, one by one: say rather, the whole world is needed for the tuition of each pupil. The advantages of this system of essay, emulation and display are so prompt and obvious, it is such a time-saver, it is so energetic on slow and on bad natures, and is of so easy application, needing no sage or poet, but any tutor or schoolmaster in his first term can apply it--that it is not strange that this calomel of culture should be a popular medicine.

On the other hand, total abstinence from this drug, and the adoption of simple discipline and the following of nature involves at once immense claims on the time, the thoughts, on the Life of the teacher. It requires time, use, insight, event, all the great lessons and assistances of coordinator course, God; and only to ap french essay scoring, think of using it implies character and profoundness; to enter on this course of discipline is to can you in a, be good and great. It is precisely analogous to ap french essay, the difference between the use of corporal punishment and in a thesis statement, the methods of love. It is so easy to bestow on a bad boy a blow, overpower him, and ap french scoring, get obedience without words, that in this world of hurry and return coordinator course, distraction, who can wait for the returns of reason and the conquest of self; in the uncertainty too whether that will ever come? And yet the familiar observation of the universal compensations might suggest the fear that so summary a stop of a bad humor was more jeopardous than its continuance.

Now the ap french essay, correction of this quack practice is to import into Education the wisdom of foil essays, life. Leave this military hurry and adopt the pace of Nature. Her secret is patience. Do you know how the naturalist learns all the secrets of the forest, of plants, of birds, of essay scoring, beasts, of reptiles, of can you in a thesis statement, fishes, of the rivers and the sea? When he goes into the woods the birds fly before him and he finds none; when he goes to the river bank, the fish and the reptile swim away and leave him alone. His secret is ap french, patience; he sits down, and sits still; he is a statue; he is a log. These creatures have no value for their time, and he must put as low a rate on his. By dint of obstinate sitting still, reptile, fish, bird and beast, which all wish to return to their haunts, begin to return.

He sits still; if they approach, he remains passive as the essays, stone he sits upon. They lose their fear. They have curiosity too about ap french, him. By and by the curiosity masters the essay, fear, and they come swimming, creeping and dying towards him; and ap french essay scoring, as he is still immovable, they not only resume their haunts and kindred critical, their ordinary labors and manners, show themselves to him in their work-day trim, but also volunteer some degree of advances towards fellowship and ap french essay, good understanding with a biped who behaves so civilly and well. Can you not baffle the impatience and passion of the child by your tranquility? Can you not wait for foil essays, him, as Nature and Providence do? Can you not keep for ap french scoring, his mind and buffett, ways, for his secret, the same curiosity you give to the squirrel, snake, rabbit, and ap french essay, the sheldrake and foil essays, the deer? He has a secret; wonderful methods in him; he is--every child--a new style of man; give him time and opportunity. Talk of Columbus and Newtonl.

I tell you the child just born in yonder hovel is the beginning of a revolution as great as theirs. But you must have the ap french essay, believing and prophetic eye. Have the self-command you wish to inspire. A Great College. Your teaching and discipIine must have the reserve and taciturnity of essay scoring, Nature. Teach them to hold their tongues by holding your own.

Say little; do not snarl; do not chide; but govern by the eye. See what they need, and that the right thing is done. I confess myself utterly at of warren, a loss in suggesting particular reforms in our ways of teaching. No discretion that can be lodged with a school-committee, with the overseers or visitors of an academy, of scoring, a college, can at all avail to reach these difficulties and perplexities, but they solve themselves when we leave institutions and address individuals. The will, the male power, organizes, imposes its own thought and wish on others, and makes that military eye which controls boys as it controls men; admirable in its results, a fortune to him who has it, and only dangerous when it leads the workman to overvalue and overuse it and precludes him from finer means. Sympathy, the female force--which they must use who have not the first--deficient in instant control and the breaking down of resistance, is more subtle and lasting and creative.

I advise teachers to cherish mother-wit. I assume that you will keep the grammar, reading, writing and arithmetic in order; 'tis easy and of course you will. But smuggle in return coordinator course a Iittle contraband wit, fancy, imagination, thought. If you have a taste which you have suppressed because it is not shared by those about ap french essay scoring, you, tell them that. Set this law up, whatever becomes of the rules of the schooI: they must not whisper, much less talk; but if one of the young people says a wise thing, greet it, and let all the children clap their hands. Essays Mobi. They shall have no book but school-books in the room; but if one has brought in a Plutarch or Shakespeare or Don Quixote or Goldsmith or any other good book, and understands what be reads, put him at once at the head of the class. Ap French Essay Scoring. Nobody shall be disorderly, or leave his desk without permission, but if a boy runs from his bench, or a girl, because the fire falls, or to check some injury that a little dastard is indicting behind his desk on some helpless sufferer, take away the essays of warren buffett mobi, medal from the head of the ap french scoring, class and give it on the instant to the brave rescuer. If a child happens to show that he knows any fact about astronomy, or plants, or birds, or rocks, or history, that interests him and kindred critical essay, you, hush all the classes and encourage him to ten it so that all may hear. Then you have made your school-room like the world. Of course you will insist on modesty in the children, and respect to their teachers, but if the boy stops you in your speech, cries out that you are wrong and sets you right, hug him!

To whatsoever upright mind, to whatsoever beating heart I speak, to you it is committed to ap french, educate men. By simple living, by an illimitable soul, you inspire, you correct, you instruct, you raise, you embellish all. Return Course. By your own act you teach the behold how to do the practicable. Ap French Essay Scoring. According to the depth from which you draw your life, such is the depth not only uranus essays, of your strenuous effort, but of your manners and presence. The beautiful nature of the world has here blended your happiness with your power. Work straight on in absolute duty, and you lend an arm and an encouragement to all the youth of the universe. Consent yourself to be an ap french essay scoring organ of return to work course, your highest thought, and ap french, lo! suddenly you put all men in uranus essays your debt, and are the fountain of an energy that goes pulsing on with waves of benefit to the borders of society, to scoring, the circumference of things. See also the can you in a thesis statement, following article: Morton M. Sealts, Jr. Emerson as Teacher.

In Emerson Centenary Essays. , pp. 180-190.

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essay on spies There are two parts to the essay assignment: the outline and the essay. Part 1: An Outline (10%) The outline should consist of one double-spaced page with a description of ap french scoring, your proposed essay, an argument if you have one and/or your approach to the subject and its significance to the course if not immediately evident. (Approximately 250 words.) A one or two page annotated bibliography of six sources at least should accompany the essay description. This should consist of the author, title, publisher, city, and year of publication of the book, journal article, or other source and a short commentary on writing college essay what the source offers to your essay . Essay? Outlines submitted with no annotations to the bibliography will be heavily penalized. Sources should be current academic monographs or academic journal articles -- not popular works like Time-Life Books, Complete Idiot’s or Dummies Guides, Colliers Children’s Encyclopedia, Encarta, Wikipedia,, etc. Journalistic works with citations are acceptable.

In general, if your source does not provide detailed references in the form of footnotes, endnotes or specific page references, it is unsuitable as a source. Essays Of Warren Buffett? If you intend to include websites, provide their URLs in the proposal for approval. You will be assessed on the uniqueness of your topic and on the depth, currency and academic quality of your sources. The use of essay scoring, academic journal articles, many of which are available online through the return, Ryerson Library is highly encouraged. If you are not familiar with academic article databases like JSTOR and Project Muse, go (run!) immediately to a librarian at the Ryerson Library and ask them to show you how to ap french essay use these databases. You can access them from essays, home and ap french, many (but not all) articles are available for downloading in full text. A link on foil essays the course website also provides you an essay scoring, introduction as to how to enter the critical essay, online journal interface. You may at any time after submitting a proposal, change your approach, your sources, and even completely change your essay topic without submitting a new proposal but I strongly suggest to check with me first on topic changes.

Essays should be 2,500 words in length (approximately 10-12 pages not including your title page and bibliography and appendix if any.) Standard 12 pt font, cursive or non-cursive, double spaced text, standard 2.5 cm margins, 11” X 8 ½” paper. Pages must be stapled (no binders or paperclips), paginated, and submitted with a cover page containing no art or decorative elements. The cover page must have: your name, student number, course number, section number and ap french essay scoring, essay title . Uranus Essays? Essays not conforming to these standards will not be accepted and late penalties will be imposed until the essay scoring, essay is resubmitted in the required format. Essays must be based on foil essays a minimum of six sources (not including course texts but seminar readings are acceptable), and should not include, encyclopedias, textbooks, or general or popular histories, or unapproved websites, (2 marks deducted for every Wikipedia or like citation) etc., as described above in Part 1. Paragraphs are to be indented without any additional spaces between paragraphs, unlike in this course outline, for example.

Any relevant images, maps, graphs included in the essay are to be placed into ap french an Appendix at the back. The essay should have a single descriptive title or a creative title with a descriptive subtitle. For example: Generals in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders or The Architect of uranus essays, Genocide: Himmler and the Final Solution, etc. Ap French Essay? “History Essay” is not a title. Coordinator Course? Marks will be deducted for essays submitted without a title and/or title page. Any paper not conforming to the above standards will be heavily penalized. A history essay is essay like a courtroom argument—it is based on the presentation of evidence conforming to rules of evidence in an expositive argument. The way hearsay is not admissible in court, Wikipedia for example, is likewise not admissible as evidence in historical discourse. Kindred Essay? Just as court evidence is presented in a disciplined system: Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C, etc, in the historical argument, the Chicago Style footnoted citation is used to lead and guide the scoring, reader through the coordinator course, evidence behind the scoring, persuasive discourse of the foil essays, text above.

Some of the journal readings for seminars will have been pointed out to ap french scoring you as appropriate models for the citation style required for your essay. Essays must have a bibliography and foil essays, have footnoted citations in the Chicago style (at the bottom of the page). Parenthetic in-text or inline style citations are unacceptable for a history essay. A well researched essay integrating multiple sources into ap french its argument contains on average five to uranus essays six citations per page -- approximately 50 to 70 citations per essay. As a general rule, references should be given for scoring, direct quotations, summaries or your own paraphrases of coordinator, other people's work or points of view, and for material that is factual, statistical, controversial, assertive or obscure. You must cite more than just direct quotes. WHEN IN DOUBT, IT IS BETTER TO PROVIDE A REFERENCE. You do not need to cite items of general knowledge like, for example: the ap french essay, sun rises in the east or Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Essays that do not provide specific page references in each citation will be automatically failed without an essay, opportunity to resubmit. Ap French Essay? Go to these links for a guide to the required citation format: Why Chicago Style Footnotes?

This is an of warren buffett, example of the basic required style for citations which are to be inserted at the bottom of each page: 2 Jane Doe, p. Scoring? 23. It is not necessary to use archaic terms like ibid or op cit. and their use is even discouraged as word processing drag or cut-and-paste editing can easily displace the logic of critical, these citation terms. An author’s surname and page number is acceptable for subsequent citations once you have introduced all the ap french essay, relevant reference information in the first citation to that particular source. If you are citing more than one work by the same author, then include the title as well. Titles are to be put into writing a great college italics or underlined . See the above webpages for further details and formats as to how to cite journals, multiple authors, collections, etc. or search “Chicago style footnotes” on Google. Footnotes may optionally on occasion contain additional relevant short comments on the cited source but in general this practice is ap french scoring discouraged. An example of a bibliographic entry is as follows: Smith, John . Uranus Essays? History of Canada (Toronto: Ontario Publishers, 1997).

Submission of Essays. Essays are to be submitted to the instructor on the due date in lecture. Electronic Submission of Essays. If you find it necessary to submit an essay by essay scoring, e-mail, the essays of warren buffett mobi, following file naming protocol is to be used: Last Name_First Name_CourseNumber_SectionNumber_Title Any attached file not using this exact naming protocol will not be accepted. The submission of files by e-mail will usually be acknowledged within two days. A hard copy of the essay is to ap french scoring be submitted at the next opportunity. College Admission? Indicate on the front of the hardcopy the date you had e-mailed the essay to me previously . Ap French Essay Scoring? The e-mailed essay will secure your submission date. Obviously the hard copy is to be exactly identical with the e-mailed copy. Hard copies of previously e-mailed essays not indicating the e-mail date on the cover will be assigned the date of the submission of the return to work coordinator course, hard copy with no appeal accepted.

Hardcopy Submission of Essays. Do not slip essays under my door or into my mail-box. Hard copies may be submitted to the Essay Drop Off Box in essay scoring the History Department (JOR500). I will guarantee essay returns with comments by the day of the critical essay, exam only to those essays submitted to me on the due date, in hard copy, in required format, in lecture. Scoring? All other essays will be marked after the exam and arrangements may be made to get your essay mark by uranus essays, e-mail after the final marks have been submitted. Late Penalties and Extensions.

Extensions may be granted on medical or compassionate grounds but will be automatically penalized three (3) marks regardless. Students requesting an essay, extension should submit an e-mailed request to me before the deadline specifying precisely the can you thesis, date to which they are requesting the extension. After the due date, students need to provide appropriate documentation relating to the extension request (i.e. doctor’s note, death certificate of relative, police report on ap french essay scoring their stolen laptop, repair bills for their crashed hard disc, veterinary reports on the contents of foil essays, Fluffy ’s stomach, etc). Essays submitted under an essay, extension must have my written response to the extension request attached to the front of the essay. E-mailed submissions are to be attached as a ‘reply’ to my earlier response to the extension request. Submissions without my extension approval attached to their front will be penalized as late with no opportunity of appeal afterward. No late work will be accepted after the last day of writing a great admission essay, lecture or extensions granted beyond the last lecture day. Two (2) marks per/day are deducted from your essay mark for late submissions, weekends included, until the day the essay is submitted to ap french essay scoring me. If I do not acknowledge the receipt of your e-mailed essay within a few days, it is your responsibility to ensure I have received it . Uranus Essays? Keep copies of ap french scoring, all work, including marked assignments returned to you and e-mails of your submissions until your final course mark is released. Re-submissions of earlier e-mailed essays lost in transmission, should such an unlikely scenario occur, will only be accepted in the form of a f orwarded copy of the original e-mail.

There are no exceptions to this. Can You Thesis Statement? Outstanding assignments will not be accepted after the last day of lecture. The evaluation of your research, content, evidence, originality and argumentation is of primary concern in marking as is the quality of your sources as described above. Equally important is the syntax, style and structure of your work. Marks will be deducted from work containing excessive grammatical/spelling mistakes, typographical errors, work that is excessively long or inadequately short, or which fails to provide properly formatted footnoting/bibliography. Essays that consist of frequent long quoted passages or sentences, even if footnoted, will be severely penalized. Be selective in direct quotations. Ask yourself, “can this be said in my own words and then cited?” Is there a stylistic or argumentative reason for quoting the ap french essay scoring, source directly? Be sure to edit and check your work carefully.

Do not simply rely on your computer’s spelling or grammar checker. Grounds for Assignment Failure. Essays which do not supply proper and adequate references and bibliographies as described above or submitted after the final day of lecture will be failed. Any written work that quotes directly from say because in a statement, other material without attribution, or which paraphrases extensive tracts from the works of others, is plagiarized will be failed with no opportunity to submit and will result in additional severe academic consequences. Please consult the Ryerson academic calendar for further information on plagiarism. If you have any questions or doubts about how to cite material, please feel free to contact me. SUGGESTED ESPIONAGE ESSAY TOPICS.

(You may submit for approval a topic of your own) Discuss the origins and creation of the British OR Russian OR French OR German intelligence system prior to WW I How important were espionage and scoring, the intelligence services to the Allied victory in the WW I? (use specific examples). Discuss Pearl Harbor as an example of intelligence failure for both the U.S. and Japan. Discuss the role that intelligence played in the German attack on the USSR ( Operation Barbarossa ) in return to work coordinator course June 1941? Discuss the role that partisan or underground organizations had during WW II in essay scoring ONE of the following countries/regions: France, Norway, the USSR, Italy, Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece, Thailand, Indochina, the Netherlands. Discuss the of warren, importance of ap french essay scoring, “Ultra” to the Allied victory in can you say because in a thesis statement Europe during WW II. What role did intelligence assessments play in the American decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Discuss Soviet efforts to learn about American atomic bomb research to ap french 1949. Of Warren Mobi? What role did Venona play in the early stages of the Cold War? Discuss US covert operations in ONE of the following cases: Iran 1946-53, Guatemala 1951-55, Thailand 1950-1975, Vietnam 1954-1964, Cuba 1959-1963, Congo 1960-1963, Chile 1970-1973, Indonesia 1964-1966 Discuss some of the security threats to Canada between 1864 and 1939. How important was the essay scoring, defection of Igor Gouzenko in 1945? Discuss Canada’s role in American intelligence operations during the Cold War. Discuss the role of women in espionage during the 20 th century, using specific examples. Discuss the roles that intelligence services might play in this “post Cold War” era.

Discuss the development and importance of intelligence services in, or involving the crisis or conflict in ONE of the following countries during the uranus essays, Cold War OR during the 1990s 9/11: Iran , Pakistan, Israel, Northern Ireland , East Germany , South Africa , Canada. Produce a biography of a notable individual in espionage: an agent, an operative, or a director or founder of essay, a service or agency. Describe in detail a case study of a failure or success in espionage. Discuss a crisis or policy decision that was sparked by or resolved through intelligence. Discuss the uranus essays, relationship between the laws of a particular country and ap french scoring, the practice of intelligence. Discuss the use of a particular technology in uranus essays espionage. Discuss an ap french scoring, issue in college admission intelligence theory, policy, or methodology. Discuss the current operation of scoring, one or a group of related agencies. Essays Of Warren Buffett? etc, etc, etc. Grounds for Failure : The incompletion of the essay requirement or exam requirement will result in failure regardless of ap french essay, your standing in the completed requirements. Essays which do not supply proper and adequate citations indicating precise page references and bibliographies will be failed . Essays will not be accepted after the last day of lecture without prior arrangement. Any written work that quotes directly from other material without attribution, or which paraphrases extensive tracts from the works of others, is plagiarised.

It will receive no marks and there will be no chance to resubmit. Essays Of Warren Buffett Mobi? Please consult the Ryerson academic calendar for essay, further information on plagiarism . If you have any questions or doubts about essays buffett mobi, how to scoring cite material, please feel free to contact me. Plagiarism : Plagiarism is a form of foil essays, intellectual dishonesty in scoring which someone attempts to claim the work of others as their own. Work which has been researched and/or written by others, such as an essay-writing agency, internet service, friend, or family member is NOT acceptable. The submission of such work is one form of uranus essays, plagiarism, and it will be dealt with accordingly as academic misconduct.

Quoting directly or indirectly from research sources without proper attribution is scoring also plagiarism, and it will also constitute an academic misconduct. The Faculty of Arts policy on plagiarism will be strictly enforced in essays this course; resulting in a grade of zero for the assignment, a report to the Registrar and the programme department of the student, and possibly other academic penalties. A second violation of the Code of Academic Conduct on a student’s record will result in a recommendation of suspension or expulsion.

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